Chapter Four 5 Thomas - 1

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4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents data analysis and presents findings which includes the effects of office lay-
out on service delivery at Airads Eldoret, the effects of office layout on productivity at Airads
Eldoret, the effects of office layout on customer satisfaction at Airads Eldoret and the effects of
office layout on profitability at Airads Eldoret.
4.1 Demographic characteristics of respondents
The study sought to find out the demographic data of the respondents and the findings are
illustrated in the table below;
4.1.1 Gender of the Respondents
The findings on the gender of the respondents are summarized table 4.1 below
Table 4.1: Sex of respondent
Sex Frequency Percentage (%)
Male 44 82
Female 10 18
Total 54 100
Source: Primary data
Regarding the sex of respondents, majority of the respondents (44, 82%) revealed that they were
males whereas (10, 18%) noted that they were females. The above findings therefore implied that
males were more willing and easily accessible to participate in the study.
4. 1.2 Age of respondent
The study sought to find out the age of the respondents who were sampled. The finding are
summarized in table 4.2
Table 4.2: Age of respondent
Age Frequency Percentage (%)
Below 18 years 0 0
19-40 20 37
Above 40 years 34 63
Total 54 100
Regarding the age of respondents, (20, 37%) said that they were aged between 19-40 years,
followed by (34, 63%) who were aged above 40 years and (0, 0%) who were aged bellow 18
years and. The study findings implied that the people who participated were old enough to
provide the relevant information.
4.2.3: Period of stay in the Company
The study sought to find out the period of stay in the company and the findings are summarized
in table 4.3
Table 4.3: Period of stay in the company
Status Frequency Percentage (%)
Less than 1 year 5 21
1-5 years 45 63
6-10 years 4 16
Above 10 years 0 0
Total 54 100
Source: Author
Regarding the period of stay, (45, 63%) had experience of between 1-5 years, (4, 16%) with
between 6-10 years followed by (0, 0%) of the respondents with experience above 10 years and
(5, 21%) had experience of less than 1 year. The study shows that regarding the period of stay,
majority of employees had experience of what the organization entails.
4.3 Specific information
4.3.1 Effects of office layout on service delivery
The study sought to find out the Effects of office layout on service delivery and the findings were
summarized below.
Table 4.4 shows the Effects of office layout on service delivery
Effects of office layout on service delivery SA A N D SD
Customer Satisfaction 7 (30%) 39(56%) 6(12%) 2(2%) 0(0%)
Attracts new customers 8 (32%) 10(60%) 0(0%) 5 (6%) 1(2%)
Improve the level of customer service 7 (18%) 9 (54%) 2(4%) 2 (16%) 4(8%)
Competitive advantage 6(26%) 13 (46) 2(8%) 3(12%) 2(8%)

Regarding the Effects of office layout on service delivery, a higher percentage of respondents 86%
agreed with the opinion that it leads to Customer Satisfaction. Cutting setup time allows the
company to reduce or eliminate inventory for "changeover" time with a least percentage 2%
disagreeing with the opinion and 12% of the respondents where neutral about the opinion. These
findings show that an organizations benefits by saving time if it practices lead time.
Further findings as shown in the above table also indicates that most respondents 54% perceived
that lead time Attracts new customers while 8% did not agree with the opinion, this implies that
lead time plays a critical role in the flow of goods in an organization.
Finally the findings as indicated in the above table indicate that 72% of the respondents were of
the view that leads time Competitive advantage with 20% disagreeing with the opinion.
The study shows that management information system on lead time attracts new customers since
it enables effective flow of information among the parties involved.
4.3.2 Effects of office layout on productivity
The study sought to find out the effects of office layout on productivity and the findings were
summarized below.

Table 4.5 shows the effects of office layout on productivity

Effects of office layout on productivity SA A N D SD

Quality Production 17(30%) 16(26%) 1(6%) 3(10%) 17(28%)

Increase Sales 9(16%) 34(64%) 0(0%) 9(15%) 2(5%)

High Production 17(28%) 19(36%) 1(2%) 10(26) 7(8%)

Minimize cost or wastage 3(14%) 33(54%) 0(0%) 18(32%) 0(0%)

The findings as indicated in the above table about the effects of office layout on productivity,
majority of the respondents 56% perceived that it helps to satisfy the target market identified by
the organizations with 38% disagreeing with the opinion; this implies that stakeholder
relationship cohesively improves the ties between the organizations on the target market.
It was also evident that most of the respondents 80% had the view that stakeholder relationship
Increase Sales with only 17% disagreeing its effects on increasing chances to large target
market, this implies that a small percentage of employees at Airads Eldoret do not support
stakeholder relationship .
Further findings also indicate that 62% of the respondents perceived that stakeholder relationship
High Production with a least percentage 34% disagreeing with the opinion; this implies that
stakeholder relationship has positive impacts on expanding and retaining the market.
Finally the findings as indicated in the above table indicates that most respondents 68% were of
the opinion that stakeholder relationship Minimize cost or wastage with the rest 32% disagreeing
with the opinion, this implies that among the many advantages of stakeholder relationship,
competitive advantage is one of the benefits gained from its practice in the organizations.
Effective stakeholder relationship leads to an increase of sales to the organization as well as
minimizes wastages or costs due to better understandings.

4.3.3 Effects of office layout on customer satisfaction

The study sought to find out the effects of office layout on customer satisfaction and the findings
were summarized below.
Table 4.6 shows the effects of office layout on customer satisfaction
effects of office layout on customer SA A N D SD

Reduce cost inventories 23(36%) 3(12%) 9(16%) 15(20%) 4(16%)

Reduce Supply Costs 8(12%) 33(54%) 0(0%) 3(10%) 11(24%)

Competitive advantages 10(22%) 30(40%) 1(6%) 11(24%) 2(8%)

Storage facilities reduce the uncertainty 6(26%) 45(60%) 0(0%) 3(14%) 0(0%)
associated with purchase of new goods and

Regarding the effects of office layout on customer satisfaction, 48% of the respondents accepted
that it Reduce cost inventories with a least percentage of the respondents 36% going against the
opinion this implies that storage facilities positively influences sales.
Also the findings as indicated in the above table indicates that 66% agreed with the opinion that
storage facilities Reduce Supply Costs with the rest 34% disagreeing with the opinion, this
implies that stores can generate more revenues if it practices retail purchasing.
It is also evident from the findings in the above table that majority of the respondents 62%
agreed with the opinion that storage facilities helps in increasing the profit margins with a least
percentage 32% disagreeing with the opinion implying that profit margins in an organization is
aided by retail purchasing.
Finally the findings as indicated in the above table clearly indicates that most respondents 86%
agreed with the opinion that storage facilities reduce the uncertainty associated with purchase of
new goods and services hence this helps in forecasting of purchase of goods and services in
coming times.
The study elaborated that effective storage facilities reduce the uncertainty associated with
purchase of new goods and services as well as reduce supply cost.
4.4.4 Effects of office layout on profitability
The study sought to find out the effects of office layout on profitability and the findings were
summarized below.
Table 4.7 shows the effects of office layout on profitability

effects of office layout on profitability SA A N D SD

Utilize assets of resources efficiently 7(28%) 42(52%) 0(0%) 3(12%) 2(8%)

Maximize customer service levels 10(20%) 25(48%) 2(2%) 15(20%) 3(10%)

Reduces Operational Cost. 2(8%) 33(56%) 8(12%) 9(16%) 2(8%)

Sellers are protected in case of a buyer's 10(18%) 28(42%) 3(6%) 3(14%) 10(20%)
refusal to pay for goods or services

The findings as indicated in the table above indicates that majority of the respondents 80%
agreed with the view that stockings Utilize assets of resources efficiently with the rest 20%
disagreeing with the opinion, this implies that stockings plays an important role in controlling
purchasing from external suppliers.
Further findings indicate that 68% of the respondents were of the view that Maximize customer
service levels with a least percentage 20% disagreed with the opinion, this implies that there is
still perception by a least number of employees who don’t support purchase order.
It is also evident from the above table that majority of the respondents 64% agreed with the
opinion that Reduces Operational Cost with a least percentage 24% disagreeing with the opinion,
this depicts that for smooth running of purchase process greatly depends on purchase order.
Finally as indicated in the above findings, majority of the respondents 60% agreed with the
opinion that stockings protects sellers in case of a buyer's refusal to pay for goods or services
with a least percentage 34% disagreeing with the opinion, this implies that stockings provides
financial support to the sellers.
5.1 Introduction
The findings presented in chapter four are summarized in this chapter so that specific findings
can be brought out clearly in relation to the research questions. Conclusions drawn based on the
findings and recommendations made to assist purchasing and supply management in
5.2 Summary of findings
5.2.1 Background information of respondents
These findings show that most of the respondents who participated in the study were male. This
is a clear indication that indeed men are the dominant gender in most work places in the society.
This is because in most cases men are considered opinion leaders in work places and even in the
society in general.
The findings also clearly shows most of the respondents who took part in the study had diploma
training and therefore are well equipped with basic skills and knowledge and will answer the
questions correctly. This implies that majority of the respondents were married. Since most of the
people who took part in the study were mature, it is logical to have a larger number that is
married than those who are single.
Regarding the experience of respondents, majority number of respondents had experience of
between 11-15 years followed by those with experience of between 6-10 years and while at least
percentage had experience of less than 1 year. The study findings implied that Airads Eldoret
management tries as much as possible to retain experienced employees to improve on its service
delivery to its customers.
5.3 Specific Information
5.3.1 Effects of office layout on service delivery
Regarding the Effects of office layout on service delivery, a higher percentage of respondents were
of the opinion that it leads to Customer Satisfaction hence organizations benefits in saving time if
it practices lead time. Further also indicates that most respondents perceived that lead time
Attracts new customers therefore hastening the flow of goods in an organization. Also as evident
from findings, most respondents perceived that lead time improves the efficiency of use of
employees’ hence minimized waste of man hours. Finally lead time Competitive advantage
which positively impacts supplier relationships. Despite these huge positive responses, there still
existed a small number of respondents who had different opinions in regard with the above
discussed opinions therefore just-on-time purchasing is not fully appreciated by all employees in
the company.
5.3.2 Effects of office layout on productivity
On the effects of stakeholder relationship on the growth of purchasing techniques, majority of the
respondents were of the view that it helps to satisfy the target market identified by the
organizations with 38% disagreeing with the opinion, this implies that stakeholder relationship
cohesively improves the ties between the organization and the target market. It was also evident
from the findings that most of the respondents had the view that stakeholder relationship Increase
Sales implying that a small percentage of employees at Airads Eldoret do not support stakeholder
relationship. Further findings also indicate most respondents perceived that stakeholder
relationship High Production and act as competitive advantage hence imposing positive impacts
on expanding and retaining the market and improve competitive advantage respectively.
5.3.3 Effects of office layout on customer satisfaction
Regarding the effects of office layout on customer satisfaction, a high percentage of respondents
accepted that it Reduce cost inventories hence positively influencing sales. Also the findings
indicate that majority of the respondents agreed with the opinion that storage facilities Reduce
Supply Costs implying that storage facilities can help stores generate more revenues. It was also
evident from the findings that majority of the respondents agreed with the opinion that storage
facilities helps in increasing the profit margins implying that profit margins in an organization is
aided by storage facilities and finally the findings depicts that most respondents agreed with the
opinion that storage facilities reduce the uncertainty associated with purchase of new goods and
services hence this helps in forecasting of purchase of goods and services in coming times.
5.3.4 Effects of office layout on profitability
With regard to the effects of office layout on profitability majority of the respondents held the
view that stockings Utilize assets of resources efficiently, this implies that stockings plays an
important role in controlling purchasing from external suppliers. Also as evident from the
findings in chapter four, majority of the respondents were of the view that Maximize customer
service levels. Also as evident from the findings, majority of the respondents agreed that Reduces
Operational Cost and protects sellers in case of a buyer's refusal to pay for goods or services;
purchase process is dependent on stockings and provides financial support to the sellers
5.3 Conclusions
The study was conducted and much was learnt from the study of the conclusions was that
management information system positively impacted on management information system. It was
also concluded that lead time benefits the organization by saving time, plays a critical role in the
flow of goods in an organization, helps in minimizing waste of man hours and positively affects
supplier relationships with the organization.
Furthermore the study concluded that there is more than one effect of stakeholder relationship on
the growth of management information system which include satisfying the target market
identified by the organizations, improves the ties between the organization and the target market,
increases the chance of a large target market to be interested in their products, High Production
and finally it boosts organizations competitive advantage.
It was also concluded that retail reduce cost inventories hence positively influencing sales, helps
stores generate more revenues, and it increases the profit margins in an organization. Finally the
study also concludes that stockings improve management information system through. Control of
the purchasing on products and services from external suppliers, streamlines the purchasing
process to a standard procedure orders and pending orders and protects sellers in case of a
buyer's refusal to pay for goods or services.
5.4 Recommendations
Based on the findings of the study the following recommendations were made; It was
recommended that lead time benefits the organization by saving time, hence need for an
organizational management to employ in its daily operations. It was also recommended that there
is more than one effect of stakeholder relationship on the growth of management information
system hence its practice helps boost organizations competitive advantage.
The study further recommended that since storage facilities Reduce cost inventories hence
positively influencing sales there is need to utilize it in order increases the profit margins in an
Finally the study recommended that stockings improves management information system hence
every organization should employ this purchasing technique frequently if not always.
5.5 Suggestion for Further Studies
The study proposed that research be done on other organizations practicing management
information system and carry out the same research and try to explore other related factors
affecting its operations and emphasis should be put on challenges facing its operations and how
organizational structure affects its performance in Kenyan organizations.

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