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Grade 9

March 7, 2022
3:00-5:00 PM
The learners demonstrate an understanding of factors that affects climate, and the
effects of changing climate and how to adapt accordingly.

The learners shall be able to participate in activities that reduce risks and lessen
effects of climate change.

The learners should be able to:
1. Explain how different factors affect the climate of an area (S9ES-IIIe-30)
2. Describe climatic phenomena that occur on a global level (S9ES-IIIf-31)

By the end of the lesson, 75% of the students will be able to:
 Identify the different factors affecting climate.
 Describe how global climate phenomena affects mankind and the environment.
 List down alternative activities to reduce or solve the impacts of climate change.


A. Topic: Climate
B. Sub-Topic: Weather and Climate, Koppen-Geiger Climate Classification,
Factors Affecting Climate, and Global Climate Phenomena
C. References:
 Gerona, Z. M., Espana, R. C., Sinugbuhan, R. L., Florido, A. V.,
Lansangan, R. V., Calamlam, J. M., Calamlam, A. E., & Hijara, A. E.
(2015). Chapter 11, Climate. Science and Technology 9 (pp.312-328).
ABIVA Publishing House Inc.
D. Instructional Materials: Laptop, Mobile Phone, PowerPoint Presentation
E. Concept: Different areas around the world experiences varying climatic
conditions for some known influences. Global climate is naturally dynamic
however, anthropogenic activities speeds up this process and brings significant
F. Skills: Problem Solving, Analytical Thinking, Technological Skills
G. Values Integration: Realization, Care and Compassion, Appreciation
H. Time Frame: 2 hours
10 mins A. Routinely

1. Greetings Hello students! Good Good morning Sir.

day. How are you? We’re fine Sir.

2. Prayer Before anything else, Students will open their

can you please open camera.
your camera for the
opening prayer? Andrei Andrei will lead the
please lead the prayer. prayer.

3. Classroom Is my audio clear? Yes, Sir. We can hear

Management you loud and clear.

In any case if something Noted, Sir.

wrong happen with my
audio quality just tell me.
Understood? For you
students, you can find a
comfortable place
during our lesson so you
can be away from any

4. Attendance Let us check your Students being called

attendance. Keep your will say “present”.
camera open and I will
call you one by one and
say present if you are

Okay, I guess we can Volcanoes are

5. Recall
start with this number of categorized based on
attendees. Last meeting their shape and activity.
we have discussed the Based on shape we
different classifications have shield, cinder
of volcanoes and what cone and composite
happens during a volcanoes. On the
volcanic eruptions, other hand, according
right? Can somebody to activity we classify
give me the summary of volcanoes as either
the previous lesson? active, dormant or
Yes, Lea. extinct volcanoes.

How about the materials Volcanic materials

being ejected during a ejected during an
volcanic eruptions? Yes, eruption are lava flow
Johnnalyn. and pyroclastic
Aside from that we also
discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of a
volcanic eruption.
B. ELICIT Regarding our lesson
last time, first, I would
like to address some
concerns on the results
of your evaluation. I see
that some of you had
confusions especially on
the first part of the test.

The teacher will show Students’ participation

the first part of the will be asked from time
evaluation and correct to time.
some misconceptions.

If you have concerns or

questions during our
lesson please don’t be
hesitant to raise it in the
room. I highly
encourage everybody to
inform me if you are
having hard time
catching up with our
lesson so that I can give
emphasis on that
particular concept. That
is your right as a learner
and my obligation is to
help you and make sure
that you really
understand the lesson.

Are we okay with that, Yes, Sir.

10 mins C. ENGAGE
1. Presentation of For today’s lesson we
the Topic will we talking about
climate, especially what
factors affects climate,
the global climate
phenomena and lastly
the causes and effects
of climate change.

2. Presentation of Let me give you first the By the end of the PPT
Lesson Objectives lesson’s objectives: Can lesson, 75% of the Presentation
you please read our students will be able to:
lesson’s objectives  Identify the different
Jherold? factors affecting
 Describe how
global climate
phenomena affects
mankind and the
 List down
alternative activities
to reduce or solve
the impacts of
climate change.

3. Unlocking Key Next, let’s define some 1. Convection PPT

Terms important terms to this Current- are flowing Presentation
discussion. Diether, can fluid that is moving
you please read what is because there is a
presented in the slide? temperature gradient or
density difference
within a material.
Warm, less dense
materials rises while
Cold, dense materials
2. Specific Heat
Capacity- amount of
energy required to
raise the temperature
of 1kg of a material by
3. Wind- movement of
air in the atmosphere.
4. Humidity- amount of
water vapor in the air.
10 mins D. EXPLORE Activity: “Weather or

The teacher will show

different premises and
the students will identify
whether it pertains to
weather or climate.

1. The sky looks cloudy. Students will answer PPT

weather. Presentation

2. The yearly rainfall in Student will answer

the rainforest is between climate.
50-260 inches.
3. Texas is known for Student will answer
hot and humid weather. climate.

4. Tomorrow will be cold Student will answer

and rainy. weather.

5. It usually snows every Students will answer

year in January. climate.

6. It has not rained this Student will answer

month. weather.
5 mins E. EXPLAIN Based on the activity Weather is short-term
how did you differentiate condition of the
weather from climate? atmosphere while
Yes, Caleb. climate is longer and
focus on the average
weather pattern in a
long period of time.
60 mins F. ELABORATE Weather vs. Climate
Weather refers to the Presentation
condition of the
atmosphere at a
particular place and time
that changes from within
minutes, hours or even
months. Climate is the
pattern of weather
condition in an area
based on average
weather experienced
over long periods of time
for 30 years and more.

Does all countries Student will give some

around the world explanation regarding
experience the same the questions.

Climate Classification
A climate classification PPT
system in the world Presentation
which uses shades and
colors to denote 5
different climate zones
on Earth.
1. ZONE A (Tropical or
Equatorial) -
represented by blue
colors. This climate has
no winter. All months
have an average
temperature of above
2. ZONE B (Arid or Dry)
– represented by red, PPT
pink, and orange, Presentation
colors. Precipitation is
deficient during most of
the year, resulting to a
constant water
3. ZONE C (Temperate
or Mesothermal) –
represented by green
colors. The winters are
mild. The coldest month
has an average
temperature of below
18°C but above -3°C.
4. ZONE D (Continental
or Microthermal) -
represented by violet,
purple, and light blue
colors. The winters are
severe. The coldest
month has an average
temperature less than -
3°C and the warmest
monthly temperature
exceeds 10°C.
5. ZONE E (Polar) –
represented by gray
colors. This is a
summerless climate.
The average
temperature in a year is
below 10°C.

What pattern can you

observe from the As the region goes far
Koppen-Geiger Climate from the equator, the
Classification regarding climate experienced
the type of climate also changes and
experienced by different becomes wetter and
regions? has more or severe
Factors Affecting

1) Latitude- are
imaginary lines PPT
parallel to the Earth’s Presentation
equator. It describes
the distance of the
land area to the
equator. Areas near
the equator receives
direct solar energy PPT
which significantly Presentation
affect the climate
experienced on the
area compared to
regions that are far
from the equator
which only receives
less amount of sun’s
2) Altitude- this refers
to the height above
sea level. Locations
with higher altitudes
experiences colder
temperatures as to
areas near the sea
3) Distance from
Large Bodies of
Water- ocean waters
regulates the
temperature of
nearby lands or
coastal areas.
Ocean waters act as
heat sink which
absorbs the heat
from the sun causing
lower temperature in
coastal areas.
4) Ocean Currents-
Ocean waters are
constantly moving
due to ocean
currents. Warm
ocean currents bring
warm water from the
tropic zone to the
polar zones and cold
ocean current brings
cold waters from the
polar zones to the
tropic zone.
Basically, the
surface of water
warms or cools the
air above it. Warm
currents bring warm
air, while cold
currents brings cold
air. These
increases or PPT
decreases the Presentation
temperature in a
5) Prevailing Winds-
this refers to the
usual wind direction
of an area or region.
The wind carries air
masses from one
place to another.
These air masses
contains different
amounts of water
vapor which dictates
the amount of
precipitation an area
will get.
6) Mountain Ranges-
are series of hills or
mountains. These
blocks the path of
the prevailing winds
hence, when these
winds blows toward
the mountain
ranges, the rising
warm air is forced to
rise up. Then, at
higher altitudes,
these warm air cools
down causing the
water vapor to
condense and pour
as a rain.

Do you have questions

regarding the different None, Sir.
factors which affects

Okay, which factor that That is Altitude, Sir.

affects climate refers to Higher altitude means
the height above sea lower temperature.

How about the factor That refers to the

that affects climate Distance from Large
which refers to the Bodies of Water, Sir.
ocean water acting as
heat sink or insulator
which absorbs the heat
from the sun causing
colder temperature near
coastal areas?

I believe that is already

clear. Let us now
proceed to the next
concept on this lesson.

Global Climate

Climate change is the PPT

global phenomenon of Presentation
climate transformation
characterized by the
changes in the usual
climate of the planet that
are especially caused
by anthropogenic
activities. One of the
climatic phenomena that
occurs in the global level
is Global Warming.

1) Global Warming-
abnormal rise in the
Earth’s average

Which do you think The students will give

comes first- climate their opinions.
change or global

Effects of Climate

 Change in rain and

snow patterns
 Changing animal
migration pattern
and life cycles
 Melting snow and ice
 Thawing permafrost
 Stronger storms
 Higher temperatures
and heat waves
 More droughts and
 Damaged corals
 Rising sea level
 Warmer oceans
 Changing plant life
 Acid rain

Ways to Reduce
Greenhouse Gas

 Reducing the use of

fossil fuels PPT
 Use of renewable Presentation
alternative energy
 Stop deforestation
 Plant more trees
 Reduce water, soil
and air pollution

Values Integration

Do you consider Students will share

yourself as climate their personal
hero? experiences on how
they contribute to
global climate

In your own practical Students will give some

ways, how can you help practical ways or
the Earth to cope with approach on how to
climate change? combat climate


Let us check if you still Yes, Sir. We have

remember all that we altitude, latitude, and
have gone through in distance from large
this lesson. Can you still bodies of water, ocean
remember the different currents, prevailing
factors that affects winds and mountain
climate? ranges.

In your opinion, can we Yes, we are not yet

still solve this global late. We must start
issue? Where do you creating change from
think the change must ourselves first. We
begin? must put extra effort to
solve this problem from
small things and these
small things when
combined together is a
big help to our Mother
Earth. Since our future
depends on this matter,
we should help each
other and work
together because there
is nothing we cannot do
if we are aiming with
the same goal and
having the same clear
motive of saving the

For today’s lesson we

have learned a lot
starting from the
different climate zones,
the factors that affects
climate, and the causes
and effect of climate
change and how can we
cope up with the present
situation that we are in.
To conclude our lesson The students will read
for today, I would like to the quote.
share to you this
quotation about caring
for our beloved Mother

Thank you for your

active participation. Thank you, Sir.


Test I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer for each question.
1. Which of the following best describes a climate?
a. It indicates the amount of rain that falls in a certain place.
b. It is the condition of the atmosphere at a certain time and place.
c. It is the average weather condition of a place over a long period of time.
2. Temperature are highest in the tropical zones because _____.
a. mountain block cool wind
b. ocean current warm the region
c. sunlight strikes Earth most directly
3. Which of the following factors does not affect climate?
a. latitude
b. longitude
c. mountains
4. This factor that affects climate refers to the height above sea level.
a. mountain rangers
b. latitude
c. altitude
5. Factor affecting climate which is characterized by ocean waters acting as
insulators or heat sinks which absorbs the heat from the sun causing colder
temperature in coastal areas.
a. prevailing winds
b. distance from large bodies of water
c. ocean currents
6. Which of the following human activities does not contributes to the greenhouse
gas emissions?
a. reforestation
b. burning fossil fuels and coals
c. urbanization
7. How does high concentration of CO2 level in the atmosphere affects the world’s
a. it increases air pollution
b. it helps in maintaining the Earth temperature and prevents global
c. it traps the heat from the sun causing higher global temperature
8. The following are the effects of climate change except _______.
a. drought
b. melting of glaciers
c. weaker storms
9-10. List down at least two ways on how can you reduce greenhouse gas
emissions in your own practical way.
1. Watch the video entitled “Climate Change- a Short Film” then compose a short
reflection regarding the video with not less than 300 words. Please be guided with the
main question- what would happen if we don’t take necessary actions to solve the crisis
of climate change?
2.) Study on Constellations.

Prepared by:
Teacher Intern

Checked and Monitored by:

Cooperating Academic Coach

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