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Front. Environ. Sci. Eng.

2019, 13(2): 30


A review on application of dielectric barrier discharge plasma

technology on the abatement of volatile organic compounds

Wenjing Lu (✉)1, Yawar Abbas1, Muhammad Farooq Mustafa2, Chao Pan1, Hongtao Wang1
1 School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
2 Department of Environmental Design, Health and Nutritional Sciences, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan

Applications of non-thermal plasma
reactors for reduction of VOCs were
Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD)
plasma was considered.
Effect of process parameters was
Effect of catalysts and inhibitors
were evaluated.

Article history:
Received 5 December 2018
Revised 4 March 2019
Accepted 4 March 2019 Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released from the waste treatment facilities have become a
Available online 4 April 2019 significant issue because they are not only causing odor nuisance but may also hazard to human health.
Non-thermal plasma (NTP) technologies are newly developed methods and became a research trend in
recent years regarding the removal of VOCs from the air stream. Due to its unique characteristics, such
Keywords: as rapid response at room temperature, bulk homogenized volume, high reaction efficiency, dielectric
Non-thermal plasma (NTP) barrier discharge (DBD) plasma technology is considered one of the most promising techniques of
Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) NTP. This paper reviews recent progress of DBD plasma technology for abatement of VOCs. The
principle of plasma generation in DBD and its configurations (electrode, discharge gap, dielectric
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) barrier material, etc.) are discussed in details. Based on previously published literature, attention has
Abatement been paid on the effect of DBD configuration on the removal of VOCs. Effect of various process
Input power parameters such as initial concentration, gas feeding rate, oxygen content and input power on VOCs
removal are also considered. Moreover, the role of catalysis and inhibitors in VOCs removal by DBD
system are presented. Finally, a modified configuration of the DBD reactor, i.e. double dielectric
barrier discharge (DDBD) for the abatement of VOCs is discussed. It was suggested that the DDBD
plasma reactor could be used for higher conversion efficiency as well as for avoiding solid residue
deposition on the electrode. These depositions can interfere with the performance of the reactor.

© Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

1 Introduction atmosphere from numerous waste treatment facilities such

as landfill sites, sludge dewatering and composting
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted into the facilities, incineration and wastewater treatment plants
etc. (Dobslaw et al., 2018). VOCs in the emissions of these
✉ Corresponding author waste treatment facilities are characterized mostly as
hydrocarbons, sulfur compounds, halogenated com-
2 Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2019, 13(2): 30

pounds, terpenes etc. (Wu et al., 2010; Wu and Wang, measure of the effect of charge carriers within the specified
2015). Some of the VOCs are the essential precursors for area or certain length. The plasmas consist of both positive
the formation of particulate matter and photochemical and negative charges. These charges exert forces on each
smog (Oda, 2003; Shu et al., 2018). Some of these other and collision can take place. However, these effects
compounds are carcinogenic such as benzene, toluene, are limited to a certain length i.e. the Debye length (lD).
formaldehyde, etc. (Mustafa et al., 2017b). Therefore, the This property of the plasma is of great importance for the
abatement of VOCs has become a serious concern to interaction of charge carriers and is well explained by
minimize their adverse effects on human health as well as Keidar and Beilis (2018). The degree of ionization is also
to improve the air quality. Various technologies that have an influential factor for the plasma generation in which the
been developed in recent decades can be divided into three atoms are ionized resulting in free electrons and ions.
categories such as physical, chemical and biological Mechanism of ionization in NTP is explained in detailed
methods. by Kim et al. (2017) while the calculation of the degree of
Due to their low energy requirement, robotic and ionization is well explained by Rutscher (2008). The
mechanical stability toward target molecules, adsorption property of electrical conductivity is significant for the
and absorption are considered as efficient technologies for plasma discharge. The electric field propagates free
the removal of VOCs from the gas stream (Wang et al., electrons, ions and gain drift velocities which generate
2014). However, these technologies have some drawbacks an electric current density. The measurement of electrical
such as post-treatment/reactivating and disposal of used conductivity of plasma is well explained by Crowley
adsorbents, which may increase the overall cost. (2015). The electron plasma frequency is another impor-
Chemical abatement processes use chemicals to convert tant property of plasma since it has a significant role in the
the VOCs into harmless or less toxic products. These propagation of electromagnetic waves in plasmas
processes often operate in the presence of heat as a source (Rutscher, 2008).
of energy. It primarily includes catalytic oxidation and Plasmas are classified mainly into two types according
thermal oxidation (with or without catalysts). Thermal to electron temperature (Te) and ion temperature (Ti), i.e.
oxidation processes operate at a temperature of 700°C to high temperature plasmas (HTP) and low temperature
1000°C at 0.5 to 1.0 s residence time. Catalytic oxidation plasma (LTP). In HTP, the entire plasma particles, i.e.
proceeds in the presence of a catalyst at temperatures electrons, ions and neutral species have the same
ranging from 250°C to 500°C. Compared to thermal temperature, usually subjected to the high gas pressure.
oxidation processes, less NOx is generated during the The temperature may reach values in the order of Ti ≈
catalytic oxidation process (Carabineiro et al., 2015; Te≥107 K, it is also called hot plasma. The common
Boycheva et al., 2018). However, major drawbacks of example of HTP is fusion plasmas. Meanwhile, LTP can be
the chemical and thermal oxidation methods are catalytic subdivided into thermal LTP and non-thermal plasma. In
deactivation, high-temperature requirement and generation the thermal LTP, all the charged and neutral particles
of byproducts like dioxins and carbon monoxide (CO) in (electrons and protons) have the same temperature in an
surplus amount (Kamal et al., 2016). atom and temperature of the particles may reach in order of
During biological technologies, organic pollutants may Te ≈ Ti ≈ T£2  104 K. Most popular example of the
be converted into carbon dioxide and water; it is thermal LTP is “torch plasma” which is used in several
considered one of the cost-effective and environmental environmental applications such as coal gasification, and
friendly technology for the VOCs abatement. Biological other waste to energy processes etc. For NTP, the energy is
methods include biofilters and bioscrubbers (Schiavon et only accumulated to the electrons and the temperature of
al., 2017a). Biological techniques generate less noxious electrons and ions are different, where Ti ≈ T ≈ 300 K and
by-products compared to physical and chemical technol- Ti£Te£105 K (Rutscher, 2008). NTP is therefore
ogies. However, their drawbacks include excess sludge and characterized as non-equilibrium plasma. Aforementioned,
waste water generation, longer treatment time and low the energetic electrons are responsible for the propagation
efficiency due to the slow growth of microorganisms of reactions in NTP, resulting in dissociation of molecules
(Padhi and Gokhale, 2014; Barbusinski et al., 2017; Xu et and reactive species generation. The energetic electrons
al., 2017a). can degrade the molecules present in the gas environment
Non-thermal plasma (NTP) has been proved as a and convert them to different transitional products
promising technique for the treatment of water pollution (Schiavon et al., 2017b) and finally convert these into
(Narengerile and Watanabe, 2012), soil pollution (Agge- carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) (Ragazzi
lopoulos et al., 2018), and air pollution (Zhang et al., et al., 2014).
2018). Plasma the fourth state of matter and is an ionized In recent decades, NTP has drawn remarkable attention
form of gas consisting of free electrons and ions (Fridman, for the removal of VOCs (see Table 1) from the gas stream.
2008). Plasmas possess properties such as Debye screen The merit of this technology includes rapid response at
length, degree of ionization, electric conductivity and room temperature, generates high energized electrons
plasma frequency. The Debye screen length (lD) is a within a very short interval of time, and at moderate
Wenjing Lu et al. A review on application of dielectric barrier discharge plasma technology 3

Table 1 List of typical VOCs degraded in NTP

Types of VOCs Adverse effect on human health Types of NTP used for abatement Refs.
Toluene Headache and dizziness DBD Guo et al. (2018b)
Benzene Carcinogens Corona Ge et al. (2015)
Ethylbenzene Eye and throat sensitivity DBD Hosseinzadeh et al. (2018)
Dichloromethane Carcinogens SPCP Oda et al. (1995)
Trichloroethylene Effects central nervous system Corona discharge Vandenbroucke et al. (2016)
Tetrachloroethylene Skin irritation, heart and liver DDBD Mustafa et al. (2018)
Chlorobenzene Lungs and urinary system DBD Song et al. (2018)
Xylene Headache and dizziness Corona discharge Fan et al. (2009)
Styrene Carcinogens DDBD Zhang et al. (2018)
Acetone Carcinogens DBD Zhu et al. (2015d)
Formaldehyde Carcinogens DBD Zhu et al. (2015c)
Hydrogen sulfides Nervous system DBD Liang et al. (2011)
Dimethyl sulfides Skin and eyes irritant Corona discharge Chen et al. (2009b)
Acetaldehyde Probable carcinogen Corona discharge Klett et al. (2014)

capital cost (Raju et al., 2013; Ondarts et al., 2017). NTP and DBD-catalysis system. Mechanisms occurring in DBD
can be generated through numerous ways including corona rector and the effect of its configuration schemes on VOCs
discharge (Ondarts et al., 2017), microwave discharge conversion have been evaluated. Review of the funda-
(Yang et al., 2017), arc/plasma torch (Choi et al., 2014), mental process parameters including flow rate, initial
gliding discharge reactor (Młotek et al., 2015), electron concentration, oxygen content and energy input is
beam (Kim et al., 2012), and dielectric barrier discharge provided. It also gives an outline of the literature on a
(DBD) (Bahri et al., 2016). Among these various types of combined system of DBD-catalysis. Also, the effect of
NTP, DBD plasma for decomposition of VOCs has inhibitors (humidity, sulfur contents, chlorine, and deposi-
attached great attention recently. tion) on DBD performance is presented. Finally, a
DBD, also known as barrier discharge, has the following modified DBD reactor, i.e. double dielectric barrier
advantages: first, a bulk homogenized volume plasma can discharge (DDBD) plasma reactor for abatement of
be produced with the steady plasma area which ensures the VOCs has been reviewed and proposed for better
gas to be treated uniformly. Secondly, DBD is more performance.
efficient and with lower energy consumption compared to
other plasma techniques (Kogelschatz, 2003). Previous
literature on treatment of air pollutants in DBD includes 2 Configuration of dielectric barrier dis-
compounds as nitrogen oxides (NOx) (Obradović et al., charge (DBD) reactor and their effect on
2011), nitrous oxide (N2O) (Trinh et al., 2016), ammonia VOCs abatement
(NH3) (Abou Saoud et al., 2018), carbon disulfide (CS2),
airborne particles and bioaerosols (Park et al., 2011). DBD DBD also called silent discharge and barrier discharge is
plasma already has a number of industrial uses since it has an electrical discharge process that is created between two
a simple configuration and can be operated under atmo- electrodes and a dielectric barrier. The placement of
spheric pressure (Kogelschatz et al., 1997). insulating material in the discharge zone which ensures the
Although DBD as an end of pipe treatment, has been separation of gas from both sections is the major principle
recommended in the literature for decomposing VOCs, it for the generation of plasma in the DBD reactor. As shown
still has some disadvantages, mainly the production of in Fig. 1, DBD system can be built in numerous
undesired products, and partial mineralization, which configurations such as planer with parallel plates detached
lower the efficacy of DBD system and shorten the lifetime by a dielectric (a), and cylindrical type (b), in which a
of the electrode (Delagrange et al., 2006). To overcome dielectric tube is used between the coaxial plates (Kraus et
these issues, researchers are associating the benefits of al., 2001). Planer and cylindrical are most popular
DBD by placing catalyst in the reaction zone/discharge configurations of the DBD reactor for pollution control,
zone or near the plasma discharge zone; the system is especially for water, air, and soil. Plasma discharge
known as DBD-catalysis (Song et al., 2002). requires higher electrical voltage to generate a strong
This paper reviews abatement of VOCs through DBD electric field for the degradation of targeted pollutant
4 Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2019, 13(2): 30

Fig. 1 Configurations of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) reactors, where 1 is the alternating current (AC) at high voltage; 2 is the
electrode; 3 is the dielectric barriers; 4 is the discharge zone; 5 is the discharge gap. (a) Planer DBD configuration; (b) Cylindrical DBD

(Kogelschatz, 2003; Yi et al., 2003). In this type of NTP geometries were tested in the experiment including coil,
techniques, plasma is produced by transferring the rod, and bolt geometries. The coil electrode reactor showed
electrical energy into energetic electrons rather than gas better performance, i.e. 55% and 220 J/L for decomposi-
heating. The gas temperature remains as low as room tion rate and specific input energy (SIE) respectively, than
temperature and a voltage of 1–100 kilovolt (kV) with using the bolt and rod electrode. This is due to a decrease
frequencies of 50 Hz–1 MHz is necessary to sustain of the dielectric loss in the barrier. Iwamura and Saito
plasma discharges (Wang et al., 2012; Xiao et al., 2014). (2015) studied the removal of benzene in dry air with
Various types of discharge mode can occur in DBD system different materials as inner electrodes, i.e. titanium,
such as filamentary discharge mode, which is formed by stainless steel, and oxidized titanium. They concluded
discharges or streamers that are randomly distributed in the that the conversion efficiency of benzene was higher with
discharge gap between the electrodes. Another concept is the oxidized titanium electrode due to the photo-catalytic
the homogenous glow discharge mode, also called atmo- property of the oxidized layer. The electrode with a
spheric pressure glow discharge mode (Ge et al., 2015). photocatalytic property could be highly activated in the
The configuration of the DBD plasma reactor is well NTP at the peak voltages without extra UV light source
described in the literature (Brandenburg, 2017). The (Chen et al., 2016). Sivachandiran et al. (2012) studied the
reactor configuration consists of electrodes, discharge abatement of chlorobenzene in the air. Three different
length, volume and position of the catalyst; all these electrodes including silver paste, copper wire, and
parameters have a significant effect on the conversion and aluminum foil were tested. At the SIE of 310 J/L, the
energy efficiency of the system. The impact of these conversion efficiency was 90% using silver paste elec-
variables is overviewed and discussed based on published trode, which had decreased to 85% for copper wire and
data. 80% for aluminum foil respectively at SIE 264 J/L and 236
J/L, respectively. Moreover, the CO2 selectivity was also
2.1 Electrode improved when using silver paste electrode. They
concluded that the generation of abnormal corona outside
the reactors with the copper wire and aluminum foil could
In the DBD system, electrodes play a vital role in the be the reason of less conversion compared to silver paste.
generation of ionized and reactive species. The physical The corona can occur in the gaps between the dielectric
and chemical characteristics of the electrode material affect barrier and ground electrode due to poor contact between
the input power, which may enhance the energy of the them. On the other hand, in the case of silver paste, no gap
ionized electrons. The intensity of plasma and discharge is between the electrodes and the dielectric barrier enhances
related to the electrode material because different electrode the maximum energy consumption resulting in the
materials have different electric properties (such as electric generation of micro-discharges. Kim et al. (2004) also
resistivity and conductivity), which can affect the plasma found the same results while treating benzene using
discharge. So far, numerous types of electrode material are various electrodes, i.e. silver paste, aluminum tape and
used in different studies, including metallic rod (Magur- copper mesh.
eanu et al., 2007), brass wire (Guo et al., 2010), copper To conclude, the electrode shape and material has a
(Guo et al., 2010), tungsten (Zhang et al., 2015), noteworthy effect on the conversion efficiency of the
ferroelectric material (Subrahmanyam et al., 2010) and VOCs. An appropriate electrode configuration in the DBD
sintered metal fiber (SMF) (Raju et al., 2013). system could enhance the efficiency of a DBD system. For
Jiang et al. (2013) had examined the effect of electrode this account regarding different pollutants further investi-
geometry on the decomposition of benzene. Three different gation is needed.
Wenjing Lu et al. A review on application of dielectric barrier discharge plasma technology 5

2.2 Discharge gap 2.3 Discharge length

Discharge length is linked with the discharge zone or

Discharge gap is one of the most significant factors in DBD length of high voltage electrode or reaction zone where
reactor configuration. The discharge gap is the distance highly ionized electrons are produced. Studies found that
between the inner electrode and dielectric barrier where the discharge length has a positive link with the conversion
reactions are mostly taken place (Fig. 1). In DBD plasma efficiency of VOCs.
reactor an appropriate discharge gap length is required to Zhang et al. (2014b) investigated the decomposition of
sustain stable plasma. The discharge gap in laboratory styrene with different discharge lengths, i.e., 1.8, 3.6, 5.4,
investigation for gas treatment ranges from 1 to 6 mm, and and 7.2 cm and found that the maximum conversion
most of the studies have been conducted with the discharge efficiency of styrene was attained at the most extended
gap of 2 to 3 mm (Karuppiah et al., 2013; Mei and Tu, discharge length, i.e., 7.2 cm. It also showed that the
2017). selectivity of carbon dioxide (CO2) and CO improved with
Magureanu et al. (2007) studied the removal of the increase of discharge length. The highest selectivity
trichloroethylene (TCE) with discharge gaps ranging was 84% with a discharge length of 7.2 cm and the lowest
from 1 to 5 mm. It was found that a shorter gap within selectivity was 53% with discharge length of 1.8 cm.
the range of 1–3 mm appears to be more efficient for TCE Similarly, Khoja et al. (2017) investigated dry reforming of
abatement. The improvement of the conversion efficiency methane using various DBD reactors. They found that the
of VOCs with the shorter discharge gap may arise for two conversion efficiency of CH4 could be improved with an
reasons: First, shorter discharge gap creates more ener- increase in the discharge length from 10 to 30 cm. The
gized and active species (N$, O$, OH$, O3, and O2) in increase in the discharge length could help in prolonging
discharge zone, which can increase the probability of the residence time of pollutant in reaction/discharge zone
collision between the targeted pollutant and active species. and increase the probability of collision between the
Secondly, by decreasing the discharge gap between pollutants and high energized electrons and active species
electrodes and the dielectric layer can also increase the (Ashford and Tu, 2017). However, more input power is
electric field strength that could improve the energy in the required to generate a stable plasma for an enlarged
reaction zone, which ultimately enhances the conversion discharge plasma zone and in addition more energy is
efficiency (Ma and Lan, 2015). Moreover, a shorter consumed in the discharge zone for the ionization and
discharge gap has a positive effect on limiting the mobility generation of energized electron and active species.
of active and energized electrons in the discharge zone,
which also contributes to the increased collision possibi- 2.4 Dielectric barrier materials for DBD system
lities (Sultana et al., 2015). On the contrary, an increase in
the discharge gap length requires higher input power and A dielectric barrier material is an electrical insulator that
form non-homogenous discharge plasma and can cause a can be polarized by an applied electric field. Different
transition from the discharge to spark (Schiavon et al., dielectric materials have different dielectric properties as
2017b). Moreover, the increase in the discharge gap shown in Table 2. In the DBD system, the dielectric barrier
decreased the power density, which is defined as discharge is one of the important discharge parameters as it can affect
power/discharge volume at constant power due to the rise the equivalent dielectric capacitance (Wang et al., 2012).
in plasma volume. Mei and Tu (2017) also pointed out that The main characteristics of the dielectric barrier become
the increase in discharge gap could lead to a scarce or obvious, when it is placed in the electric field. In this case,
partial discharge rather than a full plasma discharge. In the the electric charges can not flow through the material and
latter case streamers can not cover the discharge plasma prevent spark formation. Moreover, the direct exposure of
volume, which consequently reduced the conversion reactive species generated in the discharge zone to the
efficiency. To conclude that a shorter plasma discharge metallic electrode causes its corrosion or erosion. To avoid
gap is more favorable to VOCs abatement. this phenomenon, a dielectric barrier is used to cover the

Table 2 Properties of the dielectric constant of commonly used dielectric material in DBD reactor
Dielectric material Dielectric constant
Glass 4–6
Quartz 4–7
Aluminum oxide ~10
Ceramics Ten-10 ks
Ferroelectrics Hundred-10 ks
6 Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2019, 13(2): 30

metallic electrodes (Brandenburg, 2017). In most of the An important parameter is the specific energy input
studies, quartz tubes (Huang et al., 2008; Raju et al., 2013; efficiency defined as follows;
Chen et al., 2016), silica glass, alumina (Byeon et al.,  
2010; Kim et al., 2011) and ceramics (Gandhi and Mok, Specif ic Input Energy ðSIEÞ ¼ ; (2)
2012; Guo et al., 2017) are used as dielectric barriers. L QðL=minÞ
Among them, due to its moderate cost and commercial where the P is the discharge power in (Watt) and Q is the
availability, quartz is the most popular dielectric barrier for flow rate (L/min).
VOCs conversion in DBD. The performance of the DBD plasma reactor depends on
Kundu et al. (2012) compared quartz and alumina as a the removal efficiency, SIE, energy efficiency and
dielectric barrier material for the decomposition of selectivity of CO2, which entails the degree of mineraliza-
methane. The alumina dielectric barrier showed a 5% tion defined as follows:
higher conversion of CH4 than the quartz. Recently Khoja
et al. (2017) confirmed a higher conversion efficiency of CO2 selectivity ð%Þ
CH4 using an alumina dielectric barrier reactor. The
dielectric constant of aluminum (9.8) is higher than the one ½CO2 out – ½CO2 in
for quartz (3.7). Alumina contributed stronger to an electric No: of carbon in VOC  ½VOCin – ½VOCout
field and more energized electrons, which lead to higher
conversion efficiency. Moreover, the higher conversion  100, (3)
efficiency of CH4 in the alumina dielectric barrier may be
where [CO2]in is the concentration of CO2 at the reactor
due to porosity and roughness of the material, which
inlet, ppm; [CO2]out is the concentration of CO2 at the
provides more residence time. This was confirmed by
reactor outlet, ppm; [VOCs]in is the initial concentration,
(Kraus et al., 2001; Roland et al., 2005) who found that
ppm; [VOCs]out is the final concentration of VOCs after
porous material has strong capability to adsorb the gas
NTP treatment, ppm.
molecules and extend the residence time.
In general, conversion efficiency can be increased with
3.1 Initial concentration of VOCs
the use of the appropriate dielectric barrier in the DBD
system. The high dielectric constant can generate a strong
electric field and thus positively affect the ionization of the
VOCs emission varies with the pollution sources, there-
gas. The materials with high dielectric constant have also
fore, the influence of the initial concentration of VOCs on
the advantage to reduce the breakdown of voltages. The
DBD performance has been extensively studied (Abedi et
advantage of high dielectric constant materials such as
al., 2014; Schiavon et al., 2015; Zhu et al., 2017). When
ferroelectric materials can be used in industrial applica-
the initial concentration increases, each VOC molecule
tions for the abatement of VOCs. Barium titanate as a
shares fewer electrons in the discharge zone. The available
ferroelectric material with a dielectric constant of 2000 to
energy and concentration of reactive species in the
10000 is considered a critical material when applied in the
discharge zone are not sufficient to collide with the
environmental pollution control. Further research regard-
increased number of targeted molecules. Zhu et al. (2015b)
ing dielectric barrier is needed for higher energy efficiency
studied the decomposition of toluene in dry air with
and better performance of the DBD reactor.
different initial concentrations, i.e., 159.21 ppm, 265.25
ppm, 451.1 ppm, and 663.39 ppm. They found that the
conversion efficiency is reducing with increasing initial
3 Effect of processing parameters on VOCs concentrations of toluene. The maximum removal effi-
abatement ciency of 95% was achieved among the tested lowest initial
concentration (159.21 ppm). Ye et al. (2008) investigated
In this section, based on published studies, various process the decomposition of benzene with initial concentrations
parameters are discussed which have significant impact on varying from 31 to 939.06 ppm. They found that the
DBD systems regarding conversion and energy efficiency. conversion decreased with increasing initial concentrations
The conversion efficiency of VOCs is defined as follows; of benzene. The maximum conversion efficiency of 70%
Removal ef f iciency ð%Þ was achieved at an initial concentration of 31 ppm.
Similarly, other studies (Vandenbroucke et al., 2011; Li et
½VOCsin – ½VOCsout al., 2014; Mustafa et al., 2017a) also confirmed that the
¼ 100, (1) conversion efficiency decreases with increasing initial
concentrations. It can be concluded that the treatment of
where [VOCs]in is the initial concentration of incoming gases in a DBD system with high initial VOC concentra-
VOCs and [VOCs]out is the final concentration of the tions need either a longer residence time or a higher input
VOCs after DBD treatment. power.
Wenjing Lu et al. A review on application of dielectric barrier discharge plasma technology 7

3.2 Gas feeding rate removal of 2-Heptanone in N2 and N2/O2 mixtures. They
found out that with a low increase of the O2 content of
The feeding rate of the gaseous pollutants can affect the about 2%–3% in the N2 a 30% higher conversion
plasma discharge as well as the residence time of the active efficiency of 2-heptanone was achieved compared to a
species. In laboratory scale DBD experiments, the applied pure N2 atmosphere. On the other hand, the removal
gas flow ranged from 1–10 L/min, which had a significant efficiency of 2-heptanone had decreased with the further
influence on the conversion efficiency of the VOCs (Abd increase of the O2 content. The highest reduction efficiency
Allah et al., 2014; Schmidt et al., 2015). of dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) was achieved with the
Shahna et al. (2017) confirmed that with an increasing addition of 2%-4% O2 into the nitrogen gas (Abd Allah
flow rate from 0.3 to 1.2 L/min the decomposition of et al., 2014). It was also discovered that at O2 concentra-
chlorobenzene decreased while, at an applied voltage of tions≥4% the reduction of chlorinated VOCs decreased.
8.5 kV, the toluene conversion efficiency decreased from In conclusion, a slight increase in the O2 concentration
50% to 30% when the gas feeding rate was increased from in the DBD system can enhance the generation of active
1 to 5 L/min (Byeon et al., 2010). Other studies (Chang and radical species, which results in a higher reduction of
Lin, 2005; Kwong et al., 2008; Mista and Kacprzyk, 2008; VOCs. On the other hand a higher concentration of O2 in
Liang et al., 2013) also found the same decreasing the gas stream may decrease the removal efficiency of
conversion efficiency pattern when rising the feeding rate. VOCs. The reason is that excessive O2 in the gas stream
As the effect of the gas feeding rate on the conversion can consume reactive species generated in the discharge
efficiency of VOCs is related to the residence time of the zone, which results in a reduction of the conversion
substrates. Therefore high flow rates reduce the probability efficiency. The formation of NOx in the discharge zone
of collision between the targeted molecules and active may be responsible for a decrease of the reduction
species (Chavadej et al., 2007). In addition, at a high flow efficiency of VOCs since both the O2 and N2 will be
rate, targeted molecules can by-pass the discharge plasma consumed and by these means the active species formation
without any reaction. Zhu et al. (2015a) studied the such as O3$ and N2 will be reduced.
influence of the residence time of 5 to 15 s and gas feeding
rates of 0.36 to 1.0 L/min on the removal efficiency of
chlorobenzene. It was found that the removal efficiency is 3.4 Input power
positively correlated with the residence time. The highest
removal efficiency of 86.2% was achieved at a residence In a DBD system input power has a significant impact on
time of 15 s and a flow rate of 0.36 L/min. Magureanu et al. the conversion and energy efficiency of VOCs. A mass of
(2005) also found an improvement in conversion efficiency high active species in the discharge zone is the main
with an increase in residence time. contributor to the decomposition of pollutants in a DBD
system. These active species can be generated through a
3.3 Oxygen content in the gas stream series of reactions and is directly proportional to the power
supplied to the system. The effect of input power has been
The oxygen (O2) concentration in the plasma is an extensively studied (Chen et al., 2016; Karatum and
important parameter that influences the discharge plasma Deshusses, 2016; Jiang. et al., 2017) and it is obvious that
and thus plays a substantial role in plasma reactions. The increasing input power enhances the VOCs conversion
number and type of active species are highly influenced by efficiency. Dou et al. (2017) studied the toluene decom-
the type of the carrier gas. In the case of the influence of O2 position as affected by the input power, and found that
concentrations in a NTP system, the mechanism for toluene conversion increased from 35.4% to 78.8% when
generation of ozone consists of two steps (Eqs. (4) and the input power increased from 26 to 65 W. Ye et al. (2008)
(5)) (Ma et al., 2014): oxygen molecules collide with the studied the decomposition of benzene and found that its
high energy electrons (e) and dissociate into oxygen atoms; conversion efficiency increased from 5% to 40% when the
in the second step, oxygen atoms collide with oxygen input power was increased from 60 to 110 W.
molecules and form ozone molecules. The gas ionization and production of active species in
e – þ O2 ↕ ↓2O þ e (4) NTP are well explained in the literature by Kim et al.
(2017). The number of highly energized electrons and the
internal electric field could be enhanced by high input
O þ O2 ↕ ↓O3 (5)
power, which can lead to high removal efficiency. The high
Mok et al. (2008) studied the influence of the O2 content input power can also improve the pursuance for pre-
on the removal efficiency of trichloromethane. They found liminary chemical reactions (Nguyen and Kim, 2015). It
out that limited amounts of O2 had a positive effect on its can be concluded that the input power has a positive
reduction. The maximum removal efficiency was obtained correlation with the conversion efficiency of both DBD
at 0.5% O2 content. Chiper et al. (2009) investigated the alone and DBD-catalysis system.
8 Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2019, 13(2): 30

4 Decomposition of VOCs in plasma-cataly- with the discharge plasma zone. The increased perfor-
sis systems mance of the IPC is quite complicated since both the
plasma generation and the catalytic process take place at
Plasma technology has a high conversion efficiency for the same time (Whitehead, 2010). As shown in Table 3,
most of the volatile compounds, however, for some investigations have been conducted on the conversion
compounds the decomposition is low combined with efficiency of VOCs using IPC; the selectivity of CO2
undesired byproduct formations (Fan et al., 2011). Despite (SCO2) in the IPC system and the NTP alone system was
mineralizing most of the contaminants in the air environ- overviewed.
ment, the plasma process also produces oxidized pollutants Studies showed that the most common catalysts used for
such as ozone (O3), CO, and NOx. In addition, carbonac- the abatement of VOCs are manganese, aluminum,
eous compounds are often generated during the carbona- titanium oxides combined with palladium, platinum,
tion of hydrocarbons deposit at the inner electrode of the copper, barium, or silver (Chen et al., 2009a). Due to its
reactor, which can affect the operation of the DBD reactor low cost, large surface and high capacity for VOCs
These limitations during the operation of DBD reactors are adsorption Zeolites are also commonly used for the NTP-
the major hurdle for the implementation of DBD catalysis system (Kim et al., 2015).
technology in the industrial sector. In recent years, many Xu et al. (2017b) investigated the decomposition of low
researchers are engaged with the optimization of DBD concentrated toluene in air and found out that with the
reactors in order to overcome the related problem e.g. by addition of a catalyst (i.e., cobalt incorporated in MCM-
means of the addition of a catalyst or implementation of a 41), toluene conversion increased from 60% to>99% and
ferroelectric bed reactor (Liang et al., 2010; Subrahma- COx selectivity increased from 25% to>80%. Dou et al.
nyam et al., 2010; Guo et al., 2018a). (2017) studied the toluene decomposition in a plasma-
Therefore, to introduce catalysts in the NTP system not catalyst combination system (Cu-Ce-Zr supported ZSM-5/
only can increase the efficiency of the decomposition of TiO2/Al2O3) and found that more oxygen vacancy, bigger
VOCs, it is also an efficient measure for controlling pore size, and lattice oxygen in the CuCeZr/TiO2 system
harmful or unwanted by-products. Plasma-catalysis com- resulted in an increased conversion efficiency from 80% to
bined system has been proposed and investigated by 100% at an input power of 65 W. In addition higher energy
Subrahmanyam et al. (2006). The NTP-catalysis for the efficiency, as well as higher selectivity of CO2 were
removal of VOCs is well described in the literature by observed. Bahri et al. (2017) also compared the conversion
Feng et al. (2018). Based on the placement of the catalyst, efficiency of toluene in the DBD alone with a DBD reactor
plasma catalysts can be divided into two classes, namely, in with an IPC, the latter had a twofold higher conversion
plasma catalyst (IPC) and post plasma catalyst (PPC). IPC efficiency of toluene than the DBD alone reactor. Recently,
is similar to the packed-bed reactor, in which the catalyst is Wang et al. (2018) confirmed the high conversion
packed or it is placed within the plasma discharge zone and efficiency of toluene using the DBD- TiO2-BaTiO3
thereby directly exposed to the plasma (Jia et al., 2013). catalysis system. Moreover, with the addition of a catalyst,
Figure 2(a) shows the IPC in which the catalyst can be the O3 concentration as a by-product was also reduced
introduced in the plasma discharge zone, and the Fig. 2(b) from 12.3 ppb to 7.80 ppb. DBD-catalysis system has a
shows the PPC where a catalyst is placed downstream of significant influence on the electric field intensity and
the plasma discharge. generation of the highly energized electrons, which can
react with the O3 molecule and decompose them in the
4.1 Performance of in-plasma catalyst (IPC) on VOCs discharge zone. Hu et al. (2016) found that the addition of
degradation the catalyst (MnO2–TiO2/zeolite) increased the conversion
efficiency of benzene from 60% to 80% and the selectivity
In the IPC configuration, the catalyst is directly in contact of CO2 increased from 45% to 65%.

Fig. 2 Illustration of IPC (a) and PPC (b) configurations: 1. AC high voltage, 2. for the electrode, 3. dielectric barriers, 4. catalyst, and
5. discharge zone.
Wenjing Lu et al. A review on application of dielectric barrier discharge plasma technology 9

Table 3 An overview on comparative studies on VOCs decomposition in IPC

Flow rate *CE Energy density
Type of VOC Con (ppm) Type of catalyst (%) (%) (%) Refs.
(L/min) (%) IPC (J/L)
NTP alone IPC NTP alone
Toluene 100 – Co-MCM-41 95–100 65 80 30 292 Xu et al.
Toluene 1 1 MIL-53 93.4 46.1 – – 142.2 Bahri et al.
MIL-101 93.02 (2017)
CPM-5 89.0
Toluene 1500 0.25 TiO2-BaTiO3 95 70 50 35 – Wang et al.
Benzene 60–202 4 Ag/TiO2 (PDC) 20–80 – 70 – 60–250 Kim et al.
Benzene 400 0.5 MnO2–TiO2/zeolite 83 60 65 45 10 W Hu et al.
(SSPBD) TiO2/zeolite 81 62 (2016)
MnO2/zeolite 75 60
Zeolite 60 46
Benzene 400 0.5 Ag0.9 Ce0.1/g-Al2O3 96.2 60 77.3 50 400 Jiang et al.
(PDC) (2016)
TCE 430 0.1 MnOx/SMF 100 73 60 25 720 Magureanu et al.

Notes: *CE for conversion efficiency; “–” means no detection or mention.

Magureanu et al. (2007) analyzed a DBD catalytic 4.2 Performance of post-plasma catalyst (PPC) on VOCs
system for the treatment of trichloroethylene (TCE) with a degradation
sintered metal fiber (SMF) interior electrode coated with
transition metal oxides (MnOx). Compared to reactors In this type of NTP configuration, a catalyst can be placed
using SMF the TCE conversion and CO2 selectivity were downstream (after the discharge plasma zone) as shown in
substantially improved from 73% to 100% and 25% to Fig 2(b). This type of configuration is also known as two-
60%, respectively. stage catalytic system or post plasma catalyst. Compared
Song et al. (2018) investigated the decomposition of with the IPC configuration, PPC is characterized by a
chlorobenzene and found that the IPC system using CoMn/ simple assembly and placement of the catalyst and is
TiO2 as a catalyst led to a higher conversion efficiency of therefore more practical. Most of the active species are
97% compared to plasma alone system (efficiency generated in the discharge zone where they last for a short
81.4%,); the CO2 selectivity increased to 35%. Jiang et interval of time and disappear before they reach the
al. (2017) describes CeO2/HZSM-5 as an efficient catalyst catalyst. However, long lifetime O3 can be decomposed on
for the removal of chlorobenzene in a DBD system. the catalyst surface to oxygen molecules and radicals,
Catalyst addition enhanced the mineralization of by- which are more reactive than the O3 for efficient
products. Qin et al. (2018) reported that IPC system decomposition of VOCs.
using Mn-Ag/ZSM-5-BaTiO3 as catalyst decreased the The PPC system is also verified by many studies to be
production of by-products such as O3 and N2O in the outlet effective in minimizing the toxic by-products generated in
of the reactor. the plasma zone (Huang and Ye, 2009). The catalytic
In conclusion, IPC shows distinctive features since it is materials used in PPC system studies include Mn
effective on the surface and active sites of the catalyst and (Magureanu et al., 2005), Ti (Roland et al., 2002), Cu
directly interact with the discharge plasma. Catalyst (Harling et al., 2009), Fe (Huang et al., 2008), Ni (Kim et
combined with a DBD as an IPC system can be various al., 2006), Ag (Jarrige and Vervisch, 2009) and their
types such as g-Al2O3, SMF, SBA-15, zeolite (such as combinations with Al2O3 and/or SiO2. Among these, the
MCM 41 and ZSM-5) and photocatalyst (TiO2). Studies placement of Mn-based catalysts in the downstream of
have proven their effectiveness in enhancing removal NTP has been mostly studied. It showed a high conversion
efficiency, energy efficiency, the selectivity of CO2 and efficiency and CO2 selectivity, as well as a reduction of
decrease in the by-products emission. ozone and other by-products (Delagrange et al., 2006; Lu
10 Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2019, 13(2): 30

et al., 2006). Conducted studies focused more on the of 455.59 J/L. Moreover, the selectivity of CO2 also
abatement of three VOCs, i.e., toluene, benzene and TCE improved by 20% while the O3 concentration was reduced
(Table 4). from 1125 to 425 ppm at SIE of 311 J/L. Tang et al. (2013)
The reactivity for the decomposition of VOCs is higher studied the reduction of toluene using in the PPC mode as a
for the atomic/molecular oxygen than for O3 (Tang et al., catalyst a mixture of Ag and Mn. They reported that active
2013). Due to their capacity to oxidize the O3 to reactive species are playing a significant role in toluene decom-
O2 species Mn-based catalysts have been extensively used position in the discharge zone and also on the surface of
in the NTP system particularly in the PPC, they enhance catalyst through conversion of O3 to O species.
the removal efficiency of VOCs (Zhu et al., 2016). The Li et al. (2014) conducted a study using in the PPC
oxidation of O3 in the presence of Mn-based catalyst can system various phases of MnO2 (α, β and g) supported by
be described by the following reactions (Rezaei et al., Al2O3 pellets as catalyst for degradation of benzene. They
2013; Bo et al., 2018): reported compared to β -MnO2 and g -MnO2 a higher
catalytic activity of α-MnO2 compared to β -MnO2 and g -
O3 þ Mn↕ ↓O2 þ O – Mn (6) MnO2. When using α-MnO2 as a catalyst the high
conversion of benzene, the selectivity of CO2 and the
O3 þ O – Mn↕ ↓O2 þ O2 – Mn (7) ozone suppression is achieved due to the existence of more
OH$ groups than other phases.
O2 – Mn↕ ↓O2 þ Mn (8) Vandenbroucke et al. (2016) characterized the perfor-
mance of a PPC system for TCE decomposition. The
VOC þ Mn↕ ↓VOC – Mn (9) addition of Pd/LaMnO3 as a PPC catalyst had improved in
the PPC system the conversion efficiency of TCE from
VOC Mn þ O Mn↕ ↓Products (10) 82% in a plasma alone reactor to 89% with 75% selectivity
of COx and no ozone formation in the outlet. Sultana et al.
O3 can be dissociated to molecular or atomic O2 by three (2018) recently confirmed the high conversion efficiency
factors: 1) generated heat in discharge zone; 2) chemical of TCE using PPC (Fe-K-OMS-2) mode and they reported
reactions and catalytic decomposition; 3) especially Mn an increase in conversion efficiency from 38% to 99% and
surfaces have the capacity to adsorb O3 and convert it to O2 CO2 selectivity from 15% to 63%. Dinh et al. (2016) have
species, which can react more efficiently with the VOCs also conducted a study on the MnO as a catalyst in DC
adsorbed on catalyst surface than the O3 (Bo et al., 2018). corona and PPC system for decomposition of TCE. They
Chang et al. (2018) studied the abatement of toluene in confirmed that the TCE conversion could be improved
the PPC mode using MnO2-Co3O4 as a catalyst. It showed from 80% to 100% and CO2 selectivity 5% to 30% using
that due to the addition of the catalyst, the conversion the Mn-based catalyst in the downstream of the NTP
efficiency of toluene increased from 60% to>90% at SIE reactor.

Table 4 An overview of decomposition of VOCs using PPC system

Type of Con Flow rate (L/min) Type of catalyst *CE *CE SCO2 SCO2 O3 O3 Energy den- Refs.
VOC (ppm) (%) (%) (%) (%) PPC NTP sity (J/L)
PPC NTP PPC NTP (ppm) (ppm)
Toluene 54 1.5 Mn1Co1 >90 >60 40 20 308 1125 455.59 Chang et al.
Toluene 108 6 Ag-Ce-O 75 59.8 50 – 280 640 60.5 Tang et al.
Ag-Co-O 99 40 (2013)
Ag-Mn-O 100 0
Benzene 100 0.4 g-Al2O3 50 < 50 35 < 35 250 >250 13 Li et al.
β-MnO2/”g-Al2O3 60 45 175 (2014)
g-MnO2/”g-Al2O3 70 48 125
α-MnO2/”g-Al2O3 80 55 < 125
TCE 300– 0.5 Fe-K-OMS-2 99 38 63 15 – 150 120 Sultana et al.
350 (2018)
TEC 370 0.4 (K-OMS-2; α-MnO2 >99 >80 < 30 <5 – – 240 Dinh et al.
TCE 500– 2 Pd/LaMnO3 (100°C) 89.1 82.3 10 6 0 177 460 Vandenbroucke
560 et al. (2016)

Notes: *CE means conversion efficiency; “–” means no detection or mention.

Wenjing Lu et al. A review on application of dielectric barrier discharge plasma technology 11

In general, Mn-based catalysts have better performance reactor if the NTP-catalysis system is used; it could be
in the PPC system for the decomposition of VOCs shown that chlorine is also harmful for the catalyst (Abedi
(toluene, benzene and TCE) as well as suppressing O3 et al., 2015). Therefore, further investigation is needed for
concentration. Moreover, an appropriate addition of metal a better way of the abatement of chlorinated compounds in
oxide with the zeolite can improve mineralization of NTP systems.
reactant and reduce the production of by-products.
Considering the variation in VOC composition and 5.2 Effect of sulfur
concentrations in the feed gas from various sources, NTP
needs to operate together with catalysts either in IPC or Sulfur compounds are notoriously responsible for their
PPC form; this is especially valid for the off-gas pollutants odour nuisance because most of them have very low odour
from industry and environmental facilities. threshold values (Chen et al., 2009b). NTP showed great
potential in degrading sulfuric compounds (Sobacchi et al.,
2003; Linga Reddy et al., 2012a; Zhu et al., 2018).
5 Major inhibitors of the non-thermal However, there are problems, which need to be addressed
plasma process in DBD reactor before upgrading the technology for real application.
While treating hydrogen sulfide (H2S) (Dors et al., 2014)
During the NTP process in a DBD reactor, some factors observed depositions of sulfur on the wall of the reactor,
have an adverse effect on VOCs abatement, which is which consequently acts as a resistive layer and leads to
referred to inhibitors resulting from the reaction in the reducing the discharge current of DBD; this could have an
plasma. Inhibitors for both DBD and DBD-catalysis adverse impact on the conversion efficiency. Yan et al.
systems are discussed as followings. (2013) found solid residues, consisting of CO32–, SO42–
and polymeric sulfur on the inner wall and electrodes of the
5.1 Effect of chlorine DBD reactor. Linga Reddy et al. (2012b) proposed the
possible dissociation of H2S and formation of H2 and S in
Chlorinated compounds have an extensive industrial the NTP system with Ar as a carrier gas by following
application (Abdullah et al., 2006). However, they are reactions.
considered as toxic pollutants due to their adverse effects
on human health as well as on the environment. Studies on e – þ H2 S↕ ↓HS þ H þ e (11)
the interaction of the chlorine with the catalysts show that it
could deactivate catalysts by depositing solid residues of 1
chlorine on the active surfaces of the catalyst (Abbas et al., HS þ H ↕ ↓H2 þ S2 þ e (12)
2011; Aranzabal et al., 2012; Dai et al., 2008; Thevenet et
al., 2014; Kamal et al., 2016). During the decomposition of 2H ↕ ↓H2 (13)
chlorinated VOCs in the NTP system, in an oxygen-rich
environment such as air, a significant number of various 2HS ↕ ↓H2 þ S2 (14)
chlorinated by-products can be produced, which could be
more hazardous than the parent compound (Indarto et al., They conducted a study on the abatement of 5 vol%
2008). The removal efficiency of chlorinated VOCs, hydrogen sulfide diluted in Ar in a DBD reactor at the
degradation pathways and by-products generation is well present of 500 mg of 3 wt%, 5 wt%, and 7 wt% of MnOx/
explained by Vandenbroucke et al. (2011). Al2O3. The researcher found that the presence of 5 wt%
Shahna et al. (2017) have studied the removal of MnOx/Al2O3 resulted in a better conversion efficiency
chlorobenzene with the DBD and DBD-catalysis system (52%) than in the case of 3 wt% (45%) and 7 wt% (44%)
and found the latter had higher conversion efficiency. In (input power 1 W). Due to deposition of sulfur the 3 wt%
the DBD alone system, the phosgene is one of the catalyst was deactivated in a short time whereas the 7 wt%
significant by-products, which can be generated by the catalyst contained more oxides, which lead to a change in
reaction between chlorinated VOCs and active oxygen the discharge behavior. The deposited sulfur could be
radical. Phosgene is very toxic and emitting it from the removed when the reactor was heated to 430 K.
outlet is not acceptable. However, with the integration of
photocatalysis in a DBD system, O3 can be produced 5.3 Effect of relative humidity (RH)
which has an additional oxidation effect on the conversion
of phosgene to a harmless product like CO2 and Cl2. Relative humidity is one of the influencing factors for
Presence of reactive radical species such as O$, H$, Cl$ VOCs abatement using NTP system. The problem is of
may act as auto-catalyzing agents for further decomposi- great interest in DBD research and application since the
tion reactions when this species collides with chlorinated water vapors always exist in the atmosphere at fluctuating
molecules (Iijima et al., 2011). However, little attention has concentrations (Vandenbroucke et al., 2011).
been paid to the effect of chlorine in the DBD plasma The water molecule has electronegative characteristic
12 Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2019, 13(2): 30

and it can be converted into H$ and OH$ radicals in a DBD solid by-products are accumulated on the inner wall of the
environment (Kim et al., 2003). OH$, a short-life reactive dielectric barrier as well as on the surface of the inner
species in the DBD reactor is considered as one of the most electrode. These deposits may interfere with the overall
potential reactants for the decomposition of gaseous performance of the DBD reactor. Following literature
pollutants. The generation of OH$ and H$ radicals from shows the deposited residue in DBD reactors, which can be
water is described by the following reactions (Abdelaziz et characterized as aromatic polymer, carbonaceous, oxyge-
al., 2018). nated, and/or nitrogen-containing compounds.
During the treatment of mixtures of VOCs (toluene and
e – þ H2 O↕ ↓H þ OH þ e (15) ethylbenzene) in a DBD reactor, some dark brown solid
deposits (petroleum or tar like-odour) were detected
e – þ O2 ↕ ↓Oð1 DÞ þ Oð3 PÞ þ e (16) (Karatum and Deshusses, 2016). Magureanu et al. (2005)
investigated VOCs abatement in the DBD-catalyst system
O1 ðDÞ þ H2 O↕ ↓2OH (17) and observed carbonaceous deposits on the inner wall of
the dielectric barrier and the surface of the inner electrode.
These by-products were estimated through the weighing
O3 þ H2 O↕ ↓2OH þ O2 (18)
method; it showed that the concentration was less than
Lee and Chang (2003) conducted a study on the (5%) of the total carbon balance. Guo et al. (2006)
abatement of p-Xylene and found that the conversion observed a yellow colored solid deposit product in the
efficiency of p-xylene increased as the humidity increased DBD, which were characterized as an aromatic polymer.
from 0.8% to 2.3%. The complete removal efficiency of p- Ye et al. (2008) reported that some brown colored residues
xylene was achieved at 18 kV with 2.3% relative humidity. with the composition of 2-nitro-phenol, hydroquinone,
Improvement in conversion efficiency with the increased phenol, heptanoic acid, resorcinol, 4-nitrocatechol, 3-nitro-
humidity level was also reported by others (Mfopara et al., phenol and 4-phenoxy-phenol were deposited on the inner
2009; Ni et al., 2011). wall of a DBD. These deposits changed the dielectric
Chen et al. (2009b) investigated the decomposition of constant of the quartz and thermal energy build up
dimethyl sulfide (DMS) with varied relative humidities consequently; mechanical failure of the dielectric barrier
from 0% to 1.0% and found the highest conversion can also occur. Solid residues are not only deposited on the
efficiency of 97% at 0.3% RH. The conversion efficiency wall and electrode of the DBD reactor but may also be
decreased to 87% when the humidity increased further to deposited on the surface of catalysts, which is one the main
1.0%. Chen et al. (2016) reported that under a dry reasons for catalytic deactivation in DBD-catalysis system
condition the conversion efficiency of toluene amounted to (Chen et al., 2009a).
27% at a voltage of 30 kV. When the RH was increased to Several variables such as flow rate, temperature and
80%, the conversion efficiency of toluene decreased to input power play an important role on forming depositions.
20%. These results show that the high humidity had an Most of the published studies focused only on the
inhibitive effect on the decomposition of toluene. The qualitative analysis of deposited residues. In-depth inves-
trend of the decrease in conversion efficiency with tigations of quantitative determination of by-products, as
increased humidity was also reported by others (Huang well as their effect on the efficiency of reactors, remains a
et al., 2008; Thevenet et al., 2008). big challenge in NTP study.
Nevertheless, a case of the neutral effect of the humidity
on the conversion efficiency was documented by Futamura
and Sugasawa (2008). They found that while increasing 6 A novel configuration of DBD reactor and
the humidity level from 0% to 2%, no substantial effect on its perspectives — Double dielectric barrier
toluene conversion was observed. discharge (DDBD) reactor
The humidity in the gas stream affects the conversion
efficiency of VOCs in a DBD system by influencing the The review of DBD systems demonstrates that contami-
properties of the discharge characteristic and chemistry of nants in the environment can not be completely miner-
the plasma. From the point of literature review, there alized; undesirable by-products including chloromethane,
should be optimum humidity ranges in the DBD system for hydrochloric acid, and greenhouse gases may be emitted
the abatement of VOCs under different conditions. from industrial activities) (Ye et al., 2016). During the
decomposition of gases, solid carbon by-products may be
formed and may deposit in the reactor, which may results
5.4 Deposition problems in a further reduction of the efficacy of DBD reactors.
Moreover, the direct exposure of the inner electrode to
In the DBD system, some defective products may form plasma and pollutants leads to corrosion or erosion, which
during complex chemical reactions which can be either in can affect the overall performance of the DBD reactor. To
the form of gaseous emissions or solid deposition. The overcome these drawbacks, a double dielectric barrier
Wenjing Lu et al. A review on application of dielectric barrier discharge plasma technology 13

over, the selectivity of CO and CO2 was enhanced by 40%

with an initial concentration of 463.50 ppm styrene at a
voltage of 11 kV. The DDBD reactor concept is superior to
DBD reactors not only due it has better treatment
efficiency but also due to the minimization of the solid
residue formation on the surface of the electrodes; this is
caused through the presence of the double dielectric
barrier. Recently, the authors of this paper investigated the
removal of VOCs mixtures in a DDBD reactor with and
Fig. 3 Configuration of DDBD plasma reactor: 1- AC high without catalyst (Mustafa et al., 2018). Six different VOCs
voltage, 2-outer electrode, 3- outer dielectric barrier, 4- including tetrachloroethylene, toluene, trichloroethylene,
discharge zone, 5- inner dielectric barrier, 6- inner electrode. benzene, ethyl acetate and carbon disulfide were mixed
and investigated. The highest conversion efficiency
(carbon disulfide, 83.30%, the rest of the compounds,
discharge (DDBD) reactor has been recently used for the 99.9%) was achieved at an input power of 53.7 W and a gas
treatment of pollutants in air and water. In a DDBD reactor, feeding rate of 1 L/min. In the DDBD system without
two cylindrical tubes can be used as dielectrics; each one addition of a catalyst, the solid residue can also form and
positioned in direct contact with the electrodes. Plasma can deposit on the inner wall of the dielectric layer. However, it
be generated through two dielectric barrier configurations. can be easily removed by washing or simple chemical
Figure 3 shows a DDBD reactor. The inner electrode can treatment. It is reasonable to draw the conclusion that
be placed inside the inner barrier tube and an outer DDBD can be the future for up-grading use with all the
electrode can be wrapped on the outer surface of the outer merits it possesses.
barrier tube. This configuration of the DDBD reactor can
chemically isolate both the inner and outer electrodes from
the plasma discharge zone. It is helpful for preventing 7 Conclusions
arcing in the discharge zone (Florian et al., 2015), also
ensures that all reactants pass through the discharge zone VOCs released from the waste treatment facilities have
and are uniformly treated (Kundu et al., 2012). become a significant issue and cause nuisance problems as
Since the DDBD can actively protect both the inner and well as health risk to humans. The VOCs abatement has
the outer electrodes from contaminants, reactive environ- been an area of interest for many researchers to meet the
ment and by-products during the decomposing process, increasingly stringent regulations. Conventional methods
DDBD have higher discharge efficiency and longer to control the emission of VOCs include absorption (wet
lifetime of electrodes (Kundu et al., 2012). scrubbing), adsorption, incineration (either thermal or
Based on weak and robust plasma discharges respec- catalytic), masking, and biofiltration. However, the major
tively,Zhang et al. (2014a) developed a DDBD reactor with disadvantages that restrict the utilization of these technol-
two discharge plasma zones including outer and inner ogies including the requirement of post-treatment of the
discharge zones. They concluded that the energy utilization end products, catalytic deactivation, generation of toxic
could be improved in the DDBD system where the low by-products and/or longer treatment time. NTP has drawn
energy bond group of VOCs are first destroyed in the outer remarkable attention for the removal of VOCs from the gas
discharge, whereas the higher bond energy groups of stream due to its high removal efficiency and low energy
VOCs such as aromatics are destroyed subsequently in consumption. Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) is
inner discharge zone (Zhang et al., 2014a). considered one of the most promising techniques of NTP
In the environmental pollution control field, increasing due to its unique characteristics, such as bulk homogenized
attention has been paid to DDBD for treatment of volume plasma with high reaction efficiency. This review
wastewater (Lu et al., 2012) and air pollutants, including addressed the key parameters of DBD including electrode
exhaust gases of vehicles /NOx (Pacheco et al., 2012), CH4 configurations, dielectric barrier, discharge gap and
from waste facilities (Mustafa et al., 2017a) and aromatics discharge length and concluded that an appropriate
(Shi et al., 2016). configuration of the DBD reactor could be beneficial for
Zhang et al. (2014a) investigated the removal of styrene improving the conversion and energy efficiency of the
in polluted air using a DDBD reactor. They compared system.
traditional single DBD with DDBD reactors using the Although significant amount of research has been
same experimental conditions. They observed the produc- carried out to establish decomposition processes of
tion of large amounts of oil like by-products after 6 h of VOCs compounds, most of the research deals with single
operation in case of DBD reactor; in addition the electrode compounds only. Further investigations can be carried out
was polluted by byproducts. In case of the utilization of to understand the chemical reactions and mechanism of the
DDBD reactor no such byproducts were produced. More- decomposition for multiple VOC mixtures in a DBD
14 Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2019, 13(2): 30

system. Despite mineralization of most of the contaminants GAC for decomposition of chlorinated organic compounds: influence
in DBD reactors, the process also produces oxidized of a hydrogen-rich substance. Journal of Environmental Health
pollutants such as O3, CO, NOx, as well as solid deposits. Science & Engineering, 12(1): 119
Further research is needed to investigate the effect of by- Abedi K, Ghorbani-Shahna F, Jaleh B, Bahrami A, Yarahmadi R,
products and eliminate deposits in a DBD system. Haddadi R, Gandomi M (2015). Decomposition of chlorinated
DBD-catalysis has been introduced and studied to volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) using NTP coupled with TiO2/
overcome the issues associated with the DBD alone GAC, ZnO/GAC, and TiO2–ZnO/GAC in a plasma-assisted catalysis
plasma reactor. The IPC system using catalysts such as g- system. Journal of Electrostatics, 73: 80–88
Al2O3, SMF, SBA-15, zeolite (such as MCM 41 and ZSM- Abou Saoud W, Assadi A A, Guiza M, Bouzaza A, Aboussaoud W,
5) and photocatalyst (TiO2) showed better conversion Soutrel I, Ouederni A, Wolbert D, Rtimi S (2018). Abatement of
efficiency and selectivity of CO2. However, for the PPC ammonia and butyraldehyde under non-thermal plasma and photo-
system, Mn-based catalyst showed better performance in catalysis: Oxidation processes for the removal of mixture pollutants
both conversion efficiency and selectivity due to its high at pilot scale. Chemical Engineering Journal, 344: 165–172
adsorption capacity and reactivity with the O3 molecules. Aggelopoulos C A,Tataraki D,Rassias G (2018). Degradation of atrazine
The review on the literature of DBD alone and DBD– in soil by dielectric barrier discharge plasma – Potential singlet
catalysis demonstrate that several challenges need to be oxygen mediation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 347: 682–694
addressed in future research. The effect of inhibitors on the Aranzabal A, Romero-Sáez M, Elizundia U, González-Velasco J R,
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