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Name : Alvita Zalfa Dinova

Student Number : P1337420620117

Class : 2A3 RKI

Indonesia Step Up Against Climate Change

A. Topic Background
Climate change is one of the issues that is currently being discussed. This is
because the impact of climate change has been felt in every aspect of human life.
Climate change is defined as a global phenomenon characterized by changes in
temperature and rainfall patterns. The main cause of climate change is the increasing
concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide (CO2),
methane (CH), and nitrogen (NO). A greenhouse gas that absorbs hot long-wave
radiation. As greenhouse gases increase, the earth's surface temperature rises.
Indonesia is one of the country that located on the equator which is very
vulnerable to climate change. Climate change can cause temperature increases in
various regions, and changes in the start and length of the rainy season. Changes in
rainfall in some regions in Indonesia will have an impact on various varieties in the
region. Increased rain in the rainy season causes a high frequency of flood events,
while decreasing rain in the dry season will increase the risk of drought.

B. Causes and Effects

Trends in climate change in Indonesia by actions and human activities such as
urbanization, deforestation, industrialization, and by natural activities such as
continental drift, volcanic eruptions, changes in the earth's orbit to the sun, sunspots
and El-Nino. One of the impacts of climate change is forest fires. This causes damage
to the habitat of flora and fauna in Indonesia. This damage to the habitat of flora and
fauna disrupts their lives. The extreme impact caused is the extinction of several types
of flora and fauna.
Indonesia is one of the countries that are very vulnerable to suffer heavy losses
due to climate change. The Indonesian government has taken mitigation efforts,
namely efforts to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and
adaptation efforts. However, it turns out that there are consequences of climate change
that are permanent because they are difficult or even impossible to repair even if
efforts and adaptations are made. These consequences include the extinction of
marine biota, the extinction of flora and fauna and the destruction of forest areas that
take hundreds of years for the forests to recover.

C. Possible Solution
Some possible solutions to prevent climate change in Indonesia are:
1. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing waste burning in landfill
areas, agriculture, plantations, and others.
2. Creation and promotion of the use of environmentally friendly tools.
3. Saving energy use in industry, fossil fuel power plants, commercial
buildings, transportation, and households.
4. Increasing the number of reservoirs and infiltration wells in an effort to
maintain the availability of water reserves.
5. Planting trees (reforestation) as an effort to increase carbon gas absorption
media and increase the availability of water reserves.
6. Rehabilitate mangrove forest habitat, coral reefs and seagrass beds.

Julismin. 2013. Jurnal Geografi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Unimed and Ikatan Geografi Indonesia.
Dampak dan Perubahan Iklim di Indonesia.

The Jakarta Post. 2021. Indonesia’s Climate Crisis.

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