Test Za I5f

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Year 1 (CLOSE UP) Group A

I Tenses: Present Perfect Simple vs. Present Perfect Continuous - Put the verb into the
correct tense form 10p:
1. I ______________________ (not/do) the housework yet.
2. They ___________________ (study) very hard recently.
3. She ____________________ (promise) to help many times.
4. He ___________________ (clean) the kitchen. Everything is sparkling clean.
5. She __________________ (write) the essay and ________________ (send) it to her
II Relative clauses – Circle the correct words 5p:
1. She worked for a man who/whose used to be an athlete.
2. We broke the computer which/that belonged to my father.
3. I live in a house in Norwich, where/which is in East Anglia.
4. The man, whose/who father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.
5. What did you do with the money that/which your mother lent you?
III Phrasal verbs – Match the phrasal verbs 5p:
1. put someone down a. spend time relaxing
2. look up to someone b. support
3. stick up for c. make someone feel stupid
4. make up d. forgive each other
5. hang out e. have respect for
IV Prepositions – Choose the correct answers 5p:
1. The ceiling is ________ your head.
a) below b) behind c) above

2. He is hiding __________ the door.

a) in front of b) behind c) beside

3. My birthday is _________ the 6th of May.

a) on b) at c) in

4. We usually have lunch _________ one.

a) on b) in c) at
5. We had a picnic _________ the river.
a) beside b) above c) behind
V Choose the correct answers 5p:
1. The opposite of the word deep is shallow / stream
2. Living things that are not plants are called species / creatures
3. Taking care of the environment is known as conservation / pollution
4. The opposite of the word obedient is harmful / naughty
5. The source/regulation of a material is the place where it comes from.

VI Translate the text below__________________________________________10p:

Over the last 20 years or so, sea water temperatures have been going on. As a consequence, the
ice caps around the poles have started to melt, and sea levels have started to rise. If this doesn’t
stop, the water will rise further and may flood many islands. Then some countries like Maldives
won’t be there anymore. There is also a danger that some huge low-lying coastal cities might end
up below the sea. It’s hard to imagine what the consequences of such changes might be.

0 - 12 13 - 20 21 - 28 29 – 34 35 - 40
1 2 3 4 5

Name, surname and class______________________________________________

Teacher: Sanja Risteska

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