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CHAPTER 3 (PART 1) – THE SPANISH ERA  Juan de Cartagena, Antonio de Coca, Juan Sebastian del

Cano and Gaspar de Quesada were found guilty of treason…

In search of Lands Cartagena continued the plot again with Fr. Pero Sanchez de
 15th and 16th centuries brought an era of worldwide exploration Reina… were jealous of Magellan because he was a
and expansion that resulted to the desire to gain new lands, Portuguese.
power and wealth  When spring appeared, they continued the voyage…the ship
 Europeans established commerce with the orient through Santiago was destroyed by a typhoon… the 4 ships continued
trade routes. and reached the strait of all saints… now known as the strait
 Spices were the most important items of trade because they of Magellan….
enhance the taste of food and to preserve meat during winter
time… (pepper, ginger, nutmeg, onions and garlic)  Magellan directed the San Antonio to explore the southeast
 The fall of Constantinople and the rise of the Ottoman Turks opening but the ship captain sailed back straight to Spain…
closed the former trade routes to the east causing the then they crossed the Pacific Ocean….
monarchs to try new routes…  They underestimated the size of the ocean… in the next five
 The Portuguese were ahead of the Spaniards in this race… months, they run out of supplies… they ate sawdust, leather
ropes and rats… Many got sick of scurvy and died…then they
Portuguese expeditions were headed by: reached the Ladrones Island (Marianas)
1. Prince Henry – the navigator
2. Bartolome Dias  March 16, 1521 – they arrived in Samar and Leyte. They
3. Vasco de Gama named the island San Lazaro. The following day, they sailed
 The end of the wars against the moors paved the way for to Homonhon… on their 3rd day, they met some natives which
great voyages, including the discovery of the America by gave them food. On the 4th day, they went to Limasawa, Leyte
Christopher Columbus… or Masao in Butuan…
 This is where Magellan met Rajah Kolambo… Kolambo gave
 After these voyages, Portugal and Spain became rivals in him jars of rice… their friendship was sealed with a blood
colonizing land because of gold, spices, other merchandise compact or the kasi-kasi…
and spreading Catholicism
 Both have sent several daring expeditions…  Up to the present time, historians still argue where the first
mass exactly took place…the name of the place was Mazaua
 May 3, 1493, Pope Alexander VI issued a papal bull known as which is closer to the name of the place Masao…
Inter Caetera fixing the demarcation line to identify clearly the  the mass was held on an Easter Sunday March 31, 1521
spheres of exploration and conquest… officiated by Fr. Valderrama
 In 1494, a demarcation line of 370 leagues was agreed in the
Treaty of Tordesillas. The revised treaty, allowed Portugal to  After the mass, they planted a huge wooden cross on a hill
claim Brazil and the Americas was given to Spain… overlooking the sea…
 On April 7, accompanied by Kolambo the team went to
 1505, Magellan, a Portuguese was sent to East Indies to bring Sugbu. A blood compact was performed between Magellan
the viceroy… and Rajah Humabon.. Later, the king of Cebu was baptized
 From there, he went to Malacca in the Malay Peninsula and into Catholicism….
Ambon and Banda in Western Indonesia… in search for
spices…  On April 14, a mass was held. A wooden cross was also
 he was promoted as captain in 1510… planted… 800 natives were converted to Catholics including
the wife of Humabon who was given the name Juana. She
 he conceived of reaching the Spice Island or Moluccas was given the image of the Sto. Nino as a gift from
(Indonesia) via south America… Magellan…Humabon was renamed Carlos…
 he proposed this trip to King Manuel but the later refused to  Datu Zula of Mactan also welcomed the Spaniards…but not
send him there but instead cancelled his promotion…. Lapu-Lapu whose real name was Cali Pulaco…

 Disgusted with the king, he renounced his citizenship… he  Lapu-lapu refused to accept the new political system and pay
went to Spain in 1517 and presented the same plan to King tribute so he stayed away from Humabon…
Ferdinand… later, Magellan was named captain general of  To teach him a lesson, Magellan invaded Mactan on April
the expedition… 27… his army consisted 60 Spaniards and 1,000 Cebuanos…
 Left San Lucar Spain on Sept. 20, 1519…brought 5 ships: Magellan misjudged the fighting skills of Lapu2x and his men
Trinidad, Victoria, Concepcion, Santiago and San Antonio…  Lapu2x’s team only used spears and bamboo stakes…they
 This trip is intended to circumnavigate the earth… targeted the legs of the enemy. Magellan was hit by a
poisoned arrow in the leg and a spear stucked on his face…
 With him were: Fr. Pedro de Valderrama (fleet captain),
Antonio Pigafetta (chronicler), Duarte Barbosa (brother in  The battle of Mactan was a scandalous defeat for the
law), and his slave Enrique(interpreter) Spaniards… the natives plotted to kill them while attending a
 They passed by the west coast of Africa, the Canaries, party… Duarte Barbosa and Juan Serrano with 27 others
crossed the Atlantic, landed in Brazil, reached Sta. Lucia (Rio were killed. The others retreated to their boats and went back
de Janeiro), Rio de Plata, Port San Julian (Argentina). to Spain … the ship Concepcion was burned… only the ship
 By the time Magellan’s team reach the south American Victoria reached Spain with only 18 survivors headed by del
continent, it was already winter… Cano…

 Unknown to Magellan, 3 ships wanted to return to Spain but

Magellan refused to accept their petition…
Result of Magellan’s expedition:
1. They found out that the Pacific Ocean is wide  After the baptism of Isabel, she married one of the men of
2. They proved that the earth was round Legazpi…
3. The Europeans knew the existence of the Philippines and  Rajah Tupas was named Felipe while his son Pinsuncan was
other Pacific Islands named Carlos…
4. Broaden their geographical knowledge  In 1569, Legazpi went to Panay…the second Spanish
5. Discovered the Strait of Magellan settlement was on the bank of Panay river…Datu’s Macabaog
 The cargo of cloves sold was sold and was sufficient to pay and Madidong also became christians…
for the Magellan’s voyage… Del Cano was later rewarded…  Juan de Salcedo was sent to Mindoro where they toppled the
 The first Asian who circumnavigated the world was Enrique… Moros in the islands of Ilin and Lubang…
the slave of Magellan…  Marshall Martin de Goiti with 120 Spaniards and 600 Visayans
explored Batangas… they made friends with the natives of the
Other expeditions were headed by: place…then they went to the banks of Pasig River, there they
1. Capt. Garcia Jofre de Loaysa (1525)- with 7 ships and 450 met Rajah Matanda and his nephew Rajah Sulayman…
men…he failed to reach the Philippines…after crossing the
strait of Magellan, his ships was driven away by storm… He  Sulayman and Goiti sealed their friendship with the kasi2x..but
got sick during the travel and died… he was not willing to submit to Spanish domination and pay
2. Sebastian Cabot (1526) with 4 ships and 250 men… they tribute to its king… so a clash started…it was bloody..
failed to find the strait of Magellan Sulayman’s troupe retreated to the mountains…
3. Alvaro Saavedra Ceron with 3 ships and 110 men… they  Having known from Goiti that Maynilad was a rich kingdom,
sailed from Mexico…only the ship Florida reached Surigao but Legazpi decided to colonize it… he did so in April 1571…with
failed to colonize it.. Was not able to return to Spain because him was 27 vessels 280 Spaniards and 600 Visayan allies..
of strong winds…Saavedra fell ill and died…. His men  Lakandula, the king of Tondo and uncle of Sulayman decided
decided to surrender to the Portuguese…. to accept Legazpi’s friendship since he knew he will lose the
4. Ruy Lopez de Villalobos with 6 ships and 400 men…reached battle…He helped Legazpi persuade Sulayman to return to
Baganga Bay in Eastern Mindanao on Feb.2, 1543… 3 the fold of Spain…
months of sailing….named Mindanao as Caesaria Caroli…
searching for food, they reached the island of Saranggani..  A brave Macabebe warrior named Bambolito dared to face
He named it Antonia… his men went to Samar and named it Legazpi’s team… Goiti took the challenged and toppled
Felipina…died in the Moluccas…. Bambolito’s group…@ the Bangkusay Channel
 On June 24, 1571.. Legazpi proclaimed Manila as capital of
After King Charles abdicated his throne to his son Phillip II, the Philippines.. He named it Nueva Castilla…on the same
Spain was at the height of its power… another expedition was day, the city govt. was established with a city council and a
sent to the Philippines…. Headed by: court…
 On June 1, 1574, King Philip II named it Insigne y Siempre
5. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi – a soldier, lawyer and Leal Ciudad
administrator…sailed from Mexico and he spent his own  On Aug 20, 1572 died of heart attack.. He was replaced by
money for this trip…with 4 ships and 380 men… he was Lavezaris…
accompanied by: Fr. Andres de Urdaneta (survivor Loaysa  Salcedo subdued the Laguna de Bay region, discovered the
expedition), Capt. Felipe de Salcedo (grandson of Legazpi), gold mines of Paracale, pacified the Ilocandia and Cagayan,
Guido de Lavezaris (survivor Villalobos expedition), and founded Villa Fernandina in Vigan……conquered Camarines,
Melchor de Legazpi (son of Miguel)… stopped in Guam and Albay and Catanduanes… As a reward, he was given an
got some water and supplies… encomienda in Ilocos…

 In 1565, they anchored near Cebu then they went to Samar  The Philippines was a crown colony...from 1565-1821 , the
and had a blood compact with Urrao… they proceeded to Mexican viceroy manages the Philippines for Spain…When
Limasawa where they were met by Bankaw…then they went Mexico got its independence the Overseas Ministry took over
to Bohol and had a blood compact with Si Katuna and Si the management of the colony…
Gala…  In 1568, King Philip instructed Legazpi to establish cities,
 In Cebu, they were challenged by Rajah Tupas but because towns and encomiendas (to commit into one’s care) to be
of the superior weapons of Legazpi’s team, the natives failed distributed to deserving soldiers…
to win the battle… they retreated to the uplands….
 The following day, Legazpi’s man named Mermeo discovered  The encomienda was not a land grant , its real purpose was
the image of the Sto.Nino in one of the houses….this is why to get tribute from the natives… the plan of educating the
he named Cebu as Ciudad del Santisimo Nombre de Jesus… natives with Spanish norms of conduct was just a pretense
because it was all about slavery….
 The earliest Spanish settlement was in a triangular form…the  Tributes were collected cash or in kind…1/4 of the collection
2 sides face the sea and the third face the land…surrounded was given to the encomendero and the rest was for the friars
by fences…wells supply the needed water and a church was and the government…
 To soften the heart of Tupas, Legazpi asked Tamuyan-the  Because of the abuses of the encomenderos, the encomienda
brother of Tupas to convince Tupas to accept the Spanish system was replaced with the provincial government…
goodwill.. Later, Tupas met Legazpi peacefully…Tupas was
convinced because of the attraction policy of the Spaniards… 2 types of Provincial Govt.:
this was possible because of the help of Cid Hamal, a Muslim 1. Alcadia –headed by an Alcalde mayor of the province
Malay…. 2. Corregidores- territories that had been completely
 The 1st cebuano convert was Jandulaman, a widowed niece of pacified by the politico military governors…
Tupas.. She was named later as Isabel…from Isabel Garces
the deceased wife of Legazpi…
 The office of the Alcalde Mayor was a model of graft,  Bandala- refers to the assignment of annual quotas to each
corruption and inefficiency province for compulsory sale of products to the govt …
 The provinces were divided into towns or pueblos…headed by nonpayment means seizure of products….
the gobernadorcillo….  Political condition is the Philippines was worsened because of
 This position is offered to the Filipinos… before it was given to the union of the church and the state…the friars exercised
chieftains and their Descendants… then it was elected by an political, economic and other powers… they control the
electoral board composed of the outgoing gobernadorcillo and educational system and they collect taxes.. They control
12 members of the principalia… municipal elections and censored plays and reading
 Principalia refers to prominent land-owning and propertied materials….
citizens who could read, write, and speak Spanish…

 Each town is headed by the Cabeza de Barangay…remained

as an appointive office…
 The king appoints the governor general…
 He is the chief executive, commander in chief of the military
forces, vice royal patron (has the power to recommend priests
in parishes and intervenes in resolving problems between
religious authorities), can reject or suspend laws or decrees..
 The position can be bought or granted as a favor….short
tenure of office (two years and ten months) because of this,
the one in position will usually enrich himself….

 Evaluators of the performance of those in power:

 Audiencia Real- acts as the supreme court, advisory body to
the governor, audits the expenses of the govt.
 Visitador general- investigator sent by the king to check
behavior of high officials
 Residencia - conducts trial of an outgoing gov. gen. and other
officials to punish those whoa re involved in corruption
 Archbisop and clergy
 Subordinate public officials and influential private citizens.

The decision of those who perform the report may be changed

because they receive bribes…

Kinds of tribute(may be paid in money or in kind) :

1. 8 reales or 1 peso- paid by one family
2. 4 reales or 50 cents- paid by unmarried man or woman
3. Goods like corn, rice, honey, blankets etc…
4. In 1851, tribute was increased to 12 reales
5. In 1884, cedula tax replaced the tribute….

Exempted from paying the tributes were:

 Gobernadorcillos,
 cabezas and families
 Govt. employees
 Soldiers with outstanding service
 Descendants of Lakandula
 Other native chieftains
 Choir members
 Sacristans
 porters of churches
 Govt. witnesses

 Soldiers were used to collect taxes…nonpayment results to

punishment or torture…sometimes, houses were burned or
 Polo or forced labor – performed by males, 16-60 years
old…building ships, churches, roads etc…the workers has to
work 40 days in a year.. Later it was reduced to 15 days.. To
be excluded from it, a Filipino has to pay a falla or exemption
fee…chieftains and their eldest sons were exempted
Polo resulted to:
 Abandonment of fields
 Separation from families or homes
 Illness and death

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