Chapter Four Abraham Mig

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4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the findings from the study. Data from the field was coded and edited for
completeness. It was then analyzed inform of percentages and presented inform of frequency
distribution tables.

4.2 Response rate

The study sample size was 36 hence this was the number of questionnaires given out to

4.3 General Information

The general information is a representation of the personal characteristics and features of
respondents and can help the researcher to better understand the respondents and hence make
reasonable conclusions about them for the betterment of the study findings.

4.3.1 Gender of respondents

The study sought to find out the gender of the respondents who took part in the study. This was
due to the fact that gender greatly influences the level of comprehension of individuals and also
influences the views that people hold concerning various things. The information on gender of
respondents is presented on table 4.1;

Table 4.1: Gender of respondents

Gender of respondents Frequency Percentage

Male 20 53.5

Female 16 46.5

Total 36 100
From the study findings, there are more males than females in the organization as is depicted by
the table above. The study ascertained that there are 20 (53.5%) male individuals who took part
in the study. The female individuals in the other hand were 16 (46.5%). These findings show that
of the people, who were involved in the study, there were more males than females and this can
be used as a general representation of the whole organization indicating a higher number of
males compared to females in the hospital.

4.3.2 Age of respondents

The study sought to find out the age of the respondents included in the study. This was done with
the aim of knowing the age distribution of the respondents since age plays a very major role in
determining the responses given by respondents due to their different ways of responding to
different situations. The information on age is relayed on table 4.2;

Table 4.2: Age of respondents

Age of respondents Frequency Percentage

18-25 Years 11 25.6

26-30 Years 3 6.9

31-35Years 5 11.6

36-40 Years 13 30.2

41-45 Years 7 16.3

Over 45 Years 4 9.3

Total 36 100

The study found out that the respondents who took part in the study were made up of 11 (25.6%)
in the age bracked of 18-25 years, 3 (6.9%) were aged 26-30 years, 5 (11.6%) were aged 31-35
years, 13 (30.2%) were 36-40 years, 7 (16.3%) were 41-45 years and 4 (9.3%) were over 45
years of age. Following these findings, it is evident that the highest proportion of the
respondents and hence the organizational members are aged 36-40 years and the lowest
proportion is that of individuals aged 26-30. These findings signify an organization with an
almost equal proportion of employee age distribution indicating health in the organizatoin as
well as vibrancy on the part of the employees. This kind of representation also indicates that the
organization is able to sustain itself for long since it has both the young and the old.

4.3.3 Highest level of education of respondents

Education level is in most cases the major determinant of employment though the levels of
education vary between employees and determine the kinds of work that is assigned to them. The
researcher sought to find out the respondents’ level of education and the findings are presented
on table 4.3;

Table 4.3: Highest level of education

Highest level of education Frequency Percentage

Certificate 13 30.2

Diploma 25 58.1

Degree 5 11.6

Total 36 100

From the study findings relayed on table 4.3, 13 (30.2%) of the respondents are certificate
holders, 25 (58.1%) are diploma holders and 5 (11.6%) have degree as their highest level of
education. This is therefore an indication that most of the respondents and by extension
employees have diplomas as their highest achievements in education. It is also evident that the
lowest proportion of the respondents had degree as their highest levels of education.

4.3.4 Length of service the organization

The length of time an employee spends in an organization determines how familiar the employee
is with the operations of the said organization and this can effects positively on the level of
performance of the employee hence the study sought to find out the length of time the
respondents had worked at Kapenguria County Referral Hospital officers so as to enable the
ascertaining of how familiar and conversant they are with the organization. The findings
pertaining to the length of service are as relayed on table 4.4;

Table 4.4: Length of Service

Length of Service Frequency Percentage

Less than 3 years 11 25.6

4-6 years 23 53.5

7-9 years 6 13.9

10 years and above 3 6.9

Total 36 100

Table 4.4 relays the findings on the length of service of the respondents in the organization and
as shown on the table, 23 (53.5%) of the employees have served in the organization for 4-6
years, 11 (25.6%) have served for less than 3 years, 6 (13.9%) have worked for 7-9 years and 3
(6.9%) have worked for 10 years and above. From these findings, it is thus evident that a large
proportion of the current employees in the organization have not been there for more than 6 years
with the majority having worked for between 4 to 6 years and the least having worked for 10
years and above. The findings hence show that the organization has individuals who, having
worked there for some time, are conversant with the organizational operations.

4.4 Specific information

In this section, the researcher intended to get information pertaining to the topic of study as per
the objectives addressed in the study. This information is presented as follows;
4.4.1 How does the type of service sought affect patient admission forms at Kapenguria
County Referral Hospital health services
The first objective sought to determine how does the type of service sought affect patient
admission forms at Kapenguria County Referral Hospital health services. This was very essential
for the study and the findings relating to this are relayed on table 4.5;

Table 4.5: How does the type of service sought affect patient admission forms at
Kapenguria County Referral Hospital health services
(SA: Strongly Agree; A: Agree; UD: Undecided; D: Disagree and SD: Strongly Disagree)

How does the type of service sought affect patient

admission forms SA A UD D SD Total

Frequency 12 11 5 9 6 36
27.9 25.6 11.6 20.9 13.9
There is new consultation Percentage 100
10 15 3 7 8
Frequency 36
23.3 34.9 6.9; 16.3 18.6
There is follow – up /review Percentage 100

Frequency 8 18 1 9 7 36

There is prescription re-fill Percentage 18.6 41.9 2.3 20.9 16.3 100
Frequency 15 13 2 7 6 36

There is lab results review Percentage 34.9 30.2 4.7 16.3 13.9 100

Table 4.5 relays findings on how does the type of service sought affect patient admission forms
at Kapenguria County Referral Hospital health services and as per the findings, it was
ascertained that completeness of patients admission forms There is new consultation. This was as
a result of (23) 53.5% of the respondents who strongly agreed and agreed with the statement. 5
(11.6%) were undecided and 25(34.8%) disagreed strongly disagreed.

From the study, 25 (58.2%) of the respondents strongly agreed and agreed, 3 (6.9%) were
undecided, while 15 (34.9%) strongly disagreed that completeness of patients admission forms
There is follow – up /review resulting in better client service.
Further, the respondents showed that completeness of patients admission forms There is
prescription re-fill since 26 (60.5%) of the respondents strongly agreed and agreed, 1 (2.3%)
represented the undecided and 15 (37.2%) disagreed and strongly disagreed. From the large
proportion of the respondents who strongly agreed and agreed, it is therefore evident that it is
true that completeness of patients admission forms reduces complains among clients.

From the study, 28 (65.1%) of the respondents strongly agreed and agreed, 2 (4.7%) were
undecided, 13 (30.2%) disagreed and strongly disagreed that there is lab results review.
Following the large proportion of the respondents who agreed and strongly agreed with the
statement, it is hence evident that the implementation of completeness of patients admission
forms can greatly improve the level of client satisfaction.

The findings on table 4.5 indicate that completeness of patients admission forms to a large extent
affects client service in an organization. This it does by first improving client service through the
reduction of time wastage in terms of the time lapses during service delivery. Completeness of
patients admission forms also There is prescription re-fill by ensuring that services given to
clients are of the highest quality and ensuring that clients get the best out of their money. The
study also revealed that through the use of completeness of patients admission forms, an
organization can attain client satisfaction which is shown by the feedback received from clients.

4.4.2 How the patient arrival time affects admission forms at Kapenguria County Referral
Hospital health services
The researcher sought out how the patient arrival time affects admission forms at Kapenguria
County Referral Hospital health services as this would enable the achievement of the second
objective. The study findings pertaining to this are presented on table 4.6;
Table 4.6: How the patient arrival time affects admission forms at Kapenguria County
Referral Hospital health services

How the patient arrival time affects admission

forms SA A UD D SD Total

Frequency 12 11 5 8 7 36
Admission forms at Records
27.9 25.6 11.6 18.6 16.3
office is fair Percentage 100
14 11 1 8 9
Frequency 36
Nursing station contributes long
32.6 25.6 2.3 18.6 20.9
time duration within the facility Percentage 100

Frequency 18 10 5 7 3 36
Patient admission forms can be 41.9 23.3 11.6 16.3 6.9
reduced Increase staff per shift Percentage 100

Table 4.6 relays the findings on how the patient arrival time affects admission forms at
Kapenguria County Referral Hospital health services. On the statement that completeness of
patients admission forms admission forms at Records office is fair, 23(53.5%) of the respondents
strongly agreed and agreed, 5 (11.6%) were undecided and 15 (34.9%) disagreed, and strongly
disagreed with the statement. From these findings, the number of respondents who strongly
disagreed and disagreed was higher than those who agreed and strongly agreed, indicating that
the statement is not true to a larger extent.

Completeness of patients admission forms Nursing station contributes long time duration within
the facility as was shown by 25 (58.2%) who strongly agreed and agreed with the statement. 1
(2.3%) represented the undecided while 17 (39.5%) disagreed and strongly disagreed. From the
above findings, the proportion of respondents who agreed and strongly agreed is much higher
than those who responded otherwise, acting as an indication that the statement is true.

The study found out that completeness of patients admission forms patient admission forms can
be reduced Increase staff per shift as was shown by 28 (65.2%) of the respondents who strongly
agreed and agreed. 5 (11.6%) were undecided, 10 (23.2%) disagreed and strongly disagreed with
the statement.
From the findings on table 4.6, completeness of patients admission forms sure has very adverse
effects on speed of service delivery since it leads to quicker service delivery by enabling easier
access to clients. The study revealed that through the use of completeness of patients admission
forms, the organization finds it much easier to provide better services to its clients which in the
long run admission forms at Records office is fair of services.

4.4.3 Availability of healthcare providers at Kapenguria County Referral Hospital health

For the completion of the study, it was important to find out availability of healthcare providers
at Kapenguria County Referral Hospital health services. The findings are presented on table 4.7;

Table 4.7: Availability of healthcare providers at Kapenguria County Referral Hospital

Health Services

Availability of healthcare providers SA A UD D SD Total

Frequency 17 10 2 5 9 36
39.5 23.3 4.7 11.6 20.9
There is new consultation Percentage 100
20 12 3 5 3
Frequency 36
46.5 27.9 6.9 11.6 6.9
There is follow – up /review Percentage 100

Frequency 10 9 10 6 8 36

There is prescription re-fill Percentage 23.3 20.9 23.3 13.9 18.6 100
Frequency 13 15 2 7 6 36

There is lab results review Percentage 30.2 34.9 4.7 16.3 13.9 100

The study sought to find out availability of healthcare providers at Kapenguria County Referral
Hospital health services and from the findings, 27 (62.8%) of the respondents strongly agreed
and agreed, 2 (4.7%) were undecided while 14 (32.5%) disagreed and strongly disagreed with
the statement that completeness of patients admission forms There is new consultation,
indicating that the statement is true hence pointing to the contribution completeness of patients
admission forms has had on availability of healthcare providers.
The study also found out that completeness of patients admission forms There is follow – up
/review since an organization is able to make more sales and appeal to more clients. This was
shown by 32 (74.4%) of the respondents who strongly agreed and agreed. 3 (6.9%) were
undecided, while 8 (18.5%) disagreed and strongly disagreed with the statement.

The study also ascertained that completeness of patients admission forms There is prescription
re-fill as 19 (44.2%) of the respondents strongly agreed and agreed, 10 (23.3%) were undecided,
14 (32.5%) disagreed and strongly disagreed with the statement.

From the study, 28 (65.1%) of the respondents strongly agreed and agreed that there is lab results
review, 2 (4.7%) were undecided while 13 (30.2%) disagreed and strongly disagreed. Following
this distribution of responses, more respondents disagreed and strongly disagreed indicating that
the statement is not true and the contrary of the statement is true hence there is a relationship
between completeness of patients admission forms and cost.

The study found out that the practice of completeness of patients admission forms is an
ingredient to availability of healthcare providers. As the respondents showed, completeness of
patients admission forms There is new consultation in the organization and also There is follow –
up /review which is a reflection of monetary well being of the company. Completeness of
patients admission forms also, from the findings, leads to improved levels of operation as well as
enabling the organization meet its costs easily. These findings point out to the importance of
completeness of patients admission forms on the general profitability of an organization.

4.4.4 Effects of completeness of patients admission forms on quality of goods at Kapenguria

County Referral Hospital health services
The study sought to find out the effects of completeness of patients admission forms on quality
of goods at Kapenguria County Referral Hospital health services. The findings are presented on
table 4.8;
Table 4.8: Effects of completeness of patients admission forms on quality of goods at
Kapenguria County Referral Hospital health services
Effects of completeness of patients admission
forms on quality of goods SA A UD D SD Total

Frequency 12 10 2 10 9 36
Enables the procurement of
quality goods Percentage 27.9 23.3 4.7 23.3 20.9 100

Frequency 14 11 3 5 10 36
Reduces the possibility of getting
poor quality products Percentage 32.6 25.6 6.9 11.6 23.3 100

Frequency 12 10 8 7 6 36
Leads to improved quality of
27.9 23.3 18.6 16.3 13.9
goods in the organization Percentage 100

Table 4.8 relays findings on the effects of completeness of patients admission forms on quality of
goods at Kapenguria County Referral Hospital health services. Basing on the findings, the study
ascertained that completeness of patients admission forms enables the procurement of quality
goods as was indicated by 22 (51.2%) of the respondents who strongly agreed and agreed. 2
(4.7%) were undecided and 19 (44.2%) disagreed and strongly disagreed with the statement.

As presented on the table, it was further found out that 25 (58.2%) of the respondents strongly
agreed and agreed that completeness of patients admission forms reduces the possibility of
getting poor quality products. On the same note, 3 (6.9%) of the respondents were undecided and
15 (34.9%) disagreed and strongly disagreed with the statement. These findings show that when
completeness of patients admission forms is practiced, the chances of getting better quality goods
are increased hence the overall quality of goods.

Completeness of patients admission forms leads to improved quality of goods in the

organization. This was indicated by 22 (51.2%) of the respondents who strongly agreed and
agreed with the statement. On the same statement, 8(18.6%) were undecided, 13 (30.2%)
disagreed and strongly disagreed with the statement.
Table 4.8 is a depiction of the findings on the effects of completeness of patients admission
forms on quality of goods and from the findings, the respondents indicated that completeness of
patients admission forms leads to the procurement of quality goods into an organization by
reducing the possibility of getting poor quality products. This indicates that when completeness
of patients admission forms is practiced, an organization cannot end up giving its clients faulty


5.1 Introduction
This chapter contains a summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations and suggestion for
further study. It is arranged as follows;

5.2 Summary of findings

This section relays a summary of the already available findings.

5.2.1 General Information

From the study findings, there are more males than females in the organization as is depicted by
the table above. The study ascertained that there is a large number of male individuals who took
part in the study. The female individuals in the other hand were much fewer. These findings
show that of the people, who were involved in the study, there were more males than females.
The respondents who took part in the study were made up of an average number in the age
bracked of 18-25 years, 6.9% were aged 26-30 years, 11.6% were aged 31-35 years, the majority
were 36-40 years, 16.3% were 41-45 years and the leasat were over 45 years of age. Following
these findings, it is evident that the highest proportion of the respondents and hence the
organizational members are aged 36-40 years and the lowest proportion is that of individuals
aged 26-30. These findings signify an organization with an almost equal proportion of employee
age distribution indicating health in the organizatoin as well as vibrancy on the part of the
employees. This kind of representation also indicates that the organization is able to sustain itself
for long since it has both the young and the old. From the study findings, a reasonable proportion
of the respondents are certificate holders, the largest majority are diploma holders and the least
have degree as their highest level of education.

The largest number of the respondents who took part in the study have served in the organization
for 4-6 years, with a lesser majority having served for less than 3 years. 13.9% have worked for
7-9 years and the lowest proportion has worked for 10 years and above. It is thus evident that a
large proportion of the current employees in the organization have not been there for more than 6
years with the majority having worked for between 4 to 6 years and the least having worked for
10 years and above. The findings hence show that the organization has individuals who, having
worked there for some time, are conversant with the organizational operations.

5.2.2 How does the type of service sought affect patient admission forms at Kapenguria
County Referral Hospital health services
The study ascertained that completeness of patients admission forms There is new consultation.
This was as a result of 53.5% of the respondents who strongly agreed and agreed with the
statement. 11.6% were undecided and 34.8% disagreed strongly disagreed. Further, from the
study findings, 58.2% of the respondents strongly agreed and agreed, 6.9% were undecided,
while 34.9% strongly disagreed that completeness of patients admission forms There is follow –
up /review resulting in better client service. Further, the respondents showed that completeness
of patients admission forms There is prescription re-fill since 60.5% of the respondents strongly
agreed and agreed, 2.3% represented the undecided and 37.2% disagreed and strongly disagreed.
From the large proportion of the respondents who strongly agreed and agreed, it is therefore
evident that it is true that completeness of patients admission forms reduces complains among
clients. A large majority of the respondents, 65.1% strongly agreed and agreed, the lowest
percentage were undecided while 30.2% disagreed and strongly disagreed that there is lab results
review. Following the large proportion of the respondents who agreed and strongly agreed with
the statement, it is hence evident that the implementation of completeness of patients admission
forms can greatly improve the level of client satisfaction.

5.2.3 How the patient arrival time affects admission forms at Kapenguria County Referral
Hospital health services
The study findings showed that completeness of patients admission forms admission forms at
Records office is fair, as 53.5% of the respondents strongly agreed and agreed, 11.6% were
undecided and 34.9 disagreed, and strongly disagreed with the statement. From these findings,
the number of respondents who strongly disagreed and disagreed was higher than those who
agreed and strongly agreed, indicating that the statement is not true to a larger extent.
Completeness of patients admission forms Nursing station contributes long time duration within
the facility as was shown by a majority of the respondents who strongly agreed and agreed with
the statement. A single response, representing the lowest represented the undecided while 39.5%
disagreed and strongly disagreed. From the findings, the proportion of respondents who agreed
and strongly agreed is much higher than those who responded otherwise, acting as an indication
that the statement is true. The study also found out that completeness of patients admission forms
patient admission forms can be reduced Increase staff per shift as was shown by 65.2% of the
respondents who strongly agreed and agreed. 11.6% were undecided, 23.2% disagreed and
strongly disagreed with the statement.

5.2.4 Availability of healthcare providers at Kapenguria County Referral Hospital Health

The study sought to find out availability of healthcare providers at Kapenguria County Referral
Hospital health services and from the findings, 62.8% of the respondents strongly agreed and
agreed, 4.7% were undecided while 32.5% disagreed and strongly disagreed with the statement
that completeness of patients admission forms There is new consultation, indicating that the
statement is true hence pointing to the contribution completeness of patients admission forms has
had on availability of healthcare providers. The study also found out that completeness of
patients admission forms There is follow – up /review since an organization is able to make more
sales and appeal to more clients. This was shown by 74.4% of the respondents who strongly
agreed and agreed. 6.9% were undecided, while 18.5% disagreed and strongly disagreed with the

The study also ascertained that completeness of patients admission forms There is prescription
re-fill as 44.2% of the respondents strongly agreed and agreed, 23.3% were undecided, 32.5%
disagreed and strongly disagreed with the statement. As the study indicated, 65.1% of the
respondents strongly agreed and agreed that there is lab results review, 4.7% were undecided
while 30.2% disagreed and strongly disagreed. Following this distribution of responses, more
respondents disagreed and strongly disagreed indicating that the statement is not true and the
contrary of the statement is true hence there is a relationship between completeness of patients
admission forms and cost.

5.2.5 Effects of completeness of patients admission forms on quality of goods at Kapenguria

County Referral Hospital health services
The study ascertained that completeness of patients admission forms enables the procurement of
quality goods as was indicated by 51.2% of the respondents who strongly agreed and agreed.
4.7% were undecided and 44.2% disagreed and strongly disagreed with the statement. It was
further found out that 58.2% of the respondents strongly agreed and agreed that completeness of
patients admission forms reduces the possibility of getting poor quality products. On the same
note, 6.9% of the respondents were undecided and 34.9% disagreed and strongly disagreed with
the statement. These findings show that when completeness of patients admission forms is
practiced, the chances of getting better quality goods are increased hence the overall quality of
goods. Completeness of patients admission forms leads to improved quality of goods in the
organization. This was indicated by 51.2% of the respondents who strongly agreed and agreed
with the statement. On the same statement, 18.6% were undecided, 30.2% disagreed and strongly
disagreed with the statement.

5.3 Conclusions
It can be concluded that completeness of patients admission forms to a large extent affects client
service in an organization. This it does by first improving client service through the reduction of
time wastage in terms of the time lapses during service delivery. Completeness of patients
admission forms also There is prescription re-fill by ensuring that services given to clients are of
the highest quality and ensuring that clients get the best out of their money.

Completeness of patients admission forms sure has very adverse effects on speed of service
delivery since it leads to quicker service delivery by enabling easier access to clients. Through
the use of completeness of patients admission forms, the organization finds it much easier to
provide better services to its clients which in the long run admission forms at Records office is
fair of services.

The practice of completeness of patients admission forms is an ingredient to availability of

healthcare providers as it There is new consultation in the organization and also There is follow –
up /review which is a reflection of monetary well being of the company. Completeness of
patients admission forms also leads to improved levels of operation as well as enabling the
organization meet its costs easily.

Completeness of patients admission forms leads to the procurement of quality goods into an
organization by reducing the possibility of getting poor quality products. This indicates that
when completeness of patients admission forms is practiced, an organization cannot end up
giving its clients faulty goods.

5.4 Recommendations
Khetia’s Hospital should implement the use of completeness of patients admission forms so as to
enable the hospital to better serve its clients.

The hospital should involve experts in the implementation of completeness of patients admission
forms with the aim of ensuring that the best is got from the processes that can enable the hospital
realize high speed delivery of services.

Being that each and every organization strives to attain profitability so as to keep its operations
afloat, the hospital should ensure that the best methods are used in the implementation of
completeness of patients admission forms so that no loopholes are left that could lead to losses.
By so doing, it will be much easy for the hospital to attain improved profitability.

The hospital management needs to ensure that proper structures are put in place that will
discourage the procurement of low quality goods.

5.5 Suggestions for further study

From the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the study, it was suggested that further
study should be done on;

i. The role of completeness of patients admission forms on procurement efficiency

ii. Effects of procurement sustainability on availability of healthcare providers

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