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Introduction to

Business Reporting
Lesson objectives

01 What is Business Reporting

Definition and objectives of Report. Types and essentials of
Business Report.

02 Importance & Scope

Importance and scope of Business Reports.

03 Uses of Business Report

Users of Business Report.

04 Factors affecting Business Report

Factors which will affect the Business Report

©Bandita S. Nikam

What is Reporting?

©Bandita S. Nikam

1. What do you understand by the word report?

2. What is the need to have a report?
3. Types of report that you have come across?
4. What are the prerequisite for preparing a
5. What are the details included in a report?
6. Where are reports used?
7. What would be the outcome of an inaccurate

©Bandita S. Nikam
A business report is defined as an official document
that contains factual information, statistical data, re
search findings, or any other form of information rel
evant to the course of the job.
This report is a formal document written to-the-poin
t to convey information in a concise yet clear mann
Business reports are majorly used for internal
communication within an organization.

Business Reporting Get a modern

PowerPoint Presentation
Business reporting or enterprise reporting refers to both "the public reporting of that is beautifully
operating and financial data by a business enterprise," and "the regular provision of designed.
information to decision-makers within an organization to support them in their work.

The business report is a description of business events and financial activities that
carries a written presentation in which one analyzes a real situation and/ or a case
study of business and applied necessary speculations and/ or theories to produce a
range of suggestions and/ or recommendations in order to improve the situation.
Though it is a specialized form of general report, there is no difference between the two.

©Bandita S. Nikam

What is a Business Reporting???????

A business report is a
standard form of business
communication combining of
both qualitative and
quantitative information which
is in a logical format, serves as
a critical corporate A business report is a brief
documentation. Business description of business events and
reports present information- financial activities that carries a
based views of the enterprise written presentation in which one
to appropriate audiences and analyses a real situation oa a case
can be automatically study of a business and applies
individualised for each user necessary speculations and
theories to produce a range of
suggestions in order to improve the
situation. Being a specialized,
report, there is no basic difference
between the two
©Bandita S. Nikam

‘Business report is an
orderly, objectively
communication of factual
information that serves
some business purpose’

©Bandita S. Nikam

Effective and transparent business reporting allows organizations to present a cohesive explanation
of their business and helps them engage with internal and external stakeholders

©Bandita S. Nikam


Lesikar and Pettit, “A business report is an orderly, objective communication

of factual information that serves some business purpose.”

Louis E. Boone and others defined, “A business report is a document that

organizes information on a specific topic for a specific business purposes.”

In the opinion of Murphy and Hildebrandt, “A business report is an impartial,

objective, planned presentation of facts to one or more persons for a specific,
significant business purpose.”

©Bandita S. Nikam

Objectives of Business Report

Study the possible solutions to any problem, event, issue or situation.

To apply the commercial & organizational theory to a practical situation

Identify analytical and evaluation skills & weigh possible problems existing in business.

Use the data, key performance indicators, financial ratios etc. to present key business metrics.

Reach to a conclusion on a problem/ issue & suggest required action in future.

Assess business performance, provide status, monitor progress towards the attainment of strategic goals.

Summarize key business indicators by presenting them in charts, graphs, spreadsheets, dashboards etc.

©Bandita S. Nikam

©Bandita S. Nikam
Importance of a Business Report

Planning & decision Making

Assists in Managerial Control

Analyses the impact of changing business conditions & facilitates
Maintaining contacts (with shareholders, creditors, customers, Govt.)

Useful in knowing unknown information

Helps in decision making

Effective tool for communication

Useful to customers, shareholders, creditors, Governments,

©Bandita S. Nikam
Types of Business Reports

©Bandita S. Nikam

Oral Written Reports

Formal Reports

Statutory Interpretive Informative Routine Special
Reports Reports Report Report Report

©Bandita S. Nikam
Different reports will provide distinct value
for all functional areas of an organization.

• Market analysis reports

• Trend analysis reports

• SCM analysis reports

• Financial reports

• Quality Report

• Operational analysis reports

• Performance reports

©Bandita S. Nikam

Essentials of a Good Report

Parts in a report Features od a Good Report
Executive Summary Accuracy and clarity

Introduction Suitability of facts

References/ evidences Relevance

Simple Language & grammatically

Details of cost and benefits

Recommendations Reader centric

Conclusions & findings Concise

Appendices Fair recommendations

Well presented

©Bandita S. Nikam

Scope Of the Business Report

▸ The nature and objective of the report affect significantly towards the scope of the
report. Due to advancement of business administration, the scope of report is also
increasing day by day.
▹ Business reports are widely used in formulating and upgrading organizational policies and procedures.
▹ Reports provide opportunity to look into available investment areas for future investment.
▹ The development ideas and concepts of new product are presented through a report.
▹ Reports help the companies to formulate effective marketing strategies.
▹ Investigation report helps to claim any compensation or make any action.
▹ Report provides basis to evaluate any performance.
▹ Report speaks about customer's opinion and therefore it helps the companies to bring necessary
changes in product or services.
▹ Report helps to establish effective control and coordination.
▹ Report shows information regarding various concern of an organization. This provides proper
understanding of any issue or aspect.

©Bandita S. Nikam

Uses of Business Report

▸ Report gives consolidated & updated information.

▸ Report as a means of internal communication.
▸ Report facilitates decision making and planning.
▸ Report discloses unknown information.
▸ Report gives Information to employees.
▸ Report gives reliable permanent information.
▸ Report facilitates framing of personnel policies.
▸ Transmitting Information:
▸ Interpretation and Explanation of event
▸ Communication with external stakeholders
▸ Development of information base
▸ Skills improvements
▸ Helps in management

©Bandita S. Nikam

Users of a Business Report

▸ Employee
▸ Management
▸ Customer
▸ Stakeholders
▸ Government
▸ Investors
▸ Auditors
©Bandita S. Nikam



Users of a Business
Report Audiences audience




Report Interactive
Consumers report

©Bandita S. Nikam

Factor Affecting a Business Report

▸ Business is influenced by various elements

conjointly build the business environment.
▸ market, legal and technological factors.
These incorporate economic, social, political,

▸ Hence, the business environment is in total the sum

up of all the external factors which affect the
enterprise and its business operations.
▸ government, competitors, political parties, socio-
These forces comprise of creditors, customers,

cultural organizations, national and international

▸ Some of those forces directly affect the business
while some forces are of the nature that they affect
the business indirectly.

©Bandita S. Nikam
22 Plans & Policies Micro factors-
Human Resource • Customers

Internal Factors
Corporate Image and brand equity • Competitors
Labour Management • Talent
Internal Technology Resources & • Input or Suppliers
• Marketing & Media
Quality and size of Infrastructure
• Public
Financial Forecast
Value Proposition
Macro Factors

External Factors
Financial and Marketing
Resources • Political
Plant/ Machinery/ Equipment • Legal
(Physical Assets) • Social
Interpersonal Relationship with • Economic
• Market
Organizational structure/ Code of
Conduct • Technological
Task Executions or Operations
Founders relationship and their
power of decision making

©Bandita S. Nikam

• Incorrect/ untrue
• Partiality
• Complexity &
• Too vague
• Incorrect data/
• Incorrect/ improper
• Incomplete or lengthy
• Not addressed or
signed properly

©Bandita S. Nikam

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