Supporting The Implementation of Technologies Through Tnas and Ndcs

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Supporting the implementation of

technologies through TNAs and NDCs

2-13 December, Madrid.
93 countries
187 requests
Increasing number of
multi-country requests
Network Members
Overview of TNAs via GCF Readiness in 2019

Country Subject Budget (USD)

TNA and associated action plan for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Nigeria’s most vulnerable economic
Nigeria 343,143
South Sudan
Technical guidance and support to conduct a technology needs assessment for South Sudan 303,947
Technology needs assessment and associated action plan for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Iraq’s most
Iraq 372,706
vulnerable sectors
Botswana (TBC) Developing Technology Road Maps and Updating of TNA for NDC implementation 290,401

Technology Needs Assessment and associated action plan for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Syria most
Syria 398,274
vulnerable economic sectors in line with their NDCs
Conducting a Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) and a Technology Action Plan (TAP) for the implementation of
Gabon 333,567
Conducting a Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) and a Technology Action Plan (TAP) for the implementation of
DRC 369,682
Conducting a Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) and a Technology Action Plan (TAP) for the implementation of
Cameroon 229,652
Conducting a Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) and a Technology Action Plan (TAP) for the implementation of
Equatorial Guinea 333,567
Technology Needs Assessment
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