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Grade 9

February 28, 2022

3:00-5:00 PM
The learners demonstrate an understanding of volcanoes found in the Philippines.

The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks and lessen
effects of climate change.

The learners should be able to:
1. Describe the different types of volcanoes (S9ES -IIIa25)
2. Differentiate between active and inactive volcanoes (S9ES -IIIa27)
3. Explain what happens when volcanoes erupt (S9ES -IIIa28)

By the end of the lesson, 75% of the students will be able to:
 Distinguish different types of volcanoes according to its activity, shape and
 Reflect how humans can harness the benefits of volcanoes and volcanic
 Demonstrate precautionary measures to be followed before, during and after a
volcanic eruption through creative short video presentation.


A. Topic: Volcanoes
B. Sub-Topic: Types of Volcanoes based on Structure and Volcanic Activity,
Volcanic Eruption, Energy from Volcanoes
C. References:
 Gerona, Z. M., Espana, R. C., Sinugbuhan, R. L., Florido, A. V.,
Lansangan, R. V., Calamlam, J. M., Calamlam, A. E., & Hijara, A. E.
(2015). Chapter 10. Science and Technology 9 (pp.279-299). ABIVA
Publishing House Inc.
D. Instructional Materials: Laptop, Mobile Phone, PowerPoint Presentation,
Breakout Rooms
E. Concept: Volcanoes can be classified into different categories based on sets
of aspects and considerations.
F. Skills: Positive Interdependence, Analytical Thinking, Technological Skills
G. Values Integration: Cooperation, Understanding, Appreciation
H. Time Frame: 2 hours
10 mins A. Routinely

1. Greetings Hello students! Good Good morning Sir.

day. How are you? We’re fine Sir.

2. Prayer Before anything else, Students will open their

can you please open camera.
your camera for the
opening prayer? Andrei Andrei will lead the
please lead the prayer. prayer.

3. Classroom Is my audio clear? Yes, Sir. We can hear

Management you loud and clear.

In any case if something Noted, Sir.

wrong happen with my
audio quality just tell me.
Understood? For you
students, you can find a
comfortable place
during our lesson so you
can be away from any

4. Attendance Let us check your Students being called

attendance. Keep your will say “present”.
camera open and I will
call you one by one and
say present if you are

Okay, so I guess we can In our previous topic

5. Recall
start with this number of about Mole Concept, I
attendees. So let us first have learned that we
have a recall of what you can use mole to count
have learned from our for the number of
previous lesson. atoms, molecules or
Anyone? What have you ions which are very tiny
learned from our particles.
previous meeting? Yes,

Thank you, Caleb. 1 mole of any

That’s correct. Do you substance is equal to
still remember the 6.02x1023 particles or
equivalent value for 1 also known as the
mole of a substance? Avogadro’s number.
Yes, Sam.
Exactly. I think you Yes, Sir. Aside from
learned a lot from our what Sam said, what I
past lesson. Who else remembered from our
want to share their previous lesson is that
learning? Are you we can use a
raising your hand conversion factor to
Jimrex? convert moles to
identify the mass or the
number of particles
present in a compound.
Correct. I hope you kept
a copy of that
conversion factor for
future purposes. Thank
you for your answers. Students will click the
Let’s give everybody a clap emoji in the
round of applause. meeting room.
B. ELICIT So we are now done on
Grade 9 Chemistry. We
are now going to jump
into another set of
lessons but this time we
will focus on Earth
Science. Are you
excited? Please tell me
your reaction by sending The students will have
emoji’s in the chat box. various reactions.

Let us test first your prior Students will actively

knowledge with regards participate in the PPT
on something in activity. Presentation
connection with our new
lesson. In this activity
you will try to guess the Keyword:
mystery word in order to “Pacific Ring of Fire”
unlock the picture.

What is your idea about The Pacific Ring of Fire

the Pacific Ring of Fire? is a region around the
Yes, Sam Hervie? Pacific Ocean where
many volcanic
eruptions and
earthquakes occurs.
Exactly. So in your
Grade 8 Earth Science
you’ve discussed about
earthquakes, right? Yes, Sir.
10 mins C. ENGAGE
1. Presentation of For today’s lesson we
the Topic will explore the different
classifications of
volcanoes, how and
what happens during
volcanic eruptions, and
we will also explore if
there are benefits from
volcanic eruptions.

2. Presentation of But let me give you first By the end of the PPT
Lesson Objectives the lesson’s objectives: lesson, 75% of the Presentation
Can you please read our students will be able to:
lesson’s objectives
Jherold?  Distinguish different
types of volcanoes
according to its
activity, shape and
 Reflect on how
humans can
harness the
benefits of
volcanoes and
volcanic eruptions.
 Demonstrate
measures to be
followed before,
during and after a
volcanic eruption
through creative
short video

3. Unlocking Key Next, let’s define some 1. Slope- is the angle PPT
Terms important terms to this made from the lower Presentation
discussion. Diether, can flanks of the volcano
you please read what is and the summit of the
presented in the slide? volcano.
2. Caldera- a large
cauldron-like hollow
that forms shortly after
the emptying of a
magma chamber in a
volcanic eruption.
3. Viscosity- property
which determines the
intensity of lava
eruption. Fluids wit high
viscosity flow less
easily than fluids with
low viscosity.
4. Geothermal
Energy- energy from
the internal heat of the
20 mins D. EXPLORE For our next activity this Students will have their
will be a collaborative groupings and will
work. You will be divided proceed to their
into 3 groups. This time respective breakout
we will utilize the rooms. Respective
breakout rooms since I tasks will be given and
will give you separate they will start to work on
tasks per group. You will their tasks.
know your tasks when
you enter your
respective breakout

Group 1: Different Parts

of a Volcano (Drag and
Drop Activity)

Group 2: Picture
Identification (Types of
Volcanoes based on
Activity and Shape)

Group 3: Essay:
“Volcanic Eruptions-
Good and Bad”
25 mins E. EXPLAIN This time each group The representative
will present their output students from each
in the class (each will be group will present their
given 5 minutes) then work to the class.
right after every
presentations, the
teacher will give
feedback to the students
output. Group 1 will present
their work.
The teacher will give
feedback on Group 1’s
work. PPT
Group 2 will present Presentations
Feedback will be given their output as well.
to Group 2 after their
Group 3 will be the last
Feedback will be given to present their output.
to Group 3 after their
presentation. Then, all
will be commended for
their efforts.

This activity will serve as

an introduction to the
discussion proper to
correct misconceptions.
40 mins F. ELABORATE Volcanoes and Its

Volcano- are vents in

the Earth’s crust through
which volcanic materials
such as lava, pyroclastic
materials, tephra, lahar,
and volcanic gasses
from the Earth’s interior
are emitted.

Parts of a Volcano
a) Magma- these are
molten rocks inside
the Earth.
b) Magma Chamber-
is a hollow within a
volcano where
magma and gases
c) Vent- opening on the
surface of a volcano
where lava, gases,
ashes or other
volcanic materials
are emitted.
d) Crater- bowl-shaped
depression formed
by volcanic
e) Lava- magma that
was once in the
interior of the Earth
which was expelled
onto its surface.
f) Tephra- pieces of
rocks thrown away
from a volcano with a
size of tiny ash
particles to a house-
size boulders.
g) Volcanic Bombs-
molten rocks thrown
out from a volcano
which are at least
66mm in size.
Different Types of
Volcanoes and
Volcanic Eruption

Volcanoes can be
categorized based on
two aspects: According
to Activity and according
to shape and their

Based on Activity:
 Active Volcanoes-
these are volcanoes
that has a record of
eruption recently or
in the past 10,000
years, and are
expected to erupt
again in the future. PPT
Example of this are Presentation
Mt. Mayon.
 Dormant
Volcanoes- are
volcanoes that has
the capacity to erupt
but has not erupted
in the past 10,000
 Extinct Volcanoes-
this are inactive
volcanoes that has
not erupted in the
past 10,000 years
and are not expected
to erupt again in the
future. However,
even though they are
extinct, they can still
erupt anytime
Based on Shape and
 Shield Volcano- are
low mountains with
broad sloping sides,
formed by flowing
lava. The lava flows
in all directions from
the central vent,
creating a flattened
cone. This are the
largest volcanoes in
the world having a
diameter of hundred
 Cinder Cone
Volcanoes- are the
simplest type of
volcanoes. These
are steep conical
volcanic debris
formed by particles
and blobs of erupted
lava. This has
circular oval cone
and mostly low
impact eruption.
 Composite PPT
Volcanoes- are Presentation
made up of
alternating layers of
volcanic debris, lava
flows, and cinders
that run down steep,
symmetrical flanks.
The crater of a
composite volcano is
connected to the
central vent filled
with magma.

Volcanic Eruption

The planet is constantly

movements beneath the
surface and needs to
cool down sometimes. It
is done by releasing the
internal heat and
pressure through
volcanic eruptions. In
volcanic eruptions,
magma is being pushed
out of the crater or the
flanks of the volcano
and released to the
surface of the Earth.

Types of Magma:
a) Basaltic- low
viscosity magma that
flows easily and
quickly along the
surface as lava.
b) Andesitic- contains
concentration of iron,
calcium, potassium
and sodium. This is
more viscous than
basaltic magma
which explodes
violently and flow
slowly along the
c) Rhyolitic- contains
high concentration of
silicates and gasses
and the most viscous
among the three. It
has high amount of
sodium and

Types of Lava Flow:

a) Aa- rough textured
b) Pahoehoe- a smooth
and fluid lava flow
c) Blocks- fragments of
lava or rocks larger
than 64mm

Pyroclastic Materials:
a) Agglutinates-
melded pieces of
rocks due to high
b) Volcanic ash- tiny
lava particles that
explode into the
c) Bombs- partially
molten fragments of
lava larger than
d) Cinders- vesicular
fragments of lava at
least 1cm in size
e) Lapili- lava rocks or
fragments ranging
from 2 to 64mm in
f) Pumice- pea-sized
lumps of rocks
composed of light
colored volcanic
g) Scoria- vesicular
volcanic rocks
commonly dark or
reddish in color

Values Integration

Volcanic eruptions are

generally hazardous to
living things and
damaging to non-living
things. However, they
can also have benefits
which we can harness.

Can you think of some Volcanic materials are

examples? Yes, Janelle. generally good source
of natural glass,
metals, and precious
That is correct. Anybody
else who wants to add
something? Ashes from volcanoes
are utilized as soil
fertilizers because of
high concentration of
Correct. Aside from that,
volcanoes are also good
source of geothermal


For our last activity, this

will test your
understanding on the
whole duration of our
discussion. So I am
going to flash some
pictures of volcanoes
around the world and
you are going to identify
if it is a shield volcano, a
cinder cone, or a
composite volcano.

1st Picture: Mt. Fuji Students will answer

Composite Volcano
2nd Picture: Mt. Saint Students will answer
Helens Cinder Cone Volcano

3rd Picture: Mt. Etna Students will answer

Cinder Cone Volcano

4th Picture: Mt. Kilauea Students will answer

Shield Volcano

5th Picture: Mt. Mauna Students will answer

Loa Shield Volcano

All your answers are

correct. This time let us
differentiate Active,
Dormant and Extinct

Who can give the When we say active

difference among the volcano these are
three types of volcano volcanoes that has
according to activity? recent history of
Yes, Janelle. eruption in the past
10,000 years and are
expected to erupt again
in the future. Dormant
volcanoes has the
capability to erupt in the
future but has not
erupted in the past
10,000 years. Lastly,
Extinct volcano are
volcanoes that didn’t
erupted in the last
10,000 years and are
not expected to erupt
again in the future.
That is on point answer.
Very well explained

To sum-up our whole Presentation
discussion for today we
have learned that:

 Volcanoes can be
classified based on
their activity whether
active, dormant or
extinct volcanoes.
 Volcanoes can be
further classified
based on their shape
and explosiveness
which are shield,
cinder cone or
 The materials
associated with
volcanic eruptions
are lava flow,
materials, volcanic
gases and tephra.
 Volcanic eruptions
are caused by the
high temperature
and pressure of
gasses dissolved in
magma and newly
injected magma into PPT
a magma chamber Presentation
that is already full of
 The primary factor
that determines the
strength of a
volcanic eruption are
temperature and
composition of
magma and the
amount of dissolved
 Volcanic eruptions
are not only
hazardous but they
can also bring
benefits to life forms.
Part I. Matching Type. Identify what is being described in Table A and choose the correct
answer in Tables B. Put the letter of your answer in the space provided.

___ 1. Molten rocks that is already a. Based on Activity
in the surface and flowing like a
b. Based on Shape and
___ 2. Classification of volcanoes
c. magma
based on their frequency of
eruption. d. Volcanoes
___ 3. Molten rocks still trapped e. lava
___ 4. Openings or vents where
lava, tephra, and steam erupt on
to the Earth’s surface.
___ 5. Classification of volcanoes
based on their structure and
intensity of eruption.

Part II. Answer the following questions.

1. Create a diagram of the different classification of volcanoes. Give a short
description for each categories.
2. Give at least 2 ways on how humans benefits from volcanoes and its eruptions.
Part III. Video Presentation (Group Project)
Now that you have explored volcanoes and how volcanoes erupt, this time you will
be given a performance task on what precautionary measures can you suggest before,
during and after a volcanic eruption. You will be divided into different groups. All groups
will be assigned to create a short video presentation regarding the “Precautionary
Measures on Volcanic Eruption”. You are free to choose your preferred concept on how
will you deliver the video presentation. The video duration must not be less than 5 minutes
and not more than 20 minutes. Rubrics is given below.

Rubric for Video Making:

Content ------ 50%
Visual Effects/ Creativity ------ 20%
Group Collaboration ------ 30%
TOTAL: 100%
A. What are the different types or classification of volcanic eruptions?
B. For the next Topic
1. Research about the difference between weather and climate.
2. Describe the type of Climate experienced in the Philippines.
3. What factors affects Climate?

Prepared by:
Teacher Intern

Checked and Monitored by:

Cooperating Academic Coach

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