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By: Rwaa Ramadan 7-4

- Cover page………………………………………………. 1
- Table of content………………………………………. 2
- Acknowledgement…………………………………… 3
- Introduction…………………………………………….. 4
- Forms……………………………………………………. 5-12
- Concrete outcome…………………………………… 13
- Conclusion………………………………………………. 14
- References………………………………………………. 15


- I want to thank Allah for giving me the knowledge and the wisdom to be able to
carry out this research.
- I would like to acknowledge the people who assisted me in this project.
- I would also like to thank my parents for their emotional support and making me
feel more positive and comfortable while working on this project.
- I also want to thank my science teacher for her dedication and for her help into
making me understand how to do this project.


Antibiotics are medicines that treat infections by killing bacteria. It doesn’t work on virus,
like the flu.

- Aims and Objectives of Antibiotics

Our aim is to find out the uses of antibiotics (if they are necessary) and to explain their
advantages and their disadvantages.
Our objective is to give brief description concerning antibiotics.

Group Evaluation-Production of a Project Plan

Members of the Roles /

group Responsibilities
Rwaa Ramadan Researcher To understand and establish about research-based-learning.

To research and explain about the different types of antibiotics
and what are their uses.

Did we meet our project aim?

There will be one lesson of RBL each week and we will be

completing the forms given by the end of the week.

Did we plan and organise our time

well? Give details of all the
planned activities.

Not focusing, internet issues, not getting much information or not

getting much information of the chosen topic, fake sites etc.
What problems did we have?

By calming down, asking for help from our colleagues and/or

teachers, write what we know about the chosen topic.
How did we overcome them?

Creating websites, making small ppts, decorating it etc.
How could our project be

We learnt to work together, learn how to research and gain more

What have we learnt from information about the topic we chose.
competing this project?

The most important ACP for this project is Analysing.

Which ACP was the most important
for this project?

The most important VAA for this project is Hardworking.

Which VAA was the most
important for this project?

I will be making a ppt or a website discussing and explaining in

detail about antibiotics.

Give a brief description of your

identified concrete outcome.

Group Project Planning

Parts of a project Plan

What is the overall target or question you are answering?

Use of antibiotics.
Project aim (what do I
need to do?)

What are the specific questions or tasks that you need to complete to meet the aim?

Project objectives (the What are the uses of antibiotics?

aim broken down into
smaller questions)

What is the final concrete product of the project> E.g.: Leaflet, website, Poster, Documentary, play etc?

Project outcome The final concrete product of the project is a website.

How would you link it to your personal, national (U.A.E) and global community?

Perspectives (Linking
of viewpoints) How did the UAE use antibiotics against the viruses?

What are the broader implications for the project?

Project Context (why is

It’s important because it helps in people’s health.
this important?)
(List the website, articles, journals, magazine, video links in gathering information.)

What materials or I’ll need website makers, articles to collect the information and use mega
resources will I need? thinking, add videos that is related to the topic.

What ACPs are going to be the most important in order to complete the project?

Which ACPs am I Analysing, linking, and meta thinking.

going to need?

What VAAs are going to be the most important in order to complete the project?

Which VAAs am I Agile and hard working.

going to need?

What problems do I think I will have and how will I overcome them?

What problems am I The information that I read is right or not, stressing and trying to find more
going to have? information.

What are strategies used to overcome a problem?

How am I going to
overcome these I’ll read more about the specific topic so I could have it as a backup plan, calm down
problems? and research more about the topic.

Individual Evaluation of Project Plan and Process

Assessment Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4

Criteria 1-2 marks 3-4 marks 5-7 marks 8-10 marks
• the evaluation is • the evaluation is basic • the evaluation is • the evaluation is detailed
simplistic with some details detailed and well formulated
• the evaluation • the evaluation identifies • the evaluation identifies • the evaluation identifies
identifies one strength one main strength and some of the main most of the strengths and
Evaluation of
and/or one weakness one main weakness in strengths and weaknesses weaknesses in the project
in the project plan the both the project plan in the project plan and the plan and the process
plan and
and/or the process and the process process • there are several
• there are no • there is one suggestion • there are a few suggestions
suggestions for for improvement suggestions for for improvement most of
improvement improvement some of which are well considered
which are well considered

Reflect on your project plan and process and evaluate as an individual on your contribution. You must
include the following points while writing your evaluation.

• Process of setting your specific aim and identifying a concrete outcome

• Timeframe set for all planned activities
• Identification of the strength and weaknesses in the project plan and process and how do you plan to
address it

Your evaluation should not be in less than 150 to 200 words.

Start your answer here………

I’m going to be talking about antibiotics in my project. In the introduction, I’ll first
introduce the topic and give some examples. Then I’ll write the advantages and
disadvantages of antibiotics.

My strengths are summarizing the given text and linking ideas with the topic. I’ll have to
use linking and meta thinking in order to be able to get the proper information. I can also
be able to create a website, creativity is there if needed and gaining a lot of information
so I can summarize it.

My weaknesses are getting the ideas since its hard to get the information and ideas.
Focusing, lack in creativity can occur and stress. I won’t be able to get the information if
the sites I visit have different information. I can lack creativity which would lead to the

dissatisfaction of the audience. Stress can also occur which could lead to sending my
project after the due date. Due date is on the first week of December 2020.

Group Evaluation-Production of a Project Plan

Assessment Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4

Criteria 1-2 marks 3-4 marks 5-7 marks 8-10 marks
the evaluation is the evaluation is basic the evaluation is detailed the evaluation is detailed
simplistic with some details • there is awareness of and
• there is a limited • there is some awareness strengths and weaknesses well formulated
awareness of personal of how own contribution of own contribution to the • there is considerable
responsibility in the affected project insight in evaluating own
project the progress of the project • there is some reflection contribution to the project
of individual
• there is little • there is some reflection on both the benefits and • there is insightful
reflection on either the on either the benefits or challenges of working as a reflection on both the
benefits or challenges of challenges of working as a group benefits and challenges of
working as a group group • there is a sound working as a group
• there is little • there is some reflection on own learning • there is insightful
reflection on own superficial reflection on from cross-cultural reflection on own learning
learning from cross- own learning from cross- collaboration from cross-cultural
cultural collaboration cultural collaboration collaboration

Reflect and evaluate as an individual on your contribution to the group. You must include the following
point while writing your evaluation.

• Specify your role and responsibility within the group and how successful do you think you were
in contributing towards the creation of the outcome and meeting the broader aim of the group.
• Justify the roles, responsibilities and contributions of each member of the group and how
successful was it in achieving the outcome.
• Explain the challenges faced as a group and as an individual and how did you overcome the
• Provide some insight on to how have you been able to collaborate with people outside the U.A.E
and what have you learnt through this process.
• Write a concluding paragraph that would state what would you do differently if you are given an
opportunity to engage in a different Sustainable Development Goal.

Your evaluation should not be in less than 150 to 200 words.

I was the author of the given project. I researched about antibiotics and came up with a hypothesis,
introduction, and conclusion of antibiotics.
We made a presentation outlining the role of antibiotics. We faced some challenges on what to include
in the presentation such as gathering of information, fake sites, and lack of cooperation with team
We collected and collated our data from various sources around the world.
I would carry out my research on how to save our environment.

Group Evaluation-Production of a Project Plan

Assessment Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4

Criteria 1-2 marks 3-4 marks 5-7 marks 8-10 marks
• the evaluation is • the evaluation is basic • the evaluation is • the evaluation is detailed
simplistic with some details detailed and well formulated
• the evaluation is not • the evaluation is not • the evaluation is • the evaluation is
Evaluation of linked to the project consistently linked to consistently linked to consistently and clearly
project aims the project aims the project aims linked to the project aims
outcome • there is a limited • there is some • there is a sound • there is considerable
understanding of the understanding understanding of the insight into the successes
successes or failures of of the successes or successes and failures of and failures of the outcome
the outcome failures of the outcome the outcome

Reflect and evaluate as an individual on your project outcome. You must include the following point
while writing your evaluation.

• Show details of how you have been able to clearly and consistently link the outcome to the project aim
• Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your outcome and how have you addressed the weaknesses
• Was the desired concrete outcome the best of what it could be if not state the areas for

Your evaluation should not be in less than 150 to 200 words.

Start your answer here……

My aim was antibiotics. My concrete outcome was about antibiotics. I linked my aim and
my concrete outcome so I could not get wrong information. My concrete outcome was a
PowerPoint. I’m not that good at editing/making ppt’s but I tried to learn and then I
placed the information in the ppt.

Concrete outcome

Research work for the project.

- History of Antibiotics

It wasn’t until the late 19th century that scientists began to observe antibacterial
chemicals in action. Paul Ehrlich, a German physician, noted that certain chemical dyes
coloured some bacterial cells but not others. He concluded that, according to this
principle, it must be possible to create substances that can kill certain bacteria
selectively without harming other cells.
The word ‘antibiotics’ was first used over 30 years later by the Ukrainian-American
inventor and microbiologist Selman Waksman.

Use of antibiotics: Antibiotics are used to treat or to prevent types of bacterial infection.
They’re not effective against viral infections such as the cold or flu. Antibiotics should
only be used to treat health problems.
The advantages:
The antibiotics help our immune system in fighting the bacteria. Antibiotics were created
to kill specific bacteria and not the viruses. Antibiotics are fast acting and they’re easy to
take. Antibiotics sure look like a medicine that can kill our infections but its not good to
take the same type of antibiotics, you’ll have to be prescribed by your doctor in order to
take them.

The disadvantages:
A course of antibiotics can weaken our immune system, this happens because the
bacteria in our gut helps in the immune system and it plays a major role. Antibiotics
can’t differentiate between good and bad bacteria, that leads to the antibiotics to kill the
bacteria in our gut which results to our immune system to weaken.


I’ve found out that antibiotics don’t work on viruses, they are used to treat infections by
killing the bacteria.
I also found out that antibiotics help our immune system, easy to take and fast acting.
We can’t take antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription.
Antibiotics aren’t good for our immune system though. They weaken our immune
system because they kill the good bacteria that plays a major role. They can’t
differentiate between good and bad bacteria.

In conclusion, I think that antibiotics should have a limit in usage and should only be
taken when necessary.


Society, M., 2020. The History Of Antibiotics. [online] Available at:
20discovered%20penicillin.> [Accessed 7 December 2020]. 2020. Antibiotic. [online] Available at: <>

[Accessed 7 December 2020]. 2020. Antimicrobial Drug Resistance. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 7
December 2020]. 2020. [online] Available at:

[Accessed 7 December 2020].


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