CSTE Objective 1

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CSTE: Paper 1 Date: 1st March 2008

Duration: 45 mins

1. The money spent after the product is built but before moved into production is called
a. Testing cost
b.Failure cost
c.appraisal cost
d.prevention cost

2.Effort required modifying an operational program is called

a. Reusability
b. Flexibility
c. Maintainability
d. Integrity

3. In which level of CMM, results are predictable?

a. Level 1
b. Level 5
c. Level 4
d. ISO9001:2000

4.Who prepares test plan for user Acceptance testing?

a. Test manager
b. Developer and tester
c. Tester or user
d. only user

5. Among the following, which is not the part of stress testing?

a. Increase the load
b.decrease the disc space
c.adequacy of backup data
d.increase the transactions

6. Among the following which is not the static process?

a.walk through
c.code review
d.sanity testing

7.What is re- testing?

a.Testing only the fixed code
b.Testing the entire application after the fix.
c.Testing the basic functionality
d.sanity testing

8.Who does black box testing?


9.When the Testing can be stopped?

a.on reaching the schedule.
b.on reaching the optimal point.
c.When all the open defects are closed.
d.on reaching the prevention cost

10.which level of CMM is reached , when development of core competencies are


11. Which of this is comprehensive listening?

a. Directed at selecting specific pieces of information and not entire
b. Designed to get a complete message with minimal distortion.
c. The listener is sympathetic to listener’s point of view.
d. The listener is performing an analysis of what speaker said.

12. During a proposal presentation you should:

a. Emphasize that you have the best solution to the customer’s problems
b. Emphasize that your project team is well equipped to implement the
c. Sell the corporate experience of your project staff and yourself
d. Sell your enthusiasm to do the project effectively, efficiently, and
e. All the above

13. is a design, implementation or operation flaw that may be exploited by a

threat to cause destruction or misuse of its assets or resources?

a) Risk
b) Threat
c) Vulnerability
d) Control
14. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of Risk?

a) Inherent in every project

b) Something to fear, but not something to manage
c) Probability of Loss
d) Neither intrinsically good nor bad

15. Which one of these is not a method for conducting risk analysis?

a) Cost of Quality
b) Risk Assessment Package
c) Identification and Weighting of Risk Attributes
d) Judgment & Instinct

16. Which one of these is not a Testing Risk?

a) Test Environment
b) No of Qualified Test Resource
c) New Technology
d) None of the above

17. is the process in which one or more individuals state they believe the risk is
greater than the cost of controls.

a) Consensus
b) Risk Formula
c) Intuition/Judgment
d) None of the above

18. --------- details like what type of tests must be conducted, what stages of testing are required
and then outline the sequence and timing of tests
a. Test design
b. Test schedules
c. Test objectives
d. Test scope

19. Which testing is method to test all integrated components of an information system?
a. Integration testing
b. System testing
c. Acceptance testing
d. None of the above

20. At what phase, test plan defines and communicates test requirements and the amount of
testing needed.
a. Design
b. Analysis
c. Coding
d. Testing
21.The condition that represents a potential for loss to an organization is called:
a. Risk
b. Exposure
c. Threat
d. Control
e. Vulnerability

22.A flaw in a software system that may be exploited by an individual for his or her advantage is called:
a. Risk
b. Risk analysis
c. Threat
d. Vulnerability
e. Control

23.A major obstacle for deployment of wireless network is in the

b.Data security
d ease of use
d.All of the above except c
e.all of a,b,c,d are correct

24.Hand held and internet enabled devices are example of

a.electronic equipment
b.Wireless Communication methods

25.Risk associated with new technology is

a.Technology is defective
b.New Testing tools
c.New Documentation
d.New communication methods

26.A system in which majority of processing is executed on the client side is called
c.fat client
d.both b and c

27.The conduct of business on the Internet is called

a.e commerce
b.Information Technology
c.Web based business
d.None of the above

28.Bluetooth is a
a.Access Point
b.Client adapter
c.Broadband Wireless

29.A specific event that might cause an undesirable event to occur

a. Risk
b. Exposure
c. Threat
d. Control
e. Vulnerability

30.There is a risk that products shipped will not be invoiced. If we

were to assume that an average of two products will be shipped per day and not be invoiced and
the average billing per invoice is $500, then the risk associated with not invoicing shipments is

a.$1,000 per day

b.$250 per day

31.Detective controls include

a.data transmission
c.output checks
d.All of the above
e.Only a and b

32.Which model contains Internal Environment,Objective setting and event identification component?
a.COSO ERM Model
b.COSO Internal Control Model
c.CobiT Model
d.e-buiness Model

33. Accountability of s/w Acceptance belongs to the customer whose responsibilities


a. Prepare the Acceptance plan

b. Approve interim s/w products against criteria at interim points
c. Plan how and by whom each acceptance activity will be performed
d. all of the above

34. Who makes the decision whether the developed software can be accepted and can be
placed into production?
a. Developer
b. Test Manager
c. Customer/User
d. Tester

35. Accpetance testing ensures that the developed s/w is FIT for use . In four components
of a FIT software, Reliability is included in
      a. Data
      b. People
      c. Structure
      d. Rules

36. Which one of these tasks is not to be considered while building test plan?
a. From the Test Team
b. Understand the Project Risks
c. Build the Test Team
d. None of the above
37. Anything that tends to cause the reduction of Risk is known as
a) Control
b) Risk
c) Threat
d) Vulnerability

38. ------------------------- Scripting determines unchanged portions of systems remain unchanged

when system is changed
1. Pseudoconcurrency scripting
2. Stress scripting
3. Regression scripting
4. Integration testing

39. Which of the following are not included in integration testing?

a) Test the client components
b) Test the server components
c) Test the network components
d) Test the components separately

40. Which one of the following is not a general principle of Defect Management Process?
a) The Primary Goal is to prevent defects
b) Defect Management Process should be Risk Driven
c) Capture and Analysis of information should be automated
d) Defect Information should be used to improve the process
e) None of the above

41. Which of the following is not a key element of Defect Management Process?
a) Defect Prevention
b) Defect Tracking
c) Defect Discovery
d) Defect Resolution
e) None of the above

42. John is told to prepare a report on the most commonly occurring product defects. He reviews
the software defect reports, which categorize the defects as Coding errors, Requirement errors,
documentation errors, etc. The best tool to report this information is:

a) A Scatter plot
b) A Pareto diagram
c) A Histogram
d) A Cause and Effect Diagram

43. Test Result data will include which of the following

a) Test factors
b) Business Objectives
c) Interface Objective
d) All of the above

44. While preparing the Acceptance Criteria, the user should

a) Acquire full knowledge of the application
b) Become fully acquainted with the application
c) Understand the Risks and Benefits
d) Understand the consequences of adding new functions
e) All the above

45. ______________ is responsible for implementing the plan and for assuring that the plan's
objectives are met.
a) Tester
b) Developer
c) Acceptance Manager
d) All of the above

46. __________ is the final opportunity for the buyer to examine the software and to seek redress
from the developer for insufficient or incorrect software
a) Acceptance Testing
b) Unit Testing.
c) System testing.
d) Integration Testing.

47. It is whose responsibility that acquired software meets the needs of

their organization.
a) Management
b) Tester
c) Contractor
d) All of the above

48. Contractor is one who

a) develop the software
b) acquire the software
c) test the software
d) none of the above

49. A specific event that might cause an undesirable event to occur is a

a) Risk
b) Exposure
c) Threat
d) Control

50. Which controls primarily collect evidence that can be utilized in determining why a particular
problem has occurred?

a) Preventive
b) Corrective
c) Detective
d) None of the above

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