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Frumkin begins to return, and a passing of one of the clouds gives more sunlight

that breaks through what was previously a very dense, gray sky. As the light passes
between the small breaks in the tree canopies, the green comes to light with color,
numerous type of color. A rainbow of flowers, of pigments you've never really seen
before, begin to emerge as the light hits it. Nearly every inch of these gravesites
contain a smattering of rainbow colors across petal and stamen.

Ep 84
I know. →
Based on the journey, the tension, everything that's come your way, it is
strangely comforting, having a moment of quiet to breathe along the shoreline. →
An ocean that you only became familiar with for the first time, you know, about
months ago. →
As you guys finish your meal, you have a moment of quiet to look amongst
yourselves. →
Can I ask you a question, and you as well? →
Sure. →
I'm not a man of faith like the two of you. →
I know that there are gods on high who look down upon us and interact with the
mortal coil from time to time. →
But in my life, I have only ever felt like an ant. →
Finding my way about in the mud. →
Certainly, no feeling of... →
fate, no connection to that. →
But. →
Everything that is happening with this group of nine, continues to build. →
We are so different, all of us. →
Seemingly so little alike, and yet, for the first time in my life, I can't
shake the feeling that we have been pulled together, and that is a very foreign
thought to me. →
I knew that you had a destiny from the moment I met you. →
It's in everything you do. →
You are particular. →
I don't feel that. →
Well, it's a matter of perspective, I suppose. →
You were always moving towards something, since you-- since you've been who you
are. →
You're moving towards something, right? →
I have been. →
Well. →
It's kind of how-- how do I put this? So have you ever-- have you ever planted
a tree before? Or a plant, have you ever planted anything? Put anything in the
ground? →
A long time ago, yeah, plants. →
Yeah, what did you plant? →
Green beans. →
Green beans, perfect. →
So you put something in the ground. →
It didn't look like much. →
You knew what you were going to get at the end of it. →
You put this thing in the ground, and it's going to do what it's going to do. →
It doesn't know what it is. →
It doesn't know its purpose, but it's moving to green beans. →
The gods plant us, they plant their will and their desire, and we move towards
the fruit that we will eventually bear for them, if all goes well. →
That plant may not have made it, that plant may have fallen to a chill or
circumstance, been eaten by something that didn't appreciate what put it there. →
But destiny has planted you here and now, and it hopes that you will bear its
fruit. →
That's destiny. →
Don't look at me, I'm learning. →
The tree doesn't know what it's going to fruit. →
You don't know where you're headed, but you were put here, and I've always
known this, but I will admit, I have never felt it, as truly as I have since
meeting the rest of you. →
This is-- (sighs) This is... →
This is a garden. →
This is a good garden. →
A lot of manure. →
(chuckles) But a good garden. →
And what is the point of a chip if not just to douse it in vinegar? It's really
the only point of this. →
It's bland otherwise. →
That's true, yeah. →
Really has no other purpose. →
Does that help, Caleb? Well, at least it's worth pondering. →
What about you, are you ready to go chasing after Tharizdun? That's a real
sentence that I just said out loud. →
You did. →
You did. →
I am not ready for that. →
I admit, I haven't been ready for any of this. →
We've just sort of been falling forward, one foot catching our momentum after
the other. →
It's actually quite nice sitting like this. →
I can't really imagine what life would be like if we weren't trying to unravel
this incredible mystery. →
I'm sure calm will come again one day, but until then, listening to my friends,
we've been given an incredible opportunity to affect change, maybe change the
course of some things. →
I don't know if we'll do it, I don't even know how to start. →
Start by helping a friend. →
A very large part of me still feels that this is all stupid, that I should run
away and stick my head in the sand. →
This is not for us, for me. →
This is our death. →
Well, you are the smart one. →
You're also not wrong. →
But... →
I have started to forget what it was like to not be with you people. →
And we are missing one, and I am stuck on that, that we are missing one. →
It's good to know your goal, to really know it. →
It'll help you. →
I think the other part of it is, if you know everything that we know, and you
have a choice, do you choose not to act and sit by idly, letting the rest of your
life go by? Or do you act knowing full well that you might fail entirely? →
Well, I'm at least familiar with the concept of failure. →
I think I'm becoming comfortable with the idea of failing with you. →
Makes it a little less lonely. →
(chuckles) You two are all right. →
Getting better. →
You are as well. →
You should give yourself more credit. →
I know. →
Just think about it. →
I saw how hard it was for you in there, in the ball. →
You put others before yourself over and over again in there. →
That wasn't easy. →
It was very impressive. →
What's our next move? →
Oof. (laughs) →
Going to Zadash, maybe is what we will do, but it is complicated for me, Fjord,
to go to Zadash, to speak to this man. I don't know that I can do that. →
I'm not saying that we don't, but I don't know that I can do that. →
We're going to have to protect you while we're there. →
And I think we'll also need to listen to what it is you want to do in case we
run across any of the unsavory types we've met previously. →
Specifically, the ones that have it out for you. →
And we're going to have to get out as cleanly and quickly as possible. →
Or. →
What do you want to do? →
Hmm. →
Do you want to run? Or find some absolution? →
If we go there, I want to find any information from Hass. →
And leave. →
I don't need to get my (sighs) feet wet in that. →
We have a friend who needs us and we have something bigger, bigger than
anything, apparently, to deal with, so. →
First we save our friend. →
First we save our friend. →
Everything else will come. →
Agreed. →


Seems like mortality leads people to feel like they're rushing to some end.

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