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Food Tests – IGCSE Lab Practice


We will be looking at a common iGCSE lab that frequently shows up on lab assessments and papers –
the food tests. Watch the video link below, and use it to answer questions about standard lab
techniques and the food test procedures!

Food Tests - GCSE Science Required Practical

Questions (these follow the order of the video)

1. Prior Knowledge Check: What are the four different molecules that can be tested for using the
food tests? Answer:_______
a. Sugar (glucose), carbohydrate, alcohol, oxygen
b. Starch, sugar (glucose), lipid (fat), protein
c. Methane, protein, connective tissue, cytoplasm
d. Starch, sugar (glucose), water, minerals

2. Explain why the scientist would grind up the biscuit before testing it.

To make the surface area of a biscuit be more reaction

3. Identify the equipment needed to filter (separate) the sample of food.

Filter paper, chronical flask, filter funnel

4. Explain why it is important to remove colour from substances that you are testing for food

Most fruits have color that may afect the result thay why they need to remove color

5. Suggest why it is so important to clean the mortar and pestle in between preparing each
sample. Answer:_______
a. To keep the smell of food out of the lab
b. To keep chunks of food out of your samples
c. To avoid contamination of different substances

6. Identify which of the food tests requires heating in a water bath. Name the substance being
tested for, and the solution used for the test.

Benedict and glucose

7. Identify the two substances needed for the lipids test, which are added to the solution and then
closed off with a bung and shaken vigorously. Answer:_______
a. Benedict’s solution and distilled water
b. Distilled water and iodine
c. Distilled water and ethanol
d. Hydrochloric acid and iodine

8. Identify the food test that requires Biuret's reagent, which starts out as a light blue color.
a. Starch
b. Glucose
c. Lipid
d. Protein

9. Describe the color change for the positive test result using Benedict's solution seen in the video,
and identify the substance that this positive result indicates is present (starch, glucose, lipid, or

If there are more glucose there will present more orange. Blue change to Orange

10. Describe the color change for the positive test result using iodine solution seen in the video, and
identify the substance that this positive result indicates is present (starch, glucose, lipid, or
There are a lot of starch Blue change to Blue or Black

11. Describe the color change for the positive test result using ethanol seen in the video, and
identify the substance that this positive result indicates is present (starch, glucose, lipid, or

There present fat or lipid, Colorless change to cloudy white

12. Describe the color change for the positive test result using Biuret's reagent seen in the video,
and identify the substance that this positive result indicates is present (starch, glucose, lipid, or

Protein are present there, the color fromblue wil turn to pink or purple

13. Describe the result of each test when they DO NOT contain the substance being tested for
(negative result). Answer:______
a. No color change
b. They turn white
c. They turn clear

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