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Activity 5: Application of Vocabulary

Directions: Answer each question in 1-2 complete sentences. Make sure that you use the underlined
vocabulary word in your answer.

1. What is an abominable crime? Explain why it is an abomination in the culture of the United States.

a phrase used in older legal reports to denote SODOMY, SOdomy, or BESTIALITY. In the United States there are many shootings,
that's why it's an abomination.

2. Name one audacious thing you’ve done for a friend or with a friend. Describe the situation.

There's one audacious moment I've done with friends and that's climbing a mountain.

3. What is a calamity that would disrupt travel and cause problems across the United States? Describe the situation.

There are many calamities. Although it is rare, natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, tornadoes or earthquakes
can occur during the trip. Natural disasters can seriously injure large numbers of people, contribute to the spread of some
diseases, disrupt sanitation, and disrupt normal public services.

4. Would you want to be friends with a capricious person? Why or why not?

be friends with a capricious person not because they can go to extremes just to achieve their minimum desires.

5. For a long time, calling a man effeminate has been seen as an insult. What does this tell you about the expectations for men
in our culture?
Many men pretend to be effeminate nowadays.

6. List two characteristics of a good emissary and explain why you chose each.

to negotiate or to gather information I think these would be good characteristics of a good emissary.

Unit 4: Things Fall Apart 1

Unless otherwise noted, this content is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
7. Describe a time you inadvertently left an appliance on or a door open. Explain what happened.

An inadvertently moment was one day when we left the house in a bit of a hurry and I left the house last and I thought I would
leave the door closed but no and when we came back we realized that it was open

8. Name something you created or put together that was intricately designed, like a puzzle, lego set, or rap song.
What made it intricate?

A while ago I made a very intricate puzzle. What made it intricate was that its pieces were so small.

9. What is your plan to achieve prosperity? Describe or explain why.

My key to achieve prosperity is to study a good career and to have good health is to eat well and exercise.

10. If given the following ultimatum, how would you respond?

“You can have your smartphone or a car, but you can’t have both. Make a choice.”

My ultimatum will be to choose the car since it will help you a lot in your life, such as going shopping for a walk, etc.

Unit 4: Things Fall Apart 2

Unless otherwise noted, this content is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

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