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Payumo, Regina Ann P.


Answer the following question in the answer sheet

provided. State your point and reason in not less than five (5) sentences.

1. What do you understand by the word investment?

Investment, in my own understanding, its goal is to expand someone’s income. It is also
acquiring an asset that will not be used at present time, but at the future. For the present time,
there will be instances that you will not appreciate the value of investment, since instead of
gaining, you lose something because you bought it, but when the future comes, you will just then
understand the essence of investment, since the more time had pass, the bigger the value it will

2. Why would an investor be willing to take a greater risk?

One of the characteristics that an investor must posses is that he/she should be a risk taker
and is willing to make sacrifices and take risks since it is a part in the business field. The more
you risk means the more your good outcome, rewards ad profits you could get. However,
business is like gambling. There are instances where you could win, and at the same time, loose
that is why it is important to study this subject because it will let you understand the game, and
even control it. And through this, you will know when it the time that you will bet to win.

3. What are your financial goals? What are your plans to meet them?
My financial goal is to sustain my family’s needs and even their wants. Have a house that
we can say our own and a car for a convenient travel. It is also good if I can have a stable
business. Since I am a working student right now, my plan is to work and at the same time,
maintain my grades. Since I am earning now, I am planning to just save and after I graduate, that
is the time that I will fulfill mg goals one by one.

4. Is Philippines a rich country?

The term “rich” is subjective for me. It could mean how people view it. If it pertains to
the economic status of the Philippines, maybe not. If we are considering the GDP to determine
the richness of a country, Philippines is in the 123rd spot with a GDP of $8,900 out of the 192
countries according to Global Finance.
5. Based on the discussion of Lesson 1 – Wealth Creations, what part did you enjoy the most?
What are your learnings? Also, is there anything in the lesson that you could apply or use in your
What caught my attention during our lesson is all about investments. It made me curious
how investments work and how it will help you to increase your income. Through this lesson, it
made me realize to start investing now, especially while I am still young, as it will help me with
my future financial plans. Another lesson that I’ve learned is all about budgeting. Now, it is easy
to buy anything you want with just clicks because of the advancement of technology, it made me
understand how it is important to save.

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