Monroe Doctrine - A Cartoon Analysis: Document #1

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Monroe Doctrine – A Cartoon Analysis

Directions: Study the cartoons below very carefully and answer the questions on the accompanying sheet.

President Monroe Enforces the Monroe Doctrine – 1823

President James Monroe boldly proclaimed the Western Hemisphere closed to European colonization! If Europe
observed this, the U.S. would not intervene in Europe’s affairs. (A conditional Neutrality Proclamation)




“…the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, …are
henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers…”
-Monroe Doctrine, 1823
1. What does the man on the left represent? What does the man on the right represent?

2. Why are the men tied together? What do the ties represent?

3. On the bottom of the cartoon, the phrase “They can’t fight,” is printed. What does this suggest about a
possible solution to the problem the men above are having?

4. Who does the large chicken represent? How do you know?

5. What the chickens on the left represent? What do the chickens on the right represent?

6. What is the significance of the large chicken standing in between the groups?

7. What does the dog represent? Why is it behaving badly – as a “mad dog”?

8. The wall is called the Monroe Doctrine. Why is the wall a good metaphor for the Monroe Doctrine?

9. What might President Monroe do to European leaders attempting to cross the wall to manipulate this
event? What part of the picture led you to this conclusion?

10. Who is the man in the black suit? How do you know?
11. Why are all the men in the cartoon standing in the Atlantic Ocean?

12. According to the quote below the cartoon, what are the European powers prohibited to do in the
American Continents?

13. In your own words, explain the intent of the Monroe Doctrine. What was the purpose of President
Monroe’s words? Cite the documents that helped you come to this conclusion in your answer.

14. Why was it in the interest of the United States to eliminate European influence in the Western
Hemisphere? What can Americans gain from this? Cite the documents that helped you come to this
conclusion in your answer.

15. Do you think President Monroe is more concerned with the

sovereignty* of these countries or with possible economic * Sovereignty – A nation’s ability
gain from trading freely with them? Explain. to independently govern itself,
without interference from other
national governments.
16. Predict: How did the Monroe Doctrine affect the economic future of European countries?** (What is
happening to mercantilism?)
** Remember: European nations
have never colonized any lands in
North, Central, or South
America since 1823.

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