ZXONE 8X00 SOSCB Board Common Command

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ZXONE 8X00 SOSCB Board Common Command

Description V1.1
Zhang Qiao (ID: 00092118)

1 Common Commissioning
Commands Provided by the

1.1 Logging into the SOSCB

Log in to the SOSCB through telnet or serial interfaces.

Through telnet: run the telnet 9023 command (

indicates the actual IP address of the SOSCB).
Login: zte
Password: zte

Then, you enter the admin shell. Run the cd 0 or sh 0 command to enter
the management process shell. Run the cd 1 or sh 1 command to enter the
app shell, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1-1 admin shell

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Figure 1-2 Management process shell

Figure 1-3 app shell

When the actual IP address of the SOSCB is unknown or the telnet

operation fails, you can try logging in to the SOSCB through serial
interfaces. The connection configuration for login through serial interfaces is
described in the following figure.

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Figure 1-4 Configuring Parameters in Case of Logging in to the SOSCB

through Serial Interfaces

1.2 Checking All the JOB Information


Figure 1-5 All the JOB Information Registered

1.3 Checking All the Tasks


Figure 1-6 Private Tasks Enabled

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1.4 Checking the Board Production Information


Figure 1-7 Checking the Board Production Information

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2 Private Commands under APP


2.1 Checking the System Status

[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin]# sysstate

The options for the running status of the system are: normal, alarm, not
configured, self-check failure and so on.

Figure 2-8 Running Status of the System

2.2 Checking the Version Information

There are two ways to check the version information:

[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin]# modulever
[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin] #version

Figure 2-9 Running the modulever Command to Query the Version Information
of the Module

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Figure 2-10 Running the version Command to Query the Version Information
of Each Operating Component in the Board

2.3 Checking and Modifying the Production

Sequence Information

Run the following command to check the production sequence information:


Figure 2-11 Checking the Board Production Sequence Information

Run the following commands to modify the production sequence

[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin] #Usr_SetBrdPhyInfo(0x101,2) /* Nx*/
[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin] #Usr_SetBrdPhyInfo(0x102,2) /* Mx*/
[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin]# Usr_SetBrdPhyInfo(0x103,0x0025) /* YYY*/
[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin] #Usr_SetBrdSN_PN_PCBInfo
("SN1-111111111","PN2-222222222","PCB:10-07") /* PN/SN/PCB */

Check the production sequence information after the modification.

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Figure 2-12 After Modifying the Production Sequence Information

2.4 Checking the LINK Status of the Port


Figure 2-13 Checking the link Status of 8 Ports

2.5 Checking and Setting the Communication

Configuration Information of 8 Ports

Description: The above command is executed to query the communication

configuration information of 8 ports and the NE IP address.

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[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin#]ipcfg [index ipaddr mask areaid type]

Description: The above command is executed to modify the IP address,

mask, area ID, and port type of the port.
[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin]#ipcfg [index 0]

Description: The above command is executed to clear the configuration

information of one port.
[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin]#ipcfg [ ipclr]

Description: The above command is executed to clear the configuration

information of all ports.

Note: when the NE can manage the SOSCB properly, the modifications by
the ipcfg command cannot take effect after the board is reset.

Figure 2-14 Communication Configuration Information and agent ip Information

of 8 Ports

Figure 2-15 Modifying the Configuration Information of Port 7

Check the configuration information after the modification.

Figure 2-16 Clearing the Configuration of Port 6

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Check the configuration information after the modification.

Figure 2-17 Clearing the Configuration of 8 Ports

Check the configuration information after the modification.

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2.6 Checking and Setting the Communication

Configuration Information of 48 Ports

Description: The above command is executed to query the communication

configuration information of 48 ports.
[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin]#esccfg [id ipaddr mask areaid type]

Note: Description: The above command is executed to modify the IP

address, mask, area ID, and port type of the port.
[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin]#esccfg [id 0]

Description: The above command is executed to clear the configuration

information of one port.
[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin]#esccfg [escclr]

Description: The above command is executed to clear the configuration

information of all ports.

Note: If IP address of electrical supervision port 1 or 4 is modified on the

EMS, the modification by the essccfg command will be covered. In other
cases, the modification still take effect after the board is reset.

Figure 2-18 Communication Configuration Information of 48 Ports

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Figure 2-19 Modifying the Configuration Information of Port 56

Check the configuration information after the modification.

Figure 2-20 Clearing the Configuration of Port 53

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Check the configuration information after the modification.

Figure 2-21 Clearing the Configuration of 48 Ports

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Check the configuration information after the modification.

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2.7 Reading and Writing the IIC

Iicrd: This command is executed to read the IIC device register.

Iicwr: This command is executed to write the IIC device register.

Figure 2-22 Checking the EEPROM Register

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Figure 2-23 Checking the 1388 Register

Figure 2-24 Checking the SFP A0 Register

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Figure 2-25 Checking the SFP A2 Register

2.8 Reading and Writing the Register

Memd: This command is executed to read the register.

Memw: This command is executed to write the register.

The address range supporting access is: 0x67000000 ~ 0x6e200000.

Figure 2-26 Reading and Writing the Register

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2.9 Reading and Writing the PHY

PhyRead: This command is executed to read the DP, 5248 and 8305 PHY.

PhyWrite: This command is executed to write the DP, 5248 and 8305 PHY.

Figure 2-27 Reading the DP83640 register

Figure 2-28 Reading the 5248 Register

Figure 2-29 Reading the 8305 Register

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2.10 Checking the Configuration Information of

the PPS+FE Port
[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin]# PpsInfo

Figure 2-30 Configuration Information of the External Time Port

2.11 Checking the Configuration Information of

the PTP Port
[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin]# PtpPort 0

Figure 2-31 Configuration Information of 5 PTP Ports

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2.12 Checking the Send Packet Number and

Receive Packet Number on the PTP Port
[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin]# PtpPktNum para1 para2

The Para1 parameter is the flag of send or receive packet. The value 0
indicates the send packet while the value 1 indicates the receive packet.

The Para2 parameter is the flag of port. The value from 1 to 4 indicates
optical ports from 1 to 4, and the value 5 indicates the FE electrical port.

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2.13 Checking the IRQ2 Statistics

Figure 2-32 SMI Interrupts Counts

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2.14 Checking the IRQ4 Statistics

Figure 2-33 PPS In/Out Interrupts Counts

2.15 Checking the ZDP Statistics

Figure 2-34 ZDP Statistics of 6 Ports

2.16 Checking the Multicast Route Information

Figure 2-35 Multicast Route Information

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2.17 Checking the PPPOE Statistics

Figure 2-36 PPPOE Statistics of 6 Ports

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2.18 Checking the PPP Statistics

Figure 2-37 PPP Statistics of 6 Ports

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2.19 Checking the GNE Information

Figure 2-38 GNE Information and NAT Information

2.20 Enable the Packet Sending/Receiving

Switch on the S Port

During the fault location, you should check the packets on the S port
frequently. The common packet sending/receiving switch on the S Port is
provided here. The called S port packets indicate those responded by CPU
of the SOSCB. However, the packets received by CPU of the SOSCB
cannot be printed (you can check the packets sent and received by the
SOSCB through capturing the agent packets). To check the S port packets
of other service boards passing by the SOSCB, perform the mirroring
function. When this function is not needed, please disable it.

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[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin] Usr_SetPrintScmdtext(1) Enable

[M2SOSCBD4APP1.bin] Usr_SetPrintScmdtext(0) Disable

2.21 Checking the Queue Property

The communication between processes of the SOSCB is by means of

queue. You can run the mqgetattr command to check the queue property.

2.22 Querying the Board Type

2.23 Querying Important Data of the Board

You can also query the important data on the EMS, as shown in the
following figure. The result is consistent.

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2.24 Querying Private Important Data of the


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2.25 Checking the Memory

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2.26 Querying the Used Space of the FLASH

2.27 Querying the CPU Usage

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2.28 Querying the Running Time of the Board

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2.29 Querying the Performance Alarm Status

2.30 Querying the FPGA Loading Status

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2.31 Querying the FPGA ID

2.32 Querying the SFP Online Status

2.33 Querying the LOS Status of the Optical


2.34 Querying the Status of the Laser Switch

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2.35 Querying the Test Tooling Result: (to be


Currently, test tooling only supports testing the 21M clock loopback and
Ethernet communication. If the return result is 1, it indicates that the test is
passed; if the return result is 2, it indicates that the test is not passed. For
detailed information, refer to Description of Interfaces for the Test of
Dynamically Aging ZXONE 8300 SOSCB Board.

Figure 2-39 Querying the Test Tooling Result

3 Common Commands under


3.1 Logging in to the Management Process


Log in to port 9023 through telnet to enter the admin shell. Then run the cd
0 or sh 0 command to enter the management process shell.

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Figure 3-40 plat shell

3.2 Querying the Version Information of the


PrintModuleVersion(1): This command is executed to check the information

about a software module registered.

PrintVersion(): This command is executed to check the management

process and the version information of the bsp.

Figure 3-41 Version Information

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4 Common Commands under SDK


4.1 Entering the SDK SHELL

You can log in either through telnet or through serial interfaces.

Through telnet: run the telnet 10000 command (

indicates the actual IP address of the SOSCB).

Figure 4-42 Entering the BBSH

Then type 1 to enter the SDK SHELL.

Figure 4-43 Entering the SDK SHELL

If you log in to the board through serial interfaces, you can press CTRL+N
to switch to the BBSH. Then type 1 to enter the SDK SHELL.

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Figure 4-44 Entering the SDK SHELL through Serial Interfaces

4.2 Checking the Send Packet Count and

Receive Packet Count of 9 Ports
BCM.0>g grpkt
BCM.0>g gtpkt

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Figure 4-45 Send Packet Count and Receive Packet Count of 9 Ports

4.3 Checking the Network Route of the Chip

BCM.0>l3 defip show

Figure 4-46 Network Route

4.4 Checking the Host Route of the Chip

BCM.0>l3 l3table show

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Figure 4-47 Host Route

4.5 Checking the L3 Interface Information

BCM.0>l3 intf show

Figure 4-48 L3 INTF Information

4.6 Checking the Mapping between the Chip

Port and Protocol Stack Port

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Figure 4-49 Mapping between Ports

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4.7 Checking the MAC Address Related to the

BCM.0>l2 show

Figure 4-50 MAC Address Table

4.8 Checking the COS Configuration

BCM.0>cos show

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Figure 4-51 COS Configuration Information

4.9 Checking the Chip Multicast Information

BCM.0>ipmc table show

Figure 4-52 Multicast Route Information of the Chip

4.10 Checking the VLAN Configuration of the

Port on the Chip

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Figure 4-53 Default VLAN IDs of 9 Ports

4.11 Checking the VLAN Information of the Chip

BCM.0>vlan show

Figure 4-54 VLAN Configuration Information of the Chip

5 Common Commands under BBSH

5.1 Logging in to the BBSH

Login through telnet: run the telnet 9023 command

( indicates the actual IP address of the SOSCB).

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Figure 5-55 Entering the BBSH

5.2 Querying the Route Information

Figure 5-56 Route Information of the Protocol Stack

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5.3 Checking the Startup Information of the

Board Process

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5.4 Comparison between Common Commands

on the SOSC and SOSCB
SOSC Command SOSCB Command Notes

Because the platform is

changed, the displayed
Under BBSH, type ifconfig.
If –a content of the SOSCB is
Under APP SHELL, type ifconfig.
different from that of the

The two commands are

Ipcfg Under APP SHELL, type ipcfg.
the same.

The two commands are

Route Under BBSH, type route.
the same.

Under APP SHELL, type The two commands are

static_route. the same.

Combine the SOSC’s

command gnei and
GNE Command Under APP SHELL, type gnei.
command gnei nat.

Multicast Route The two commands are

Under APP SHELL, type mr.
Command the same.

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