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E,W www.amequestionpaper in Fl ® Te is a veeiprecal of! welcome”? fewmenante ‘ [exept machine Brecon J Ht snisan. BHOPAL. Module -3 38-011 0220. @ Mrs - Electyon have ngstive charge. and negligible moss, @ Sooltest particle of moter —> atom. © smallest porte which relia ib chemical prpety > Compound — > Elemest C may be) @ mes 4 Caer ae time ©) fox OC cursent -» it flow in one direction Emf is ‘induced when —3 (both ) O# Other Geld Ie stebnogy. nd coubcte BH @ Cnducte is soon ond Flux is varying. ® Tn Ni-cd botkexy , $5 cmt ok > time ef chosying ond overtly ® Resistame is Invessthy Prpertonal to —> cavss- section oven, @ Tr pavollel civcvit, soure curvent —y equal to the sum oF curvent ab individual vesishy. @ AW vetlge divider, vesishw connected in —> sevies. s GD) Whre- wound sesistoy conic ___ omeunt & ctvsent and covbon vesislys —y Jorge amount of current , Smo amount of — | curvent, ©@ FF thd bond ts veplaced by gold ond siner then first fuss digit is multiplied 4 —> 104 ond IK, @ mes 3 Rear: conkiol /vory cameunt of coment and poletig | mek is used fo vary the vellage/ pd, ina civuit, a Scanned by CamScanner ‘ (1) “Thesmistov hoye 3 negative temperohive of coefficient. g rs (¢ GS) Numerical, neg ‘| 5 © Wumesical , i( (@ x + R= then Power = 9 — 460 wott V= 24, R= a9 then Power = 9 — 28-8 wot 8 Charge is fiven) ond work (engy) i given ther Vv Cosltaye } | ) quo! to = Us = j® Capacitance depends on > cove mokriol, plate area ond | Sepration bf them, | ‘ . j® Radio and vadip honsesttiag Gy uipment used type of Capacitos > oil capgciteas | 8) In Pure capacitance Cixcuit » current > leds the vallage by quarky ple. GB) Magnet don't lose theiy permonenk magnetism aoti) Fempescrhise is chvokd above oor . @D F Au poral conductor having cusgent in some divectin the 2 m4 will athact each cther, 23) he volue of pc Voliage Souue con be adjusted so that the Yesistor Gissipsks\ the some! amount of heat os it did when Fes ie act Feta 8 k 3 — &Ms volue . iil ke Scanned by CamScanner QD Wa -fonshymey skps up te vellaye then > it will step down the cuvrent by some yotio. 25) In transformer loses aue — ven and copper loss, | €2) filler tha posses low Frequency Buk aHenuakts higher Frequiney | at autoft reg | eh > lew poss fille @) Filler hak poss al Frequency above aad below of catff > — Bond shop filler. 2) What wil) be Frequency aH Pe no. of poles ond N= speed in ¥pm i PN a, ae QS) Most genesal form oF generation of electrical -enecay powies 9 Eeckomespelic Induction « oplion — @ Piezoelechte (other option Re tee ) GS) Rms volue of sinsoidsl o-c- current is equal te i volve at on angle of 3 45°. @ st unt of absolute pernitivity 5 forad/melex Best insulalov’ eS broses ‘ @ Thermocouple junction axe made voviel of melals , depending 6” > temp. vance yequired sto be measured and the moximum emp. to which They ave expose, ‘Scania by CanSeadier @) ta £ ¥eetpecal of! xclucnces > Pesmenance . Se hewsempclectric. eficct SMEG Armount oF eneyy in pebockcc pene op > egy oF light: | ]D Matetearbniner oppkcolon ab in ofe => wid Ste Jka! Hea proved. (GS) Nemerical 3 22, 4 and & H_ induct conneckd in parallel. 3 they - matuol inductance is 24. and self inductonce iF opposed by mura] nductonce, What willbe equivaleat- inductonce in circu 2 ® ONS aT ® a4 ow ap poke a i Gt) The circuit poses a voltage (emrent) chore ass 315 kemiaal storing energy in Hs elechastac and electrsmoyeetic “eld « L . = filley, E Gy When tole chemicals comes in combet ond alter “heir strchre | and voltage is induced “this phenomenon is called = — > shemical action. CB) Te shield items Fromm the elect of Fux by surecundiag thorn with = —__ permenbility makrial [ Scanned by CamScanner } Clhtemate, 12-0945 a. an | Quale| hich pittrc 2 uted fo pass douse ple - Hut 2) | pos b) | He ee Satie, a Q2 | uchth ts uid Fo measine cat of Weg gee? = $=, et) Armpere/ Sih g | Phofoclielué offecd — = Dl Sct obectes a Scanned by CamScanner ode pune CLL AAG COnneetad thy deals, Ww ‘ a i on ; \ doanie Ca coun uatings : sa lait il > Scanned by CamScanner Qu. Resistouse do bs indapeaclead of Fe Tews, | Mass conducler ek. a Mateial e cond uniter —___ gu: | NE Cand [intone Quad Ln ect ac a), pHimnaty) Acco 2)I seven inal ee Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner | pel = . | tons ue tn Seles pu. ators OAL eee i One i ca ts 8 4 ae | pot Coparalion Charae a Q23. 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QF) Follows Units & Hs terms - @f-c 6-9 C+ A] Flux a) Testa A-b .B-a ,C-€ B] Flux Density o) Weber © A-@.B-c,C-» €] Mognetiaing Strength (H) €) Ampere. seer / moter. | Bef De value hich | GQ.) An Ac value, which is eguivalen has Same amount CF pyeduct of heat correspond ing, we Avage malts foes von © Pec value © 32)_Eme is tndueed in cotl — then Clur Hinked with coil () When Rotor remains stationery Creid © when Flux Mowed with cot} Zenains Stakfonaey , chonges tm uniform magne © SE Q.2> Duaing Cheaging of 2. capacitor, it aces Ike — G@ Sherk circu © close circuit © Open circuit Deter chord af changing ante & open in begining of ele. ©.24) Tf resfstors are connected fn series, the vel tage aie acreSS resisk¢*S are —— Additive (BY sibsbractive © Multinle of each other © voitage ts not affected in saries circuit: Scanned by CamScanner = Scanned by CamScanner adie 3e Eh elk ef volt | Blinn. 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Past wiun a AC 4 ply + guun to ina { ost a buat mgs Cond Pr lait Faundimgs a, Comduced “duit to - * yuoeda ee wnductiéin a. “radtua! emduchen 2 (pu & z ; aq ny Scanned by CamScanner amallnst partite cuuok - duced vin am olattut CKE ( Li on — c hargt an bran pects f a k Fanndauy Faraday eLuna, LA” dun L fa manumum ume, of elrcbionws that can sx Th he watlained un umn eh ~ hy stuo di oO Pinan magni O Hetarchoy, of ; oa ae Tp a reget ne prolue Aes s 3 @ Aadnomagrel Scanned by CamScanner Module 3 Electrical Fundamentals July 2017 @.1) Reacttve Power is - @ The power produced in an tnductive clyes © Power dissipated Joa resistive Circuit © Predict of Rms value of currentin clrcui: & applfed voltage. @ None of the Above Q.2) The Output of “Fransfirmer is given in - @ kw @ kva KVAR @ volt - Ampere ©.3) Tre cells ike Nickel -cadmium , Nickel-meal are--.-- & Zine chloride, Carbon-ainc batteries @D Primary » Secondary © Secendow) 5 Primary Primary » Primary © Secondary, Secendary D4) Vank capsin a babktery Prevents escape oF bub allows Free extt 20 2 * t @Gases , Elecrelyte GD Elecirelyte , Qases © Energy» doses @ rone Os) A Filter cottch passes low Fequens Ss buk atbenuatas Scanned by CamScanner .3) Accord ing The metreds of fmerouing Commutatith are — @ Rest © eme commulaticn done ett) hale of TakerPel® tance commyt abl © by giving bru Forward lead) @ Au cf the shove eth) The disadvantages OF shaded pola moter Gre— @ tow starting Teque (Lover Overload, Shavacteris! ies © Low efFictency @ Airof tre above @.15) p material show weak magnetic Farce OF akeaction tonen pleced in magnelts Sreld.— @ Pararragneric makeriad @ Damagnetis maternal ® Peroreagnetic material. 16) “The Prorarperty 7s assential for material to be a permanent, magnetic rroterial — i @ Rerentmey . @© Reran tivity & Comercivity Coeetvity @ none 13) One Watt hour Equals 40 ~ 3600 ko Jowes ©) 36c00 Joules ® 3600 Joules @ 360 Joures ee i Scanned by CamScanner PEE phn oS ae ‘s tnan aon, Here : i) Te Lise Gharges are electronsof__._ -chaaged & & Protons .... charged respectivel ¥. ‘tively ats G is @ postuively , Negatively. © Positively , Pos © negatively » resitivly — @) negatively, megabively, 4 @u1a) Iman alterratc®, as load Increases, terminal volbege 3 f 3 OF camatute clecreases becuse, : @_ Armature resistance = ZB) Armobue feakaga reactance “oy at SB © Awmalute Reaction. ~ @ AloF the above- ne @-2%) -The Properly of material which wesists preduction of & Mag MebIC Flux Hrrough it. — . @ Resistance © Reluctance oo) ®© conductance @ BeeciPie rebuctivity . a itn Qu) MTcs — @ IF Higher Inductance , hen higher ino Plux linkage. 2 6 er Indurtance , higher the Flux Linkoge- Me © Higher Inductance, Lower the Aur linkage ‘ @ Lower Inductance — Lower te Flue [Inky e- =a = % wan SE oa 1h eteorieal Cheat, UE 1S given by Look. done Pe t unit Of time. 14s Unik given by @ Joule | sesond © eer) second @ Joure- second @ meer Second Be ® @.23) Rms value of Half wave vecifier tn a cheuit — = @ 0.707 x Pesk value 2x Effective value: ® lui x Average valve 5S Gai) In @ lnansfermer, iF vettage bransFermatton 2obte (k)=4 J s then, (@ Step down transfarmer ad f ( step Up transformer ae 2 © Meithor Step Upnos Step down Es. & @ deol Franstewney fi ® @-25) From lefetright in, Carkon Yeistor, 374 band oF colour x Cede smtes—- ® de @ Telerance (©) Decimal muitiplier 2% Digit oF Beet @ 19 digit of n ie od ; & Seaniea by CamSenitiex Date : Page No. Maken 901% jh! _—Ni- cd To beep aefveath PP Ni-Cd, tlic2n£ C-Zn, 2n- 7 Dok | First Lija are eroro, secondly Coll Sef Second linn AL Penal col, || Yb 5 AY What inthe. wit 3. Capatdincae 2 ve C29 ct “ft | [Basic ormle @ pmued? te $ = Cf wind nu by by sh pahad , the diveclin 9) incherd emrtend east — be dowd? a Mae 1) Fanny's Tt bo BD) fos! “Iowe Le) Fleming 1 vig lt hood ode al | Calcul th fe Tar i velo wily ane em, Be a. 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Muaminhe Yertrorer: i Ml tn vein = MN melt effed: Dit | When Lao Aitéimilon motel row. at oil! tempos, — | then whet jrmced Piha plo) sD hedebie Yar eit tebe acd yeah pb RMS_= feo oe [feaAe utle ce, LEC MN plkich x teas | head of cic ne Hee in gd seus) Cort Mean Syst) 1 | ghar Cammy FZ cleaka vy! : | foteriel att et Csteka Mob re free) Cranial her Maen Cnaniiar

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