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by Kimberly M. Tsan
Hey there, my name is Kim
and I’m so excited that you’re here! �
I created this e-guide to help fellow tarot adventurers
(such as yourself) to learn the basics of tarot through creative
activities and fun storytelling. You ready to embark on this
journey and level up your tarot skills!? Me, too. Let’s GO!
Warning: may contain goofy humor
and occasional puns.
The World of Tarot
An Anatomy of the World of Tarot and Its Inhabitants
⋅ The Basic Makeup of Tarot……………………………………………….4
⋅ Major Arcana………………………………………..……………………..5
⋅ Minor Arcana……………………………………………………………….6
⋅ Court Cards………………….……………………………………………..7
⋅ The Tarot Kingdom……………………………………………………..…9
⋅ The Fool’s Journey……………………………………………………....10
Level Up with Tarot
⋅ Unlocking the Magic of Tarot……………………………………………11
⋅ Reflection Exercise: What do you think of tarot? …………………….12
⋅ A Comprehensive List of Tarot Uses…………………………………..14
Studying Strategies
⋅ Tips and Exercises for Memorizing Cards…………………………….15
⋅ Knowledge vs Wisdom…………………………………………………..19
Daily Draws – Spreads & Ideas……………………………………..…21
Journal Templates
⋅ Getting started………………………...………………………………….23
⋅ How to Use the Journal Templates…………………………………….24
⋅ Choose Your Adventure…………………………………………………26
⋅ Journal Template Printable……………………………………………..28
Read More About the Tarot Kingdom……………………………….30
Tools and Printables……………………………………..……………….31
Online Course – The Tarot Spread Machine…..32
an anatomy of the world
of tarot and its inhabitants

Tarot has a total of 78 cards. 79, if your deck features the

Happy Squirrel or another original anomaly. 22 of which are
called the Major Arcana; these are the archetypal forces of
tarot, the bigger mysteries or energies that govern our multi-
layered and multi-dimensional existence as humans. 56 of
which is called the Minor Arcana: the smaller mysteries,
energies or psychological episodes that make up our day-
to-day life. There are 4 Suits in the Minor Arcana, each suit
containing 14 cards. 10 of which are numbered cards from
Ace of 10, and 4 of which are known as the Court Cards,
which consists of Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings.

Sounds like a lot of math, I know!

The Major Arcana are powerful moments of transition and
paradigm shifts that we step into during our lifetime. You
can say that these are the “defining moments” or the
“important highlights” that we will refer to we are discussing
our personal timeline. Here are a few examples:


You are called to express yourself through the art of
making jewelry and you have just quit your day job to
focus on your online business. You are brimming with
creativity and burdened with glorious purpose, and you
feel quite unstoppable as you begin to actively manifest
your dreams, charging towards victory, success, and
deeper spiritual fulfilment.


After trying to mend a dysfunctional relationship for the
past 2 years, you have finally arrived at a point of no
return: you’ve just been fired from your job, an untimely
family crisis has surfaced, and your lover has
abandoned you for someone else. You are left alone
and broken—the structure of your life completely
shattered, but deep down inside you know that this is an
opportunity for you to align yourself with relationships
that serve your spirit instead of your ego, and that what
you currently have needs to shatter so you will have
room to rebuild your life and create something better.
The Minor Arcana are snapshots or episodes of the
everyday lives of the human realm. As mentioned before,
there are 4 suits within the major arcana. Each suit
corresponds with a specific element, and each suit is also
associated with a various aspects of everyday life.

Suit of Wands (FIRE) – passion, creativity, manifestation

Suit of Swords (AIR) – truth, logic and communication
Suit of Cups (WATER) – emotions, relationships and intuition
Suit of Pentacles (EARTH) – environment, resources and

The Minor Arcana contains moments such as:

2 of Swords: Dilemma
Should you give into your savage impulses and eat a
strawberry-glazed donut as a midnight sack, or nah?

Should you speak up, share your vision and take charge of
your team of marshmallow-brained coworkers who have no
idea what they are doing and won’t stop mumbling?

8 of Cups: Transitions
Should you stop returning your ex’s phone calls and stop solo
binging on Nicolas Sparks classics - and finally move on with
your life?
4 of Pentacles: Security
Should you sink your claws into your meager bank savings for
the 30-inch TV on Black Friday or should you stick to your
budget and keep up with your financial routines—just until the
Christmas consumerist binge?

You know, episodes that are rather important to us, but in

the grand scheme of things, those wouldn’t be the things
that we use to tell our lives’ stories and to sum up our
narrative. We tend to call on the Majors’ for that. They are
called Majors for a reason. They’re uh, pretty major.


The Court Cards, unlike the rest of the Minor Arcana, are
not psychological episodes or snapshots; they are figures of
various types of persona in the world of tarot.

There are 4 Court Cards in each suit, namely:

The Kings – ruler

The Queens – nurturer
The Knights – champion
The Pages – student

The Court Cards are not episodes or scenes. These are

characters, or personality types, that will behave and think
in a certain way depending on their class and their suit.
They are more like actual people with strengths and
weaknesses, with perks and downfalls that are all an
authentic reflection of who they are. They are each driven
by different things, and their motivation in turn defines their
character. The Courts are usually a bit tricky to approach in
a tarot reading…because they are full of their own opinions
and prone to mood swings. While the archetypes from the
Majors engulf us with their energies and wisdom, and the
Minor Arcana (Ace to 10) reveals to us what we are going
through, the Court Cards, well, they show up for a
conversation. You have no idea what they are going to say,
although you have an idea of who they are and where they
come from. Depending on what your questions are and how
you approach them, the Court Cards will respond
accordingly, sharing their (nosy) opinions and thoughts with
you to help shed light to your situation.

Knight of Cups
Take Knight of Cups, for example. He’s from the Suit of Cups,
which is the suit that governs emotions, relationships and
intuition. Crossed with his class as a knight (a champion that
quests for his ideals), you get the romantic, idealist and
sensitive knight in shiny armour that embarks on a quest
searching for love and happiness – whatever that fulfills his

Queen of Swords
If you’ve dabbled in tarot, you’re probably aware of her bitch
status in the World of Tarot. A queen’s role is to nurture, and
since she’s from the Suit of Swords – she nurtures you by
telling you the truth and attempting to right your wrongs.
Although she does it out of love, the truth is often the thing
that frigging hurts us the most, especially when we don’t want
to admit it.
this is where
the stories begin

A cool way to understand the tarot system is to imagine it

as a fantastical realm populated by gods, royalties, and the
common people.

The Major Arcana are the archetypal deities and forces

that govern the realm. They are godly personalities or
consciousness that are the energies, wisdom and identities
of the collective unconsciousness and are able to embody,
connect, and impart wisdom on a godly level. When the
Majors show up in a tarot reading, you bet it’s going to be
something major. They Major Arcana carry more gravity
than the rest of the cards. Why wouldn’t they? I mean,
they’re gods. They will have elevated your existence with
their sheer presence alone. When they show up and have a
message for you? You better perk up your ears to listen
and absorb their wisdom with every single one of your

The royalties, of course, are the Court Cards. The Kings

and Queens and Knights and Pages in the four suits. A king
rules his elemental suit with firm leadership, intelligence and
authority. A queen connects to her people and nurtures heir
growth. A knight quests for the ideals and visions of his king
and his country, and may one day become a lord himself. A
page learns from a knight and will one day become a
knight. You can say that the knights and pages are in a
state of becoming more of their element or their suit, while
the kings and queens are the matured and actualized
personas of their element or their suit.

Lastly, the lives of the common people are represented by

the numbered Minor Arcana cards, from the Aces to the
Tens. They are mainly concerned with the mundane and
the devastating first world problems that make up their
everyday living. I kid, I kid. They’re not just first world
problems. They are issues, human issues. Problems that
we face as human beings. Feelings and psychological
states that we dwell in as we course through our life.


The progression of the Major Arcana is often organized into
a coherent narrative through The Fool’s Journey. This is
the never-ending story of the human experience. The Fool’s
Journey is a story featuring The Fool (gasp, how did you
know!?) and his journey through the tarot landscape in
which he encounters and learns from the major archetypes.
The story starts with him meeting I The Magician, then II
The High Priestess, then III Empress…and so on and so
forth. He ultimately arrives at XXI The World, the final
chapter and point of spiritual completion and self-

This may remind you of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey,

which is a narrative pattern that is common in fiction, myth,
and psychological development. The Fool’s Journey,
similarly, tells of the story of its hero’s becoming.
The most epic thing about tarot is that it is a source of guidance
for all kinds of leveling up you want to accomplish in life. It is the
ultimate compass for spirituality, creativity, productivity, intuitive
living-y, and personal growth-y (sorry, my brain insisted on
rhyming). Tarot can help you navigate the journeys and
adventures that you choose embark on, aiding you in locating
your superpowers, inspiring you to become more connected to
your own authenticity and the human experience…
Ah, the list continues – and we’re just getting started! The realm
of tarot encompasses so much good stuff. Honestly, it is a never-
ending reel of soul-rich insights that have the power to transform
your life.
Before we get into specifics, let’s take pause and explore how
YOU feel about tarot and where you want to go next on this grand
If you didn’t know already, tarot is a total spectrum! There are so many
different approaches, methods, beliefs, perspectives and philosophies
about tarot. Each person is unique in their way of practicing tarot – and
that is one of the best things about it! There isn’t just one way of doing
tarot and there is no wrong way.

Unless, well you use it to scare the crap out of people and tell them
that they’ve been cursed and you demand a fee to restore the integrity
of their family line – c’mon folks. Let’s not spread further notoriety for
the tarot community. Tarot is a tool, and how it is used largely depends
on the person holding and shuffling the deck. Without an actual
person, it really is just a print product and a pile of cardstock. It is my
belief that no matter where you stand on the tarot spectrum, you
should always use tarot to create empowerment. Tarot should always
help generate a positive momentum in one’s life, and should always
leave you feeling pretty badass and wonderful about taking on
whatever life has in store for you next.

What do you think of tarot? Is it different from what you’ve heard
or imagined?
What is the most interesting thing about tarot so far?

What do you plan to use tarot for?

Why are you interested in learning tarot?

Feel free to use this as a checklist to reflect on your own tarot
practice, or use it as a springboard to decide on the next stop of
your tarot adventure. While I think this list is pretty
comprehensive, but there can definitely be more tarot uses that I
am not aware of out there. Never stop exploring!
□ Psychological exploration / shadow work / inner child work
□ Dream analysis / subconscious
□ Personal growth / empowerment / self-love / mindfulness / self-
reflection / healing / intention
□ Planning / productivity / goal-setting / motivation / journaling / bullet
□ Meditation / pathworking / visualization
□ Foretelling the future / getting information on the environment and
bigger picture / explore potential outcomes and other possibilities
□ Personal life coach / problem solving / decision making
□ Creativity / artistic endeavours / storytelling / content creation
□ Archetypes / mythology / culture
□ Develop and practice your intuitive and psychic abilities / strengthen
your energetic connections
□ Combine with other energetic practices / reiki / healing
□ Lucid dreaming /astral projection / astral traveling
□ Ritual /magick / spellwork / witchy practices
□ Esoteric studies / occultism / Golden Dawn /
□ Mediumship / communicating with those who have passed on /
communicating with other entities
□ Ancestral healing / past lives / karma
□ Animal communication / pet readings
□ Interdisciplinary Studies / Integrate with astrology, numerology,
kabbalah, alchemy etc
□ Collaging / craft / photography
78 cards. So you got 78 sets of definitions that you have to
know by heart and memorize! Not to mention the reversals.
If each card is reversible, and each card has two
perspectives or two sets of meaning that you have to
memorize…wait, does that mean you have to memorize,
gasp, 156 sets of definitions!? Holy Mother of Borderless
Decks! (Look up deck trimming)

I sincerely apologize if you’re hyperventilating right now and

reaching for a paper bag. Don’t worry, it’s not as bad as it
sounds. First of all, it’s not a race. Tarot, like any subjects or
topics of learning, is a journey. A journey that you make at
your own pace. And you are not in grade school; you are
free of senseless deadlines and heartless pop quizzes from
diabolical teachers who like to torture you by making you
show how much you have learned.
Here are some tips, tricks and exercises you can do to
start tackling the daunting task of getting to know the 78
members of the tarot family. Don’t worry, if you get their
names wrong, they will only be extremely pissed at the fact
that you have so ungraciously and outrageously insulted

Get a Tarot Journal

Find a way to record your findings and your insights. This will
allow you to track your growth and reflect on what you have
learned. Make sure it’s something that you enjoy. If you
enjoy pen and paper, get a notebook and start writing things
down. This could simply be the good old composition book, a
3-ring binder with loose sheets of paper, or if you’re fancy –
you can consider picking up a Moleskine or Leuchtturm. If
you enjoy typing and cloud space syncing, type out your
notes on Microsoft OneNote or Evernote, or start a blog. You
can even create voice recordings or video clips with your
phone, if your SD card is big enough to stomach your stream
of consciousness, that is. Whatever you do, have fun!

Be a Stalker
Now, I don’t mean real life stalking, so don’t go following
nobody! I mean that find a Youtuber, a blogger or a tarot
reader that you resonate with online and stalk them profusely.
Other than picking up a good tarot book to bury your nose
into, there are so many voices and resources online – you are
bound to find somebody who really inspires you.
Find a Tarot Buddy (s)
Find somebody to embark on the tarot adventure with you!
Study tarot with a friend. Find a forum to lurk and nerd out in.
Interact with like-minded individuals. Join an awesome tarot
group (such as Tarot Nerds – I’m there, come hang out with
me!). Or even better, start an actual study group in real life.
The point is to get somebody to do it with you!

Daily Draws
Perform daily draws. Practice reading with your deck by
meeting the cards one at a time every day. At the beginning of
your day or at the end, draw a card and reflect on its key
messages and themes, and how it may be relevant to the day
that is beginning or ending.

Study the Intersectionality of Tarot

The 78 cards of tarot aren’t separate from each other – it’s not
like you try to memorize one card, and the next card is
something completely off and different. When trying to
memorize the individual cards, start by understanding the
“bigger symbolic layers” that weave through each suit – the
“context” that the smaller cards are built on. For example:
o Study The Fool’s Journey for the Major Arcana
o Study the symbolic associations of each suit and its
corresponding element
o Study the numerological associations from 1 – 10
o Study how each number’s meaning can be altered
by the suit or element they are in
Personal Key Word
Reflect on each key word and ponder on what they mean to
you on a personal level. For example, if the key word you’ve
picked for the Chariot is “success”, how do you define success
and how do you feel about success? What are the successes
in your life and why are they considered successes? That is
way too many kus sounds—I think I just twisted my tongue.

Flash Backs
Connect each card with a significant moment in your life.
Think about why you have chosen that moment and how it
encapsulates the meaning of that card. This will help you see
the possible scenarios that can be represented by which tarot

Customized Card Matching Game

Create a customized card-matching game. Assign a key word
for each card and write these key words on cue cards. Shuffle
your tarot deck and your deck of cue cards and try to match
the correct keyword with its associated tarot card. You can
even spice up the game by inviting a buddy to play tarot go
fish with you.

Do it Your Way
Whatever you do – make sure you do it in a way that makes
sense for you. There’s no wrong way of doing tarot – you are
free to discover your own path. That’s why it’s an adventure!
Remember, it’s not a race! The most important thing when it
comes to knowing the cards is that your observations,
analysis and conclusions MUST go through the digestive
tracks of your brain (huh?) so that they may be processed
and internalized. This just means that you shouldn’t rush
through things just because you want to get them done –
you should take your time with it and move at a natural,
organic pace.

Your learning process may occur in a split second during a

spark of inspiration, or it may continue over a period of time.
Either way, studying tarot is a never-ending process
because your understanding of tarot will always change and
evolve, and so will your relationship with each card. The
definitions and your knowledge of tarot will always be in
flux, and that’s the wonderful thing about tarot. It never
stays the same—yet it is always the same.

Indeed, going through systematic studying helps create the

vocabulary that you need to converse with tarot and its
archetypes, but this must be matched with your own
mastery of the language of your soul. If you know by heart
the definitions of each card, the symbolic history and usage,
the alchemical and astrological associations—that’s
awesome and all, but if you don’t know what’s in your heart
to begin with, how can you translate and apply all that
esoteric and tarot knowledge to enrich the stories of your
own life?

Knowledge itself gives you the language you need to

channel your intuitive insights. Those insights, however,
come from you recognizing your own truths and your
worldviews. The tarot deck represents the human
experience. To tap into its wisdom, you must tap into the
wisdom that is your own as well. You have to connect with
yourself and what you have learned throughout life to
channel its messages.

Your knowledge of the tarot must be intimate, organic, both

cognitive and intuitive. When you combine your intellect and
your knowledge of tarot with your personal insight and

Well, that’s when the magic of tarot happens.

Drawing a card daily is an awesome way to learn and start to
memorize the 78 cards of tarot – one card at a time. It’s great
because you are only looking at one card at a time. It’s super
easy to do and it’s not overwhelming. Not to mention that it is
gives you incredible insights into your life – talk about two birds
with one stone!
Below, you will find a list of daily draw ideas ideas. These are
prompts that you can utilize for your daily draws – you can draw a
card at the beginning of the day to see what the day has to offer
or how you can best prepare for the day. You can also draw the
card at the end of the day to reflect on what’s transpired. Anytime,
anywhere is fine, really. You can even draw an emergency card if
you’re feeling particularly down at work in the middle of the day. If
you don’t have a deck of cards, considering downloading a tarot
app. Yes, it’s a thing. My favourite is Galaxy Tarot, but there are
plenty of apps available both on IOS and Android!
If you want to go a bit more in-depth, you can also do a quick 3-
card daily spread to get more information and a better picture!


1. Draw a POWER card to tap into your personal strength
2. Draw a GROUNDING card to centre yourself in the Now
3. Draw a FOCUS card to see what needs your attention
4. Draw a LESSON card to see what you will learn
throughout the day
5. Draw a FORECAST card to see what’s going down for the
6. Draw a LUCK card to seize opportunity when it presents
7. Draw a GRATITUDE card to appreciate the day’s gifts
and blessings
8. Draw an ABUNDANCE card to recognize the richness
and wealth in your life to attract more abundance!


1. “The Grateful Pull”: Forecast – Gratitude – Affirmation
2. “The Productivity Punch”: Align – Commit – Ace
3. “The Hero’s Triumph”: Story – Conflict – Strength
4. “The Humble Growth”: Compliment – Critique – Improve
5. “The Alignment”: Mind – Body – Spirit
6. “The Manifestation Magic”: Motivate – Focus – Manifest
7. “The Love Thyself”: Self-Love – Self-Care – Growth
Choose your journaling medium. You don’t need an elaborate
system to start journaling – you don’t even need a fancy
notebook. You just need a place (be it pen and paper, a keyboard
and a screen, or just you and a camera) that makes you feel
comfortable as you do some spontaneous and thoughtful
braindumping. If you don’t know which one works best for you –
even better! Now you have an excuse to try everything.
Experiment and have fun!
Set aside time for journaling. Again, do what’s best for you. You
don’t really need to “schedule it in” or make it into a regular thing if
doing so will kill the fun of studying and stress you out – you can
always just journal whenever you feel like. But if you’re a beginner
and you’re committed to learning tarot and getting the definitions
down ASAP – then having a regular ritual does help because it
gives you the consistency you need to regularly improve. 10-15
minutes a day is pretty good for making steady progress. It gives
you just enough time to work with at least one card from your
chosen deck and it’s not too long to the point where thinking
about it makes you feel like a stress-elephant is sitting on your
shoulders and sinking down into your existence.


Always Explore. There are many ways you can journal – you can
write down a reading that you did for yourself, a reading that you
did for others, or even a reading you did for a fictional character.
You can draw a card and paint a page of your bullet journal with
stunning watercolor. You can put down a mindmap. You can
doodle. You can write down some of the favourite songs that you
play in your head when you look at a certain card. The
possibilities are endless, so never stop exploring!
Choose an Adventure. But having that said, the templates that
you will find in the next few pages are more like “prompts” or
“focus areas” and they are designed to take you through the 78
cards of tarot card by card. There are 12 templates - 12 “routes”
or “adventures” that you can choose to embark on depending on
who you are, how you want to approach tarot, and what’s relevant
to you and what interests you at the moment.
For Example. If you’re a beginner and this is your first time
journaling about tarot, you may choose “The
Fool’s Journey” route. Every time you The Fool’s Journey
journal, you will focus on one card and Key Words:
follow the journal prompts. You will jot down First Impressions:
the key words associated with that card, Standard Definition:
your first impressions when looking at that Personal Interpretation:
card, the standard book definition of that card, and your personal
interpretations of the card. You will then repeat the process and
do the same thing for the next card you work with, until you
journal your way through all 78 cards and complete The Fool’s
Journey. You can go through the cards in order (starting from The
Fool to The World, and then moving on to the Minor Arcana), or
you can draw a random card each time.
The Next Chapter. When you’ve journaled through all 78 cards,
you may choose to take a break on journaling, or choose another
adventure to embark on! You may choose The Life Guru route so
you may explore what each card can represent when it comes to
life areas. You may choose the Stargazer route and study tarot
with astrology.
More Uses!? You can use them to begin your tarot journey and
go through them one by one. If you’re already a journaler and
you’re just looking for ways to expand on your tarot study, you
can also choose the templates that you like and explore different
ways to approach tarot. Heck, you can even use these journal
prompts or an oracle deck or affirmation cards. You can even
print the journal template pages, cut out each block and make
them into journal card prompts. They are super flexible and “multi-
usable”, so use the crap out of them! �

In the next page, you will find a quick reference guide for each
journal template and how you can best utilize them. If you’re
eager to dig into the templates, they’re just a page ahead, so
keep scrolling!
The Fool’s Journey. Perfect for newbie adventurers and
beginners, or ritualistic reviewers.
Daily Draw. A necessary daily trek - for compulsive (I mean
diligent) journalers. For “Today’s Focus”, check out the previous
chapter, “Daily Draw Spreads & Ideas” for uh, ideas.
The Life Guru. Perfect for explorers to expand their knowledge on
possible tarot insight into the different areas of life. Feel free to
delete, add or modify categories to suit the way you organize life.
New Deck on the Shelf. The beginning of a new relationship. Got
a special someone with a quirky personality and fashion sense?
This journal route will help you get to know your new baby and its
special features.
The Stargazer. For those who are also thirsty to speak the
language of the stars. And healthy overachievers.
The Lightworker. For the wisdom seekers who shuffle love to
guide their fellow cosmic wanderers. If you’re a professional or
intend to become one, this will help you explore your unique
perspectives, examine your personal experiences and tap into
your life lessons.
Press Start to Join. For the gamifiers that seek to unlock their
superpowers (strength within one card , triumph over bosses
(potential challenges), and level up in life (lesson & congratulation
in each card). Perfect for assembling and charging up that
empowerment metre through tarot!
Shadow Worker. For the courageous souls descending into the
dark underworld in order to retrieve their true selves – the perfect
route for wayfarers who seek to confront their inner demons, heal
from their past and become whole.
The Story Buff. For detail oriented traveling bards. How does
one card activate your 5 senses (sensory details)? What movie
scene or story segment does this card remind you of? How are
these details significant and how can they help you with your
Writer’s Compass. For storytellers and creatives who weave
magic with both imagination and meaning – the Writer’s Compass
will be a fantastic journaling route if you wish to compile organized
notes on how you can best utilize tarot to help with your story
The English Major. For the ink-nosed bookworms and poets who
seek to gather the symbolic components in the depths of an
image and how layers are meaning can intersect and build upon
each other.
The Pet Stalker. For those who wish to stalk observe their furry
(or non-furry) animal friends, explore their personality and
behaviours, and deepen their bond. (Tarot shouldn’t replace a vet
visit, by the way – just so it’s clear!)
The Fool’s Journey Daily Draw
Key Words: Key Words:
First Impressions: Today’s Focus:
Standard Definition: Insights:
Personal Interpretation: Reflection:

The Life Guru New Deck on Shelf

Key Words: Key Words:
Relationship: Special Features:
Career: Reinventions:
Health: Other Notes:

The Stargazer The Lightworker

Key Words: Key Words:
Astrological Unique Message:
Associations: Lesson:
Numerology: Wisdom / Service:
Press Start to Join Shadow Worker
Key Words: Key Words:
Superpower: Triggers / Projection:
Boss Fight: Shadow Source:
Level Up: Integration / Healing:

The Story Buff Writer’s Compass

Key Words: Key Words:
Sensory Details: Theme:
Notable Scenes: Plot:
Significance: Character:

The English Major Pet Stalker

Key Words: Key Words:
Symbols & Motifs: Pet Interpretation:
Common Connotations: Observation:
Personal Meaning: Other Notes:
Tarot Beginnings
An Introductory Guide to
the Story and Study of
Tarot E-Book
This e-guide you’re reading is
actually an expanded excerpt
from my e-book – Tarot
Beginnings. If you’re interested in
reading more about tarot through
the lens of storytelling + level up
your tarot skills, you can pick up the
full e-book here with this exclusive
25% off coupon:
Visit my website to check out
previews & the full table of
Digital printables designed (with love) to help
fellow cardslinging adventurers & paperplanning junkies
level up their tarot practice. Proudly nerdy.

TAROT DAILY DRAW PACK. Includes Daily Draw Calendar + Review Page for
analyzing recurring themes and patterns. 4 colors all in one. Available in Filofax
A5, Personal & US Letter.
TAROT PLANNING TOOLKIT. Organize your tarot study + boost productivity
and maximize your tarot nerdery! 7 printables / organizers + 17 original
productivity tarot spreads. Available in Filofax A5, Personal & US Letter.
TAROT PET TOOLKIT. Practice animal communication with tarot + develop a
closer bond with your animal companions! Available in US Letter.
The Tarot Spread
Machine Course
TODAY! Are you ready to seriously
level up your tarot spread
crafting skills so you can create
super useful spreads that you’ll
love + be able to share with
I bet you are. I can see the
sparkles in your eyes – time to
fire up that creative spread
crafting engine today!
Level Up Court Cards –
ENROLL a royal crash course!
TODAY! Are you ready to royally
level up your court cards
knowledge and interpreting
game? The court cards of tarot
are known to be tricky to
memorize – but this course will
help you gain the clarity you
need to never get stumped again
during readings!

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