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4.1 Introduction
This chapter contains findings of the effect of project implementation on the success of
projects funded by World Bank in Uasin Gishu County at Pioneer Langas (Rexona) Road in
Eldoret town. A general analysis of data generated from response of the targeted respondents
was done and discussed in this chapter. In analyzing the data, the responses to the items in the
questionnaire, the researcher assigned each response a number. The data collected were then
analyzed, by use of descriptive statistics where there was frequency distribution. Percentages
were calculated and displayed in tabular form.
4.2 Response rate
85 questionnaires were distributed to respondents at Pioneer Langas (Rexona) Road in
Eldoret town and 80(90%) questionnaires were returned indicating that the questionnaires
were well structured and were able to get the information needed by the researcher. The
findings are presented in Table 4.1
Table 4.1 Response Rate

Response rate Frequency Percentage

Questionnaires returned 80 92.47

Questionnaires not returned 5 7.53

Total 85 100
Source: Researcher, (2021)
4.2.1 Gender of the Respondents
The researcher carried out the research to determine the gender of the respondents as it
plays a major role in the employment in many small and medium enterprises. The gender
of the respondents was analyzed in Table 4.2
Table 4.2 Gender of the respondents
Gender Frequency Percentage
Male 70 81.40
Female 10 18.60
Total 80 100
Source: Researcher, (2021)
From the findings it’s evident that the majority of the respondents are male 70 (72%) and
the remaining 10 (28%) are female. In spite of high gender disparity in the small and
medium enterprise, gender does not affect the integrated management of the small and
medium enterprise and the management of the small and medium enterprise as a whole, the
reason is that the management and decisions making are on the employee competence and
4.2.2 Age of the Respondents
The researcher established the age of the respondents so as to know the age of the
employees in the small and medium enterprise. Age determined the technical knowhow of
a person. The researcher was also able to know what kind of person he was dealing with in
terms of old, mature or young. The specific information was analyzed and presented in
table 4.3
Table 4.3 Ages of the respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

21-40years 36 41.80

41-60years 24 34.88

60 and above years 20 23.26

Total 80 100
Source: Researcher, (2021)
This therefore implies that majority 36 (41.80%) of the respondents are aged between 21-
40years followed by 24 (34.88%), 20 (23.26%). This therefore explains the fact that the
employees are mature and are capable of knowing the effect of electronic commerce on
attainment of small and medium enterprise objective in service industry. Moreover, it is
evident that the majority of the employees are in their productive years. This facilitates
efficiency in management as well as efficiency in small and medium enterprise

4.2.3 Level of Education of the Respondents

It was important to establish this information so that the researcher could establish
employee understanding on the effect of electronic commerce on performance of small and
medium enterprises in Kenya. The findings are shown in table 4.4

Table 4.4 Level of education

Level Frequency Percentage

Primary 0 0.00

Secondary 26 30.23

College 36 46.51

University 20 23.26
Total 80 100
Source: Researcher, (2021)
From the above table, it is evident that most of the employees are educated. Those with the
certificate and diplomas from colleges were 36 (54%), university graduates with the degree
were 20 (20%), and those with the secondary certificates were 26 (26%). None of the
employees had primary level of education.

4.2.4 Working experience

The researcher wanted to establish working experience of the employees so as to verify
whether the employees indeed distinguish the concept of procurement management. The
information was presented in table 4.5

Table 4.5 Working Experience

Years Frequency Percentage

Less than 6 months 16 18.60

6 months- 1 year 24 34.88

2-3 years 36 41.80

3 years and above 4 4.65

Total 80 100
Source: Researcher, (2021)
From the above table it shows that a good number of employees have a working experience,
36 (41.80%) of employees has a working experience of 2-3 years, followed by 24(34.88%)
of employees whom have worked for 6 months-1 year, 16% of the employees have working
experience of less than 6 months and 4 employees have experience of 3 years and above.
Most of the employees have a working experience of 2-3 years and they have knowledge on
effects of electronic commerce on attainment of small and medium enterprise objective in
service industry.

4.3 Descriptive Analysis

This section presents findings of the study in line with the specific objectives. The
respondents were required to indicate their level of agreement/ disagreement with statement
on a five-point likert scale shown bellow; 1=S.A:-Strongly Agree 2=A:- Agree 3=U:-
Undecided 4=D:- Disagree 5=S.D:- Strongly Disagree. Data was analyzed using frequencies
and percentages.
4.3.1 Effect of stakeholder participation on the success of projects funded by World
Bank in Uasin Gishu County
The researcher found it necessary to find out the effect of stakeholder participation on the
success of projects funded by World Bank in Uasin Gishu County with an aim to establish if
there is effect of stakeholder participation on the success of projects funded by World Bank
in Uasin Gishu County or not. The findings are shown in table 4.6

Table 4.6 Effect of stakeholder participation on the success of projects funded by World
Bank in Uasin Gishu County
effect of stakeholder participation on
the success of projects funded by
World Bank in Uasin Gishu County SA A U D SD Total
Stakeholder analysis is done to indentify Fre 35 15 21 6 4 80
extent of decision making % 40.70 17.44 30.23 6.98 4.65 100
Fre 50 10 16 2 2 80
Stakeholder participation enhances support of
% 65.12 11.63 18.60 2.33 2.33 100
the project
Stakeholder participation improves Fre 30 20 24 6 4 80
decision making process % 41.80 23.26 27.91 6.98 4.65 100
stakeholder participation helps in the Fre 35 15 21 6 4 80
identification of deviation in the
project % 40.70 17.44 30.23 6.98 4.65 100
Fre 50 10 16 2 2 80
online buying enables clients to
enjoyed purchasing from this website % 65.12 11.63 18.60 2.33 2.33 100
Source: Researcher, (2021)

From the above table 4.6, it was established that 35 (40.70%) of the respondents strongly
agreed that the effect of stakeholder participation on the success of projects funded by
World Bank in Uasin Gishu County, was that stakeholder analysis is done to indentify
extent of decision making, 15 (17.44%) of the respondents agreed that the effect of
stakeholder participation on the success of projects funded by World Bank in Uasin Gishu
County was that stakeholder analysis is done to indentify extent of decision making, 21
(30.23%) of the respondents were undecided that the effect of stakeholder participation on
the success of projects funded by World Bank in Uasin Gishu County was that stakeholder
analysis is done to indentify extent of decision making, 6 (6.98%) of the respondents were
undecided that the effect of stakeholder participation on the success of projects funded by
World Bank in Uasin Gishu County was that stakeholder analysis is done to indentify
extent of decision making and 4 (4.65%) of the respondents were undecided that the effect
of stakeholder participation on the success of projects funded by World Bank in Uasin
Gishu County was that stakeholder analysis is done to indentify extent of decision making.
It was determined that 10 (11.63%) respondents generally disagreed that stakeholder
analysis is done to indentify extent of decision making.

From the results 50 (65.12%) of the respondents strongly agreed that stakeholder
participation enhances support of the project, from the results 10 (11.63%) of the respondents
agreed that stakeholder participation enhances support of the project, 16 (18.60%) of the
respondents were undecided that stakeholder participation enhances support of the project, 2
(2.33%) of the respondents strongly disagreed that stakeholder participation enhances support
of the project and 2 (2.33%) of the respondents strongly disagreed that stakeholder
participation enhances support of the project. It was determined that 6 (4.66%) respondents
generally disagreed that stakeholder participation enhances support of the project

According to the study findings, 30 (41.80%) of the respondents strongly agreed that
stakeholder participation improves decision making process, 20 (23.26 %) of the respondents
agreed that stakeholder participation improves decision making process, 24 (27.91%) of the
respondents were undecided that stakeholder participation improves decision making process,
6 (6.98%) of the respondents disagreed that stakeholder participation improves decision
making process whereas 4 (4.65%) of the respondents strongly disagreed that stakeholder
participation improves decision making process. It was determined that 10

(11.63%) respondents generally disagreed that stakeholder participation improves decision

making process.

From the above table 4.6, it was established that 35 (40.70%) of the respondents strongly
agreed that the effect of stakeholder participation on the success of projects funded by World
Bank in Uasin Gishu County, was that stakeholder participation helps in the identification of
deviation in the project, 15 (17.44%) of the respondents agreed that the effect of stakeholder
participation on the success of projects funded by World Bank in Uasin Gishu County was
that stakeholder participation helps in the identification of deviation in the project, 21
(30.23%) of the respondents were undecided that the effect of stakeholder participation on
the success of projects funded by World Bank in Uasin Gishu County was that stakeholder
participation helps in the identification of deviation in the project, 6 (6.98%) of the
respondents were undecided that the effect of stakeholder participation on the success of
projects funded by World Bank in Uasin Gishu County was that stakeholder participation
helps in the identification of deviation in the project and 4 (4.65%) of the respondents were
undecided that the effect of stakeholder participation on the success of projects funded by
World Bank in Uasin Gishu County was that stakeholder participation helps in the
identification of deviation in the project. It was determined that 10 (11.63%) respondents
generally disagreed that stakeholder participation helps in the identification of deviation in
the project.

From the results 50 (65.12%) of the respondents strongly agreed that online buying enables
clients to enjoyed purchasing from this website, from the results 10 (11.63%) of the
respondents agreed that online buying enables clients to enjoyed purchasing from this
website, 16 (18.60%) of the respondents were undecided that online buying enables clients
to enjoyed purchasing from this website, 2 (2.33%) of the respondents strongly disagreed
that online buying enables clients to enjoyed purchasing from this website and 2 (2.33%) of
the respondents strongly disagreed that online buying enables clients to enjoyed purchasing
from this website. It was determined that 6 (4.66%) respondents generally disagreed that
online buying enables clients to enjoyed purchasing from this website

4.3.2 Effects of online customer service support on performance of small and medium
Table 4.7 Effects of online customer service support on performance of small and
medium enterprises
S.A:-Strongly Agree A:- Agree U:-Undecided D:- Disagree S.D:- Strongly Disagree

Effects of online customer service SA A U D SD Total

support on performance of small and
medium enterprises

Online customer service support are Fre 30 20 30 0 0 80

always willing to help % 38.37 23.26 38.37 0.00 0.00 100

Online customer service support answers Fre 40 30 6 0 6 80

customer inquiries promptly

% 46.51 41.80 6.98 0.00 6.98 100

Online customer service support offers Fre 40 30 8 0 2 80

different form of contact channels % 46.51 41.80 9.30 0.00 2.33 100

online customer service support always Fre 30 20 30 0 0 80

enquire online about the delivery of my % 38.37 23.26 38.37 0.00 0.00 100

Online customer service support answers Fre 40 30 6 0 6 80

customer inquiries promptly % 46.51 41.80 6.98 0.00 6.98 100

Source: Researcher, (2021)

From the findings, table 4.7 shows that 30 (38.37%) of the respondents strongly agreed that
online customer service support are always willing to help, 20 (23.26%) of the respondents
agreed that online customer service support are always willing to help, 30 (38.37%) of the
respondents were undecided that online customer service support are always willing to help,
0 (0%) of the respondents disagreed that online customer service support are always willing
to help and 0 (0%) of the respondents strongly disagreed that online customer service support
are always willing to help. It was determined that 0 (0%) respondents generally disagreed that
online customer service support are always willing to help

The results also showed that online customer service support answers customer inquiries
promptly where 40 (46.51%) strongly agreed to the opinion, where 30 (41.80%) agreed to the
opinion that online customer service support answers customer inquiries promptly, 6 (6.98%)
were undecided to the opinion that online customer service support answers customer
inquiries promptly, 0 (0.00%) disagreed to the opinion that online customer service support
answers customer inquiries promptly and 6 (6.98%) strongly disagreed to the opinion that
online customer service support answers customer inquiries promptly. It was determined that
6 (6.98%) respondents generally disagreed that online customer service support answers
customer inquiries promptly.
Finally 40 (46.51%) of the respondents strongly agreed that online customer service support
offers different form of contact channels, 30 (41.80%) of the respondents agreed that online
customer service support offers different form of contact channels, 8 (9.30%) of the
respondents were undecided that online customer service support offers different form of
contact channels, 0 (0.00%) of the respondents disagreed that online customer service support
offers different form of contact channels and 2 (2.33%) of the respondents strongly disagreed
that online customer service support offers different form of contact channels. It was
determined that 2 (2.33%) respondents generally disagreed that online customer service
support offers different form of contact channels.
From the findings, table 4.7 shows that 30 (38.37%) of the respondents strongly agreed that
online customer service support always enquire online about the delivery of my order, 20
(23.26%) of the respondents agreed that online customer service support always enquire
online about the delivery of my order, 30 (38.37%) of the respondents were undecided that
online customer service support always enquire online about the delivery of my order, 0 (0%)
of the respondents disagreed that online customer service support always enquire online
about the delivery of my order and 0 (0%) of the respondents strongly disagreed that online
customer service support always enquire online about the delivery of my order. It was
determined that 0 (0%) respondents generally disagreed that online customer service support
always enquire online about the delivery of my order.
The results also showed that online customer service support is ready and willing to respond
to customer needs where 40 (46.51%) strongly agreed to the opinion, where 30 (41.80%)
agreed to the opinion that online customer service support is ready and willing to respond to
customer needs, 6 (6.98%) were undecided to the opinion that online customer service
support is ready and willing to respond to customer needs, 0 (0.00%) disagreed to the opinion
that online customer service support is ready and willing to respond to customer needs and 6
(6.98%) strongly disagreed to the opinion that online customer service support is ready and
willing to respond to customer needs. It was determined that 6 (6.98%) respondents generally
disagreed that online customer service support is ready and willing to respond to customer
4.3.3 Effects of internet banking on performance of small and medium enterprises
Table 4.8 Effects of internet banking on performance of small and medium enterprises
S.A:-Strongly Agree A:- Agree U:-Undecided D:- Disagree S.D:- Strongly Disagree
Effects of internet banking on
performance of small and medium
enterprises SA A U D SD Total
Internet banking gives satisfaction with the Fre 54 8 14 2 0 80
way the website carries out transactions % 69.77 9.30 16.28 2.33 0.00 100
Internet banking is a recommend to other Fre 27 27 12 6 6 80
people % 34.88 34.88 13.95 6.98 6.98 100
Internet banking through online transactions Fre 4 67 4 0 2 80
are done at better rates and lower fees % 4.65 80.05 4.65 0.00 2.33 100
Fre 54 8 14 2 0 80
Internet banking provides satisfaction with
the service I have received from this
website % 69.77 9.30 16.28 2.33 0.00 100
Internet banking gives better online Fre 27 27 12 6 6 80
experiences % 34.88 34.88 13.95 6.98 6.98 100
Source: Researcher, (2021)
Table 4.8 shows that 54 (69.77%) of the respondents strongly agreed that internet banking
gives satisfaction with the way the website carries out transactions, 8 (9.30%) of the
respondents agreed that internet banking gives satisfaction with the way the website carries
out transactions, 14 (16.28%) of the respondents were undecided that internet banking gives
satisfaction with the way the website carries out transactions, 2 (2.33%) of the respondents
disagreed that internet banking gives satisfaction with the way the website carries out
transactions and 0 (0.00%) of the respondents strongly disagreed that internet banking gives
satisfaction with the way the website carries out transactions. It was determined that 2
(2.33%) respondents generally disagreed that internet banking gives satisfaction with the way
the website carries out transactions.

From the results 27 (34.88%) strongly agreed that internet banking is a recommend to other
people, 27 (34.88%) agreed that internet banking is a recommend to other people, 12
(13.95%) were undecided that internet banking is a recommend to other people, 6 (6.98%)
disagreed that internet banking is a recommend to other people and 6 (6.98%) strongly
disagreed that internet banking is a recommend to other people. It was determined that 12
(13.96%) respondents generally disagreed that internet banking is a recommend to other

Finally, 4 (4.65%) strongly agreed that internet banking through online transactions are done
at better rates and lower fees, 67 (80.05%) agreed that internet banking through online
transactions are done at better rates and lower fees, 4 (4.65%) were undecided that internet
banking through online transactions are done at better rates and lower fees, 0 (0.00%)
disagreed that internet banking through online transactions are done at better rates and lower
fees and 2 (2.33%) strongly disagreed that internet banking through online transactions are
done at better rates and lower fees. It was determined that 2 (2.33%) respondents generally
disagreed that internet banking through online transactions are done at better rates and lower
Table 4.8 shows that 54 (69.77%) of the respondents strongly agreed that internet banking
provides satisfaction with the service I have received from this website, 8 (9.30%) of the
respondents agreed that internet banking provides satisfaction with the service I have
received from this website, 14 (16.28%) of the respondents were undecided that internet
banking provides satisfaction with the service I have received from this website, 2 (2.33%) of
the respondents disagreed that internet banking provides satisfaction with the service I have
received from this website and 0 (0.00%) of the respondents strongly disagreed that internet
banking provides satisfaction with the service I have received from this website. It was
determined that 2 (2.33%) respondents generally disagreed that internet banking provides
satisfaction with the service I have received from this website.
From the results 27 (34.88%) strongly agreed that internet banking gives better online
experiences, 27 (34.88%) agreed that internet banking gives better online experiences, 12
(13.95%) were undecided that internet banking gives better online experiences, 6 (6.98%)
disagreed that internet banking gives better online experiences and 6 (6.98%) strongly
disagreed that internet banking gives better online experiences. It was determined that 12
(13.96%) respondents generally disagreed that internet banking gives better online
4.3.4 Effects of online marketing on performance of small and medium enterprises
Table 4.9 Effects of online marketing on performance of small and medium
enterprises S.A:-Strongly Agree A:- Agree U:-Undecided D:- Disagree S.D:-
Strongly Disagree
Effects of online marketing on
performance of small and medium
enterprises SA A U D SD Total
Online marketing is convenience and Fre 17 17 19 13 13 80
quick service % 19.77 19.77 22.09 18.60 18.60 100
Online marketing is low cost for Fre 37 0 23 10 10 80
operations % 50.00 0.00 26.74 11.63 11.63 100
Online marketing measure and track Fre 10 37 31 0 22 80
results % 11.63 43.02 43.02 0.00 25.58 100
Online marketing leads to demographic Fre 17 17 19 13 13 80
targeting % 19.77 19.77 22.09 18.60 18.60 100
Online marketing leads to 24/7 Fre 37 0 23 10 10 80
marketing % 50.00 0.00 26.74 11.63 11.63 100
Source: Researcher, (2021)
According to the above findings, 17 (19.77%) of the respondents strongly agreed that online
marketing is convenience and quick service, 17 (19.77%) of the respondents agreed that
online marketing is convenience and quick service, 19 (22.09%) of the respondents were
undecided that online marketing is convenience and quick service, 13 (18.60%) of the
respondents disagreed that online marketing is convenience and quick service, 13 (18.60%)
of the respondents strongly disagreed that online marketing is convenience and quick service.
It was determined that 26 (37.12%) respondents generally disagreed that online marketing is
convenience and quick service.

From the results, majority 37 (50.00%) of the respondents strongly agreed that online
marketing is low cost for operations, from the results, majority 0 (0.00%) of the respondents
agreed that online marketing is low cost for operations, from the results, majority 23
(26.74%) of the respondents were undecided that online marketing is low cost for operations,
from the results, majority 10 (11.63%) of the respondents disagreed that online marketing is
low cost for operations and from the results, majority 10 (11.63%) of the respondents
strongly disagreed that online marketing is low cost for operations. It was determined that 33
(23.13%) respondents generally disagreed that online marketing is low cost for operations.

According to the study findings, 10 (11.63%) of the respondents strongly agreed that online
marketing measure and track results, 37 (43.02%) of the respondents agreed that online
marketing measure and track results, 31 (43.02%) of the respondents were undecided that
online marketing measure and track results,0 (0.00%) of the respondents disagreed that
online marketing measure and track results and 22 (25.58%) of the respondents strongly
disagreed that online marketing measure and track results. It was determined that 22
(25.58%) respondents generally disagreed that online marketing measure and track results.

According to the above findings, 17 (19.77%) of the respondents strongly agreed that online
marketing leads to demographic targeting, 17 (19.77%) of the respondents agreed that online
marketing leads to demographic targeting, 19 (22.09%) of the respondents were undecided
that online marketing leads to demographic targeting, 13 (18.60%) of the respondents
disagreed that online marketing leads to demographic targeting, 13 (18.60%) of the
respondents strongly disagreed that online marketing leads to demographic targeting. It was
determined that 26 (37.12%) respondents generally disagreed that online marketing leads to
demographic targeting.

From the results, majority 37 (50.00%) of the respondents strongly agreed that online
marketing leads to 24/7 marketing, from the results, majority 0 (0.00%) of the respondents
agreed that online marketing leads to 24/7 marketing, from the results, majority 23 (26.74%)
of the respondents were undecided that online marketing leads to 24/7 marketing, from the
results, majority 10 (11.63%) of the respondents disagreed that online marketing leads to 24/7
marketing and from the results, majority 10 (11.63%) of the respondents strongly disagreed
that online marketing leads to 24/7 marketing. It was determined that 33 (23.13%)
respondents generally disagreed that online marketing leads to 24/7 marketing.
4.3.5 Performance of small and medium enterprises
The researcher found it necessary to find out the performance of small and medium
enterprises with an aim to establish if effect of stakeholder participation on the success of
projects funded by World Bank in Uasin Gishu County or not. The findings are shown in
table 4.6

Table 4.10 Performance of small and medium enterprises

Performance of small and medium SA A U D SD Total
The clients are satisfied with most Fre 35 15 21 6 4 80
recent decisions to purchase from the
website % 40.70 17.44 30.23 6.98 4.65 100
The clients have truly enjoyed Fre 50 10 16 2 2 80
purchasing from this website % 65.12 11.63 18.60 2.33 2.33 100
The clients private information is Fre 30 20 24 6 4 80
managed securely in the website % 41.80 23.26 27.91 6.98 4.65 100
The clients feel secure giving credit Fre 35 15 21 6 4 80
card information at this website % 40.70 17.44 30.23 6.98 4.65 100
The clients feel satisfied with the Fre 50 10 16 2 2 80
after-sales service provided by the
website % 65.12 11.63 18.60 2.33 2.33 100
Source: Researcher, (2021)
From the above table 4.6, it was established that 35 (40.70%) of the respondents strongly
agreed that the performance of small and medium enterprises, was that the clients are
satisfied with most recent decisions to purchase from the website, 15 (17.44%) of the
respondents agreed that the performance of small and medium enterprises was that the clients
are satisfied with most recent decisions to purchase from the website, 21 (30.23%) of the
respondents were undecided that the performance of small and medium enterprises was that
the clients are satisfied with most recent decisions to purchase from the website, 6 (6.98%) of
the respondents were undecided that the performance of small and medium enterprises was
that the clients are satisfied with most recent decisions to purchase from the website and 4
(4.65%) of the respondents were undecided that the performance of small and medium
enterprises was that the clients are satisfied with most recent decisions to purchase from the
website. It was determined that 10 (11.63%) respondents generally disagreed that the clients
are satisfied with most recent decisions to purchase from the website.
From the results 50 (65.12%) of the respondents strongly agreed that the clients have truly
enjoyed purchasing from this website, from the results 10 (11.63%) of the respondents agreed
that the clients have truly enjoyed purchasing from this website, 24 (18.60%) of the
respondents were undecided that the clients have truly enjoyed purchasing from this website,
2 (2.33%) of the respondents strongly disagreed that the clients have truly enjoyed purchasing
from this website and 2 (2.33%) of the respondents strongly disagreed that the clients have
truly enjoyed purchasing from this website. It was determined that 4 (4.66%) respondents
generally disagreed that the clients have truly enjoyed purchasing from this website.

According to the study findings, 30 (41.80%) of the respondents strongly agreed that the
clients private information is managed securely in the website, 20 (23.26% ) of the
respondents agreed that the clients private information is managed securely in the website,24
(27.91%) of the respondents were undecided that the clients private information is managed
securely in the website, 6 (6.98%) of the respondents disagreed that the clients private
information is managed securely in the website whereas 4 (4.65%) of the respondents
strongly disagreed that the clients private information is managed securely in the website. It
was determined that 10 (11.63%) respondents generally disagreed that the clients private
information is managed securely in the website.

From the above table 4.6, it was established that 35 (40.70%) of the respondents strongly
agreed that the performance of small and medium enterprises, was that the clients feel secure
giving credit card information at this website, 15 (17.44%) of the respondents agreed that the
performance of small and medium enterprises was that the clients feel secure giving credit
card information at this website, 21 (30.23%) of the respondents were undecided that the
performance of small and medium enterprises was that the clients feel secure giving credit
card information at this website, 6 (6.98%) of the respondents were undecided that the
performance of small and medium enterprises was that the clients feel secure giving credit
card information at this website and 4 (4.65%) of the respondents were undecided that the
performance of small and medium enterprises was that the clients feel secure giving credit
card information at this website. It was determined that 10 (11.63%) respondents generally
disagreed that the clients feel secure giving credit card information at this website.

From the results 50 (65.12%) of the respondents strongly agreed that the clients feel satisfied
with the after-sales service provided by the website, from the results 10 (11.63%) of the
respondents agreed that the clients feel satisfied with the after-sales service provided by the
website, 24 (18.60%) of the respondents were undecided that the clients feel satisfied with the
after-sales service provided by the website, 2 (2.33%) of the respondents strongly disagreed
that the clients feel satisfied with the after-sales service provided by the website and 2
(2.33%) of the respondents strongly disagreed that the clients feel satisfied with the after-
sales service provided by the website. It was determined that 4 (4.66%) respondents generally
disagreed that the clients feel satisfied with the after-sales service provided by the website.


5.1 Introduction
This chapter presented the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations and project for
further studies made. This followed the conclusion made from the discussion. Recommendations
under study were then drawn and finally suggestions for further research were made.
5.2 Summary of Findings
5.2.1 Background Information of the Respondents
From the findings it’s evident that the majority of the respondents were male at 70 (72%) than
the female. Therefore the study revealed that more male respondents participated in the study
than the female. In spite of high gender disparity in the small and medium enterprise, gender
does not affect the integrated management of the small and medium enterprise and the
management of the small and medium enterprise as a whole, the reason is that the management
and decisions making are on the employee competence and qualifications.
The age of the respondents revealed that majority 36 (41.80%) of the respondents are aged
between 21-40 years. This therefore explains the fact that the employees are mature and are
capable of knowing the effect of electronic commerce on attainment of small and medium
enterprise objective in service industry. Moreover, it is evident that the majority of the
employees are in their productive years. This facilitates efficiency in management as well as
efficiency in small and medium enterprise profitability.
From the results, it is evident that most of the employees are educated. The findings showed that
a majority of the respondents attained that college level of education at 36 (54%) followed by
secondary certificated and university graduates with the degree. None of the employees had
primary level of education.
From the findings, it showed that a good number of employees have a working experience.
Majority of the respondents 36 (41.80%) of employees‟ had a working experience of 2-3 years,
followed by 24(34.88%) of employees whom have worked for 6 months-1 year. The least of the
respondents have working experience of less than 6 months and 3 years and above. Most of the
employees have a working experience of 2-3 years and they have knowledge on effects of
electronic commerce on attainment of small and medium enterprise objective in service industry.
5.2.2 Effect of stakeholder participation on the success of projects funded by World Bank
in Uasin Gishu County
It was determined that 50 (58.63%) respondents generally agreed that stakeholder analysis is
done to indentify extent of decision making. It was determined that 10 (11.63%) respondents
generally disagreed that stakeholder analysis is done to indentify extent of decision making.
It was determined that 60 (76.75%) respondents generally agreed that stakeholder participation
enhances support of the project. It was determined that 6 (4.66%) respondents generally
disagreed that stakeholder participation enhances support of the project.
It was determined that 50 (66.06%) respondents generally agreed that stakeholder participation
improves decision making process. It was determined that 10 (11.63%) respondents generally
disagreed that stakeholder participation improves decision making process.
5.2.3 Effects of online customer service support on performance of small and medium
It was determined that 50 (61.63%) respondents generally agreed that online customer service
support re always willing to help. It was determined that 0 (0%) respondents generally disagreed
that online customer service support are always willing to help.
It was determined that 70 (88.31%) respondents generally agreed that online customer service
support answers customer inquiries promptly. It was determined that 6 (6.98%) respondents
generally disagreed that online customer service support answers customer inquiries promptly.
It was determined that 70 (88.31%) respondents generally agreed that online customer service
support offers different form of contact channels. It was determined that 2 (2.33%) respondents
generally disagreed that online customer service support offers different form of contact
5.2.4 Effects of internet banking on performance of small and medium enterprises
It was determined that 62(79.07%) respondents generally agreed that internet banking
gives satisfaction with the way the website carries out transactions. It was determined that 2
(2.33%) respondents generally disagreed that internet banking gives satisfaction with the way
the website carries out transactions.
It was determined that 54 (69.76%) respondents generally agreed that internet banking is a
recommend to other people. It was determined that 12 (13.96%) respondents generally disagreed
that internet banking is a recommend to other people.
It was determined that 71(84.7%) respondents generally agreed that internet banking through
online transactions are done at better rates and lower fees. It was determined that 2 (2.33%)
respondents generally disagreed that internet banking through online transactions are done at
better rates and lower fees
5.2.5 Effects of online marketing on performance of small and medium enterprises
It was determined that 34 (39.24%) respondents generally agreed that online marketing is
convenience and quick service. It was determined that 26 (37.12%) respondents generally
disagreed that online marketing is convenience and quick service.
It was determined that 37 (50%) respondents generally agreed that online marketing is low cost
for operations. It was determined that 33 (23.13%) respondents generally disagreed that online
marketing is low cost for operations.
It was determined that 47 (54.65%) respondents generally agreed that online marketing measure
and track results. It was determined that 22 (25.58%) respondents generally disagreed that online
marketing measure and track results.
5.2.6 Performance of small and medium enterprises
It was determined that 50 (48.14%) respondents generally agreed that the clients are satisfied
with most recent decisions to purchase from the website. It was determined that 10 (11.63%)
respondents generally disagreed that the clients are satisfied with most recent decisions to
purchase from the website.
It was determined that 60 (76.75%) respondents generally agreed that the clients have truly
enjoyed purchasing from this website. It was determined that 4 (4.66%) respondents generally
disagreed that the clients have truly enjoyed purchasing from this website.
It was determined that 50 (65.06%) respondents generally agreed that the clients private
information is managed securely in the website. It was determined that 10 (11.63%) respondents
generally disagreed that the clients private information is managed securely in the website.

5.3 Conclusions
It was concluded that indeed online buying has arranged products in a convenient manner, is
easy to manage the shopping basket of the website and provides sufficient purchase directions
In general it was concluded that indeed online customer service support are always willing to
help, is a recommend to other people and offers different form of contact channels.
In general it was concluded that indeed internet banking gives satisfaction with the way the
website carries out transactions, are done at better rates and lower fees
It was concluded that indeed online marketing is convenience and quick service, is low cost for
operations and measure and track results
It was concluded that indeed the clients are satisfied with most recent decisions to purchase from
the website; have truly enjoyed purchasing from this website and the clients private information
is managed securely in the website.
5.4 Recommendations
Following the study findings it is clear that the electronic commerce is the best system to adopt
in order to enhance performance of small and medium enterprises. To achieve maximum
benefits from electronic commerce, the researcher recommends the following recommendations;
the researcher recommends that Pioneer Langas (Rexona) Road in Eldoret town should ensure
that electronic commerce is available in the small and medium enterprise to help in meeting
client requirements. The researcher also recommends that electronic commerce should be
enhanced in small and medium enterprises to achieve success. The researcher also recommends
that factors affecting electronic commerce should be identified to enhance performance.
5.5 Suggestions for Further Studies
Further studies should be conducted on; the factors affecting electronic commerce on
performance, role of electronic commerce on management in small and medium enterprises and
effects of electronic commerce on strategic goals.

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