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Izuku smiled happily as he ran behind Kacchan. He was so cool.

His quirk was explosions that was

really awesome. Maybe he had been a little mean after finding out Izuku didn’t have any quirk but
that’s okay. Because they were best friends and they would be forever and ever.

Grinning even wider Izuku picked up his pace as fast as his chubby little legs could carry him. Kacchan
was already out of sight. Shadows of trees blurred his image when he finally arrive upon a small
clearing. There was a small creek there with the clearest of waters that reflected the sunlight that hit
it. Just as he was admiring the view, Izuku noticed Katsuki was leaning against the tallest tree near
the creek looking displeased at him.

His smile immediately faltered. He hurriedly ran to stand in front of Katsuki. Suddenly from behind
both his arms were snatched harshly and twisted to his back. Panicking, Izuku trashed and cried in

“W-what’s going on Kacchan? Did I do something wrong? “

The tremble in his voice was undeniable apparent. The blond boy only smirk in response. Taking
heavy breathes, Izuku finally noticed the two classmates that was holding him back harshly. They
were the mean boys who always made fun of him. What was going on?

“Well you’ve done something alright,” Katsuki sneered at the boy he once called his best friend.
Striding forward he push the frail green haired boy roughly. Each jab shot through Izuku like
lightning. He had a weak constitution and doubled with the pain of betrayal that stab through his
heart, he could only managed taking ragged breaths. Tears were beginning to pool in his large green

“ You deku! Did you really think that a loser like you can be any match to me?!”

His scream pierced through the forest. Izuku felt the energy seeped out of him even more as Katsuki
rained insults upon insults towards him. Faintly, he can hear the cackles of the two boys holding him
and goading Katsuki even more.

“Oh man! Are you really crying for real?”

“Bakugo! Look at this dweeb crying when you barely made a singly punch at him”

Izuku snapped his eyes shut trying to contain his fear. His whole body was trembling with so much
blurry emotions that he couldn’t contain. He barely even felt anything until suddenly he realized that
neither of his feet was touching the ground. Bracing himself, he opened his eyes and found himself
staring into bright crimson orbs. Katsuki’s face was beyond anger. No, he seemed furious. Silently, a
thousand questions were dancing wildly in his mind. Why? Why was Kacchan doing this? What did
he do to deserve this? Kacchan promised they would be friends forever!

When he saw the pair of red eyes widen, then he realized he had screamed his last thoughts out
loud which had surprised Katsuki for a moment. But that didn’t last long. As soon as Katsuki
overcame his shock he threw Izuku into the lake with no remorse. The laughter of their peers only
increasing the fuel of hatred he felt towards the innocent boy he once was happy with.

“ You really a useless loser. Don’t you ever call me that or I’ll make you wish you were never born.
You disgusting freak.”

Izuku couldn’t feel the pain when his bottom his the rocky surface of the creek. He only felt numb to
any of the stimulus impacted on him. Kacchan. Desperation cling upon him as he scrambled to his
feet yelling over and over.

“Kacchan! Kacchan wait! Please don’t leave me. Kacchan! “ In his overzealous state Izuku forgot to
pay any heed to where was stepping and ended up slipping on a tree root causing him to slam back
on the stream. His trashing feet has cause the muddy ground to murk the clear water. Even as he
cried helplessly, never once did his blonde friend spared him any glance.

Drowsiness was beginning to cloud his eyes as he felt drained out with all the events that had just
shattered his life. Slowly he began to succumb to the darkness and he got engulf by the water.


Can’t breathe.

Was he drowning? But why? The water wasn’t that deep. Or was it?

Was this the end? Is he going to die?

Izuku jolted awake sweat marring his forehead. Heave breathes filled the room he was in. Finally he
scanned the room. It was a just a dream. A nightmare. He wasn’t that little helpless boy anymore.
No, the room he was in was proof that he was no failure.

This us the UA dorms. He made it. The boy blunder deku has made it to UA. One of the top hero
schools in Japan. He was good. He did good. Izuku shakily stood up and grab his towel and toiletries.
It was time to work. He wasn’t a loser or a failure. It was just a nightmare, he repeated over and over
in his head.

Nightmare. Not a memory.

Even greeted his friends and when to class like normal, Izuku felt something amiss. He put up his
usual facade of smiles and pleasantries yet there was truly something not right. As if the was

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