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ANALYSIS OF PRICE INFLUENCE, PRODUCT QUALITY …………………………………..(Dwijantoro, Dwi, & Syarief)



Rizky Dwijantoro, Bernadin Dwi, and Nobelson Syarief

Jakarta Veterans National Development University

Correspondence email:


This study uses a quantitative descriptive method conducted on Shopee marketplace customers. The
purpose of this study is to find out and prove whether purchasing decisions on the Shopee marketplace
are influenced by price, product quality and promotion. The population in this study were students who had
made purchases through Shopee. The sample taken in this study amounted to 75 respondents using the
purposive sampling method by distributing questionnaires through google form. The analytical technique
used is descriptive analysis and inferential analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis tool. The
results showed that the variables of price and product quality had an effect on purchasing decisions.
Promotion also has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.

Keywords: purchase decision, price, product quality, promotion


This study uses a quantitative descriptive method conducted on Shopee marketplace customers. The
purpose of this research is to find out and prove whether purchasing decisions in the Shopee marketplace
are determined by price, product quality, and promotion. The population in this study were students who
had made purchases through Shopee. The sample taken in this study was to find 75 respondents using
the purposive sampling method by distributing questionnaires through google form. The analytical
technique used is descriptive analysis and inferential analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis
tool. The results showed that the variables of price and product quality had an effect on purchasing
decisions. Promotion also has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.

Keywords: purchase decision, price, product quality, promotion

PRELIMINARY The growth of e-commerce is growing

quite rapidly even during the current pandemic.
In the current era of modernization, technology As evidence, there is an increase in purchases
and information are developing very rapidly, from e-commerce to the achievement of 18.1%
especially the internet. There is a tendency to or 98.3 million transactions from a total transaction
use gadgets , one of which is of $1.4 million USD (Maulana, 2021).
become a change in the lifestyle of the people
who now carry out their activities in cyberspace, Based on data from BI (Bank Indonesia),
for example shopping online (Fahrevi & Satrio, it was recorded that almost double the number
2018). of buying and selling transactions on e -commerce.

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JRMB, Volume 16, No. 2, December 2021

commerce has increased in the middle of this since February 2020. The name of the program
COVID-19. With the number of surges starting has also been aligned with the items and times
from 80 million transactions in 2019 it increased of the promotion, for example 2.2 Men Sale, 3.3
to 140 million transactions until August 2020 Fashion Sale to the latest 10.10 Brands Festival.
(Uli, 2020).
Snapchart, an online application used in Through so many promotions, the shopee
conducting market research, knows all kinds of platform resulted in the number of gross orders
online shopping trends experiencing annual growth (year on year / yoy)
that arise throughout the month of Ramadan as well as from an achievement of 150.1% to 615.9 million
Eid 2020 which was operating in the middle of in the second quarter (Setyowati, 2020).
the COVID-19 pandemic. The research shows Referring to data released by iPrice,
that there are 66% of the population of 1,000 there were 3 e-commerce in 2019 with the
respondents who made their choice to Shopee largest visitors, namely Bukalapak, Tokopedia,
as the and Shopee. If based on the Playstore and
online shopping site that is used and always Appstore rankings, Shoppe ranks first compared
remembered throughout the month of Ramadan to Tokopedia even though Tokopedia is a
and Eid al-Fitr 2020. In detail, based on this platform that has existed for a long time before
research, there are 58% of buyers in Greater the Shoppe platform existed (Rachel, 2019).
Jakarta who choose Shopee as an online
shopping site that cannot be forgotten and 72% From the explanation of some of the data
of buyers from origin outside Jabodetabek. above, Shopee occupies the top position as the
most popular marketplace , of course there are
Furthermore, there are 77% of women a number of factors that motivate and influence
who shop using Shopee while 52% of men shop. buying decisions by buyers.

On the other hand, in Tokopedia, many men Based on the phenomenon that is
use this platform from a percentage of 22% currently happening, the researcher is then
compared to only 9% of women. according to age, interested in testing and studying more deeply
Shopee users are mostly young people who like about the background above, where the
the platform with an age range of 19-24 years, researcher wants to analyze the background
Lazada is under the age of 19 who like the with different demographics and different
platform, with Bukalapak and Tokopedia mostly circumstances from previous research where
over 35 years old who like the platform (Catriana, researchers conducted research during a
2020) . pandemic situation. covid-19 which is different
from previous research.
The formulation of the problem in this
The survey conducted by APJII study are: Do price, product quality, and
(Association of Indonesian Internet Service promotion have an influence on purchasing
Providers) from a sample of 7,000 respondents decisions on the
of this
research isThe
to find
with a 95% confidence level and a margin of out, prove, and analyze whether price, product
error of 1.27%. The largest sample in all quality, and promotion have an influence on
provinces in Indonesia regarding internet usage purchasing decisions on the Shopee marketplace.
in 2019 until the second quarter of 2020. The
most frequently visited marketplace is Shopee
at 27.4%, Lazada at 14.2%, and Tokopedia at
5.2%. Purchasing necessities online for several
reasons, the first is the biggest reason, namely LITERATURE REVIEW
the price given is very affordable or cheap at an
achievement of 15.2% (Pebrianto, 2020). Buying decision

According to Kotler & Keller (2016, p.

Not only that, Shopee also holds a 177), purchasing decisions are elements of
promotional campaign every month customer behavior, namely research

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ANALYSIS OF PRICE INFLUENCE, PRODUCT QUALITY …………………………………..(Dwijantoro, Dwi, & Syarief)

about how organizations, individuals, or According to Armstrong et al. (2018,

groups who make choices, decide to buy, p.205), product quality is a key positioning
use, and how experiences, ideas, goods or tool for marketers. Directly, quality affects the
services are used to provide satisfaction of performance of a product or service, so it is
their wants and needs. According to Kotler & closely related to customer satisfaction and
Armstrong (2018, p.175), consumer purchasing value. Definition of product quality according
decisions are buying brands where they really to the presentation of Kotler & Keller (2016,
like them, but 2 factors can occur between p.156)
purchase decisions and purchase intentions. namely all the characteristics of the ability of
an item or service to fulfill the needs of the
user with implications and expressions that
are a gift for customer satisfaction.
The conclusion is that purchase
decisions are the process of making decisions Thus, product quality is the overall
to buy, where prospective consumers make characteristic of the ability of an item or
choices, make decisions about purchases, service to satisfy or fulfill the needs of its
and provide satisfaction for their wants and customers. Product quality based on
previous research that has been carried out by
Akbar (2020) where from the results of this research,
Price shows that the product quality variable has
According to Kotler & Armstrong (2018, an influence on purchasing decisions.
p. 308), price is the expenditure of a certain
amount of money from the customer to obtain
the use or benefit or ownership of an item or Promotion
service. Kotler & Keller (2016, p.483) also According to Chaffey and Smith (2017),
stated that the price is promotion is an online option for all elements
a portion of the marketing mix that generates of the promotion mix - from advertising, sales,
revenue; On the other hand, the other part sales promotion, PR, sponsorship, direct mail,
gets the cost. exhibitions, merchandizing, packaging, word
Price also conveys the expected value of mouth. According to Kotler & Keller (2016,
position of the company's brand or product. p.622), sales promotion is the main key when
Goods that have been designed and then marketing campaigns, which are divided into
sold with care can still be appreciated and a set of incentive tools, with almost all of them
profitable. having a short-term nature. faster for
So it can be concluded, the price is the customers.
amount of money spent for consumers to get
the use, benefit or ownership of an item or

The price itself is based on previous The conclusion is how sellers present
research conducted by Prilano & Sudarso their products to consumers, with the aim of
(2020); Bones, Tumbel, & Walangitan (2019); conveying information about the product so
Scientific & Indra (2020); Kuswanto & that they want to buy the products offered.
Vikaliana (2020); Silaban & Rosdiana (2020); Promotion based on previous research
Aryani (2016); Wulandari, Mulyati, & Tjahjono conducted by Tulangow, Tumbel, & Walangitan
(2020); Albari & Safitri (2018); Akbar (2020); (2019);
and Mulya Firdausy & Idawati (2017) stated Prilano & Sudarso (2020 ); Mulya Firdausy &
to have an effect on purchasing decisions. Idawati (2017) stated to have an effect on
purchasing decisions.

Product quality Empirical Research Model

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JRMB, Volume 16, No. 2, December 2021

Based on the explanation above, the purchase. This picture can be seen in the following
independent variables in this research are the figure:
promotion variable, price, and product quality on the
dependent variable, namely the decision variable


Product Purchase


Figure 1. Research Model

Hypothesis In this study, it was determined by 25 multiplied by 3

Based on the background explanation, independent variables, where the result was 75
problem formulation, literature review and a number samples.
of previous studies can be used as reference material
in this research. So the author formulates a hypothesis Data collection technique
or provisional conjecture on the problems to be The type of data used is data
studied, namely: quantitative. And the data source uses primary data
H1: It is suspected that price has an influence on obtained through google form.
purchasing decisions.
H2: It is suspected that product quality has an Analysis Techniques and Hypothesis Testing
influence on purchasing decisions.
The data analysis technique used by the
H3: It is suspected that promotions have an effect researcher is descriptive analysis technique, which
on purchasing decisions. is used as an empirical description of the data that
has been collected (Ferdinand, 2014 p.229).
In this research, this descriptive analysis uses
Population and Sample the calculation results from the SmartPLS 3.3.2
output, namely based on the mean, minimum,
The population in this research are students maximum and standard deviation values. The
who use the Shopee application located in the South minimum value is used to see the smallest value in
Jakarta area. Meanwhile, for the sample, this each variable, while the maximum value is used to
research uses purposive sampling technique. Where see the largest value in each variable. The mean
the reference in determining the sample size is based value is the average value of a data set of variables
on the statement from Roscoe in Ferdinand (2014, in the study. The standard deviation in this study is
p. 173) which says that "the sample size that is used to see the high and low deviation or variation of
considered appropriate is greater than 30 and less a data. The variables in this study are price, product
than 500". In this study, the number of samples itself quality and promotion, while the dependent variable
is determined from 25 times the number of in this study is purchasing decisions.
independent variables. Then the number of samples

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ANALYSIS OF PRICE INFLUENCE, PRODUCT QUALITY …………………………………..(Dwijantoro, Dwi, & Syarief)

While the inferential analysis in this study The maximum value assessed by respondents
was carried out through Partial Least Square to from each question item on the purchasing
analyze respondent data, while the results of decision variable is a score of 4 and 5. The
data processing obtained conclusions will be standard deviation value for each question item
drawn from the sample. on the purchasing decision variable has a value
Meanwhile, in this research, validity, reliability smaller than the average value (mean) which
testing, coefficient of determination test, and
hypothesis indicates that there is no sufficient data deviation.
testing will be carried out using statistical t-test. large on the purchasing decision variables.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Respondents Perception of Price

Description of Respondent Data Based on the results of the table that has
been obtained from the PLS output results. it
Number of respondents who are gender can be seen that the largest average value
38 male respondents and 37 female respondents. (mean) is found in item H 5 with a value of
Number of respondents who 4,693, this number can be interpreted that
respondents agree that the prices of products
made purchases 3-5 times totaling 21 students, offered by Shopee are in line with the benefits
the number of respondents who made purchases provided, and the smallest average value (mean)
6-8 times amounted to 14 students then the in question item H 1 with a value of 4,493, this
number of respondents who made purchases number means that respondents like shopping
as many as 9-10 times as many as 16 people through Shopee because the prices of products
and the number of respondents who made offered are relatively affordable. Furthermore, it
purchases more than 10 times was as many as can be seen that the minimum value in each
24 students. question item on the purchasing decision
The number of students aged between 17 to 20 variable, the respondent gives a score with a
years is 38 people, Meanwhile, respondents score of 1 and 2. And the maximum value
aged 21 to 25 years are 37 people. assessed by the respondent from each question
item on the purchasing decision variable is a
score of 5. The standard deviation value for
Descriptive Analysis each item of the decision variable question
purchases have a value smaller than the average
Respondents' Perceptions of Decisions value (mean) which indicates that there is no
Purchase significant deviation
in the data on the price

Based on Table 1 which has been

obtained from the PLS output results, it can be
seen that the largest average value (mean) is Respondents Perception of Quality
found in the KB 12 question item with a value of Product
4,373, this number can be interpreted that the
respondent agrees with the statement "payments Based on Table 2 which has been
to Shopee can be made via transfer bank” obtained from the PLS output results. it can be
because the payment can be made via bank seen that the largest mean value is in question
transfer. The smallest mean value for KB 7 item KP 4 with a value of 4,587, this number can
question item with a value of 3,240, this number be interpreted that respondents agree that the
means that respondents are unsure about the quality of the products offered by Shopee does
absence of a limit to the number of orders in the not disappoint. and the smallest mean (mean)
Shopee marketplace . Furthermore, it can be for question item KP 3 with a value of 4,280, this
seen that the minimum value in each item of the number means that respondents agree that the
purchase decision variable question, the products provided by Shopee are in line with the
respondent gives a value with a score of 1 and descriptions shared.

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Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Purchase Decision Variables

Question Items Mean Standard Deviation Minimum Maximum
KB1 3,333 1,000 4,000 0.718
KB2 3,693 1,000 4,000 0.632
KB3 3,613 1,000 4,000 0.728
KB4 3,20 1,000 4,000 0.755
KB5 3,320 1,000 4,000 0.751
KB6 3,280 1,000 4,000 0.704
KB7 3,240 1,000 4,000 0.797
KB8 3,587 1,000 4,000 0.655
KB9 3,333 1,000 4,000 0.699
KB10 3,387 1,000 4,000 0.691
KB11 4,093 1,000 5,000 0.941
KB12 4,373 5,000 0.845

Furthermore, it can be seen that the KP 1 to KP 10 questions. The standard deviation

minimum value in each question item on the value for each item of the purchasing decision
purchasing decision variable, the respondent variable questions has a value smaller than the
gives a score with a score of 1 and 2. And the average value (mean) which indicates that there
maximum value assessed by the respondent is no significant data deviation on the product
from each question item on the purchasing quality variable.
decision variable is a score of 5 points.

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics of Price Variables

Question Items mean Minimum Maximum Standard Deviation

H1 4.493 2,000 5,000 0.941
H2 4,547 1,000 5,000 0.845
H3 4,520 1,000 5,000 0.755
H4 4,627 2,000 5,000 0.688
H5 4,693 1,000 5,000 0.610
H6 4.653 2,000 5,000 0.600

Table 3. Descriptive Statistics of Product Quality Variables

Question Items Mean Minimum Maximum Standard Deviation
KP1 4,507 2,000 4,573 1,000 5,000 0.719
KP2 4,280 2,000 4,5874,467
1,000 5,000 0.769
KP3 1,000 4,280 1,0001,000
4,387 5,000 0.974
KP4 4,347 1,000 4,5074,480
2,000 5,000 0.768
KP5 1,000 Table 4. 5,000 0.884
KP6 Descriptive Statistics
of 5,000 0.873
KP7 Promotional Variables 5,000 0.831
KP8 5,000 0.808
KP9 5,000 0.755
KP10 5,000 0.822

Question Items mean Minimum Maximum Standard Deviation

P1 3,653 1,000 4,000 0.662
P2 3,520 1,000 4,000 0.661
P3 3,493 1,000 4,000 0.681
P4 2,973 1,000 4,000 0.938
P5 3,653 1,000 4,000 0.663
P6 3,187 1,000 4,000 0.761
P7 3,533 1,000 4,000 0.639

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ANALYSIS OF PRICE INFLUENCE, PRODUCT QUALITY …………………………………..(Dwijantoro, Dwi, & Syarief)

Question Items mean Minimum Maximum Standard Deviation

P8 3,613 1,000 4,000 0.651
P9 3,747 1,000 4,000 0.591
P10 3.253 1,000 4,000 0.750

Respondents Perception of Promotion from the average value (mean) which shows that
there is no significant data deviation in the
Based on Table 4 which has been obtained promotion variable.
from the PLS output results, it can be seen that the value of
The largest mean is found in question P 9 with a Inferential Analysis
value of 3,747. Inferential analysis is an analytical
This figure can be interpreted that respondents technique that is generally used in the field of
are unsure about the statement that Shopee often management as a determinant of how far the
does promotions with mass media and the similarities from the results obtained with the
smallest average value (mean) in question P 4 results of the entire population. The tool to
with a value of 2,973. This figure means that analyze the data in this research is to use Partial
consumers do not agree that the provision of free Least Square (PLS).
shipping on a certain number of orders can attract
attention to make a purchase. Furthermore, it can
be seen that the minimum value in each question Measurement Model (Outer Model)
item on the purchasing decision variable, the
respondent gives a score with a score of 1 and The outer model has each indicator block
the maximum value assessed by the respondent associated with its latent variable.
from each question item on the purchasing Designing measurement models in determining
decision variable is a score of 4 for the questions the nature of indicators as well as each latent
P 1 to P 10. The standard deviation value on variable, whether the results are reflexive or formative.
each item of the question the purchase decision The basis is based on theory, previous empirical
variable has a smaller value research, or rationale. The results of the validity
test of the SmartPLS 3.3.2 path diagram are
described as follows:

Figure 2. Outer Model

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Based on the output image above, it can Ghozali above and it can be concluded that all
be seen that the reflective variables in this the question instruments in this study have a
study, namely the price, product quality and loading factor value above 0.5 and the research
promotion variables have a loading factor value can be continued.
of > 0.7 which indicates that it has fulfilled the
requirements to be valid and has no problems Validity test
because the loading scale of 0.5 - 0.6 is still According to Ghozali's view (2014, p.39),
acceptable. in the development stage (Ghozali, the validity test is used to measure whether a
2014, p. 39). In the picture above shows that questionnaire is valid or not.
the value of the loading factor A questionnaire is declared valid if the questions
the lowest of each variable indicator is at H1, in the questionnaire are able to express
KP3, P4, and KB11 where this value is still something that will be measured by the
acceptable because it is above the loading questionnaire.
scale of 0.5 in line with the explanation

Table 5. Convergent Validity through Output Loading Factor

Price Purchase Decision Product quality Promotion

KB1 0.831
KB2 0.829
KB3 0.722
KB4 0.782
KB5 0.819
KB6 0.783
KB7 0.787
KB8 0.846
KB9 0.829
KB10 0.831
KB11 0.634
KB12 0.692
H1 0.815
H2 0.914
H3 0.873
H4 0.823
H5 0.832
H6 0.836
KP1 0.877
KP2 0.889
KP3 0.536
KP4 0.909
KP5 0.806
KP6 0.806
KP7 0.757
KP8 0.807
KP9 0.816
KP10 0.836
P1 0.785
P2 0.818
P3 0.851
P4 0.626
P5 0.758
P6 0.760
P7 0855
P8 0855
P9 0.858
P10 0.662

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ANALYSIS OF PRICE INFLUENCE, PRODUCT QUALITY …………………………………..(Dwijantoro, Dwi, & Syarief)

Based on the table above, it shows that the meet the requirements of the convergent validity test
loading factor value is above 0.50 and this research questionnaire appropriately
in the table above the highest value is at measures the variables in this study.
the H2 construct is 0.914, then the lowest value in
the table is in the question item KP3 which is 0.536 Discriminant Validity Test
where from all indicators on the loading factor all Based on Table 6, Average Variance
reflective variables show values above 0.50 so it can Extracted all variables worth > 0.5 where the lowest
be said to be valid and the highest AVE value is in AVE value is in the purchase decision variable with
the Price variable, namely with a value of 0.722. a value of 0.616 and
Variable which is the ability of the model when explaining the
variation of the dependent variable. R2 is an indicator
it has a value above 0.5 so that the variable can be that describes how much variation there is in the
declared valid and further data processing can be model.
carried out. Based on Table 8, the contribution of the
independent variables, namely price, product quality
Reliability Test and promotion to the dependent variable, namely the
purchasing decision variable is 0.874 or 87.4%, while
The reliability test on PLS was measured the remaining 13.6% is influenced by variables
using 2 parameters, namely composite reliability and outside the research model.
Cronbach's alpha
of indicators that calculate variables (Ghozali, 2014,
p.65). The following is the result of the composite Hypothesis testing
reliability value obtained from the SmartPLS 3.3.2
output. The hypothesis test is carried out using a t-
From Table 7, the Composite Realibility and test which will show the extent to which the
Cronbach Alpha values of all variables have a value independent variables will individually be affected
> 0.7. This proves when explaining the dependent variation.
that each question instrument on each variable is
relevant and reliable so that further data processing In this study, a two-sided table was used with
can be carried out. a known t-table value of 1.994 which was obtained
from the equation value df = N - k or df = 75 - 4 = 71
Coefficient of Determination Test with a degree of confidence or significance of = 0.05
or a 95% truth level.
The coefficient of determination (R-Square)
in this research is used to measure the extent to which

Table 6. Average Variance Extracted (AVE)

Variable AVE Rule of Thumb Result

Price 0.722 >0.50 Valid

Buying decision 0.616 >0.50 Valid
Product quality 0.656 >0.50 Valid
Promotion 0.619 >0.50 Valid

Table 7. Reliability Test

Composite Cronbach's
Reliability Alpha
Price 0.940 0.923
Buying decision 0.950 0.942
Product quality 0.950 0.941
Promotion 0.941 0.930

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Table 8. R-Square

Variable R Square
R Square

Buying decision 0.874 0.869

Table 9. T . test
Original T Statistics P
Sample Values
Price -> Purchase Decision 0.174 3.363 0.001
Product Quality -> Decision 0.156 2,404 0.017

Promotion -> Purchase Decision 0.781 15,483 0.000

Based on the results of the t-test above, it shows tcount 14,649 > ttable 1,994 and it can be
can be seen that the test results on the price concluded that the Promotion variable has an
variable on purchasing decisions have a positive effect on purchasing decisions.
relationship. This can be seen from the correlation This is also evidenced by the value of P Values
value or the original sample value of 0.174. When or a significant value of 0.000 <0.05 which
viewed from the results of the t statistical test, indicates that the Promotion variable has a
the data results show tcount 3.363 > ttable 1.994 significant and significant influence on purchasing
and it can be concluded that the price variable decisions, then H3 is accepted.
has an effect on purchasing decisions.
This is evidenced by the P-Values value or a DISCUSSION
significant value of 0.001 <0.05 which indicates
that the price variable has a significant and Influence of Price on Decision
significant influence on purchasing decisions, so Purchase
H1 is accepted.
In Table 9, it can also be seen that the Based on the hypothesis testing that
test results on the Product Quality variable on researchers have done, it shows that the price
purchasing decisions have variable has an influence in increasing purchasing
a positive relationship, this can be seen from the decisions. This is shown based on the P values
correlation value or the original sample value of of 0.001 <0.05 which indicates that the price
0.156. When viewed from the results of the t variable has an effect and is significant on
statistical test, the results of the data show tcount purchasing decisions.
2,404 > ttable 1,994 and it can be concluded that
the Product Quality variable has an effect on This means that the indicators in the price
purchasing decisions. This is evidenced by the variable, namely price according to benefits,
value of P Values or a significant value of 0.017 price according to quality, and price affordability
<0.05 which indicates that the Product Quality make a major contribution in influencing
variable has a significant and significant influence purchasing decisions. The importance of pricing
on purchasing decisions, then H2 is accepted. on the Shopee marketplace is a consideration
for consumers in making purchases
preventing businessand
Based on Table 9, it can be seen that the Consumers who make purchases at Shopee will
test results on the Promotion variable on make purchasing decisions if the consumers feel
purchasing decisions have a positive relationship, the benefits of the product are more
this can be
seen sample
from thevalue
of 0.781.
If itor
is the
seen from the results of the t statistical test, the
results of the data

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ANALYSIS OF PRICE INFLUENCE, PRODUCT QUALITY …………………………………..(Dwijantoro, Dwi, & Syarief)

large or equal to the amount of money spent, it can be concluded that consumers like the
and also with the affordability of the price, product designs offered by Shopee, then
consumers can buy the products offered at consumers like shopping at shopee because
Shopee and also consumers feel that if the the products can be changed according to
price offered is higher between the 2 product consumer demand.
choices, consumers will choose the higher The definition of product quality is
price because usually many people consider according to the explanation of Kotler & Keller
that the quality of the product matches the (2016, p. 156), namely all the characteristics
price. of the ability of an item or service to fulfill
Based on the theory of Kotler & user needs with implications and expressions
Armstrong (2018, p.308), price is spending a that are a gift for consumer satisfaction.
certain amount of customer money in order
to get the use or benefits or ownership of an This is related to the quality of the
item or service where it can be seen that products offered by Shopee where consumers
consumers who make purchasing decisions choose to make purchasing decisions
through Shopee make several considerations because the products offered can meet the
before making a purchase. needs or needs of consumers and can also
make consumers satisfied to make purchases
The results of this study are in line with at Shopee. The results of this study are in
previous research conducted by Prilano & line with the research that has been carried
Sudarso (2020); Bones, Tumbel, & Walangitan out by Akbar (2020) where the results of this
(2019); Scientific & Indra (2020); Kuswanto research show that product quality variables
& Vikaliana (2020); Silaban & Rosdiana have an influence on decisions
(2020); Aryani (2016); Wulandari, Mulyati, &
Tjahjono (2020); Albari & Safitri (2018); Akbar purchase.
(2020); Mulya Firdausy & Idawati (2017)
where the research results show that the Effect of Promotion on Decision
price variable has an influence on decisions Purchase

purchase. Based on the hypothesis testing that

the researchers have done, it shows that the
Effect of Product Quality on promotion variable has an influence in
Buying decision increasing purchasing decisions. This is
shown based on the P values of 0.000 <0.05
Based on the hypothesis testing that which indicates that the promotion variable
the researchers have done, it shows that the has an effect and is significant on purchasing
product quality variable has an influence in decisions.
improving purchasing decisions. This is This means that the promotions carried
shown based on the P-values of 0.017 <0.05 out by Shopee have succeeded in attracting
which indicates that the product quality consumers to make purchases. It can be
variable has an effect and is significant on seen from the indicators, namely direct sales
purchasing decisions. (direct marketing), public relations (public
This means that all the indicators relations), personal selling (personal selling),
contained in the product quality variable, sales promotion (sales promotion), and
namely adjustment, quality suitability, advertising (advertising). The provision of
reliability, ease of repair, and design have an free shipping attracts consumers' interest in
influence on purchasing decisions. deciding to purchase a product.
Product quality is very important in maintaining
a business. Consumers like to shop at Based on the theory from Kotler and
Shopee because the quality of the products Armstrong (2017, p. 78) suggests that
they receive does not disappoint and there promotion is an activity of distributing benefits
are many variations of product designs. From with a persuasive nature aimed at customers
the indicators used who will decide to buy.

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JRMB, Volume 16, No. 2, December 2021

This is related to the promotional methods purchases, meaning that consumers like shopping
carried out by Shopee which are persuasive so at Shopee because the quality of the products
as to stimulate consumers to make purchases. they receive does not disappoint. This is in
With the right promotion Shopee can reach accordance with the hypothesis that has been
consumers throughout Indonesia. made by the researcher.
The results also show that promotions
The results of this study are in line with the have a positive influence on purchasing decisions,
research conducted by Tulangow, Tumbel, & meaning that the promotions that have been
Walangitan (2019); Prilano & Sudarso (2020); carried out by Shopee have attracted consumers
Silaban & Rosdiana (2020) and Firdausy & to decide to purchase products. This is in
Idawati (2017) where the results of this study accordance with the hypothesis that has been
indicate that the promotion variable has a positive made by the researcher.
influence on purchasing decisions. The suggestions that researchers can
convey are, firstly, Shopee must maintain and
improve the quality of the products sold so that
CONCLUSION consumers are interested in continuing to make
repeat purchases considering that there are other
Based on the results of the analysis and marketplaces as competitors. Shopee is expected
discussion previously described regarding the to be able to continue to maintain the price of the
effect of price, product quality and promotion on products it sells so that it can continue to be
purchasing decisions, it is concluded that price reached by consumers and must constantly
has a positive influence on purchasing decisions, adjust product prices to the
prices of
meaning that pricing in the marketplace do not switch to other marketplaces . The two
promotions carried out by Shopee must also be
Shopee is a consideration for consumers in maintained so that consumers do not switch to
making purchases and preventing business other marketplaces . And expand promotions to
competitors. this is in accordance with the various platforms so that all people are aware of
hypothesis that has been made by the researcher. the existence of the Shopee marketplace and use
the application.
In addition, product quality has a positive
influence on decisions

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