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Answer key: Progress tests

UNIT 7 Writing

Grammar Content (maximum 4 points)

1  2 marks for each task.
1 least interesting  ½ a mark if part of a point is
2 fastest included but not developed.
3 more slowly
4 harder Form (maximum 2 points)
5 best  2 marks for correct invitation and
6 less difficult reply formats.
7 most politely  1 mark if only part of format is
8 happier used.
9 prettiest  0 marks if format is not used at
10 least successful all.

2 Range (maximum 2 points)

1 could  2 marks for using a good range of
2 didn’t vocabulary and structures.
3 didn’t  1 mark for using a reasonable
4 opened range of vocabulary and
5 would sell structures.
 0 marks for using a poor range of
3 vocabulary and structures.
1 did you
2 isn’t he Accuracy (maximum 2 points)
3 do they  2 marks for accuracy over 80%
4 doesn’t she
 1 mark for accuracy between 70
5 is there
and 80%
1 engaged
2 married
3 split
4 divorced
5 fancied

1B 2C 3A 4B 5A

1C 2A 3A 4C 5A

1F 2F 3T 4F 5T

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions Intermediate Tests 1

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