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The first part of the process once an application is received for a valid job

Answer: TFH Survey

2. Involves the stage of the process where IVAS applicants are collectively pooled to
attend 2 stages of assessment to gauge aptitude, verbal communication skills as well
as conversational skills.

Answer: 1DP
Trickster choice: Aptitude test, Assessment

3. A written agreement stipulating the terms of training, inclusive allowances,

expectations as well as their date of training engagement.

Answer: Training offer, training agreement

Trickster choice: Employment contract, Training offer, training contract

4. How many data points do you need to establish a trend and create an analysis?

Answer: 3 data points

Trickster choice: 2 data points, 3 data and 1 final point.

5. The process of having applicants undergo medical screening to ensure that the
level of fitness is within hiring standards.

Answer: Pre-employment medical exam

Trickster choice: Pre-employment medical check up, Pre-employment medical

6. A request filed to address a staffing need either internally or externally.

Answer: Requisition
Trickster choice: Requesition, Requisite
7. What does SMART stand for?

Answer: S-Specific, M-Measurable, A-Attainable, R-Realistic, T-Timebound

Trickster Choice: S-Sustainable, M-Measurable, A-Achievable, R-Realistic, T-
Timebound, S-Sustainable, M-Measurable, A-Attainable, R-Realistic, T-Timeframed

8. The tool determining an applicant’s conversational competence though a series of

statements and questions shifted from one candidate to another.

Answer: Hot potato

Trickster Choice: S3, mock call

9. A specialized job description designed by emphasizing mental and physical

qualifications and special skills required in an operative to facilitate selection and
placement of employees.

Answer: Job Specification

Trickster Choice: Job description, Job Aid

10. A useful, plain-language tool that explains the tasks, duties, function and
responsibilities of a position.

Answer: Job description

Trickster Choice: Job Specification, Job Aid

11. The proactive searching for qualified job candidates for current or planned open

Answer: Sourcing
Trickster Choice: Staffing, Recruitment

12.  The continuous process of finding, selecting evaluating and developing a working
relationship with current or future employees. 

Answer: Staffing
Trickster Choice: Sourcing, Recruitment
13. Refers to the sourcing and staffing of positions beyond rank and file. Positions
that pertain to designations that are specific to departments which include but is not
limited to leadership positions.

Answer: Technical recruitment

Trickster Choice: CSM Hiring, Support hiring

14. Who is the author of the book “Radical Candor”?

Answer: Kim Scott

Trickster Choice: Jamie Scott, Tim Scott

15. The process of ensuring that the reportorial, procedural as well as pre-
employment requirements are explained and processed for new hires.

Answer: Closing the loop

Trickster Choice: S3, training orientation

16. The natural ability to do something.

Answer: Aptitude
Trickster Choice: Skill, Attitude

17. The process of finding, screening, hiring and eventually onboarding qualified job

Answer: Recruitment
Trickster Choice: Sourcing, Staffing
18. The minimum ECS score required for a candidate to proceed to s3 of our
application process.

Answer: 85
Trickster Choice: 75, 80

19. Refinement in a measurement, calculation, or specification, especially as

represented by the number of digits given.

Answer: Precision
Trickster Choice: Accuracy, Target

20. The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification

conforms to the correct value or a standard.

Answer: Accuracy
Trickster Choice: Precision, Target

21. That which in is logical and continuous sequence unbroken by any efficient
intervening clause produces the result and without which the result would not have

Answer: Proximate cause

Trickster Choice: Root case, Ultimate cause

22. The process of identifying the main reason or factor that causes a behavior or

Answer: Root cause analysis.

Trickster Choice: 6 Why method, Fish bone graph

23. I have the prerogative to send and provide updates to the INBOSS community
without need for approval since we observe “freedom of choice”. True or false?

Answer: False.
24. I can contact the executives directly for whatever concerns I have. We observe
an open door policy and I believe that it is within my privilege to broach sensitive
topics with our main leaders. True or false?

Answer: False

25. Feedback is important and must be given as soon as practicable. If I see a

teammate who has an area of improvement I will provide the feedback
instantaneously. True or false?

Answer: False

26. Once an email is sent to us regarding a referral we can prioritize this and process
right away. A sense of urgency is important and needs to be exhibited. True or false?

Answer: False.

27. We provide equal opportunities, regardless or sex, race, age or religion. This
includes inclusion of personnel abroad and those with previous convictions. True or

Answer: False

28. Rules, policies and procedures can be bent and adjusted for valid reasons.

Answer: False

29. English proficiency is an optional skill that can be developed once we hire the

Answer: False.

30. We require our candidates to be at least 25 years of age, willing and able to work
during the night shift.

Answer: False.

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