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Education, being written to the general public, especially teachers, parents and students

or pupils, remains the most concise expression of Mrs. Ellen White ideas. The book was

organized taking into account her past writings on the subject as well as her letters of counsel

and additional concept. At the beginning, she brought to limelight the only source of education.

“The source of such an education is brought to view in these words of Holy Writ, pointing to the

Infinite One: In Him “are hid all the treasures of wisdom.” Colossians 2:3.

More so, she put to writing different educating process and activities right from the

Garden of Eden through to the acquisition of knowledge from the Master Teacher Himself,

Christ Jesus, and a Teacher from above. He came to earth to show men ways and principles to

follow in other to be close to God. “There was but one hope for the human race—that into this

mass of discordant and corrupting elements might be cast a new leaven; that there might be

brought to mankind the power of a new life; that the knowledge of God might be restored to the

world” (Education, p56). As evil grew more in the heart of men, there was always a need to seek

a reform, Christ took this responsibility, and He came to set aside those false teachings and

taught only what the Holy Scriptures says.

However, Mrs. Ellen view of Education touched many other fields; Poetry, deities and

foods as well as temperance. She also encouraged parents to uphold their first duty in forming

their children in the Christian way, starting from the home and later working with the teachers

and other outside to help bring up the kids in the way of the Lord.

In conclusion, it is of every Christian goal to get admission into the school of hereafter, with God

being the teacher, education will again be taken up in Eden school.

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