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CFED CANON- measuring rod, standard, rule

The bible is a journey of God and his people - Canon refers to the collection of books that
passed a test of authenticity and authority; it
“All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for also means that those books are our rule of
teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults life- both in this world and the next
and giving instruction for right living”
Biblical interpretation
Exegesis- the critical interpretation of the biblical
Shepherds, kings, fishermen, peasants, doctors, tax- text to discover its intended meaning
- Interpretation that comes from the text
Eisegesis- leading one’s own meaning into the text
Rome, Jerusalem, Babylon, Persia, Greece, turkey
- Reading in a wat that the reader wants to
1. The writers are human authors. They went
The bible is written by human through Gods through the same process of research and
inspiration composition, and they wrote in their own particular
THE BIBLE style and with the linguistic tools available to them
as product of their own particular culture and
- 73 books circumstances in life.
- Different writers
- Almost 1500 years 2. The Holy Spirit acted in and through the
- Over 10000 events author’s own natural powers and abilities. God
- One story did not dictate what to write, in the sense of putting
- Unity of theme words into their minds. The Holy Spirit made sure
- No contradictions that in their choice of words and forms of
expression they were conveying the message of
Many writers, 15 centuries yet only one author God.
Of the 73 books, 46 were written before the birth of Biblical Inerrancy
Jesus and the 27 after his death
- Saint Augustine once said if he ever ran
The Old Testament (46) across an apparent error in the Bible, he
- All written before Jesus Birth would conclude that:
- An agreement that God made with the nation - a) the translator of the sacred text made a
of Israel mistake when he translated the original
- Written in Hebrew (Language of Israel) Hebrew or Greek into the vernacular or
common language;
The New Testament - b) the person who copied the manuscript
from the original made a mistake;
- All written after his death,
- c) he as the reader is misinterpreting a text
- An agreement that God has made for all
and is not using the author’s intended
meaning. He could never accept the premise
- Written in Greek
that the Bible has any mistakes.
The message of the prophets in the Old
All the prophets, priest and kings of Israel were
anointed with oil when they took their position
Torah (teaching)- Gods establishment of his people,
The story of the New Testament is THE CHRIST
consist of 5 books “chamisha chumshei torah
Nevi’im (prophets)- presents Israel’s history as a Covenant
nation on its land
- A binding and solemn agreement made by 2
Ketuvim-( writings) or more individuals or parties to do or keep
from doing a specified thing; a compact
Tanakh- an acronym of the first Hebrew letter of - Latin covenire; meaning to convene, meet
each of the Masoretic text together, to assemble for common purpose
Miqra- meaning “that which is read” “to proclaim” - OT USAGE. The covenant represents an
agreement between two parties in which
- it was more popular used that tanakh there is basic party. Both sides enter into the
NOTE: canonical collection of jewish text, which treaty voluntarily resulting in a partnership
also a textual source for the Christian Old relationship
Testament God and noah = rainbow
MASORETIC TEXT- the traditional Hebrew text Abraham and God= circumcision
The original writing system of the Hebrew test was Moses and God = event in mount Sanai sabbath
called abjad
- In the Abrahamic covenant, God
Books of Tanakh demonstrated his unmerited favor and
- the Tanakh consist of 24 books: it counts as unilateral choice of Israel as “the apple of
one book each Samuel, kings, chronicles and His eye” a special people called out from
Ezra Nehemiah and counts trei asar among the nations through whom the
Messiah would come.
Scrolls of the Hebrew scripture - God promised to look after the descendants
of Abraham
- the scrolls were written on sheepskin with a
quill and iron gall ink, they vary in age from MOSES
the 1800s to early twenty first century
- 16 scrolls make up the Hebrew scripture Old The exodus events
Testament The significance of an event in the life of a
- Torah- the law person or a people
Genesis, exodus, Leviticus, numbers and - The events get told over and over and passed
Deuteronomy on to our children
- Neviim- the prophets - They are part of our common consciousness
- The past is reinterpreted and the future is
Joshua, judges, Samuel, kings, Isiah formed by the event
Jeremiah, Ezekiel, 12 prophets
- Ketuvim- the writings
- occurred during the reign of pharaoh
Psalms, proverbs, job, songs of songs, ruth, merneptah.
lamentation, Esther, Daniel, Ezra Nehemiah, - The Hebrew wandered in the desert of the
chronicles 1 Sinai Peninsula for 40 years
- Moses received the 10 commandments
“The gift of the Nile” (Nile River)
which outlined some basic laws governing
- Provide drink and irrigation behavior
- A highway of communication for its towns
Key elements to reading and understanding
- Transportation of goods and trade
- Rhythm of the river
a. Growing season when the people worked - The exodus is the foundational event in the
the fields life of the Israelite people
b. Waiting season when the land was flooded
- This is a story that is retold from generation the three basic themes
to generation
- The story of the exodus is not just a past - you (pertaining to Judah/ Israel) have broken
event but a living reality the mosaic covenant; you better repent
- The story of the exodus is ritualized - no repentance? Then judgement
- Everything in the Old Testament and the - yet there is hope beyond the judgement for a
New Testament is rooted in the exodus event glorious future restoration, both for Israel
- the story of the exodus continues to inflame and for the nation
the hopes and passions of people today God remains faithful and does not abandon his
In exodus, we see God bring his people out of people
oppressive labor into the glorious freedom of the The prophet JEREMIAH
children of God. It is not a freedom from
working, but a freedom to love and serve the - he was called the dirty harry of the Old
lord through work in every aspect of life. God Testament
provides guidance for life and labor that will - the weeping prophet
glorify him and bless Israel. And he provides a - he was the most intriguing prophet
place for his presence to bless all they do. theme: hope and forgiveness
NEVI’IM PROPHETS - Jeremiah came from anathoth, a small town
Former prophets (Nevi’im Rishonim) north of Jerusalem that lay in the old tribe of
- the narrative books of Joshua, Judges,
Samuel, and Kings Background

Latter Prophets (Nevi’im Ahoronim) Jeremiah’s ministry of 45 years in the three

- the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel
and the 12 minor prophets - The first period took place during the reign
of Josiah (the beginning of the reform)
this division includes the books which cover the - The second period is during the reign of
time from the entrance of the Israelites into the land Josiah’s sons
of Israel until the Babylonian captivity of Judah (the - The final period of Jeremiah’s ministry took
period of prophecy) place in the twelve years between the first
THE PROPHETS destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians

Major prophets Jeremiah preached against 3 major evils of his

- the books are longer, broader, content and
have global implications 1. Idolatry
2. Social injustice
Minor prophets 3. Religious ritualism
- the twelve He was relentless even when it led to great personal
- shorter and the content is more narrowly suffering and persecution. He was also tender and
focused filled with compassion for the people, and he often
pleaded for people to be converted and come back
Isaiah – the lord is salvation to the covenant, so that Yahweh would have mercy.
- he was called God’s Prophets- contains “I am the lord, the God of all mankind, is anything
prophecies about the Messiah too hard for me?’
theme: comfort and hope for God’s chosen The prophet HOSEA
people. (Justice and righteousness)
- importance of trusting God in difficult times
Are you willing to forgive and accept someone - It affirms that God is not merely “just” in his
you love who cheated on you not just once but actions;
many times - In fact, Gods acts in strange and sometimes
humorous ways
HOSEA AND THE LOVE OF GOD - And we cannot figure God out according to
- He was born and raised and preached in the our desire
northern kingdom The prophet AMOS “prophets of Gods Justice”
- Like Amos, Hosea shares a common passion
for the commandments of the covenant Through Amos, we enter the period of Israel’s
history called “classical prophecy”
Chapter 1-3: describe in different ways the broken
marriage between God and his people and serve as a - Comes from the arm, a shepherd, farmer and
kind of preface to the rest of the book. herdsman by trade
- Compared God to lions
Chapter 4-13: gather the actual oracles delivered
by Hosea throughout his ministry. Themes: justice and righteousness
Chapter 14: stands as closing vision of hope after Most blunt prophet, dangerous and terrifying
- Reveals God’s heart and desire for his
The prophet JONAH people
It contains no oracles at all, except the report of 4 visions of judgement
Jonah’s word to Nineveh in Jonah 3;5
1. Destructive locust plague
Nineveh- capital of Assyria- a pagan city who 2. Destroying fire
responds to the prophetic message of Jonah 3. A basket of ripe fruit
4. A weakened wall about to fall
Jonah’s ministry in post- exilic period
- Jonah is a rousing tale of prophet
- The most ironic book in the bible
- Jonah was the only successful prophet
- But he dislikes it
Chapter 1: the prophet is disobedient and refuses
Chapter 2: so, he praises God in the fish for his
Chapter 3: the prophet obeys the word of God and
Chapter 4: so, he complains that God offers any
mercy at all.
The message and lessons taken from the story of
- It represents the universal love of God even
for gentiles
- It shows God’s control over all of nature and
all people
- It ridicules some of the narrow nationalism
in Judah
- It is a satire on the actions of many prophets
KETUVIM WRITTINGS point of view that life is full of
contradictions and mysteries. Hard work is a
JOB gift from God but work is painful and
- job tells the story of one man’s troubles. But senseless because after people die, they
his situation prompts a series of won’t have anything to show for their hard
conversations written in the form of poetry. work and others will get to enjoy their
These conversations between Job and his wealth. There is time for everything,
friends and the Lord focus on difficult life everything on earth is temporary, just put
questions. Reading this book will challenge your trust in God or His providence. God is
you to bare your heart before God. It is easy journeying with us throughout. (Ec. 3:1-15)
to offer God your praises and thanks. But - Ecclesiastes looks at all the aspects of the
Job will challenge you to offer to God even human condition, one after the other,
the many questions and the deepest beginning from the surest: death. Death
emotions in your heart. For God alone can destroys all illusions of a man who tries to
satisfy your cries and give you comfort and forget the lack of meaning in his life.
- Job lives in a foreign pagan land in ancient - The chosen biblical passages about Job and
times. His position is enviable: he is a leader Ecclesiastes describe how God remains
of the nomads, somewhat like Abraham and present in the experiences of His people. In
he lacks nothing. the midst of all these encounters, the people
- Since he preserved his trust, it was rewarded of God who remain faithful to Him are
by the just God. assured of God’s presence and company in
- Job deals with the causes of human suffering their endeavor.
and the role may play in this suffering. Job
is described in the story as “a truly good
Church teaching
person, who respects God and refuses to do
evil”. He trusted God and was blessed with - The third part of the Old Testament, called
many children, good health, and much the “Writings,” presents the discernment
wealth. But when Job loses everything and needed for ordinary day-to-day living. The
suffers terribly, the book seems to focus Wisdom literature presents how the faithful
directly on the question of why a good and can discern the presence of God in their
faithful like Job has to suffer. Job invites us daily lives. “How are things
to struggle with age-old questions and in the interconnected?” the wise man asks. Can
end discover that the mysterious power and God, through His Covenant Torah and His
ways of God are sometimes beyond human prophetic Word, bring salvation to ordinary
understanding, but God’s presence with us daily life? (CFC 441)
in times of suffering can give us the strength - In the Wisdom Literature, Job responds by
to go on and face the future. looking not only back to the confident
experience of God’s saving presence in the
past. He also looks forward to the divine
- The book’s title comes from the ancient inscrutability: “The Lord gave and the Lord
Greek translation of the Hebrew word has taken away” (Jb 1:21). There is much to
Qoheleth, which means “one who learn from the counsels of the wise. “Be not
assembles.” The author is not known, but wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and
many scholars suggest he may have been a turn away from evil” (Prv 3:7). On work and
teacher, preacher, or philosopher. The author leisure: “He who tills his own land has food
shares his thoughts on the meaning of life in plenty, but he who follows idle pursuits is
and uses sayings, proverbs, and poems to a fool” (Prv 12:11). On relating to people:
illustrate his point. “A mild answer calms wrath, but a harsh
- The book of Ecclesiastes is a search for the word stirs up anger” (Prv 15:1). (CFC 442)
meaning of life. The writer sees from the
- Some advice “liberates” by exposing evils settled; they were beset by local enemies and
that enslave. “There are six things the Lord eventually by imperial powers. Political and
hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him; prophetic leaders vie for hearts; the supporters of
haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that God‘s covenant did battles against the paganism of
shed innocent blood; a heart that plots neighboring groups and among the Israelites
wicked schemes, feet that run swiftly to evil, themselves.
the false witness who utters lies, and he who
sows discord among brothers” (Prv6:16-19). A kingdom, a capital, and a Temple were built and
Others provide something like today’s eventually destroyed. At the end of Nevi’im,
“value clarification.” “It is better to harken prophets who experienced exile taught a renewed
to the wise person’s rebuke than to harken to monotheism to a chastened Israel. Ketuvim means
the song of fools” (Eccl 7:5). (CFC 443) simply “Writings”, which hardly does justice to the
variety of religious expressions found there. There
- Job’s question, then, is answered by the vital is poetry — of Temple ritual, private prayer,
interaction of life experience and Lord- wisdom, national tragedy, even love. There is
experience. Both come together in: “Behold, philosophical exploration–of the wisest path in life,
the fear of the Lord is wisdom, and avoiding of God’s goodness and justice. There are historical
evil is understanding” (Jb 28:28). The best retellings and short stories
human knowledge of salvation is discerning
obedience to the Lord. (CFC 444)
- As God journeyed with the people of God
Mary has been called “ theotokos” a Greek word
promising salvation through his continued
meaning “God bearer” (mother of god)
presence, he also journeys with you in your
day-to-day undertakings. You take assurance
- The holy virgin is the theotokos (acc. To the
of His accompaniment in the wisdom of the
flesh she gave birth to the word of God
wise. Your journey with God becomes
become flesh by birth
enjoyable, easier despite adversaries like Job
if you need to recognize that all blessings
- let him be anathema
and goodness come from God and that
difficulties can be overcome if we entrust
- mary is our model on the way of
ourselves to God. To be guided to live a life
discipleship and the mother of the church
of blessing, you need to pray as the Psalmist
does, trust in God’s timing and listen to the
wisdom of the wise. These can be done by
developing a habit of prayer and constant
- the blessed virgin mary most perfectly
participation in the Eucharist.
embodies the obedience of faith
- mary perfectly exemplified the common
definitions of faith as “full submission of the
The Five Books of Moses retell the story of how the intellect and the will and the obedience of
family of Abraham and Sarah became the people of faith
Israel and how they came back from exile in Egypt,
under the leadership of Moses, to the border of the - mary was not only the first to evangelized to
land of Israel, on the way stopping at Mount Sinai receive the good news, she is also the first
for the revelation of what is known as the Ten evangelizer
Commandments. The Torah includes both the
narrative of the formation of the people of Israel and MISSIONARY RESPONSE
the laws defining the covenant that bind the people
to God. Nevi’im (Prophets) presents Israel’s history - like mary, the model of faith, we emulate
as a nation on its land. The Israelites conquered and her simplicity, humility and great faith so
that can entrust ourselves to the lord as she
did. We can do this by being contented with - john the Baptist was a man of humility and
what we have and do not demand much man or courage. He leads people to the true
from your parents. We can also make our light, jesus christ. We can be witnesses God
faith grow and bear fruit like John the Baptist and introduce jesus to
people as he did through the following
- to deepen our understanding of christ’s
message, we need to read our bibles and our willingness to listen to others and accept their
listen to the homilies during the mass opinion instead of insisting our opinion

- to grow in faith, we need to love and this appreciating our god given talents and use them in
love should be translated to charity need not the service of others
to be grand but start in our homes, while at
home we can do our share in the day to day correcting a friend in the bad things that they did
chores in order to ease our parents in school,
take care of the property of the school like encourage our friends to go to jesus through our
your own good prayer life

- just as our body needs nourishment of grow Jesus as the foundation of the church
and be healthy, we need to nourish our faith
life. Take time to visit the chapel and pray Baptism of Jesus
but more importantly participate in the
celebration of the sacraments most  the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.
especially the holy eucharist
 A calling to His Mission, in the fulfillment
john the Baptist presents jesus as the lamb of God of God’s plan of Salvation to humanity.

The word lamb can mean both the servant and the  The baptism had two foci: repentance and
lam eschatology. In submitting to John’s baptism
Jesus demonstrated “his willingness to take
Jesus is the servant of God announced by the on the servant’s role, entailing his
prophets, who was sacrifice himself for his bothers identification with the people.”
and sisters
The account of Jesus’ Baptism (Mark 1:9-11) is
He is also the true lamb that replaces the paschal legend, certain though it is that the legend started
lamb from the historical fact of Jesus’ baptism by John. It
was told in the interest not of biography, but of faith
- in history, jesus appears after john, but being and it reports Jesus’ consecration as Messiah.
the word of god, he existed before all Rudolf Bultmann
creatures. He also goes ahead of all
including john the Baptist Baptism

john sole purpose is to prepare the people to receive  After the death of John, the Baptist Jesus
the “one more powerful than “I” sort of launched His public ministry or
the catechism of the catholic church speaks of john
the Baptist as the lord’s immediate precursor of  His message was: The time has come the
forerunner, sent to prepare his way kingdom of God is near repent and
believe the good news.
prophets of the highest, john surpasses all the
prophets of whom he is the last

 It gives us the initial idea of how Jesus  Jesus’ temptations as reflecting “the inner
changed or transformed in another struggle over his own particular mission.”
 The path forged by Christ in this event is
 Go signal that Jesus was ready to submit an ‘internal’ one involving a struggle
himself in the mission. against evil that followed him along every
step of his journey.
 It implies transformation, new beginning
and new life. THE GOSPEL

 Jesus is a new person. - They also herald that jesus came to full fill
the promises God made to our ancestors, and
to overcome the slavery of sin and death

Baptism is the means by which God acts to forgive - The gospels are the main source of
past sins for which Jesus died information about the life and teaching of
(I Cor. 15:3), and so baptism is essential to the
good news message that must be believed. General information about the gospel

- Written 35-75 years after jesus death

The temptation of jesus Author

Jesus was offered power, turn stones into bread, - Lived in different countries
offered prestige in the whole of Jerusalem, He was
offered wealth and even tested God - Wrote at different times

Christ, undergoes the “devils” attack in his own - Wrote to different communities
temptation, defeats these principalities and powers
so as to gain for all humankind a victory—not over - Wrote about different communities
human nature or over the world but over the
personal, demonic agents of evil that attempt to - Wrote about different problems and
thwart God’s purposes and prowl about the world concerns
seeking the ruin of souls.
- None were eye witnesses
the full acceptance of God’s will. All wrote in Greek, note jesus spoke Aramaic

Pope benedict = All used literary and oral sources

is a descent into the perils besetting mankind, for The synoptic gospels
there is no other way to lift up fallen humanity.
Jesus has to enter into the drama of human - Matthew, mark and luke are calles synoptic
existence, for that belongs to the core of his gospels
mission; he has to penetrate it completely, down
to its uttermost depths, in order to find the ‘lost - Synoptic comes from a Greek word meaning
sheep,’ to bear it on his shoulders, and to bring it “seeing the whole together”
- These gospels are similar in style and share
In the description given by Pope Benedict XVI much of the same content
Two source hypotheses - Many people credit this gospel to a man
named john “ the disciple whom jesus
- Many scholars believe that both luke and loved” but the actual author is unknown
matthew used mark as a source when writing
their gospels - Many believe the author was a member of a
Christian community founded by the
- Some scholars also propose that luke and beloved disciple
matthew may have used a second source
known as the quelle or the q source - Its tradition and teaching represents the
whole Johannine community rather than just
Mark one individual

- Mark includes an aura of secrecy in this Two book in one gospel

gospel known as the messianic secret
- In the first half of the gospel, jesus teaches
- Mark emphasizes the humanity of jesus mainly through signs that reveal his identity

- Central to marks Christology is the image of - These signs are found in john 1:19-12:50
jesus as the suffering servant and are known as the book of signs

- True disciples must imitate jesus in both his - The second half of the gospel focuses on the
ministry and his suffering passion, death, resurrection and ascension-
the events that glorify jesus
- This is known as the book of glory and is
- Matthew highlights jesus as the fulfillment found in john 13:1- 20:31
of many Old Testament hopes and
prophecies John’s image of Jesus

- He validates the communities like to the - The synoptic gospels emphasize the
covenant promises of the past, while humanity of jesus
justifying their new devotion to Christ and
his mission - The gospel of john emphasizes the divinity
of jesus
- John uses high Christology- a term used to
- Luke paints a picture of jesus as the describe how john proclaims from the very
compassionate savior who welcomes all beginning that jesus is God, the eternal word
of the father
- Luke emphasized the presence of women in
the ministry of jesus The public ministry of Christ

- The final groups given special attention in Jesus is the greatest teacher and story teller
the gospel of luke are those who are sick and
sinners - The teaching and preaching of Jesus are
centered on the kingdom of God’s dynamic
The gospel of john symbol of Gods active presence among his
The gospel of John is not one of the synoptic
gospels - Kingdom of God to Christ is all blessing of
salvation, a salvation of God’s active
presence within people’s daily life liberating - Jesus used parables to carry out divine
them from the enslaving power of evel. For judgment
loving service of their fellowmen
Jesus’ healing ministry
Christ typical method of communicating his words
about the kingdom was telling stories, parables - Jesus healed out of compassion and concern
for their wellbeing
Why did Jesus teach in parables?
- He was generous with his ministry, not
The world parable holding back his power, not judging if
someone was worthy of healing, not trying
- It is a transliteration of the Greek word to discern the reason the person was seeking
“parabole” means “to place besides, to cast his healing power
Jesus table fellowship
- It signifies a placing of one thing beside
another with a view to comparison - At the time of Jesus, eating together was the
primary way of marking any significant
Wiebe’s description of a parable: event, both social and religious table

- As “a story that places one thing beside - Table fellowship in Judaism was more than
another for the purpose of teaching food in the ancient world, to share the table
with another person was making a social
- It puts the known next to the unknown so statement about yourself and about your
that we may learn – guest

- A parable can usually be identified by the Table fellowship symbolizes Christ whole mission
use of the word “like” MT 13 31 33 and message of drawing all into his father’s
kingdom, it prefigures the eternal banquet in the
As used in the New Testament, a parable kingdom of God

- Is usually a story of narrative drawn form The importance of this table fellowship in jesus
nature or human circumstances ministry

- From which spiritual lessons can be made by 1. The special importance among the early
comparison disciples, the breaking of bread

- A common definition of parable is an earthy 2. The lords prayer which christ taught his
story with a heavenly meaning disciples it summarizes the ministry if christ
in terms if abba, the kingdom, bread,
The purpose of the parable of Jesus forgiveness and the final test

The primary purpose was to conceal and reveal The paschal mystery

- Jesus began speaking in parables because of The story of the passion

the hardness of many people’s hearts
- The word passion comes form the latin word
- By resorting to parables, Jesus effectively for suffering.
separated the truth seekers from the curiosity
seekers - It cannot be properly understood without the
story of the resurrection
- The story of jesus arrest, trial, and suffering services such as holy communion, mass, the
lord’s supper
- Most versions of the passion begin with the
events in the garden of gethsemane Jesus predicts that he will be betrayed by one of
those sharing the meal with him, and that
- Some also include the last supper, while another of the disciples will disown him
some writers begin the story as early as
Palm Sunday, when Jesus entered Jerusalem Garden of gethsemane
to the applause of the crowds
- Jesus is in anguish sweating drops of blood
- The passion is a story about injustice, doubt, as he calls out loudly to the father “abba,
fear, pain and ultimately, degrading death father, all things are possible to thee; remove
this cup from me; yet not what I will, but hat
- It tells how God experienced these things in thou wilt. Mark 14; 36 “the he returned to
the same ways as ordinary human beings his disciples and found them sleeping.
Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for
Crucifix- the most iconic passion one hour? He asked peter. Watch and pray
so that you will not fall into temptation. The
- Spiritually, the passion is the perfect spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
example of suffering which is one of the
pervasive themes of the Christian religion. Jesus is betrayed by judas and arrested
Suffering is not the only theme of the
passion - Judas betrays Jesus by identifying him with
a kiss- the signal he had arranged before
Other themes hand

- Incarnation Jesus is tried by Jewish officials

- Obedience 1. Jesus is questioned in front of a group of

jewish religious leaders
- Victory
2. Caiaphas, the chief priest of the temple
The elements of the passion story wanted to destroy jesus before he caused a
rebellion that would bring down the
- The last supper comfortable world of the temple and
enraging the roman authorities
- The agony on the garden of gethsemane
3. During questioning jesus says enough for
- The arrest of jesus after his betrayal by judas the romans to see him as a rebel, and the
jews to regard him as a blasphemer
- The examination and condemnation od jesus
by the jews 4. The trial of jesus before the jewish
authorities is a source of much controversy,
- The trial before pilate during which jesus is and has been used in the part to justify
sentenced to be whipped and crucified antisemitism

- The crucifixion of jesus The crucifixion

This event is the foundation of the Christian - Jesus is whipped and then, to mock the
sacrament of the eucharist which includes claim that he is king of the the jews
- Given a crown of thorns and dressed in a Seven stages in the acts of the apostles
purple robe. Jesus carries hos cross to the
place of crucifixion takes place at a location Pentecost
called calvary of Golgotha
- Birthday of the church
- Jesus is stripped and nailed to the cross.
Above his head is placed a sign that says - The Christian church grew out of the
king of the jews. Two criminals are crucified apostolic proclamation of the gospel and is
alongside him. After some hours the soldier alive in the act of proclamation
check that jesus is dead by stabbing him in
the side. Blood and water gush out. Jesus The church does not close, only the building.
body is taken down and buried Because we are the church, the living body of our
lord jesus and we are everywhere

- Resurrection can be defined as the one-time

event of coming back to life after death with
an immortal spiritual body in the day that
christ returns

- It is life after life after death which may be

in heaven or hell

- Immediately after death is life after death

- So after resurrection it is life after life after


Importance of resurrection

- And if chris has not been raised, your faith

is futile; you are still in your sins. Then
those also who have fallen as sleep in christ
are lost. If only for this life we have hope in
christ we are of all people most to be pitied

- The truth of Christianity

- Our salvation

The holy spirit

The Pentecost experience

What is Pentecost?

- The word Pentecost is Greek, meaning

fiftieth day. It is the name given to a great
harvest festival celebrated fifty days after
the Passover festival

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