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M Aiman Askari | Siti Hariati Hastuti

Statistical Methods (Metstat)

Responsi Class-2

Try to solve all the questions below:

1. (Mendenhall p.16) A manufacturer of jeans has plants in California, Arizona, and
Texas. A group of 25 pairs of jeans is randomly selected from the computerized
database, and the state in which each is produced is recorded:
a) What is the experimental unit?
b) What is the variable being measured? Is it qualitative or quantitative?
c) Construct a pie chart to describe the data.
d) Construct a bar chart to describe the data.
e) What proportion of the jeans are made in Texas?
f) What state produced the most jeans in the group?
g) If you want to find out whether the three plants produced equal numbers of jeans,
or whether one produced more jeans than the others, how can you use the charts
from parts c and d to help you? What conclusions can you draw from these data?
2. (Mendenhall p.30) The ages (in months) at which 50 children were first enrolled in a
preschool are listed below.
38 40 30 35 39 40 48 36 31 36
47 35 34 43 41 36 41 43 48 40
32 34 41 30 46 35 40 30 46 37
55 39 33 32 32 45 42 41 36 50
42 50 37 39 33 45 38 46 36 31
a) Construct a stem and leaf display for the data.
b) Construct a relative frequency histogram for these data. Start the lower boundary
of the first class at 30 and use a class width of 5 months.
c) Compare the graphs in parts a and b. Are there any significant differences that
would cause you to choose one as the better method for displaying the data?
d) What proportion of the children were 35 months (2 years, 11 months) or older, but
less than 45 months (3 years, 9 months) of age when first enrolled in preschool?
e) If one child were selected at random from this group of children, what is the
probability that the child was less than 50 months old (4 years, 2 months) when
first enrolled in preschool?
3. (Mendenhall p.45) The self-reported heights of 105 students in a biostatistics class are
described in the relative frequency histogram below.
M Aiman Askari | Siti Hariati Hastuti

a) Describe the shape of the distribution.

b) Do you see any unusual feature in this histogram?
c) Can you think of an explanation for the two peaks in the histogram? Is there some
other factor that is causing the heights to mound up in two separate peaks? What is
4. (Mendenhall p.47) An informal experiment was conducted at McNair Academic High
School in Jersey City, New Jersey, to investigate the use of laptop computers as a
learning tool in the study of algebra. A freshman class of 20 students was given laptops
to use at school and at home, while another freshman class of 27 students was not given
laptops; however, many of these students were able to use computers at home. The final
exam scores for the two classes are shown below.
Laptops 98 97 88 100 100 78 68 47 90 94 84 93 57 84 81 83 84 93
57 83
No Laptops 63 93 83 86 99 80 78 74 67 83 52 63 81 91 81 29 72 89 97
74 88 84 49 89 64 89 70

The histograms that follow show the distribution of final exam scores for the two

Write a summary paragraph describing and comparing the distribution of final exam
scores for the two groups of students.
M Aiman Askari | Siti Hariati Hastuti

5. (Mendenhall p.48) The 98.6 degree standard for human body temperature was derived
by a German doctor in 1868. In an attempt to verify his claim, Mackowiak, Wasserman,
and Levine took temperatures from 148 healthy people over a 3-day period. A data set
closely matching the one in Mackowiak’s article was derived by Allen Shoemaker, and
appears in the Journal of Statistics Education.23 The body temperatures for these 130
individuals are shown in the relative frequency histogram that follows.

a) Describe the shape of the distribution of temperatures.

b) Are there any unusual observations? Can you think of any explanation for these?
c) Locate the 98.6-degree standard on the horizontal axis of the graph. Does it appear
to be near the center of the distribution?

=======Good Luck =======

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