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Name: Czarina Ann Signo Grade/Section: Grade 10- St. Sandalphon

Teacher: Mr. Genet G. Tapales Score:___________________________

Direction: Answer the following question briefly. Type your answer on the space provided below the
questions. (5pts)

1. How do you describes the music/instruments that is used in different theatrical plays in western
countries that you watched in the video clip

PHANTOM OF THE OPERA – Base on my observation in the play Phantom of the Opera, the bridge part of the
music and almost at the end part presents something about exciting yet creepy at the same time, mainly because
of the tone of the music. On the other hand, the instruments they used in the play were very gentle to hear yet it
looks like you can also feel you are in the theatre play because it will carry your emotions.

CATS – I’ve noticed that in this theatrical play, the music will be definitely loved and well appreciated
especially by kids, as you can see, the title will give the children a feeling of being curious, they will be surely
questioning that ‘why “cats” is the title of this play’, and by listening to its music, kids will learn how to
appreciate little things especially music.

2. Choose one of the given theater play and give a “title of a theme song” that reassembles in promoting
the rich culture of the given countries. State your reason why did you put that title.(state in 100 words)

I will be choosing the musical play, “ The Phantom of the Opera”. And the title of the song would be
“La Vie En Rose”. Just to be clear, I chose this kind of song for the theatrical play, because it presents or
promotes the rich culture of France where the “Phantom of the opera” did there theatre play. Second, when
we say “La Vie En Rose”, we can say or translate it to “life is full of happy memories/lenses” which also
promotes one of the part in the theatrical play. And Music of France seems to be the one of the most popular
up until now.
Name: Czarina Ann Signo Grade/Section: St.-Sandalphon

Teacher: Mr. Genet G. Tapales Score:___________________________

Direction:Answer the following question briefly. Type your answer on the space provided below the questions.

1. How would you describe the materials/props they used in presenting their theatrical plays in
cultivating their culture and tradition in different western countries ?(state in 100 words).

 I can literally say that the materials they used, were very appropriate and connected to the
theme they are presenting in the theatrical play, their costumes, props and other materials as
well as their roles, suits them very well. They are using materials and props not only to
enliven the theatrical play, but as well as for the audience to have a better understanding of
what they are watching. It can also help the actors play their roles adequately, they use this
to enhance the performance they are trying to re-enact, and also help the actors to feel more

2.) Without doing a research, based to the theme of the plays, how would you describe the story behind
PHANTOM OF THE OPERA – The story or the real life lesson we got in this play as well as we need to apply in
our daily lives, is that for me, learn to appreciate and be contented for what you have especially for what you
are. Because in the end, appearance doesn’t matter at all, as long as you will learn to live and appreciate the
reality that’s waiting for you. This story will give us a beautiful yet a good feedback as well, mainly because on
my understanding this story is about how you will appreciate yourself no matter how many failures you achieve
or you’ve done in your life.

CATS – To describe this theatrical play, well it looks like, talking about literally cats or what they call “jellicle
cats” meaning it is basically a cat but it has something magical in it, like musical. For me, they are cats that
can sing that’s why they are called jellicle cats but there is nothing more special about them except they can

3.) If you going to be adirector/actor in a theater play, what kind of story that you want to portray? (state
in 100 words)

 If there is a chance to choose what I want to portray in a theatre play, I would be choosing a
romantic love story. Because, in my whole entire life I always wanted to portray a protagonist girl in
a love story, and it is my dream as well to be like a girl who needs love and needs to beloved also.
Then after, there is a man who will enter the story, and surely will fight for the love that he truly
wants to achieve from me, and who will surely love me for what and who am I.

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