Assignment 3

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Capital University of Science & Technology

Food Delivery System

The Group
Riyan Irfan (BSE193032)
Fatima Hanif (BSE193003)
Maliaka Saleem (BSE183110)
Date: 25 April, 2021.
Section: S2.
Course: Software Requirement Engineering
Submitted to: Sir Ibrar Arshad
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Functional Requirements ................................................................................................................ 2
Sign up ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Login ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Display menu .............................................................................................................................. 2
Modify the menu ......................................................................................................................... 3
Select food items ......................................................................................................................... 3
Select the quantity ....................................................................................................................... 3
Review order ............................................................................................................................... 3
Payment....................................................................................................................................... 3
Provide delivery time and confirmation ..................................................................................... 3
Logout ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Non Functional Requirements ........................................................................................................ 3
Availability ................................................................................................................................. 3
Security ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Portability.................................................................................................................................... 3
Maintainability ............................................................................................................................ 3
Performance ................................................................................................................................ 3
Efficient....................................................................................................................................... 3
Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 3
User friendly ............................................................................................................................... 3
Privacy ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Reliability.................................................................................................................................... 4
Mapping of Functional requirements to Non-Functional requirements ......................................... 4
Elicitation techniques used in our system ....................................................................................... 5
Brainstorming ............................................................................................................................. 5
Questionnaire .............................................................................................................................. 5
Prototyping .................................................................................................................................. 5

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Food Delivering System is an application which will help restaurant to optimized and control over
their restaurants. For the waiters, it is making life easier because they don’t have to go kitchen and
give the orders to chef easily. For the management point of view, the manager will able to control
the restaurant by having all the reports to hand and able to see the records of each employees and
This application helps the restaurants to do all functionalities more accurately and faster way. Food
Delivering System reduces manual works and improves efficiency of restaurant. This application
is helping Food Ordering to maintain the stock and cash flows and there are many more
functionalities, like.
 To store records
 Control orders and services.
 Billings.
 Control staff and their shifting.
 Control multiple branches.
 Helps Manager to control each part of the restaurant.

The main goal is to maintain the restaurant’s functions in an effective and accurate manner and
also it is reducing the use of manual entries. This software helps food orders to maintain day to
day records in system. It is keeping a proper record of the database.

With the improvement of technology, online food ordering systems are becoming a popular topic.
That's because they are serving the ever increasing demand for convince. The main purpose of an
online ordering system is to provide customers for a way to place an order at a restaurant over the

The main reason is that it benefits both the customer and the business. With a website or mobile
app, customers can easily browse all the dishes the restaurant has available, customize dishes to
their requirements and place an order. It can also save their favorite orders allowing them to easily
re-order that in the future. From the restaurants perspective, they no longer spend time taking the
customers order, stop worrying about communication errors and streamline their order
management workflow.

Functional Requirements
Sign up
First a fall user will sign up if he or she wants to order food, unregistered users can't order food.
After signing up, users have to login by entering her name, email ,address,phone number and also
set the password.
Display menu
When user login on the front page the menu was displayed with their rates.

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Modify the menu
System can make changes if anything in the menu is not available.
Select food items
Customer will select the food which he or she wants to order.
Select the quantity
Users will select the quantity of food.
Review order
The order is submitted after reviewing customer name, phone number and location.
There are many types of secure billing for customers like debit or credit card,postpaid as after
delivering ,check or bank draft.
Provide delivery time and confirmation
The bill is generated, order number, delivery time and payment is given and confirmation of
delivery is done.
After the payment and receiving order the customer will logout.

Non Functional Requirements

By using a web browser the customer can access the system. The system is only restricted when
the server is down.
Customer information is secure
The system can easily run on more than one platform.
The database is maintained by using a commercial database and tha application server can take
care of it.
There should be a fast performance.
The system should be efficient so it won't hang during heavy traffic or load.
The data should not be lost in the database of the system.
User friendly
The system should be easy to use by the customer.

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Personal data should not show to anyone of the system.
The ability of the system to behave consistently in a user acceptable manner when operating within
the environment.

Mapping of Functional requirements to Non-Functional requirements

Functional Requirement Non-Functional Non-Functional

Requirement Requirement Category
Customer should be able to The viewed items can be
search different food items. filtered by name, price, and Ease and use/usability
Customers should be able to Maximum 30 items can be
add and delete the food items added to cart. Capacity
in the cart.
Customers should be able to Sign up can be done through
sign up to the system if he/she phone number and any social Portability
is using the system for the first media or email account.
Customer should be able to Order will only be placed
place the order after scrolling when the customer will enter
through different items. the confirmation code sent on Security
the phone number or email by
the system.
Customer should be able to The exact location of the order
track his/her order on the map. should be shown on the map. Integrity

Customer should be able to Password should contain one

login if he/she already has an special character and one Security
account. number in it.
Manager should be able to System will have all the order
view total payment received details placed on any searched Efficiency
every day. date.
Customer should be able to Order will only be cancelled if
cancel the order. it is not dispatched and the
payment method is cash on Security
delivery otherwise the order
can’t be cancelled and the
customer has to pay.

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Elicitation techniques used in our system
Techniques used for our scenario are;

 Brainstorming
 Questionnaire
 Prototyping

Brainstorming: In our system, brainstorming helps us in a way that we go through with the
existing systems and then think how we can produce something better than this existing one. It is
used to generate ideas to solve clearly defined design problems. In the starting, the main focus is
on ideas, people generate as many ideas as possible without focusing on single mode. Then discuss
every idea openly and add more functionalities on the basis of vote. Due to no restrictions or open
discussion, every stakeholder tells innovative ideas.

Questionnaire: We make a questionnaire in which there are some questions related to a food
delivery system with possible options so that one should fill the form and we are able to understand
the customer demand. It is a research instrument that consist of specific questions which will be
answered by users. It allows you to get feedback about a product or a service, or collect data. It
allows you to reach as many people as you want quickly and easily. Questionnaire can be thought
of as kind of written interview. It is used to clear the doubts of users.

Prototyping helps us in a way that we work on the user interface and by having different
prototypes we can select more attractive and innovative version for our final output. It is a working
model which is partial implementation of a product expressed either logically or physically with
all external interfaces. It helps designers and developers build partial product implementations,
which potential end-users or customers use to provide feedback to the development team. It is
similar to storyboarding. The main purpose is to satisfy customers. Prototyping can provide
significant time and cost saving. It provides visual representation to user.

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