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One of the church’s writings done to show God’s guidance and leadership since the early

church till this very moment. Right after the Great disappointment, God has led his people to the

very true light through our early pioneers. Having pondered on the book of Daniel 8:14, and with

his knowledge of Ezekiel 4:6 and Daniel 9:24-27, he concluded that Christ will come in the year

1844. Telling this to the world brought about the Millerite movement. Studying more on the

Bible prophecy, the Millerite waited upon Christ second coming on October 22, 1844.

However, the next day brought about a new dawn to the ministry as the true, consistent

explanation of the key phrases in Daniel 7, Luke 12, Revelation 10 and 11, and in Hebrews 8 and

9, which the Millerites had thus far overlooked or mistaken flashed into his mind bringing back

light to the people. Christ moved into the Most Holy place to begin His new ministry of

atonement which maybe referred to as “the blotting out of sins”, a mission to prepare Christ's

beloved followers for eternal fellowship by purging all sin from their hearts, lives, and records.

Miller made no greater mistake just as the disciples believed that Christ will come as a king for

His ministry on earth.

However, considering the fact that what Miller knew and preached were wrong, then why

did God allow him to preach it? Why didn’t God allow Him to remain on the farm? This would

have prevented the great disappointment. Well, the reason was of great importance. Jesus was

about to embark on a monumental atonement process that would be comparable in grace and

efficacy to His death on the cross. The world needed to be made aware of this so that mankind

may learn, believe, and live. So, Miller studied and told the world.

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