Presentation1 Statistics Edited

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Meaning of Statistics

Statistics- is defined as a collection of descriptive

measures calculated from single data according
to certain specified procedures.

Statistics – refers to the science which deals with

the collection, organization, presentation,
analysis, and interpretation of quantitative data.
Types of Statistical Analysis

1. Descriptive statistics- is concerned with the

collection, organization, and presentation of
numerical data in a form that is understandable
to all.
Ex: measure of central tendency; measure of variability

However, descriptive statistics do not allow making

conclusions. You can not get conclusions and make
generalizations that extend beyond the data at
hand. With descriptive statistics, you can simply
describe what is and what the data present
Types of Statistical Analysis

2. Inferential Statistics - Refers to techniques of

interpreting the values resulting from the
descriptive techniques and using them in drawing
conclusions about population on a representative

This type of statistical analysis is used to study the

relationships between variables within a sample, and
you can make conclusions, generalizations or
predictions about a bigger population. In other
words, the sample accurately represents the population
Population and Sample
Population- is a collection, or set of individuals,
objects, or measurements whose properties are to be
analyzed. It is the totality of the observation.
Types of Population
1. Infinite population- When enumeration of listing
up all elements is impossible or extremely
Ex: Number of stars in the sky. Number of fish
in the sea.
2. Finite – have enumerable elements
Ex: Number of students in a class.
Sample- Is a subset of a population. It is smaller
group representing the population having identical
characteristics from which it was taken.
Variables and Types of Data

Variable-a characteristic or attribute that can assume

different values
Classification of variables

1. Qualitative Variables-variables that can be placed

into distinct categories, according to some
characteristic or attribute.
Ex: Gender- male and female; Religious
preference; geographic location
Variables and Types of Data
2. Quantitative variables-numerical in nature and can be
ordered or ranked.
Ex: Age is numerical, and people can be ranked in
order according to the value of their age.
Heights; weights; body temperature.
Variables and Types of Data
Classification of Quantitative Variables
a. Discrete - can be assigned values such as 0,1,2,3,
and are said to be countable.
Ex: Number of children in a family, number of
students in a classroom.
b. Continuous variables-by comparison, can assume
all values between any two specific values. They
are obtained by measuring.
Ex: Temperature is a continuous variable, since
the variable can assume all values between
any two given temperatures.
Levels of Measurement Scale

Data can be classified according to levels of

measurement. The level of measurement of the
data dictates the calculations that can be done to
summarize and present the data. It will also
determine the statistical tests that should be
Four Levels of Measurement Scale

1. Nominal-nominal level of measurement - classifies

data into mutually exclusive (no overlapping),
exhausting categories in which no order or ranking
can be imposed on the data.

Ex: Teachers classified according to subject taught

(English, Math, History,… etc), residence according to
zip code, religion, political party. No ranking or order
can be imposed on the data.
Four Levels of Measurement Scale

2. Ordinal level of measurement-classifies data into

categories that can be ranked; however, precise
differences between the ranks do not exist.

Ex: Guest speakers can be ranked as superior,

average, or poor. Body build can be classified as
small, medium, and large. The letters A, B, C, D,
as rating scale is also an example of ordinal scale.
Four Levels of Measurement Scale
3. Interval level of measurement ranks data, and
precise differences between units of measure do
exist, however there is no meaningful zero.

Ex: Temperature
Types of Measurement Scale

4. Ratio level of measurement-Possesses all the

characteristics of interval measurement and
there exists a true zero.

Ex: height, weight, area and number of phone

calls received.
Levels of Measurement Scale
Examples of Measurement scale
Nominal Level Ordinal Level Interval Ratio
Level Level
Zip code Grade(A, B, C, ) SAT score Height
Gender (male, Judging(1st, 2nd, IQ Weight
female) third)
Eye color(black, Rating scale (poor, Temperature Time
blue) good, excellent)
Political affiliation Ranking of Tennis age
Religious affiliation salary
Major field(math,
biological, Physical)
Collection and interpretation of Data

The first major step in statistical investigation is the

collection of data

Types of statistical data according to their sources.

1. Primary data- include government agencies,
business establishments, organizations, and
individuals who carry original data or who have
firsthand information relevant to the given problem.
2. Secondary data- data gathered from newspapers,
magazines, journals and republished materials.
Collection and interpretation of Data

Collection of Data
1. Interview method- person to person encounter
between the interviewer and interviewee. This may
be done personally or thru telephone.
a. Question can be repeated, rephrased or modified for
better understanding. Also answers maybe clarified
thus ensuring more precise information.
a. very costly
b. can cover limited number of individuals
Collection and interpretation of Data

Collection of Data

2. Questionnaire Method- It also utilizes questions to

obtain information. They are either mailed or hand-

a) more economical
b) it can involve greater number of individuals
c) respondents find time to formulate appropriate answers
d) can preserve anonymity
Collection and interpretation of Data

Collection of Data

3. Observation Method –Data pertaining to behaviors of

an individual of a group of individuals at the time of
occurrence of a given situation are best obtained by
direct observation

Observation is made only at the time of occurrence
of the appropriate event.
Collection and interpretation of Data

Collection of Data
4. Use of document- researchers who make use of vital
statistics such as birth rates, number of households,
marriages, find the use of documents and other existing
records available in both gov’t and private agencies.

5. Method of Experimentation- Employed by scientific

Collection and interpretation of Data

Methods of Presentation

1. Textual Form- Textual or paragraph form is utilized

when the data to be presented are purely qualitative
or when few numbers are involved.
2. Tabular form- a more effective device of presenting
data is by means of statistical tables.
Collection and interpretation of Data
Methods of Presentation
3. Graphical or Pictorial form
Statistics graphs are a ways to represent Statistics
data in pictorial figure

The most commonly used graphs in research

1. The bar graph
2. The histogram
3. The frequency polygon
4. The cumulative frequency graph

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