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Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Vol 61, No 4

Copyright 2022 July 2022

by the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Pages 315–319

Association of Primate Veterinarians Guidelines

for Wound Management of Nonhuman Primates
Purpose as myoglobin, lactic acid, and potassium. Dark urine (myo-
The Association of Primate Veterinarians recognizes that globinuria) or anuria may be noted in cases of severe injury
injuries occur periodically in nonhuman primates (NHP) in or delayed treatment. Potentially fatal complications of crush
social housing as well as in single housing settings. This docu- trauma and subsequent rhabdomyolysis include hypovolemic
ment describes the types of wounds typical to NHP, therapeutic shock, acute kidney injury, and hyperkalemia. Diagnosis of
approaches, and considerations to reduce the occurrence of rhabdomyolysis can be made with evidence of wounding, pres-
wounds. These guidelines were developed to provide veteri- ence of elevated serum CK and AST, and myoglobinuria in the
narians and animal caregivers with NHP-specific information absence of hematuria. Severe myonecrosis may also be visual-
on wound management in these species. These guidelines are ized via ultrasonography. Early intensive volume expansion
not meant to address general veterinary wound management therapy may correct hypovolemia and prevent acute kidney
principles, but to emphasize issues unique to wound manage- injury. It is important to consider the use of colloidal as well as
crystalloid fluid therapy. Crystalloids may redistribute to the
ment in NHP. interstitial space, exacerbating development of compartmental
Background syndrome. Other treatment methods should focus on prevention
Wounding risks inherent to social housing of NHP can be or mitigation of the effects of myoglobin crystal formation, and
reduced by appropriate behavioral assessment and cage en- antibiotic and analgesic therapy with particular care to avoid
hancements rather than through elimination of social housing nephrotoxic agents. Indicators of acidosis (venous blood pH,
as a management strategy. Social housing should be overseen by bicarbonate, base excess, and lactate levels) have been shown
trained individuals with knowledge of species-specific behav- to be indicative of survival in rhesus macaques presenting with
ior, as animals housed socially require ongoing monitoring to rhabdomyolysis. In particular, two or more indicators of acidosis
ensure compatibility and to reduce the possibility of injury.4,6,40 at clinical presentation suggest a guarded to poor prognosis;
It is important for veterinarians, researchers, animal care staff, elevated lactate levels remain a predictive factor of mortality
and institutional animal care and use committees to recognize after fluid resuscitation therapy.26 Pregnant patients should have
that wounding is a potential sequela of providing appropriate fetal viability evaluated throughout the course of treatment, as
social enrichment and housing to these animals. the prognosis for fetal survival is poor.

Injuries may occur in established NHP groups when there Degloving.

is social instability, during animal introduction attempts or as Degloving soft-tissue injuries characterized by avulsions or
a result of the animal's environment. Intraspecies aggression detachment of skin and subcutaneous tissue from underlying
between animals housed in social groups is most common dur- muscle and fascia can occur to the head, flank, or extremities
ing the breeding season of seasonal NHP species, during the of NHP resultant from a sudden shearing force from conspe-
formation of new social groups, or introduction of unfamiliar cific aggression or complications from housing structures.1,49
animals into existing social groups. Injuries may also occur as a Degloving wounds with concurrent deep soft-tissue injury
result of ambient environmental conditions that may be difficult typically have higher rates of perioperative complications,
to control in outdoor housed animals. NHP housed indoors may surgical intervention, and amputation. Delay of initial treatment
present with wounding due to injury from partners, particularly may increase the risk of infection or progression to necrotizing
during initial pairing attempts. fasciitis. Attempts at preservation of avulsed tissue is justified
to minimize future interventions, although partial loss of this
Animals display varying types of injuries including lacera- tissue is expected. Further surgical intervention such as skin
tions, punctures, abrasions, maceration of distal extremities, and flap, graft, delayed primary closure, or secondary closure op-
crushing injuries. In species with notable sexual dimorphism tions may be required.21,58 Care should be taken throughout
and elongated canines in males, deep penetrating lacerations management to preserve limb function with passive range of
caused by the cutting edges are likely to be readily recognizable. motion and other physical therapy techniques.
Staff should be appropriately trained to identify more subtle
injuries such as deep punctures from tips of male canine teeth, Frostbite.
and abrasions or contusions as is typical with female-pattern Frostbite in NHP may occur when skin is exposed to extreme
trauma, both of which can result in minor skin involvement, cold with distal extremities or other areas of reduced hair being
but cause severe damage to underlying tissues. the most susceptible sites. Frostbite severity and tissue injury is
a result of not only extreme cold temperatures, but duration of
Guidelines exposure. Because water is a more efficient thermal conductor
than air, exposure to standing water, slush, or snow can quickly
Specific Wound Types exacerbate cold injury.35 If frostbite occurs, the goals of treat-
Crush Injury. ment are removal from the cold, rewarming frostbitten areas,
Crush trauma may result in potentially life-threatening rhab- and prevention of complications. The affected part is rapidly re-
domyolysis that develops from repeated bites from animals with warmed by submersion in a water and antiseptic mixture (37 to
short canine teeth (females and juveniles). While the outward 42 °C).22,23,37 Rewarming can be acutely painful and multi-modal
appearance is superficial skin trauma with potential bruising analgesia should be used.22,23,37 Rubbing or massaging affected
or swelling, the underlying muscle damage can be extensive areas should be avoided to prevent further damage to tissue.23
and severe with systemic release of intracellular contents, such Favorable prognostic indicators are the appearance of healthy

Vol 61, No 4
Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
July 2022

skin or clear blisters and a rapid response to tactile stimulation crushed tablets may be consumed by NHP when hidden in
of the affected area. Demarcation of non-viable tissues can take preferred foods and/or bitterness masking powders; however,
weeks to develop. The potential for damaged tissue to recover consumption must be confirmed to ensure analgesia is provided.
should be considered if debridement or amputation is required.
Antibiotic Prophylaxis.
In humans, if the affected area recovers, long term complications
Contamination of traumatic wounds through microorgan-
include chronic pain unresponsive to conventional analgesia,
isms in the environment influences wound care. Lacerations
cold sensitivity, and sensory loss.22 Management of frostbite
and punctures in outdoor housed animals are typically con-
cases may be prolonged and can take months to heal. Addi-
taminated with a variety of bacteria, and infection is common
tional potential complications for NHP with frostbite include
without antibiotic treatment. In contrast, wounds in indoor
wound infection, rhabdomyolysis, tetanus, and a greater risk of
housed animals are often addressed before infection occurs,
subsequent cold-related injury.37 Frostbite should be prevented
making the use of antibiotics unnecessary. Wound characteristics
by implementation of housing practices that avoid temperature
such as extensive lacerations to the extremities can be associated
extremes and provide protection from cold, wind, and moisture.
with a higher incidence of infectious complications. It is essential
Bandaging to determine when the benefits of antimicrobial prophylaxis
Standard three-layer bandage techniques utilized across outweigh the associated risks such as potential antimicrobial
veterinary medicine of a primary contact dressing, secondary resistance, diarrhea, drug specific toxicities, and potential drug
absorptive layer, and tertiary outer layer can be modified when interactions.7 Bacterial culture with antibiotic sensitivity testing
applied to NHP, with the main consideration being the ability to should be submitted prior to initiating antibiotic treatment or
manipulate and remove bandages with greater ease than most to refine empirical antibiotic choices.
other veterinary patients. Various methods can be utilized to
Tetanus Prophylaxis.
reduce or prevent bandage removal or tampering by the patient
Infection with Clostridium tetani after injury is a risk for
such as extending bandages across the torso to an opposing
unvaccinated animals housed in naturalistic or outdoor environ-
limb, bandaging joints in a flexed rather than extended position,
ments. Spores can persist in contaminated soil and on fomites
securing bandages under primate jackets, and/or anxiolytic
for years and are usually introduced through contamination of
medications. Plastic syringe caps with holes for air exchange
existing wounds or penetrating injuries.2 A recent study demon-
may be secured over tail tip injuries. When bandage tampering
strated that, while any wound exposed to C. tetani may result
does occur, exposed digits or tails should be carefully assessed
in clinical manifestations, NHP housed outdoors with multiple
for signs of constriction from underlying bandage layers. If NHP
wounds or wounds on the tail or digits are more susceptible
are not trained for conscious manipulations either by presenta-
to infection.53 Given that culture of the organism is difficult,
tion of the injured area or chaired restraint, the frequency of
diagnosis is based on clinical signs of disease and vaccination
bandage changes should be considered in regard to number of
history.20 Treatment should focus on neutralization of toxin
sedation events and stage of wound healing. Bandaging should
via administration of tetanus antitoxin or immunoglobulin
not be a criterion for single housing. In the authors’ experience,
therapy, targeted antibiotic therapy, and supportive care tailored
social housing does not necessarily increase the incidence of
to specific patient needs.1,31 However, prevention of disease
bandage tampering by the patient or its cage mates.
in high-risk populations through routine immunization with
Special Considerations tetanus toxoid should be encouraged over management of the
Analgesia. disease.1,20
Many NHP show little reaction to painful wounds, and signs Alternative Methods of Wound Healing
of pain may not be evident unless there is severe injury. Anal-
Skin Grafts.
gesics should be given immediately for wounds with emphasis
Skin graft techniques are often used to cover large skin deficit
on multimodal pain control. Pain-relieving drugs should not be
wounds with minimal tension and suitable cosmetic results
withheld or underdosed as a means to deter suture picking or
when mobilization of skin is challenging, such as for extremi-
bandage removal. Opioids or NSAIDs may be given alone or
ties.3,14,28,33,46,48 Xenograft and allograft skin transplantation
in combination. Commercially available sustained-release or
can provide a temporary protective wound covering for large
highly concentrated versions of meloxicam and buprenorphine
skin defects and has been previously described in NHP.27,35
are thought to provide more than 24 hours of analgesia, but
Autologous skin graft techniques allow for permanent recon-
may be associated with localized complications at the injection
struction when other primary closure or skin flap reconstruction
site if specific instructions for injection technique are not fol-
options have failed or are impractical. Descriptions of both
lowed.8,17,36,39 Local anesthetics provide additional pain relief
full-thickness (FTSG) and split-thickness skin grafts (STSG) in
when administered as splash blocks into open wounds, or as
veterinary species have indicated a high overall complication
local ring or nerve blocks.13 A total dose for local anesthetics
rate with anatomic location and bandage-induced sloughing as
should be calculated to avoid toxicity in small NHP. Mixing a lo-
contributing factors.19,44,47,57 Stabilization of graft tissue can be
cal anesthetic with buprenorphine or epinephrine may increase
achieved with peripheral application of skin adhesive for STSG
the duration of action of the local block.12,38,51 Bupivacaine has
and subcutaneous tacking and peripheral sutures for FTSG.3
been used in combination with lidocaine in attempts to achieve
Once stabilized, a sterile, nonadherent dressing material should
faster onset of local anesthesia.1 However, lidocaine onset times
be applied over graft sites to provide a moist, protective environ-
may actually be delayed by changes in drug concentration and
ment, as any disruption within the first five days will damage
pH when the drugs are mixed; bupivacaine alone was found to
formation of vascular anastomoses resulting in graft failure.
have a similar onset of action to that of combinations of lidocaine
While STSG is more consistently successful compared to FTSG,
and bupivacaine.32,34,43,59 Tramadol has been used in combina-
it also carries the higher potential of long-term complications
tion with NSAID medications, but efficacy may be questionable.
such as contraction of graft/recipient beds, graft fragility, and
Tramadol has been shown to have low effectiveness for pain
poor cosmetic appearance due to lack of hair regrowth.3,48,50
management in humans and dogs.11,56 Oral formulations or
APV guidelines for wound management in NHPs

In the authors' experience, skin graft techniques in NHP can with unmanipulated teeth.45 Normal occlusion of the canines
be technically challenging due to friability of graft tissue and sharpens the teeth post-blunting in some animals29 as will active
complications of bandaging. tooth honing. To minimize injury, recommended alternatives to
dental surgery include behavioral assessment and modification,
Laser Therapy.
environmental enrichment, changes in group composition, and
The use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in wound healing
improved animal housing and handling techniques.5,58
has been described in animals and humans. Reported positive
effects include stimulation of angiogenesis, augmentation of col-
lagen synthesis, increased tensile strength, diminution of wound References
size, and reduced healing time.61 However, the few randomized, 1. Abee CR, K Mansfield, S Tardiff, T Morris, editors.
controlled trials on treatment of chronic wounds collectively 2012. Nonhuman primates in biomedical research, vol.
provide variable and inconclusive evidence of its efficacy.9,30,52 1: Biology and management, 2nd ed. San Diego (CA):
LLLT therapy remains controversial as a therapy due to poorly Academic Press.
understood biochemical mechanisms and a wide variety of 2. Abee CR, K Mansfield, S Tardiff, T Morris, editors.
recommended operation parameters.15 Use of LLLT in NHP 2012. Nonhuman primates in biomedical research, vol. 2:
can be used to promote tissue healing, reduce inflammation, Diseases, 2nd ed. San Diego (CA): Academic Press.
and alleviate pain from wounding.20 Given that effectiveness of 3. Adams DC, Ramsey ML. 2005. Grafts in dermatologic
treatment may require repetitive treatments over a prolonged surgery: Review and update on full- and split-thickness
time, use of positive reinforcement training can facilitate the grafts, free cartilage grafts, and composite grafts.
treatment of NHP with therapeutic laser while in their home Dermatol Surg 31:1055–1067.
enclosures to optimize wound care and minimize anesthesia. /j.1524-4725.2005.31831
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Entrapment. biomedical or behavioral research in the United States.
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desire to provide appropriately complex housing environments
to meet requirements of environmental enhancement plans for primates-used-in-biomedical-or-behavioral-research-in-
NHP, particularly in facilities with animal movement doors the-united-states/
utilizing mechanical controls such as hydraulic or pneumatic
5. American Veterinary Medical Association. [Internet].
mechanisms. Prior to implementation, all housing structures
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and enrichment devices should be thoroughly evaluated to
primates and carnivores. Available at: https://www.
ensure that items are free of sharp edges and openings that
could lead to entrapment. Enrichment should be distributed in
a manner so as to preclude animals from reaching through an
opening to procure the desired item. When opening or closing 6. Association of Primate Veterinarians. 2019.
animal access doors, staff should ensure that animals are not Socialization guidelines for nonhuman primates in
physically present in the door space and should be prepared to biomedical research. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 58:753–
stop door closure if an animal unexpectedly approaches during 754.
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procedures. Should entrapment of an animal or appendage oc- of 3 formulations of meloxicam in cynomolgus macaques
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Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
July 2022

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