Story I I Iiiiii Iiiiii

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Four sisters from Orange Walk town felt grown up enough to

live alone and decide to move to a house close to our

university. Our parents made us decide and let us do whatever
we want because we were already grown up. We packed
everything we needed and moved on to our new house which is
nearby our university. At the same time, we were organizing
ourselves, family members came to welcome us. Everything
was going well until we heard a voice coming from our
neighbour’s strange house. Only one of the family members
told us that only one person lives on that dark big house and,
the man`s family of the man disappeared long ago Alisha,
Leeliany, Julissa and I were very surprised and shocked about
what the person told us, and we were afraid of the house and
especially of the black strong strange man who lived in the and
began to walk to our school. While we were going to school our
strange neighbor was coming toward us.
We got frighten and began to walk quickly. Alisha’s heart was
beating fast, and she almost peed her pants. We were already
at the school compound, so the man stopped and went back to
his dark house. The day went fast, and we were already in our
house again. Julissa was listening to the news in the radio.
While we were cooking dinner. Leeliany we were cooking the
chairman of the village was informing the villagers that every
single day a girl disappeared. I was so shocked that the first
thing that came to my mine was had to do something with our
strange neighbour. While we were having dinner, I couldn’t
stop thinking of the girls who disappeared. After we had dinner,
we went to our room to get ready to go to bed. When suddenly
we heard something scratching our window. The four of us
were trembling in fear. Leeliany went to see what it was, ready
to hit it. When she opened the window, it was a cute little black
cat. She left the window slightly opened. However, we went
back to our bed, but something called our attention. We saw
our neighbour was coming from outside his home, but he was
not alone he was carrying a woman
in his arms as if she was sleeping.
He went inside his house and turned off the lights. So, we went
back to bed. We were so scared that we barely got to sleep.

The next day we went to school, but we can’t concentrate

because of what we saw. As the day was running, we went back
home and started doing our homework. As we were doing our
homework, we heard someone screaming for help. It was
coming from our neighbour strange house. Alisha was so
curious of what was going on that she began to run towards
our neighbour house, we tried to stop her, but we couldn’t.
luckily our neighbor was not in his house. So, we decided to go
inside and see what was going on. The moment we went inside
the house, we all started to tremble in fear, but we continue to
All the walls we black with animal head hanging. We saw a
light at the very end of the house. We went in the basement,
where the light came from. The moment we stepped foot in the
basement we were like “WHAT THE HELL !!”. We never
imagined that he was the one who had being kidnapping the
girl and then killed them. It smelled very bad that it was hard to
breathe. Leeliany quickly called the police. Suddenly we heard
footsteps, we quickly hide behind the door and cover our
hands. He entered the basement slowly, but he already knew
we were there because he kept saying “fresh meat, fresh
When he came near the door, we all started to sweat. He
pulled the door and saw us. We scream hard and he quickly
grabbed us, and we couldn’t escape. He knocked Leeliany then
Julissa and then me. We fell to the ground. We couldn’t stand
up. It did not look long for the police to arrive. We heard that
the police said that the man had escaped with our other sister,
Alisha. We were quickly taken to the hospital. From that day we
didn’t hear about Alisha and the strange man anymore.

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