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As the project manager of a project, you had estimated certain activity durations before acquiring all
project team members. On acquisition, you find that their actual competency levels are much lower
than what you anticipated. In such a case, you will:

a. Make no changes to the schedule

b. Ask the project team members to meet the original schedule by putting in overtime, if required

c. Make changes to activity duration and schedule incorporating the changed competency levels

d. Inform the customer that the project is behind schedule

2. Match the following event or technique with the function or purpose:

a. Sprint Planning 1. To enhance transparency between

project team and stakeholders
b. Daily Standup Meeting 2. To regularly monitor team performance
c. Sprint Review and problem solving

d. Retrospective 3. To identify best practice performed and

solution to impediment to be
e. Information Radiator implemented in next phase

4. To collaborate with customers in

ensuring all requirements are fulfilled

5. To determine detail activity to be

performed in one sprint.

3. Your company is way behind schedule in the deployment of a government-mandated change to a

health care processing system that must be in production by the end of the year. To meet the due
date, you and your team have met and decided to hire an additional 50 programmers to work with
the existing staff. This is an example of what?

a. Resource Levelling

b. Fast Tracking

c. Crashing

d. Risk Transference

4. You have completed your business case based on your benefit management plan for your software
development project. You consider to start drafting the charter for your project and you want to
hold a discussion with all the key stakeholder. What is the least likely activity you shall conduct?

a. Invite all the key stakeholder to attend the meeting to discuss the charter

b. Arrange a facilitator to lead the meeting

c. Ensure the software engineer to attend the meeting

d. Refer to your Communication Management Plan in conducting the meeting

5. A technical team can begin to edit a large document 15 days after it begins writing it. What kind of
dependency would this represent?

a. Start-to-start with a 15-day lead

b. Finish-to-finish with a 15-day lead

c. Start-to-start with a 15-day lag

d. Finish-to-start with a 15-day lag

6. You are running one week behind on a project due to a late delivery by a vendor. You are forced to
compress your project schedule due to a government-mandated end date that constrains your
project. After meeting with your team, the decision is to work several tasks in parallel that were
scheduled to be run consecutively. This is an example of:

a. Risk Acceptance

b. Crashing

c. Resource Levelling

d. Fast Tracking

7. You are assigned as a product owner for a software implementation project and you have to work
closely with your customer. What is your main responsibility in your role in relation with the
development team and the scrum master?

a. Determining the duration and end date of each activity in each iteration to ensure the work can be
completed on time

b. Prioritizing the user story to be performed in accordance to the value can be delivered to customer

c. Prioritizing the user story to be performed in accordance to relative sizing result and story point

b. Making sure the team has no impediment to ensure smooth project execution

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