MBA22240 - Shailesh Tirkey IS

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Interpersonal Skills

Daily note taking :-

23 Aug
Today I had a discussion with my classmate Rahul on whether we should
continue taking our other friend on our team for case competitions. We
had to take a decision as our other friend was not serious and sincere
towards case competitions . Although we both don’t wanted to leave him
alone but also it affected our competitions. We had a fruitful discussion
and reached a conclusion that we’ll talk with him and maybe switch teams
and take part with different people to find best teammates.
24 Aug
So me and my friends planned an outing but one friend had classes so
we decided that he can join us later. We had fun did river rafting and all
but the other friend who was still in college called and now the issue was
to whether we should ask him to come or not .It was already 3 and coming
after a 1 hour journey it would be a waste of time as it would be evening
soon and we also had to return. So the conversation with the group was
not that great . I thought that not asking him to come and join us would not
be the right thing to do. I knew he would feel bad so I tried to convince
others to atleast let him come and join even for a short period of time but
I failed.

25 Aug
Had a conversation with my roommate regarding the room and its
cleanliness. He was always keeping the room messy and threw waste on
the floor and his clothes lay around everywhere , not only to his side but
also mine. I told him that I needed to talk with him. I stated him that we
both have to live in this room and it doesn’t take that much effort to keep
the room. If the room is clean we both will get to live in a clean place. First
he was hesitant and said that he was lazy and all but in the end he
promised he will try to keep the room clean.
25 Aug
So there was a Group task for selection in a committee, I made logo for
the task at hand and with other teammates we made PPT . So we had to
present the PPT in front of the seniors. My teammate insisted on
presenting the slide on which I worked and maybe wanted to take the
credit for the same . He got angry when I told him that I will present that
particular slide .I had to persuade him to let me present that slide during
group I had worked on it. In the end even though he
agreed because other team members said in support of me but I knew he
didn’t like it . I could have done better in this conversation .
26 Aug
Superset verification – Had to convince to unfreeze my account so that I
can make the necessary changes. I had passed the deadline timing due
to some reasons and they had froze my account. It was a phonic
conversation where I had to state the reasons due to which I couldn’t
upload the required documents . I apologized and he accepted my
apology and allowed me to edit my profile.
27 Aug
Had a conversation with my mom after a long time . Talked about a bunch
of things , IIM life , college , hostel , people here .There wasn’t any motive
but I observed myself to be at ease when talking to family. My mom
listened to whatever I was saying diligently . Not like other people who talk
with a purpose only. My mom asked me to promise her to call more
frequently and take care of myself. I agreed and promised her the same.
28 Aug
Had a mock interview and got to know a senior with whom had a long
conversation about life at IIM and what to do what not to do . At last he
gave me his no. and asked to call him for any issue or help I needed.
29 Aug
Ankit Verma – Had to convince him to do my CV review at night as I had
to submit my CV at 3 am. Luckily he was awake around 12 . He was very
helpful .and agreed to help me after I stated him the urgency and how I
could face repercussions for uploading a wrong CV.
30 Aug
Saw a quiet kid , and I went to him for a quick chat and found out that he
got late admission and was an introvert and was facing problems adjusting
here. We both had a quite long conversation, we both shared our each
other’s journey till here without any judgements. There was not motive in
the conversation but I got to make a new friend and even he felt good to
know a like minded person as we had a lot of things in common . I was
glad that I approach an unknown person .
31 Aug
I am not good with subject “Microeconomics” so I asked my friend Maaz
who is quite good with almost every subject to teach me . He is very helpful
and kind guy . He easily agreed and asked me to come to room for
studying anytime I want. I noticed that if the person is helpful they won’t
reject your request so its easy to convince them.
1 September
Had a conversation with Yashodeep my classmate and executive member
of the Sports Committee regarding the basketball court. It was broken and
wasn’t in a condition to play basketball. I told him that me and my friends
love playing basketball and if he could rush up the process it would be
very helpful . He promised that he will do something about it and the court
basket would be repaired within few days.
2 September
Had talk with a senior who is a member of Prep Cell regarding the
preparation for Group Discussions. I am very afraid of group discussions.
So I saw the senior in the mess sitting alone , so asked if I could join him
and introduced myself. After introduction I asked him how to prepare for
GDs . He explained me in depth and told to not worry about it so much.
This conversation was very helpful and I even got to know a senior.
3 September
So the bathroom door lock broke and I had filled the complain online for
the repairment of the same . But it would take multiple days because of
huge amount of repair requests. So I had to call a member of Infra IT and
convince him and make him aware of the situation. I did the same and the
guy was kind and listened carefully about the problem and promised to
solve it the same day. I was successful in convincing him.
4 September
Had a conversation with Vivek on whether to go home or not . Since we
are getting holidays for 10 days . I and Vivek wanted to go homes but
since our SIP processes are still going on we had quite a discussion
whether to go or not. I was against the idea of going home as we may
miss few selection processes but somehow Vivek convinced me and
booked tickets for both of us. I failed in convincing him.
5 September
Had to convince my friend to bring my guitar from my hometown Ranchi
to Delhi as he was travelling. He agreed. I told him that I can’t go home
anytime soon and how much I needed my guitar. There were so many
events going on and I urgently needed it . Courier option was not a good
option as my guitar could be damaged and since he was coming by train
he shouldn’t have any problem . He agreed to help me . I was successful
in convincing him.
6 September
I went out for dinner with my friends and we were late . The guard was
angry and told that many students are coming late and he will note our
names and complain. I had a conversation with him and told him about
how there was some problem in the car and we had to wait 40 mins for
the mechanic to come and repair the car so that we can come back to
hostel. After a lot of convincing he let us in by giving us a final warning not
to repeat the same.
7 September
Had a debate with Vivek on whether to take flight or train to Ranchi . I
wanted to go by train to save some money and he wanted to take flight
for convenience. He gave a lot of reasons on how the money spent would
be almost same and we would save a lot of time and it would be very
convenient and hassle free. All his reasons were true so I couldn’t counter
him . At last we book flights.
8 September
Outing related where to go.I suggested to go for Corbett safari then river
rafting which was a great idea according to me but others wanted to enjoy
only a particular day. I told them that we have plenty of time and we can
enjoy both. But I couldn’t convince them further. Then we went for only
river rafting .
9 September
Floormate to teach FA but he didn’t agreed . I had a quiz and he was from
finance background so I asked him for help but he was quite busy with all
his other works and didn’t wanted to waste time teaching someone else .
In the end I couldn’t convince him to teach me.
10 September
Tried to convince an expedition club member to arrange for barbeque but
could not convince him .Told him all the benefits of having that in the
inventory and how we all can use it in all the events organized by
expedition club but he thought that I am asking it for personal use so he
was not quite convinced with this idea and said he’ll think about it.
11 September
There was some important meet and had to convince the meet organizer
that I am ill and I am not in a condition to attend because of high fever. He
was not convinced and thought that I am making some excuses. I couldn’t
convince him in the call. He came to room then after talking face to face I
convinced him that I was ill after showing him the medicines. So here
words didn’t helped me because he needed proofs.
12 September
Had a conversation with my sister. I was not able to reply or receive her
calls or family calls. I had to apologize and tell her about the busy schedule
of IIM. She was not quite convinced but I told her about the hectic life of
IIM and how we couldn’t even get time to sleep during the initial days.
Later on she simply asked me to take care of myself . It was a very
wholesome conversation .

13 September
So this happened when I went for the interview of a club where they asked
my “Why we should take you?” Now I had to convince them to take me. It
was quite difficult for me as I had not prepared for such questions. But I
told them what I could bring to the table , my strengths , goals , etc . They
seemed quite convinced .
14 September
Had a club related task and we had to make a PPT and video . Had
miscommunications and I was quite angry because everyone was not very
casual and didn’t take the work seriously . I showed aggression during the
conversations which I later realized that I shouldn’t have behaved that way
. Also there was a conflict regarding the selection of topics.
15 September
Couldn’t attend my friend’s club event and he got angry. I had already a
very important task at that time so I couldn’t attend even though I wanted
to . He expected me to show up on his event and he was disappointed
which I completely understand. I apologized to him on texts multiple times
. But I knew it was not enough. I didn’t want our friendship to be ruined
because such a small event . So I went his room for a face to face talk
and apologized him and made him understand my reasons for not
attending his event. He eventually forgave me , I hope so.
16 September
Had fight with my close friends of college Rahul and Vivek regarding
asking for bike from a senior whom I have known for only a day. I didn’t
want to create a bad impression of me in front of the senior . So I tried my
best to convince my friends that I won’t be able to do what they asked .
But they shown aggression . In the end , I didn’t want our friendship to be
affected because of such a small thing so I agreed.
17 September
So Today I had arrange for a bike by asking my senior . I was quite afraid
and was not sure what the senior would think of me . But because I
promised my friends that I would ask for bike for them . I gathered courage
and called the senior. I was ready to face the rejection and didn’t expected
much . I simple stated my need that we had to purchase gifts for a friends
birthday and if I could get his bike for half an hour. To my surprise the
senior was very kind and offered his bike anytime . He even told about
how he used to ask his seniors for bike . At the end I even invited him for
the birthday party.

18 September
Had a conversation with my member of Reverb regarding I should sing in
the Par event or not. I was not confident to perform in front of an audience
as I was not well and had bad throat so I didn’t want to ruin the
performance but he was not agreeing and tried his best to convince me.
19 September
Had a conversation with senior Reverb member that I won’t be able to
perform . He was quite chill and understood my situation and didn’t show
disappointment or anger . He was generous towards me and even said
that I would get enough opportunities to perform .
20 September
So there was my friend’s birthday and we had bought all the things
including decorations for his birthday but forgot to buy cake. It was already
9 and we couldn’t go out to get a cake so there a guy whom I know. I
called him to arrange for a cake . It was late night so I had to persuade
him to bring a cake. He was a friendly and helpful guy so it was not a
difficult task and he genuinely wanted to help me.

21 September
So recently I got selected in two clubs and my friends were asking for a
party . They asked to have dinner party at Manor. I and few others have
lot of assignments to complete and were not free. But one friend was not
ready to cancel the plan . He insisted on going . I tried my best to convince
him that our first priority should be to complete the tasks but he said that
we can do that after dinner and later he was successful in convincing me
. More or less I agreed and couldn’t say no to him.
22 September
Had a talk with my club member regarding designs of the t shirt and
hoodie. He had selected quite bad designs so I had to convince him to not
go further with that designs. I appreciated the designs made by him but it
was not up to the mark. So I had to talk to him in a way so that he doesn’t
feel bad about his designs. I initiated the conversation carefully and made
him realize that we should not hurry as it is a very important task and we
should work on the designs and look for other options available too. Finally
he agreed and we didn’t had any arguments.

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