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Name Cabibil, Ritzy Vallery A Date: September 25, 2022 Section: 12-ABM- Commitment


Watch “The Pursuit of Happyness” and answer the following questions.

1. What are some of the challenges Chris Gardner faced when trying to sell his bone density
When Chris Gardner tried to sell his bone-density detectors, there were obstacles.
No one wanted the x-rays since they were too grainy, outdated, expensive, and unreliable.

2. Chris faced many challenges during the movie, yet he still achieved many of his goals.
Describe a minimum of three decisions he made or behaviors/personality traits that he
demonstrated that helped him reach his goals. Use specific examples from the movie to
support the decisions you think were.

The necessity for Chris and his wife to work harder and longer hours to meet
their daily necessities is already apparent at the beginning of the film, especially given
that Chris is their child. He made the first choice to always have his child by his side,
whether when things were bad or they were going well, and I believe this was one of
the things that motivated him to work hard. When his wife made the decision to
relocate to New York to work in her sister's restaurant. Even though he has no money
and many debts to pay, he decided to be with his son. As the movie goes by, the tenant
knocked on their door, told him that he needed to pay for their rents, for almost 3
months and if not, they will be forced to leave. Chris Gardner's son has become his
reason to work hard, his strength, his source of happiness. Despite of having no own
home, the child understands and not complains about it. Chris didn't complain about
this despite of a busy day as an intern, as they tasked to call some clients.“He is humble
and down to earth, a very hardworking guy and a loving father to his child, and lowkey
yet tactful and determined person. say that on how he handled the different kind of
attitude or personality around him, makes a contribution, a betterment on what he has
achieved in the end.”.
3. What were three financial decisions that Chris made during the Pursuit of Happyness and
describe the consequences that resulted.
Decision Consequence
First, Chris Gardner invested his funds to The consequence that resulted is He failed to
market bone density scanners as his first consider the preferences of the public so that
career choice. the money he spent on bone density scanners
would not go to waste. However, he is a
salesman, therefore as a result, the target
market or buyer has no actual interest at all
because it is pricey and pointless for them.
Even if he sold it, the proceeds would not
have been sufficient to pay off their debts.

Second, When he didn’t think of paying for The consequence that resulted is The cops
his parking tickets. pulled over his car, leaving him without a
way to get to work or to pick up his son from
school. Additionally, it causes him to have
more debt to pay off, and his obligations now
outweigh his assets. One instance is when
one of his bosses at work requested him to
park the car in the lot, but he chose to drive it
instead since he needed to speak with Mr.
Walter Ribbon about the pension funds. As a
result, he was responsible for paying for the

Lastly, When he didn’t pay the taxes for the consequence that resulted is The
about many months he needed to pay government ultimately obtained the $600 in
his bank account, leaving him with a balance
of $34. His life was becoming increasingly
more gloomy.

4. During the interview at Dean Witter, Martin Froh asked Chris “What would you say if a guy
walked in for an interview without a shirt on and I hired him! What would you say?” What
was Chris’s response?
“He must have had on some really nice pants.” After he said this, those people in the
room laughed hard and with that, Chris pulled the interview well that made him got the spot
for an internship

5. If you were in Chris’s position would you have attended the interview covered in paint? Why
or why not? What did this show about Chris’s drive?

If I were Chris, I would have gone to the interview despite being covered in paint on
my body and clothes and lacking a proper uniform because, if I ever changed, it would take a
long time to take a bath, and I would be running behind schedule for my interview. One thing
to keep in mind during an interview is that we really need to arrive on time, and since Chris
has had many difficulties and events in his life, I believe the interviewer would be
considerate to him. Additionally, Chris still demonstrates his tenacity and his shrewd side,
regardless of whether it will have a bad/negative or good/positive impact on the interviewer
and some employees at the organization. Despite the fact that he didn't He is physically
ready, has wisdom in his remarks, and is mentally ready.

6. Chris’s resume highlights that he was first in his senior class. In general, what items should be
included on a resume and what should you highlight?

-In general, there are a few elements that should always be included on a resume. A
resume should include your work experience. This should include details, such as the amount
of time you spent in each position, the responsibilities you had, the results you obtained and
the title you received. The resume should also include your education history, particularly the
highest level you have achieved. Finally, a resume should include other relevant activities that
provided you with important skills, such as volunteer activities.
7. At the end of the film we learn that Chris became a multimillion and successful stockbroker. In
your opinion what made Chris the happiest?

-Despite having many difficult and dark moments, Chris Gardner, the main character,
pursues happiness on his own. He ultimately has the ability to be happy because of his decision
to remain upbeat and persevere.

You want something. You go get it. Period.

--Chris Gardner

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