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5 año Oral exam Coloquio

1- What was the most enjoyable thing you did during the school holiday? Why?
2- What was thwe least enjoyable thing you did?
3- What do you usually do at the weekend?
4- Describe yourself using adjectives such as : flexible, hard working, honest, loyal,
organized, outgoing, patient, reliable, sensitive, shy.
5- How do you think performers in a school usually feel before a performance) anxious,
ashamed, bored, confused, cross, delighte, dissapointed, embarrased, envious,
excited, frightening, proud, relieved, shocked, suspicious, terrified or upset
6- Tell me two things you plan to do this evening
7- Would you like to appear on a stage on a theatre productions?
8- How long has your family lived in your hometown?
9- Did any of them emígrate from another country? From where? Whe? Why?
10- Did any of them move from another part of your country? Where?, Why?, When?
11- Do you think this app would encrease or decrease the number of arguments in your
family? Why?
12- Which topics are more likely to cause arguments in your family and why?
Doing chores- doing schoolwork- staying out late- sharing a family computer- what to
watch on TV- when to watch TV- too much time spent on social media and games-
what toe at-
13- What did you use to or didn´t use to do at the age of 5?
14- What famous person do you look up to?
15- Give advice using should; suitable present for the family you are staying with- how to
stay safe when you are out- suitable clothing for the season- the best deals for calling,
texting- how to improve your language skills quality.
16- Which sports have you tried and enjoyed?Have you Heard and didn´t enjoy, would you
like to try and why? Would you prefer not to try?
17- When was the last time you were in a restauranr?. How good were the food and the
18- Which local restaurants would you recommend to a foreign country?
19- Do you enjoy eating fast food;
20- What are your favourite meals toe at at home and in a restaurant?
21- Use present perfect contonuous: you look exhausted, guilty, hot, relieved,
sleepy,upset, woried.
22- Have you ever broken a leg- bang your head- bruise yourself badly- burn yourself- cut
yourself- have a bad nose bleed, have a black eye- sprain your wrist- twist your ankle
23- Speculating: (will- won´t-might) What will you do if you feel ill tomorrow morning- the
weather is fine at the weekend- there´s a power cut in the evening- you get por marks
in your next English test- your best friend forgets your birthday
24- Have you ever been awake all night or most of the night, if so when, where, why?-
have you ever been cold, have you ever experience high attitude?
25- Use future perfect – future continuous: scientists/ find a cure for most deseases, most
people/live to 200, new deseases/ appear, a human/ run 100m in 5m, computer/
manage all major companies, the Earth/ fight wars against other countries
26- Do you think Money can make people happy?when is pride good and bad? Is fea rever
good emotion?
27- Do you get enough sleep? How do you feel if you don’t get enough sleep? What things
are never difficult to do?, Do you use gadgets such as mobile late at night? What for?
Do you think that they keep you awake ¿ when are you more alert? Are you a lark or
an owl or in between?
28- Which sports do you do al school? How often? Are there other subjects that are more
important than sport? How could more sport be added to the school timtable without
affecting other subjects?
29- What would be the worst thing about being homeless, being alone, being
uncomfortable, weather, other´s people attitude, personal safety, hygine
30- What can government and individuals do to help the homeless?
31- Tell me when you did your best, took it easy, had to make do., don´t take something
32- Do you think that people depend too mucho n technology?
What gadgets will have disappeared 50 years from now. Do you think iot´s wrong to
copy songs and films from friends rather than buying them?
What you have been successful in- excited abot- satisfied with- courious about-
pleased with- good at- angry about- keen on.

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