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General Mid Test b.

Name : c. visiting 
Teacher : d. will visit
10. She ………….cooking food daily.
a. liking 
1. I ……….the movie already b. likes 
a. saw c. like 
b. see d. is liking
c. have seen 11. You should always………….healthy food.
d. has been seen a. eat 
2. She……… the television everyday b. eaten 
a. watches c. eating 
b. watching d. shall eat 
c. watched 12. I …………. my work now. Do not disturb me.
d. has watched a. am doing 
3. A : Can you take my umbrella, please? b. do 
B : There are four umbrellas here. ………… c. done 
is yours? d. was doing
A : The black one, please. 13. Look! The boy …………. the hill.
a. What a. climbing 
b. Which b. climbs 
c. When c. is climbing 
d. Where d. was climbing
4. Winda : Look ! The flowers are beautiful. 14. A : Have you ever been in Maluku?
Who ………… them?
Lidya : I did, and I watered them regularly. B : Yes, I have. I (go) …………… there 4
a. are planting month a
b. planted go.
c. plants
d. plant a. gone
5. I will  ………… the doctor soon. b. go
a. seeing c. went
b. to see d. goes
c. see 15. If I (see) …….. Mike tomorrow, I (tell) ……..
d. to seeing him about the party.
6. I didn't learn much Japanese  ……...I was in a. see/would
Japan. b. see/will
a. during c. saw/will
b. since d. saw/would
c. while
d. as
7. I met Jane while I ………on the beach.
a. were walking 
b. was walking 
c .walking 
d. walked 
8.  London …………. a lot since 1975.
a. change 
b. changed 
c. has changed 
d. have changed 
9.  I………….my grandmother next week.
a. should be visit 

English Care
B. Translate these sentences into English.

1. Ada beberapa murid di kelas ini?

2. Ini adalah buku-bukuku.

3. Siapa dia (perempuan)?

4. Ibuku tidak pernah nonton sinetron.

5. Dimana kamu tadi?

6. Ayahku biasanya bermain sepak bola setiap hari Jumat.

7. Dimana kamu tadi?

8. Galih sedang mandi sekarang.

9. Saya tidak lapar.

10. Aku akan pergi ke Singapore minggu depan.

11. Mereka dulu miskin.

12. Simon sudah bekerja di bank itu selama 4 tahun.

13. Kakakku belum pernah mengunjungi Malioboro.

14. Aku dulu tinggal di Jakarta, tapi sekarang sudah tidak lagi.

15. Saya pernah ke Bali 2 kali. Aku pergi ke sana 3 bulan lalu.

English Care
A- Change the following sentences to questions beginning with the given question word
1. They live in Brooklyn.
Where .....................?
2. The lesson begins at 8 o´clock.
What time .....................?
3. They get home at 6 o´clock every night. What time ...................... ?
4. She speaks French very well.
What .................. ?
5. Those books cost one dollar. How much ......................... ?
6. They travel by car.
How ........................ ?
7. She wants to learn English because she wants a better job.
Why ................... ?
8. They meet on the corner every morning.
Where ......................?
9. She teaches us grammar.
What ..............................?
10. Those girls sell newspaper there.
What ............................ ?

B- Choose the best WH word:

1. you want to eat? Pasta and cheese.
2. they smoke? Cigarettes.
3. ..................... does John drive? Cars.
4. we get up? Early in the morning.
5. ..................... does that girl go swimming? At the club

C- Translate into English!

1. Siapa yang mengantar kamu kesekolah setiap hari?
2. Tas siapa yang dibawa Shinta setiap hari ke sekolah?
3. Siapa yang dijemput Noni?
4. Mobil yang mana yang mau kamu pakai malam ini?
5. Jam berapa kamu tiba di Jakarta kemarin?

English Care

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