Vero, Krishia Ann (Annual Letter)

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June 30, 2022 805960 AST

Krishia Ann

Dear Ma’am Amy’

Hi Ma’am Amy, It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you. I hope that you and your
family are well. I am really glad to write again a letter for you and share some of my
experiences these past few months.

I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits. How are you, Ma’am Amy? We and the
whole family would like to extend our warmest greetings to you as well as to your
family. Last February, both of us celebrated our birthday. I celebrated my 17 th birthday
in a very simple way with my family and special love ones. This is one of my
unforgettable birthday celebration. I feel very special and enjoy the day very much.
Guests were served snacks, cake pieces, sweets, and tea. I eagerly wait to open Gifts
after the Birthday Celebrations. I always have so much fun on my birthday and I eagerly
wait for it every year. How about you Ma’am Amy? How did you celebrate your
birthday? Are you with your family and friends? I hope you enjoyed your very special
day with them. I also want to share our family vacation last April. The last vacation was
a lot of fun and had a lot of funny activities that I enjoyed. I also made some fun new
friends, and got to hang out with them a few times, where we could go to the beach and
enjoy the sunshine and swim. We enjoyed camping and sitting by the fires, eating some
snacks while talking and having fun. May I ask you Ma’am Amy? Did you had a short
vacation trip with our family and friends?

At the moment, I am very busy with my studies because it is now our last semester for
this school year. Surprisingly, I am doing really well in my studies. I am really glad
because I have learned a lot of things this school year despite of having a distance
learning. This year, my objective was to become one of the top students in our class, so I
worked hard to learn and comprehend all of the material. I am really thankful to you
Ma’am Amy. I am very grateful for the numerous financial contributions you have made
in support of my education. Without your help, I may never have been able to complete
my studies. Your generosity and help have been an inspiration to me. Again, thank you
for your encouragement and financial support. I promise I will try my hardest to study so
that you and my family will be more proud to me.

About my family we are doing great. My family is in good health and we are quite busy
in our business. As of now all of my family members are in good condition and doing
fine. We still secure our health condition, we eat healthy foods, disinfects, wear
facemask and we also make sure that our environment is clean. How about you Ma’am
Amy? Are you and your family are in good condition? What are your some routine to
make sure that each of every one of your family are healthy? I hope that you are in a
good condition as well as your family. I and my family will pray for you and your family’s
safety. About the weather,It is currently rainy season now here in our country. And it’s a
perfect time to eat hot foods. Can I ask you, Ma’am? What season are you currently
experiencing in your country? I hope all of you are enjoying it.

Ma’am, that’s all! Until the next letter, good luck! May God bless you abundantly, and
have a good health and safety! We hope you will continue to be blessed for your
generosity, and we are grateful for everything you have done. We will continue to
include you in our prayers. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done to us! We are
hoping for the best.

Your sponsored youth,

Krishia Ann

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