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Script Ukuran Text

<title>Heading Elements</title>
<h1> heading one</h1>
<h2> heading two</h2>
<h3> heading three</h3>
<h4> heading four</h4>
<h5> heading five</h5>

Hasil Di Browser
Formatting Paragraf
<title>Formating paragraf</title>
Bahasa HTML sangat mudah dipelajari karena merupakan Bahasa
bertanda sehingga hanya sedikit menuntut logika
Script PHP menolong HTML ketika melakukan pengolahan data
karena HTML tidak dapat melakukannya

Hasil Di Browser
Unordered List (Bullet)
Script :
<title>Unordered List</title>
<P>Schedule for HTML Course</P>
Setiap hari saya jualan, mulai jam 07.30 p.m sampai jam 00.00,

Hasil Di Browser :
Ordered List
Script :
<title>Ordered List</title>
<P>Shedule for HTML Course</P>
<ol start=”1” type=”I”>
<ol type=”a”>
<li>Introduction to HTML</li>
<li>Creating List</li>
<ol type=”A”>
<li>Creating Table</li>
<li>Inserting Image</li>
<ol type=”I”>
<li>Creating Link</li>
<li>Preparing Website</li>

Hasil di browser
Definition List
Script :
<title>Definition List</title>
<p><b>List of internet Resourse</b></p>
<dd>HyperText Markup Language programming</dd>
<dd>HyperText Transfer Protocol ii TCP/IP Protocol</dd>
<dd>A network of network </dd>
<dd>Internet Protocol</dd>

Hasil Di Browser

Pemformatan page

Script :
<title>Break Line</title>
<h3>Buliding Dynamic Web Aplication</h3>
if you're building a dynamic web application, <br>
start by setting up an application server and <br>
connecting to a database.

Hasil di browser


Script :
<title>Formating Font</title>
<font color=#9966FF" size="5">
setting Up Web Server
<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">
To run web application, you need a web server,
A web server is sometimes called an HTTP server,
Common web servers include IIS,
Netscape Enterprise Server, IPlanet Web Server,
and Apache HTTP Server.

Hasil Di Browser :
Format text


Script :
<title>Formating Font</title>
<font color=#9966FF" size="5">
setting Up Web Server
To run web applications, you need a web server.
A web server is software that server files in response to
from web browsers
A web server is sometimes called an HTTP server,
Common web servers include IIS,
netscape enterprise server, IPlanet web server, and
Apache HTTP server.
if you're not using a web hosting service,
choose a web server and install it on your local
computer or on a remote computer
Hasil Di Browser:

Pre-formated text

Script :
<title>Formating Font</title>
<font color="9966FF" size="5">
Setting Up Web Server
To run web application, you need a web server. a web server is
that server files in response to requests from web browsers. A
web server is
sometimes called an HTTP server.
Common web servers include IIS, netscape Enterprise server
iplanet web server,
and Apache HTTP server. if you're not using a web hosting
service, choose a web server
and install it on your local computer or on a remote computer

Hasil Di Browser :
Grouping Element

Script :
<title>Div dan span</title>
Divisi 1
Div tag digunakan untuk mengelompokan group element biasanya
untuk block-level element.
<div align="right">
Divisi 2
ini dalam divisi kedua. di tulis dengan alignment kanan.
<span style="font-size:25; color:lavender">
baris ini dalam span dengan warna lavender.

Hasil Di Browser :

Script :
<title Anchor Name</title
<b>setting up web server</b>
Windows users caan get a web server up and running quickly on
their local computer by installing either PWS or IIS.
The web server may already be installed. Check your folder
structure to see if it contains a C:\Inetpub or D:\Inetup
folder. PWS and IIS create this folder during installation. If
you want to install PWS or IIS, <a href="#install">see
installing a Web server in windows.</a>
ASP.NET pages only work with one web server: Microsoft IIS 5
or higher. PWS is not supported.
Also, because IIS 5 is a service of the windows 2000 and
Windows XP Professional operating systems, you can only
because these two versions of Windows to run ASP.NET
<b><a name="install">Installing a Web Server in Windows
To develop and test dynamic web pages, you need a functioning
web server. This chapter describes how most Windows users can
install and use a Microsoft web server on their local

Hasil Di Browser :

Script :
<table bgcolor="lavender" width="75%" border="1"
<td rowspan="3">Quarter 1</td>

Hasil di browser :

Merge cell
Script :
<title>Using Table</title>
<table bgcolor-"CCCCFF" width=" 62%" border="1"
<td colspan="3" align=" center">Quarter 1</td>
<td colspan="3" align="center">Quarter 2</td>
<tr align=" center">

Hasil Di Browser :

Format Image

< IMG SRC = “URL” >

Contoh :
<title>Working with Image</title>
<img src=”dog.gif”>

Script :
<title>Working with Image</title>
<p><img src="Dog.gif" height="100" width="100">
Default alignment at the bottom</p>
<p><img src="Dog.gif" height="100" width="100"
align="top">Aligned at Top</p>
<p><img src="Dog.gif" height="100" width="100"
align="middle">Aligned at Middle</p>

Hasil di browser :
script :
<title>Creating Form</title>
<h3><center><font color="#0000FF">Job
<form action="" method="post">
Job Discription
<select name="job" size="1">
<option value="1">Web Developer</option >
<option value="2">Web Designer</option>
<option value="3">Web Administrator</option>
<select name="Experience" size="3" multiple>
<option value="1" selected >1 year</option>
<option value="2"> 1- 3 year</option>
<option value="3">None</option>

Hasil di browser :

Form Registrasi
Script :
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<h2 align="center"> <font color="#9966FF"> Free Registration
<form action="proses.php" method="post" name="form">
<table width="68%" border="0" align="center" cellpading="0">
<td width="33%">Nama</td>
<td width="3%">:</td>
<td width="64%"><input name="txtNama" type="text"
<td>Tgl Lahir</td>
<td><input name="txtTgl" type="text" id="txtTgl" size="4"
maxlength="2"> / <input name="txtBulan" type="text"
id="txtBulan" size="4" maxlength="2"> / <input name="txtTahun"
type="text" id="txtTahun" size="8" maxlength="4"></td>
<td><textarea name="txtAlamat" cols="40" rows="2"
<td><input name="txtKota" type="text" id="txtKota"></td>
<td>select name="cboJob" id="cobJob">
<td>Jenis Kelamin</td>
<td><input name="radJk" type="radio" value="1" chekced>
<input type="radio" name="radJk" value="2">
<td><input name="cekReading" type="checkbox"
id="cekReading" value="1"> Reading </td>
<td><input name="cekSport" type="checkbox" id="cekSport"
value="2"> Sport</td>

Hasil di Browser :

Script frame :
<frameset cols="40%,60%">
<frame src="cth15.htm" name="kiri">
<frame src="cth14.htm" name="kanan">

Hasil di Browser :

Script iframe :
<b>Contoh tag Iframe</b><br>
<Iframe heigth="200" width="400" src="cth4.htm">

Hasil di Browser :

Script :
<!-- COMP519 js01.html 7.09.2005 -->
<title>JavaScript Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
// silly code to demonstrate output

document.write("<FONT COLOR='GREEN'> Hello world!</FONT>");

document.write("<p>How are <br/>" + "<i>you</i>?</p>");

<p>Here is some static text as well.</p>

Hasil Di Browser :

Script :
<!-- COMP519 js02.html 7.09.2005 -->
<title>Data Types and Variables</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var x, y;
x= 1024;

y=x; x = "foobar";
document.write("<p>x = " + y + "</p>");
document.write("<p>x = " + x + "</p>");

Hasil Di Browser :
Script :
<title>simple JavaScript Button</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Function dontClick() {
alert("I told you not to click!"); }
<body bgcolor="white"
<h1> Simple javaScript Button</h1>
<input type="button"
value="Don't click Me" onClick="alert('hey... i said don't
click me'); return value">

Hasil di browser :

Script :
<!-- COMP519 js05.html 08.09.2005 -->

<title>Interactive page</title>

<script type="text/javascript">
userName = Prompt ("what is your name?", "");

UserAge = Prompt ("Your age?","");

userAge = parseFloat (userAge);

document.write ("Hello " + userName + ".")

if (userAge < 20) {
document.write(" Do your parents know " + "you are online?");
<p> The rest of the page...

Hasil di browser :

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