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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

(Rev 2 01/12/2009) This document outlines the steps necessary to install Cisco VPN client and the RSA Soft Token. Instructions are included for importing the soft token and creating a new PIN. Directions for using the RSA soft token and connecting to using the Cisco VPN client are also covered. Included in this document are the following instructions: Steps: How to download and install the AMD Cisco VPN Client / RSA Soft Token Instructions to Manually Remove the ATInet or Cisco VPN Client A. From Windows XP B. From Windows Vista Instructions for importing the Soft Token File How to create your PIN for the SecurID Soft Token How to connect to the AMD network using the VPN Client Installation package information: Name: Typical total installation time: 20 25 minutes Size: 20.8mb Location:

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Features: This customized installation package will attempt the following.

Detect a previous VPN installation and remove it if not current Prompts that a restart is necessary to complete VPN removal Upon restart begins installation of Cisco VPN Prompts if you desire to install the RSA Soft Token software Installs RSA Soft Token Software if accepted

If you require further assistance please contact the IT Service desk at x43866.

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

(Rev 2 01/12/2009) 1 How to download and install the AMD VPN Client / RSA Soft Token Assumptions: You presently have ATInet or an older version of Cisco VPN Client installed. Note: If you are connected over VPN, you will need to disconnect and close the VPN client after you have downloaded the VPN package. Please ensure that all other applications are closed. The installation process will require a reboot.

1. Click the AMD VPN link located here: VPNQuickStartGuide.aspx

2. Select Save when prompted

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

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3. Select a location to Save the folder. Typically the default location is acceptable.

4. Once the download is complete select Open Folder

5. Right click the folder and select Extract All

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6. Verify Show extracted files when complete is checked then click Extract

7. Double click on the file amd-cvpn-5.0.4-sms-Ver-23.d.EXE to begin installation

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

(Rev 2 01/12/2009) Note: If you run the exe while it is contained in a zipped folder it will fail. Unzipping the file is essential prior to installation.

8. If a UAC popup occurs select Allow

9. The Installation will check your system for previous versions of VPN software.
Click OK

10. If another Version of VPN is installed you will be prompted. Select OK

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At this time it will attempt to automatically remove the prior ATI or Cisco VPN installation. Typical time to remove an older installation is 5 7 minutes. Please refer to section 2 Instructions to Manually Remove the ATInet or Cisco VPN Client if the automated uninstall function fails.

11. Select Restart when prompted

12. You will receive a prompt the system will restart. Select Close and your system
will restart after a short delay.

13. Upon restart and login your system will automatically begin the installation of
Cisco VPN client. This installation typically takes between 10 15 minutes. Please be patient during this process as your system may appear to be unresponsive. Upon successful VPN installation a RSA Soft-Token install prompt will appear. If you are using a Soft Token click Install. If you currently posses a hard token and are not switching to a Soft Token click Cancel.

14. Click OK

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Software installation is now complete! If you are using a RSA soft token please refer to section 3 Instructions for importing the Soft Token File. If you need directions for using the VPN client please refer to section 5 How to connect to the AMD network using the VPN Client.

2A Manually Removing the ATInet / Cisco VPN Client from Windows XP Assumptions: The scripted automatic uninstall of ATI or previous Cisco VPN installation failed. You presently have ATInet or an older version of Cisco VPN Client installed. Your operating system is XP. Note: Disconnect from and close the ATInet VPN client. Ensure all other applications are closed before removing the ATInet VPN client.

1. Go to Start / Control Panel / Add or Remove Programs

2. Select ATInet Client or Cisco Systems VPN Client then click the
Change/Remove button.

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

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3. Click on OK from the Confirm file deletion prompt.

4. Wait for the client to be removed.

Important: Once ATInet or the previous Cisco Client has successfully uninstalled restart your computer to ensure all components are removed. Do not begin the installation of the new VPN Client until your system has been restarted.

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

(Rev 2 01/12/2009) 2B Manually Removing the ATInet / Cisco VPN Client from Windows Vista Assumptions: The scripted automatic uninstall of ATI or previous Cisco VPN installation failed. You presently have ATInet or an older version of Cisco VPN Client installed. Your operating system is Vista. Note: Disconnect from and close the ATInet VPN client. Ensure all other applications are closed before removing the ATInet VPN client.

1. Go to Start / Control Panel / Programs and Features

2. Select ATInet Client or Cisco Systems VPN Client from the currently installed
program list then click the Uninstall/Change button.


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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

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3. Click OK if prompted to Confirm file deletion

4. Wait for the client to be removed

5. Click Finish to complete the removal

Important: Once ATInet or the previous Cisco Client has successfully uninstalled restart your computer to ensure all components are removed. Do not begin the installation of the new VPN Client until your system has been restarted.

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

(Rev 2 01/12/2009) 3 Instructions for Importing the Soft Token .sdtid File and Creating a PIN Assumptions: The RSA SecurID Token software is already installed on your system. You have received an e-mail with an attached (username).sdtid file and a unlock password from the IT service desk. Note: The sdtid file and unlock password are required for setting up a Soft Token. Save this information to your U: in case your system needs to be reimaged or the software installed on a new system.

1. In Outlook open the email containing the attached .sdtid file and password 2. Double click on the (username).sdtid attachment

3. Click Open

4. Type in the unlock password contained in the e-mail with the attached .sdtid file
the click OK

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

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5. The .sdtid file will attempt to import into the RSA software at this time. Upon
Completion click OK

Congratulations you have successfully imported your sdtid file into the RSA Software!

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

(Rev 2 01/12/2009) 4 How to create a PIN for the RSA Soft Token Assumptions: You have successfully installed the RSA Soft Token software. You have successfully imported your (username).sdtid file. Note: A PIN must be generated upon the first use of the RSA Soft Token. This PIN is necessary to successfully generate a tokencode to log into Cisco VPN. Method 1 Create a PIN through IE 1. Open the URL: At work At home

2. Open RSA SecurID by clicking on Start / Programs / RSA SecurID Token / RSA
SecurID Token. Click on the Right Arrow to generate a Tokencode. A Tokencode allows you to generate a new PIN within the Cisco VPN Client.

3. The blue bars under the token give an estimate on when the numeric key will
refresh. As a best practice when signing on please verify you have three or more bars left.

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

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4. Type in your Window NT username and the Tokencode on the RSA softtoken.
Click Sign In

5. Type in a numeric PIN 4 to 8 digits long. Click Save PIN

6. A confirmation page should appear noting your PIN was successfully saved.

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

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Congratulations you have successfully saved the PIN! Method 2 Create a PIN through Cisco VPN

1. Open RSA SecurID by clicking on Start / Programs / RSA SecurID Token / RSA
SecurID Token. Click on the Right Arrow to generate a Tokencode. A Tokencode allows you to generate a new PIN within the Cisco VPN Client.

2. The blue bars under the token give an estimate on when the token will refresh.
As a best practice when signing on please verify you have three or more bars left.

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

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3. Open Cisco VPN Client. Click on Start / Programs / Cisco Systems VPN Client
/ VPN Client. Highlight the location nearest you and click Connect

4. When the RSA token has 3 + bars click on Copy

5. In the Username field Type in your Windows NT login. Right click in the VPN
Client password field and select Paste or Ctrl-V then push OK. This copies the 8 digit numeric Tokencode key into the password field. If desired you can manually type in the displayed Tokencode.

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

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6. You will be prompted if you wish to enter a new pin. Type in y then push OK

7. Type in a numeric PIN with a length between 4 and 8 digits. Push OK. This PIN is
necessary for the RSA Soft token software to generate a Passcode for authenticating to the Cisco VPN Client.

8. Confirm your numeric pin then push OK

Congratulations you have successfully created a PIN for your RSA Soft Token!

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

(Rev 2 01/12/2009) 5: How to connect to the AMD network using the VPN Client Assumptions: You have successfully installed the RSA Soft Token software. You have imported the (username).sdtid file. You have created a PIN for your Soft Token. Cisco VPN is installed. You have a connection to the internet. You are not presently connected to the AMD domain. RSA Hard Token Users: Please reference this web page for information regarding setup and use of a RSA hard token: ingSecurID.aspx

Note: Upon first login using the RSA token it might request the Next Passcode. If requested wait for the numeric Passcode to change then enter in the new code to sync your RSA Soft Token.

1. Type your numeric PIN into the RSA SecurID. Once complete hit Enter or the

2. Your RSA Soft token should generate a Passcode key at this time. Note a
Passcode differs from the previous Tokencode. A Passcode is necessary to authenticate to the Cisco VPN Client.

3. Open Cisco VPN Client if it is not presently. Click on Start / Programs / Cisco
Systems VPN Client / VPN Client. Highlight the location nearest you and click Connect

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

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4. Type in the Passcode or right click and select Paste or type Ctrl-V to paste the
key into the VPN client. Note: the PIN is only necessary to generate a Passcode with the RSA Soft Token software. When typing the password into Cisco VPN do not include the PIN but only the displayed 8 digit numeric Passcode.

5. Upon first use Cisco VPN might prompt to sync the Passcode. If prompted wait for
a new PIN to generate and Type or Paste in the new 8 digit PIN then click OK

6. At this time Cisco VPN should attempt to authenticate to the security gateway. If
your connection is succesful a closed Cisco padlock is visable on your tool bar. Upon mouseover the connection status is visible. At this time you have successfully established a secure connection. You now can access the AMD domain.

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Installation of Cisco VPN Client and RSA Soft Token

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