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progress test

Unit 6
Reading 4 In Hustle the con artists
A can be quite nasty.
1 Read the text.
B help poor people.

A career in lying C make a lot of money.

In the last year the viewing public have learned a great 5 The stories in Hustle
deal about a certain type of criminal in the extremely A are true.
successful TV series Hustle. The first Hustle DVD is
B are not straightforward.
released this week and it’s set to be a best-seller!
C are easy to understand.
Hustle is all about the adventures of a group of con
artists. Con artists are people who persuade rich people Mark /10
to give them lots of money to finance projects or plans
that do not exist! The ideas are often very complicated.
Sometimes the group create a real background for the
trick by hiring actors, offices or houses to persuade the 3 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
people they are conning that they are genuine. For them
lying is an art! 1 I’m going to try to give coffee next
In reality con artists are criminals, but in this series the
group take money from the rich for a reason. The rich A over   B  in   C up
person might have committed a crime themselves or 2 Our plans for travelling across Europe fell
might just be a really nasty person! However, unlike
the famous Robin Hood, who stole from the rich and
gave to the poor, the ‘Hustle’ group keep the money for A down   B  over   C through
themselves! 3 What time did you come from London
This is an excellent series and this DVD is a must for last night?
those who like their stories complicated but very, very A to   B  back   C out
4 Hold . I’ll be with you in a moment.
A up   B  on   C down
2 Choose the best answers.
5 Breaking on the motorway is one of
1 This text is my greatest fears!
A a news article about con artists. A down   B  up   C through
B educational. Mark /5
C giving a review.
2 The con artists in Hustle 4 Complete the sentences with the words in the
A are very creative.
balcony   basin   hedge   chandelier   path
B are genuine business people.
C are actors. 1 The neighbours argued about who should cut
3 Con artists in the real world the .

A steal money that isn’t theirs. 2 There was a good view of the sea from the
B work in offices.
3 The in our hotel room was blocked all
C give money to the poor.

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progress test

Unit 6
4 The restaurant has a beautiful 7 Rewrite the sentences with the indirect object as
hanging from the ceiling. a pronoun. Do not use to or for.
5 There’s a narrow from the garden 1 She taught English to our class when we were
down to the river. eleven.
Mark /5
2 Jack passed a note to Bill in class.
5 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. 3 She told a lie about her qualifications to me.
1 ‘My brother doesn’t think it’s a very good
idea,’ she said. 4 I always read a story to the children before
2 ‘A trip to London will be good for your English,’
Jack told me. 5 He played a new song by Mika to us.

3 ‘I’ve never had such a good meal,’ said Kate. Mark /5

4 ‘We’re looking for some new employees,’ he
8 Report the questions.
told me. 1 ‘Will you be long?’ he asked me.

5 ‘It was a really interesting journey,’ she said. 2 ‘How are you going to get to London next
week?’ my mum asked me.

Mark /5
3 ‘Have you seen Mary?’ Simon asked Tom.
6 Complete the sentences with can’t, must or
4 ‘What’s the time?’ Daniel asked his dad.
1 He have finished the test yet. It’s only

3.00 p.m.
5 ‘Did you go to the concert yesterday?’ Grace
2 He have left already. His car’s still
asked Jane.

3 She have told Fiona where she was
Mark /5
going. Let’s ask her if she did.
4 She have been shopping. The fridge
is full!
5 He have e-mailed the client this
morning but I’m not sure.
Mark /5

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progress test

Unit 6
9 3.06  Listen to a psychologist talking about
lying. Are the sentences true or false?
1 People often tell small lies.
2 Telling lies can be bad for your health.
3 Lying doesn’t get easier with practice.
4 You can never tell when someone is lying.

5 Body language can be a sign that someone is

telling a lie.
Mark /10

10 Imagine you have decided to spend a week at
a hotel in a big city. Write a formal letter to the
hotel to make a reservation for you and your
family. Include the following information:
• the dates of your stay
• the number of guests, and the number and
types of rooms you need
• ask for information about the hotel’s facilities
• ask for information about where the hotel is
and how to get there
• ask for confirmation of your reservation
Mark /10

Total /60

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