Summary of Vignette 2

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Summary of vignette 2: First we must understand teacher learning: the nature of teacher

development and how it takes place (5). Then we will learn about the conceptualizations of
teacher learning: teacher learning as skill learning, teacher learning as a cognitive process “active,
thinking decision-making”, teacher learning as a personal construction which means they must
learn themselves (6), and teacher learning as reflective practice (7). Finally, we will find out how
novices and experts differ.
How much collaboration is there among teachers in your institutions? What forms does it
In my institutions, teachers have plenty of opportunities to collab with each other. There are many
forms of collaboration that academic lectures apply. For example, through academic conferences,
practical experiences, academic training for teachers in each department, development
activities, ...
What are some of the problems language teachers face in the first years of teaching?
In the first year of teaching, teachers are inexperienced, so they have to observe how experienced
teachers organize the class. They also don’t have opportunities for professional development and
international conferences, so they must research to gain experience themselves. Some teachers
don’t know how to use technological devices properly in the teaching area; therefore, they need
some training courses. Even some experienced lecturers have problems dealing with a class with
so many students, therefore it’s understandable that first-year teachers have issues with those
cases too.

Summary of vignette 3: Professional development is both institutions’ and teachers’ goals. Each
teacher will have their perspective on teaching development, so many areas of professional
development are identified: subject-matter knowledge, pedagogical expertise, self-awareness,
understanding of learners, understanding of curriculum materials, and career advancement (9).
Institutional goals will focus on institutional development, career development, and enhanced
levels of student learning so that the school will be benefited most from these activities rather
than the intention of enhancing teachers’ performance (10). However, there are 5 dimensions that
both institutions and teachers can contribute to collegiality, research, site-specific information,
curriculum initiatives, and instructional initiatives (11). Collaboration undoubtedly brings success
to the organization.

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