Gerunds and Infinitives Part 1 (Assignment)

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7.1 Gerunds
Exercise 1. Complete each sentence with a preposition and a form of go.
1. We thought about going to the beach.
2. We talked ___________ there.
3. We’re interested __________ there.
4. My family is excited ___________there.
5. The children insisted __________ there.
6. They’re looking forward _________ there.
7. The rain prevented us __________ there.
8. A storm kept us __________ there.

Exercise 2. Complete each sentence with a preposition and a form of the verb in the

Situation 1: An airplane flight.

1. Two children are excited (take) about taking their first flight.
2. They have been looking forward (be) ________ above the clouds.
3. A first-time flyer is worried (fly) __________ in stormy weather.
4. One passenger is blaming another passenger (spill) ________his coffee.
5. A man is complaining (have) ____________ an aisle seat rather than a window seat.
6. The pilot was late, but he had an excuse (be) __________ late.
7. The co-pilot will be responsible (fly) ____________ the plane.
8. Security personnel are prohibiting a woman (get) ___________on the flight.
Situation 2: At a police station.
9. The teenager has been accused (steal) _________a purse.
10. An elderly woman said he was responsible (take) _________ it.
11. The police are blaming him (do) ___________ it.
12. The teenager said he was trying to prevent someone else (take) __________ it.
13. He is upset. The police are listening to the woman instead (listen) ___________ to his
version of the story.
14. He has not yet succeeded (convince) ____________ the police of his innocence.
Exercise 3. Complete each sentence with an appropriate preposition and the -ing form of
the given verb.
1. Look Alice isn’t interested in looking for a new job.
2. Do You are capable __________ better work.
3. Have I ’m accustomed ___________ a big breakfast.
4. Help Thank you __________ me carry my suitcases.
5. Know Mrs. Grant insisted __________ the whole truth.
6. Be I believe __________ honest at all times.
7. Live You should take advantage _________ here.
8. go, not Fatima had a good reason _________ to class yesterday.
9. Search Everyone in the neighborhood participated ________ for the lost child.
10. Make I apologized toYoko ___________ her wait for me.
11 . Go In addition___________ to school full-time, Spiro has a part-time job.
12. Run I stopped the child _________ into the street.
13. Go Where should we go for dinner tonight? Would you object _______to an
Italian restaurant?
14. Clarify The mayor made another public statement for the purpose ________ the new
tax proposal.
15. Wear Larry isn’t used ________ a suit and tie every day.

7.2 Infinitives
Exercise 4. Complete each sentence with a gerund or an infinitive.
1. We’re going out for dinner. Would you like to join us?
2. Jack avoided looking at me.
3. I was broke, so Jenny offered ___________ me a little money.
4. Would you mind ___________ the door for me?
5. Even though I asked the people in front of me at the movie quiet, they kept _________.
6. Lucy pretended the answer to my question.
7. The teacher seems in a good mood today, don’t you think?
8. I don’t mind alone.
9. Mrs. Jackson warned her young son not the hot stove.
10. Residents are not allowed pets in my apartment building.
11. All applicants are required an entrance examination.
12. My boss expects me the work ASAP.*
13. Joan and David were considering married in June, but they finally
decided until August.
14. Jack advised me a new apartment.
15. I was advised a new apartment.
16. Jack advised a new apartment.
17. Jack suggested a new apartment.
18. When we were in New York, we had a really good time in Central Park on
sunny days.
19. This is my first term at this school. I haven’t really had any problems, but sometimes I
have trouble the lectures. Some professors speak too fast.
20. Ms. Gray is a commuter. Every workday, she spends almost two hours to
and from work.

*ASAP: As Soon As Possible.

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