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Proper raising of a child or children incurs putting in much efforts, time and thoughts.

Right from the first school (a home or family), teachings in the ways of the Lord, according to

the scripture helps the child or children advance while growing in the world. As the first

teachers, parents should acknowledge the job prayerfully and carefully in order to make them

ready for the next school. Education isn’t a course to study in college, educating a child should

start from infant, when the child’s mind is impressible. Ignoring the essence of the first school

puts grave consequences on the child as he/she grows due to the fact that the home lays the

foundation for a child’s growth.

Parents should learn to teach and educate children with love and affection. Deal with them

kindly, tenderly, lovingly. Tell them what God would have them do. Tell them that God would

have them educated and trained to be laborers together with Him. When you act your part, you

can trust the Lord to act His part. In accordance with every home training, a child’s first book

should be the Holy Scriptures. Only by reading it carefully and implementing its sayings can a

child grow up by the rules of life.

Other basic lessons maybe be learnt from the second school or from the home. Such

include; Selflessness, integrity, respect etc. However, going to college and other institution may

lead one astaray, therefore parents should pray “Lead us not into temptation.” Then do not

consent for your children to be placed where they will meet unnecessary temptation. Do not send

them away to schools where they will be associated with influences that will be as tares sown in

the field of their heart.

In conclusion, let us contemplate the future, that we may understand what we must do in order to

meet it and receive the right rewards.

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