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Here is the checklist/guide sheet for week of May 11, 2020.

We will be completing the Light Waves Unit

for Amplify this week.

The purpose of Chapter 3 is to give you experiences to find all the evidence needed to explain why the
skin cancer rate in Australia is so high.

Chapter 4 is mostly not doable out of the classroom EXCEPT for the End of Unit Assessment.
Amplify: Light Waves Chapter 3: More Light Interactions.
MAKE SURE you are using GOOGLE CHROME when using Amplify! Otherwise, the
simulations may not work!

Lesson 3.1: Following the Path of Light.

off Tasks
Act 1: Warm Up: Do and HAND IN.
Act 2: Hands On: Skip it.
Act 3: Sim: Testing Glass and Aluminum Foil. After making your predictions on Page 1 of this activity,
use the Sim to complete the investigation on page 2. Make sure to record your results. Then answer the
questions on the bottom of page 2. Give details by describing at least 2 examples from your sim
investigation. HAND IN.
Act 4: HW: HW: Annotate as you read the 'How Fiber-optic Communication Works', (The article should
load automatically but may take a minute). Answer the 2 questions at the bottom of the activity page and

Lesson 3.2: What Eyes Can See.

Act 1: Warm Up: Do and Hand In.
Act 2: Active Reading of “What Eyes Can See.” Remember to click and drag over words to highlight
and/or place a notation. (You will HAND IN annotations on 2nd page of Act 3.)
Video: Copy this link ( into a Google Search to view
the YouTube Life Noggin video “How Do Your Eyes See Color?”). You can also just Google “Life
Noggin How do your eyes see color?” to find the video on YouTube. (There is no Hand In for this activity,
but the information in the video is well presented, important, and interesting).
Video: Copy this link ( into a Google Search to view the
YouTube BuzzFeed Nifty video “Your Eyes Don’t See Color”).
You can also just Google “BuzzFeed Nifty Your eyes don’t see color” to find the video on YouTube.
(There is no Hand In for this activity, but the information in the video is well presented, important, and
Act 3: Student to Student: Discussing Annotations: Go to page 2 of this activity. Your article annotations
should load automatically. Answer the prompt and then HAND IN.
Act 4: HW: Read ‘Making Waves at Swim Practice’ and answer question. Hand In

Lesson 3.3: Reflection, Transmission, and Energy.

Act 1: Warm Up: Do and HAND IN
Act 2: Sim: Energy in Reflection and Transmission. Do and HAND IN.
Act 3: Reading “What Eyes Can See”: Complete the 2 statements and HAND IN.
Act 4: HW: Do and HAND IN.
Act 5: HW: "Why No One in Space Can Hear You Scream": Read the article (you do not have to
annotate it) then answer the 3 questions and HAND IN.

Lesson 3.4: Critical Juncture Assessment. Skip entire lesson!!

Lesson 3.5: Light and the Atmosphere.
Act 1: Warm Up: Do and HAND IN.
Act 2: Sim: Light traveling through the Atmosphere: Do and HAND IN.
Act 3: TLD: examine the diagrams and the information given about them. There is no Hand In for this
activity, but it provides important information visually.
Act 4: Act 4: HW: Family HW Experience: Optional

Lesson 3.6: Explaining Australia's Skin Cancer Rate.

Act 1: Warm Up: Do and HAND IN
Act 2: Modeling Tool: Read the data table given on page 1 of this activity! It provides important
information towards understanding why the skin cancer rate is higher in Australia than Brazil. There is no
Hand In for this activity!
Act 3: Writing: Do and HAND IN.
Act 4: HW: Writing an Argument about Australia's Skin Cancer Rate. Use details covered/discovered in
this unit about light, its impact on materials as well as atmosphere's impact on light to clearly explain and
support your conclusion regarding Australia's skin cancer rate compared to Brazil's.
Act 5: NOT optional!!!!!!! Self-Assessment: Complete all 4 statements and make sure to give specific
information you now know that supports your choice! HAND IN.

Amplify: Light Waves Chapter 4: Science Seminar.

off Tasks
Lesson 4.1: Skip It
Lesson 4.2: Skip It
Lesson 4.3: Skip It
Lesson 4.4: End of Unit Assessment.
Act 1: 16 Multiple Choice Questions: Do and HAND IN.
Act 2: Written Response #1: Do and HAND IN.
Act 3: Written Response # 2: Do and HAND IN.

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