2017 Fall 122 06 Normal Subgroups

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we + B,2017 Fix 4 group action 0& G om X (GX >X) te beh. A subset LOX is called an orbit of his action if the — Following hold oOrtg CD yy2eT, 2geG ob. ayey, Gyo ca ose between any @ Lyel,vqeG, gyet ay femints wf the grovp Prop: Lk T bt on orbit. Thon ¥xeT, Te (= Qyex |y 29%) Proof. 168, by @: te yet, 474% O,eT by + Seb Key Hn gyeL ¥ 36 a Corollory. Gy Every element xeX is contained in Some orbit CO; Gid TE TT one orbits, either Huy howe no intersection InT=$ or Hay one equal T=) Gi) Oy ° 8, BqeG sb. xy (rick) Question | For what 4 dees He Fp Hx 1c | gets 4.4 + (9,92) H Make G/y 9 grove? My Haaogh’s * aH = GAY «i y an, S Gi Jagan" t es Vays i / ba eght pa nh gush gery! ze Problem > Suppit gta. aud git = aH Dees gaat =g jot? Ah Homusbets nee jaa aaigg 2 b= Hg Gre que hi, Ao 7ha a a hegre, Sophias was Pop Suppose He satisGes VgeG, gHets athan the problem samy has ur aypr mative Un Sea EL. + AU abetion groves 6, you can wale amy ubgrovp tt work © For amy gmp G, Ha Jeg t works and Gi, isomorghic * G Nes then To simpli fy, assume 4a2ge ea Nokes gi Hog, 2 a/2 guy for Some fe WET question”) Te. shew Dgeh 452K, want to show Rat for helt Sigah ©3041 Smee gregh jugation by / conju oo gigal=§ cag wa 79 (gah aa") gob vet . P4e4a hgh € aga dE. A whgrnp UCG, is called “normal” (mG) ime. rgeG, gHy'= H. + 0 eve of tt. wee gett tan Kis wide ©. Se we onswend fie question’ Ths. Tf His a normal wubgrorp of G foun toe Po & G Sw Ay 7% Cale ge gett lees males G/y inte a gmp. ™ Nee. 2 HW GC 7H, . this is a group hromomorpisu becouse te gt BH. Call He FO eo Oe alg 2 Gotgelt apg 4d? We ore “collapsiag HW"? fer. 4 anid? gee she ae -eon $ sige Gp HI 2H a ab, arhan we how, Inenuomorplicm’s behween grovps, we Wanna : I TE akat gh callapud. viet Q@2G AK be a group kamamargiiten he form) oF , deavked been Sed Tutt Vas elepe at A qulegrsvp WEG is normal (in G) iE Heber) for some = grove homem orphi fm G:6 XK.

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