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MPO Fenetres manufactures building products. The Company offers doors,

closures, shutters, windows, and veranda of aluminum and wood. MPO Fenetres
serves customers in France.

This case study is based on real events which occurred in 2010. It describes the
launch by MPO Fenêtres of new windows, characterised by improved thermal
performance, achieved by the use of triple glazing. This company is based in the
French region of Orne. It has 200 employees, and realized a turnover of over €35
million in 2010. It has positioned itself as an innovative company, always seeking
to apply the latest technical developments. In the current economic crisis
customers are more careful with their money, and think more carefully about
potential purchases. In recent years it has been shown that consumers’ purchasing
behaviour has evolved, and that criteria such as sustainable development and
environmental protection are now among the factors that may influence
purchasing decisions. In this sense, an “ecological consciousness” has emerged.
Not only the Grenelle de l’Environnement (a French forum for the discussion of
issues relating to sustainable development) and government standards, but also
tax credits associated with the purchase of certain goods, have affected the
housing industry, and therefore also window manufacturers. Rebuilding and
renovation are also subject to these factors.

In this context, the launch of windows made of PVC, with their high thermal

performance and technical and competitive advantages, was important for this

SME. It was the company managers’ responsibility to launch and market these

products successfully.
Learning objectives

This case study is designed to illustrate the practical application of the theoretical
concepts covered during marketing and strategy lectures. Specifically,

the case study focuses on marketing strategies.

Working on this case study will show the student how to:

• analyse a company’s internal and external environment;

• identify the “key success factors” for a company operating in this industry;

• draft a sales pitch;

• decide on the size of the salesforce needed for a targeted commercial area;

• calculateng a selling price;

• determine the feasibility of promotional offers, such as discounts.

Analyzing the Internal and External environment of the organisation using

SWOT Analysis:


As a result, they met the requirements of the legislature and the general public.
They adapted to the outside environment, turned the risks associated with it into
opportunities, and accepted the risk of the shift in legislative principles and
controls as well as the growing attention to people on the planet. They created
improved products and services, made adjustments to the changing situation, and
got through the crisis. Another asset of the business is that they had sufficient
access to raw materials and resources.


Since they had only recently formed an eltation and could redesign their products,
the organisation was unable to institutionalise their product for a global market.
item of local interest. They needed bank credits because they were not financially
stable. They lacked strong market recognition and required excellent distribution


-Loans and tax credits will aid in boosting sales of triple-glazed windows.

-The renovation market will expand more quickly, and people will be more
willing to spend money on better insulating materials for their homes.

-A stronger emphasis on customisation


-15% of the market is only controlled by MPO Fenetres.

-A high tax rate could pose a serious danger to the company's ability to generate
-Costs associated with industrial relocation, energy pricing, etc., could raise a
company's overall cost structure.


MPO Fenêtres is well-known in the market for their honesty, creativity, and high-
quality products. As a result, some of the key factors in achieving success from
the Diagnosis are as follows:

a) Key Factors: Expand and spread all over the place.

b) Maintain high calibre and meet administration and general population


c) Efficiency is being implemented.

d) Long-term progress, as clients are aware of accommodation options.

e) Surviving a financial emergency

f) Inform people about the benefits of Upvc.

g) MPO Fenetres should work with government agencies to gain their support.

Sales pitch for the company. Sales claims to be presented to sellers.

The most reliable key notes for the company pitch came from the company's
employees and various social media sources. Sales claims for sellers include
product replacement after a certain period of time or at the seller's request,
services claims, and benefits claims based on the terms of the deal. Quality and
service complaints must be taken into account. Typically, consumer preferences
differ from one country to the next, making it difficult to market a standard
product globally, which helps to explain the customization phenomenon.
Furthermore, 89.99% of windows are custom made, limiting material importation
even further. Which questions and arguments should be raised to dispel customer
misconceptions? The company's emphasis is on the potential long-term savings
in energy costs for homeowners. The company is concentrating on developing
From design to installation, products are created within the framework of
sustainable development. The company is in charge of the entire supply chain
management system, from order to delivery to the customer and, in some cases,
installation. Triple-glazed products provide better insulation and sophistication.

Incentives to stimulate the sales force (bonuses, collective or Individual

incentives,etc.) to encourage their continued training and to Support sales
of this product.

• Employees of the organisation should have the option of working

independently. Giving salespeople the freedom to work independently will
allow them to close more deals.
• The company should create a competitive environment for its employees
in order to motivate them to work harder. Additionally, top salespeople can
be rewarded with bonus money. The salesperson's progress could be made
public to all employees.
• The best salespeople from various agencies could be sent to international
trade shows.
• To ensure that customers are reached during the holidays, salespeople
should work in shifts. This will increase sales efficiency because most
customers will devote more client and concentration to salespeople.
• The agency should have 18 salespeople and some other personnel.
Optimum size of a business team for an agency

The optimum size of a business team for the agency is that it should have 4

online marketers, 7 telemarketers and 7 door-to-door salesmen.

Employee Shift 1 Shift 2 total

Online marketer 2 2 4

Telemarketer 4 3 7

Door-to-door 3 4 7

The current agency team is extremely small, with only about three thousand
C/Sales man; it should have at least 1000 C/Sales man. Or the sales team should
be divided into different tasks, such as lead generation, meetings, and follow-up,
and complaint handling and after-sales services. The company distributes its
products through two channels: a central department in charge of "key accounts"
and "communities," and an eight-agency network in northeastern France, all of
which are owned by the company. These organisations are the foundation of the
distribution network. Each agency employs fifteen salespeople and controls
approximately 15% of its market area, with a sales territory of approximately
45,000 customers. Salespeople actively seek potential clients, particularly at trade
shows. These events are critical because they provide opportunities to expand the
client base and win new contracts. Contacts made during these events can account
for up to 25% of an agency's annual revenue.
The feasibility of a commercial promotion offering “triple-glazed windows
for the price of double glazing” for the product launch.

• Triple-glazed windows are a relatively new product on the market. People

are largely unaware of its capabilities and the environmental impact it can
• The product launch should be more focused on familiarising the product in
communities and raising awareness among people.
• Long-term energy and money savings should be included in promotions.
• The benefits of security and noise reduction should be highlighted.
• The high price of triple glazed windows is one of the psychological features
that gives customers a premium feeling about the product. Cutting the price
low may not give customers confidence in the product, but it may increase
• Customers will not be affected by the product's environmental friendliness
at first, and by the time customers who are renovating receive their interest-
free loans, the discount campaign will have ended, so it may appear logical
to launch the product at a lower price.
• Given the preceding statements, it is quite feasible to promote triple-glazed
windows at the price of double-glazed windows.

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