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Duaa International School Jeddah

Term 3 Review Sheet

Session (2021-----2022)
Subject: __Geography___________
Grade: __4B____________

Teacher Name: Shahid Miraj

Student Name: __________________________________
Answer key

Note: This document contains _6__ pages.

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Q1: True and False:
1. Dover is situated at England’s closest point to mainland Europe.

True False

2. The Roman built a lighthouse to guide shipping.

True False

3. In 15th century, a large and powerful castle was built to guard Dover port.

True False

4. Dover is Britain’s busiest passenger port.

True False

5. There are frequent rail and coach services between London and Dover.

True False

6. The air around the Earth is always moving.

True False

7. Air that is warmed becomes heavier than the surrounding air so it sinks.

True False

8. People have used the power of the wind for thousands of years.

True False

9. The wind is one kind of renewable energy.

True False

10. Winds often starts blowing near the sea.

True False

11. Most powerful winds are hurricanes or tornadoes.

True False
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12. Hurricanes are common in cold areas such as Arctic and polar.

True False

13. Hurricanes form when the air is much warmer than the surface of the ocean.

True False

14. Hurricane takes several days to travel from ocean to the land.

True False

15. Hurricane damage occurs mainly on the mountains and in forests.

True False

Q2: Choose the correct answer:

1. Dover is situated at England’s closest point to mainland______________.
i. Asia ii. Europe iii. Africa
2. The__________ built a lighthouse to guide shipping.
i. American ii. Romans iii. Greeks
3. In the middle ages___________ became one of the Britain’s main Military port.
i. Dover ii. San Francisco iii. Tromso
4. The tunnels under the castle, dug in____________ century.
i. 18th ii. 19th iii. 20th
5. Dover is the busiest_______________ port in Northern Europe.
i. Shipping ii. Ferry iii. Air
6. _______ are common in hot places, such as the tropics.
ii. Storm ii. Hurricane iii. Flood
7. Hurricanes usually begin over__________ parts of the world’s oceans.
ii. Cold ii. Tropical iii. sandy
8. __________ believe that hurricanes form when the air is much warmer.
ii. Doctor ii. Engineer iii. Scientists
9. When the wind speed reaches__________ the storm is called a hurricane
ii. 100 kph ii. 120 kph iii. 130 kph

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10. When the waves reach land, they can cause serious__________ damage.
ii. Flood ii. volcano iii. Earthquake
11. __________ are uprooted by the hurricane wind.
i. Mountains ii. Trees iii. Traffics
12. Hurricane damage occurs mainly on the__________ and on islands.
i. Desert ii. Forest iii. Coast

Q3: Fill in the blanks with suitable word:

Wind, damage, warmer, hot, air, sea,
Chinese, Opposite, pollute, turbines, windmills

1. ____Wind____ is air moving from one place to another.

2. Very strong wind can cause serious______ damage ___________.

3. The ___Warmer_______ parts of the Earth’s surface warm the air above them.

4. The wind blows because _____ air______ moves to replace the warmer air that has


5. On a __ hot____ day the land warms up more quickly than_____sea_____.

6. At night the wind blows in the ________Opposite_______ direction.

7. Long ago the_______ Chinese________ flew kites on a windy day to frighten their


8. The earliest_______ windmills________ were used to pump water or to grind corn


9. Windmills are used as wind________ turbines______.

10. The wind is a source of energy which does not_______ Pollute________ the air.

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Q4: Questions and Answers:
1. What are the main sources of pollution in Dover?
Ans: Noise and exhaust fumes.
2. How are the buildings damaging in Dover?
Ans: Vibration caused by heavy lorries are damaging the buildings in Dover.

3. Why does the warm air rise?

Ans: The warm air is lighter than the surrounding air so it rises.

4. What is sea breeze?

Ans:_ Wind that blows from see to the land is called sea breeze.

5. Why did the Chinese flow kites long ago?

Ans: To frighten their enemies.

What is the use of earliest windmill?

Ans: To pump the water and grind corn for flour.

6. What is a hurricane?
Ans: The most powerful and swirling wind is called hurricane.

7. Where are the most common hurricanes?

Ans: The most common hurricanes are in the hot places such as tropics.

8. Hurricanes usually begin form where?

Ans: Hurricane usually begin from the tropical parts of the oceans.
9. what are the damages caused by hurricanes?
Ans: Floods and trees uprooted.

10. For how many days a hurricane lasts?

Ans: A hurricane lasts for a week or two.

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Q5: Match the statement with words:

Words Statement
Military port 1 6 Rise and fall of the water because of air

Dover 2 4 Produce something

Wind 3 2 Sea port, busiest passenger port

Generate 4 1 12th century make castle for safety

Tornadoes 5 8 Area of land surrounded by water

Waves 6 7 Area of land join with sea

Coast 7 3 Moving air place to place

Island 8 5 Violently column of air extending

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Best of Luck)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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